One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 320 8% Are Like This

(ps: I took a car for a day during the day today, and fell asleep again when I got home. When I woke up, it was past nine o'clock in the evening. Khan, the update is over, sorry..)

There are indeed many fantasy scenes on Jialan Star that are different from the earth. If you really want to use a camera to record them and bring them back to the earth, the visual effect will definitely be more beautiful and gorgeous than the alien fantasy scenery created purely by technology on earth. Liu Xia was dazzled by watching all the way, although she had deliberately suppressed the cheers, and Guo Zhengyang also cast a layer of sound insulation outside the spirit boat, but the number of times, Guo Zhengyang still shook his head repeatedly.

"Remember, where there are people, don't reveal the secret that we are from another planet." After Liu Xia whispered again, Guo Zhengyang spoke helplessly and warned the girl.

Isn't that right? The two of them came from an alien space, and they also hold a road to the star universe in their hands. This matter must not be exposed. Once exposed, it will be a catastrophe.

After all, Guo Zhengyang has already demonstrated his advanced formations and weapon refining attainments on Jialan Star. If it is inferred from the inheritance of his predecessors, Jialan Star's cultivation civilization also has a history of 2000 years, while the Forbidden Land, Danzong, Qizong, etc. It has only been a few hundred years since the rise of power, and the various knowledge submerged in the long river of history may not be deeper than what is being studied now.

But if they knew that these advanced formations and weapon refining knowledge all came from the outer space, it was just to gain more knowledge and gain a stronger development of themselves. I am afraid that countless people would want to take down Guo Zhengyang and the other two.

Even if the development of cultivation civilization here is backward, but because of the inexhaustible resources, the individual force is still far beyond the earth.

If this group of people invaded the earth, the power of a Tianhe country would not be able to be afforded by the whole earth. In a Tianhe country, the combined number of Taoist monarchs in the southeast, northwest and other regions far exceeds that of the earth, the central part of the empire and the location of the imperial city. The strong ones are even more frightening. There are still strong ones in the imperial family who are at the transformation stage, and there are still a large number of monks here who comprehend some kind of will of heaven and earth...

This is just the power of Tianhe country, if it is replaced by the whole continent, it is enough to easily crush the earth.

Because of such concerns, when Guo Zhengyang came, he only thought of bringing Liu Xia, and did not bring Patriarch Xinghe and others along with him.

Because he was sure that after such a long time, the things about him in Qingshi City had already started to spread throughout the continent, and more people had already begun to pay attention to him.

Then when he comes here, if he brings a real-life cultivator to appear, he can also be said to be his own apprentices, saying that they are all casual cultivators, and the Lingwu Continent is so big that it is so big that it is so big that it flies in a straight line at the Daojun stage, and wants to reach the west from the east , It will take about ten years. With such a terrifying geographical range, even if the three major forces want to investigate their details, they will not be able to figure it out in a short time.

But if you bring a large number of people, and all of them have extraordinary attainments in array formation, weapon refining, and alchemy, and their level is far behind the average level of the mainland, it will be too easy to make people suspicious. It is unreasonable to say that they are all casual cultivators.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure I won't let it slip." Following Guo Zhengyang's instructions, Liu Xia turned his face upright and nodded with a sweet smile.

Guo Zhengyang also nodded at this moment, stopped talking, and just continued to drive the spirit boat to fly away. Instead of the fledgling Liu Xia, he really didn't dare to bring her here, but after so many things happened, this girl has indeed matured Quite a few, such as being able to take the initiative to face the ancestors of the Heilong and others with deceitful reasons, and then suddenly assassinate the ancestors of the Heilong and others. Without sufficient acting skills, how could it be possible to deceive those old foxes?

There was also that time when the little girl stubbornly helped him find the ancient Lei Mansion, and at the end she cried and searched anxiously, but after she came back, her performance in front of Guo Zhengyang was only slightly depressed. Yin told Guo Zhengyang that even Guo Zhengyang couldn't see any flaws.

Such Liu Xia is enough to reassure Guo Zhengyang.

In the continuous flight, the time flew by for several hours, but when he took Liu Xia to cross a mountain range again, he suddenly frowned, frowned and looked ahead, and then immediately controlled the spirit boat to escape High in the sky, he found a secret place to hide in the dense forest below.

After about half a world passed, a helpless voice of consolation suddenly sounded from the forest ahead, "Your Highness, you can't go any further. Although the Southern Wilderness of Tianhe Kingdom is not a dangerous place, there are still many spirit-level monsters." Infestation, we have penetrated far enough, if we encounter a large number of spirit sect level monsters, it will be troublesome if something happens."

"What are you afraid of, but with you here, Master, we can leave at least if we encounter groups of spirit-level monsters. This time I must catch a Baiyu monster. How can our Dahao Empire be defeated by the Dark Feather Kingdom? Compared with the small role?"

"Your Highness, you and the Third Highness of Anyu Kingdom are just fighting, there is no need to rise to the height of national glory, right?"

"You said I exaggerated on purpose? How is it possible? This time I came to Tianhe Kingdom on behalf of the royal family. Every word and deed represents the glory of my Hao family. Don't talk about it, let's move on."


Accompanied by voices that did not cover up much, several escaping lights quickly appeared from the front, and the spiritual sense glanced around, and the group of talents quickly fled deeper into the mountain forest.

After these figures disappeared, Guo Zhengyang frowned and walked out from behind a big tree, and glanced at the sky strangely.

"The Great Hao Empire? The most powerful empire in the eastern part of the Lingwu Continent, where the four great transformation gods sit in the empire? Aren't they far away from the Tianhe Kingdom? It takes several years to get there. How could they appear here? ?" Liu Xia also stood beside Guo Zhengyang, whispering doubtfully.

No, Guo Zhengyang stayed here for several months before, even if he didn't take the initiative to ask, but he can collect too much information once he releases his spiritual sense, so he also knows that in the entire eastern part of the Lingwu Continent, there are three major empires competing for information. Xiong, the Tianhe Kingdom is one of the three great empires. In addition, there is the Xianqi Empire and the Tianhe Kingdom are roughly the same. For a powerful sect, it is said that the two disciples at the stage of transformation are still brothers and sisters.And that big sect has a very close relationship with the Xianqi royal family.

However, if these two empires are compared with the Dahao Empire, they are far behind. It is the most powerful empire in the Eastern Continent. On the surface, there are three people in the royal family who have transformed into gods, and there is another one who also has transformed into gods. The big sect that was in charge for a long time was in the empire.

The power on the surface is already stronger than Xianqi and Tianhe combined.

Even Nan You, who was born in the Forbidden Land, has said that such a powerful force as the Forbidden Land can easily overthrow such an empire as the Tianhe Kingdom, but even if it is the Forbidden Land, he dare not underestimate the Dahao Empire. If there is a conflict, Dahao still has the absolute right to speak in the forbidden area. As long as there is no endless hatred, Dahao will basically choose various ways to reconcile.

After all, the three major powers including the Forbidden Land are the supreme overlords of the whole continent.

The powerhouses in the transformation stage of these three major forces are all in double digits. They are alliances of powerhouses, not pure clan forces.

You can't shush, but you can't underestimate and despise it.

Dahao's royal family members are here now?

Guo Zhengyang has only left the teleportation array for a few hours at this moment, flying away for two or three thousand miles, and he is still four or five thousand miles away from Qingshi City.

The last time he came here, he flew from the teleportation array to Qingshi City, and the whole way was deserted.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Guo Zhengyang gave Liu Xia a weird smile, "I'm afraid they will appear here, and they have something to do with me."

"You mean that story has already spread? All the major empires in the eastern part of the mainland have come to Haimianzong to wait for you to appear again? Then those imperial dignitaries gathered together to fight for power..." Liu Xia also blinked beautifully. His big eyes directly expressed what Guo Zhengyang was thinking.

Guo Zhengyang also nodded, probably so.

The last time he appeared here was more than a year ago. Because the mainland is too big and there is no teleportation array, the news spread very slowly. When he left, the news was in the Imperial City of Tianhe Kingdom or a little further away. It was widely spread, but after another year, I am afraid that this matter really spread farther and farther.

With the influence of that incident, it is not surprising that some nearby empires or powerful sects will send people over.

"Cut, with your level of formation, you can make these people so eager. If I show off a few tricks, they won't hold me up to the sky?"

Just following Guo Zhengyang's nod, Liu Xia suddenly giggled, and gave Guo Zhengyang a proud look, with an expression of "Praise me soon", which directly made Guo Zhengyang's face darkened, and he reached out and tapped Liu Xia's forehead, When the annoyed little girl glared at her pretty eyes angrily, Guo Zhengyang said with a smile, "Come on, the group of people just now, except for His Royal Highness who is a real person, the other four are all Daojun, and they are all late-stage or peak Daojun, since they are from The Dahao Empire is probably full of people who have comprehended the will of heaven and earth, so don't conflict with them here."

Liu Xia's accomplishments in formations really left Guo Zhengyang too far behind, so the little girl's triumphant words were really correct, but Guo Zhengyang didn't care about these, he just released the spirit boat and fled at low altitude.

And this time, he tried his best to restrain his breath while hiding.

Not only restraining his breath, Guo Zhengyang has also been running vision-enhancing spells to spy on the surrounding environment. He was able to spot the Dahao Empire's party half an hour earlier because of those wonderful spells.

Four or five thousand miles away from Qingshi City, I met a royal family of the Dahao Empire. Then on the rest of the road, I am afraid that I will also meet monks from other countries or forces?

If these people gather at Haimianzong and wait for him to appear again, if they get bored and want to go out for a walk, there are really not many places to go. After all, this area is the border of Tianhe Kingdom, except for the vast ocean in the east. There is still some fun in the Southern Wilderness in time.

As expected, Guo Zhengyang carefully steered the spirit boat to escape during the next two thousand miles, and encountered seven or eight groups of monks along the way.

They are all from the royal family of a certain country, or monks from a large sect.

Almost all of these people were second-generation cultivators wandering the southern wilderness with a group of followers, either wanting to capture rare monsters alive, or simply hunting.

Lingwu Continent's comprehension skills are backward, and even eye-enhancing spells are rare, so although he has seen many people along the way, he still easily avoided a group of monks by relying on the enhancement effect of spells.

On the contrary, it was Liu Xia who stared at those second-generation repairers with great interest, and after watching it, he felt a lot of emotion, feeling that these guys are so boring... (To be continued.)

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