One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 321 Was this hijacked?

"Quick! Master Xian, grab this white-language monster. This white-feathered monster seems to be a different species, and it has mutated to the Lingzong stage. Catch him and see who can compete with me."

"The Baiyu demon in the Lingzong period is too fast... If you can catch it for transportation, I'm afraid it can be compared to the peak of the Lingzong. Damn it, it ran away again."

"Huh, you guys?"


Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia traveled carefully along the way. They didn't want to meet so many second-generation Xius who were hunting and having fun here. They also wanted to avoid conflicts. There are several Taoist monarchs escorting the Realm Realm, and Guo Zhengyang doesn't want to waste time entangled with them for this second generation.

But although they had avoided many people along the way, they were finally blocked by a group of people because of an accident.

Suddenly appearing in front of Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang was a Baiyu monster and six or seven pursuers behind them. Although Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia had been using spells to enhance their eyesight to investigate the environment, they really didn't expect it. The power-enhancing spell failed at this moment. There was nothing calm and quiet in the sight, but suddenly a cloud quickly appeared in front of them, and then they braked sharply in front of the light boat of the two, made a turn, and floated to the left again.

Behind Yun Duo, six or seven chasing figures quickly appeared. They were still arguing about the Baiyu monster, but they stopped abruptly when they saw Guo Zhengyang and the two, and they all looked at them in surprise.

Of course, among the six or seven people, there were also two figures who quickly escaped and rushed towards the erratic cloud group.

"This guy is so beautiful..."

The five figures in front confronted Guo Zhengyang, and Liu Xia also stared at the girl in the center of the five with wide eyes. The girl was extremely tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, about the same size as Guo Zhengyang, and she also looked yellow. Human body is crystal clear like suet jade, covered with a gleaming armor stomach, which not only adds a lot of heroism to the hot and scary figure, but also makes that delicate body so sexy, In terms of figure, it is much better than Liu Xia, and in terms of pretty face, it is also so delicate and sweet that it makes people dizzy, and it is on the same level as Liu Xia.

And the girly breath is also at the level of a real person, the peak level of a real person.

But the four people behind her were all majestic and vast, and they all brought a lot of pressure to Guo Zhengyang.

"It's too fucking extravagant." Liu Xia stared at the other party's strange complexion, but Guo Zhengyang's attention was on the four people behind the girl. After watching it several times, he couldn't help cursing, it was really too extravagant , because of the four people behind the other party, two are at the peak of Daojun, and two are at the half-step transformation stage.

A half-step transformation into a god is at the same level as Qi Zonglou Wuheng! !Not to mention that they also had two monks who scattered to chase the cloud.

The servants behind this girl have the power to subvert the world of cultivation on earth.

The Baiyu Yao is a special product of the Tianhe Kingdom. It is docile and good at speed. It is one of the best monsters for countless monks, but its number is extremely rare, and it is difficult to find... because this kind of monster is born with A group of white clouds can transform all kinds of fantasies, usually shrinking in the sky and merging with other clouds, you can't tell which is the cloud and which is the white language demon.

Moreover, if there is such a means of transportation, it will definitely be very face-saving for the monks. Let it transform into a small white cloud, and sit on it by yourself, and you will come riding on the cloud with lightning and lightning. It is too fairy-style up.

But usually the strongest baiyuyao is only the peak of real people. This is a racial restriction. Only some mutations, such as baiyuyao who can understand the will of heaven and earth, can break the shackles of the race and be promoted to the Taoist period.

And any Baiyu demon who breaks the shackles of the race is definitely a priceless treasure.

Because Baiyu Yao usually only perceives the will of the cloud or the will of the wind, and it will only increase their escape speed countless times...

"Master Xian?" Guo Zhengyang and the two were sizing up each other, and the group on the other side were also sizing up at them. The girl's eyes just swept past Guo Zhengyang, and most of them fell on Liu Xia.

After watching for tens of seconds, he suddenly turned his head to look at an old man with long beard behind him.

"In the early stage of the spiritual sect, he realized the sword intent, but he gave me a bit weird feeling. As for the other, he was only a late spiritual master." The long-bearded old man said lightly.

"Follow me, wait until I catch that white language monster before leaving." Upon hearing this, the girl turned around and gave orders.

Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang looked at each other, and after a pause, Guo Zhengyang said, "If you are afraid that we will leak the news of the mutated Baiyu monster here, you can rest assured..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Master Xian, I'll leave it to you, Master Yan, let's chase after him!" The girl ignored this at all, snorting coquettishly, and then looked at another dark-skinned old man.

The black-skinned old man and others quickly chased in the direction where Bai Yuyao was escaping, including the girl, who was also taken by Master Yan, and only the long-bearded old man was left on the spot looking at Guo Zhengyang and the two calmly.

"Are we being hijacked? Isn't it a little bit too much?" Liu Xia glanced at Master Xian, and spoke to Guo Zhengyang speechlessly.

Guo Zhengyang also shrugged his shoulders. This master Xian is a half-step god-level powerhouse, and what the other party saw through Guo Zhengyang at a glance was the sword intent, but Guo Zhengyang could not find the slightest breath of the will of heaven and earth in him...

"Don't worry, you can leave after the Seventh Highness catches the Baiyu monster." The two of them conveyed the message silently, and Master Xian cast another glance and spoke casually.

The rarity of the Baiyu monster is no less than that of the colorful carp demon in the earth's spiritual domain. If it were not so, so many second-generation cultivators would not use the Baiyu monster to fight for power. Whether it is the will of the cloud or the will of the wind, its value is even more immeasurable.

The key is that this thing is docile, as long as it is caught, it can be easily tamed and cultivated as a mount.

So whoever finds a mutated Baiyu monster somewhere, once the news spreads, it will definitely attract a lot of second generations to fight for it.

"What should we do?" Liu Xia gave Guo Zhengyang a weird look again.

Guo Zhengyang nodded dumbfoundingly, "Let's go, follow them first. The Seventh Highness just now doesn't seem too domineering. Otherwise, with their strength, if they want to silence them, they won't just let us follow him."

Although the Seventh Highness had a bad attitude towards them, at least he was not a particularly domineering member of the royal family. Otherwise, with the power displayed there, if they were an early daoist and a late real person, they would have ordered to silence them if they were arrogant and domineering.

This Seventh Prince's retinue is much stronger than the prince of the Dahao Empire they met before, and his status is definitely much more noble.

Nodding helplessly, Guo Zhengyang looked at Master Xian, "Okay, you lead the way."

He said a few words in a bland manner, and his expression was calm and calm, but Master Xian also changed his expression when he heard it, and looked at Guo Zhengyang in surprise, but then he didn't say anything, just turned around and fled forward again. (To be continued.)

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