One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 332 Innate Spirit Treasure

"I found it, I found it, look..."

"The old man traveled in the starry sky and once met a good friend of the Sanxian. He once got a party to the treasure spirit world by chance. Based on this, he forged the Lingshi Mansion. In the Lingshi Mansion, time forms its own system, which can be freely controlled by the monks. It can be as long as one day to the outside world and one year in the mansion, and it has indescribable effects to use it for cultivation. However, when that close friend was killed by the Heavenly Tribulation, the Immortal Mansion with him was damaged, which affected the Lingshi Mansion, causing the Lingshi Mansion to be rooted in the spiritual world. The time was broken, and although the old man and his best friend tried their best to find a treasure that could replace the treasure of time in the spirit world and reforge the treasure house, they never succeeded."

"After parting from my best friend, the old man also tried it alone, but the flow of time is uncontrollable when it is not in the spirit world. Even before crossing the catastrophe, there is only half of the unfinished Lingshi mansion hidden in the fire mansion. If future generations have When you can find the spirit world one day, you only need to put the time of the spirit world into the house of the spirit time to take effect. The time of the spirit world is an innate treasure, which was born when the world first opened. Because this innate treasure is a spiritual plant, Therefore, when the spirit world is around, time is chaotic and disorderly, and any spiritual plants around will..."


Dozens of hours later, King Ji and his entourage stayed in the courtyard, in a quiet and elegant attic. Guo Zhengyang, who was flipping through a piece of Zhang Yujian, was suddenly startled by a voice of surprise beside him. When he turned his head, he immediately saw Liu Xia was overjoyed. A jade slip was handed over, and after Guo Zhengyang took the jade slip, he quickly read a lot of spiritual knowledge.

Afterwards, Guo Zhengyang was also overjoyed, "Spirit world time? So, the treasure land between Mingwu country and Nankang country is likely to be so weird because of a spirit world plant? At the time of the world, it turned out to be an innate spirit treasure?"

It really doesn't take too long to teach the young strong men in Nankang who are about to participate in the big competition tomorrow to learn how to control the talisman, not to mention a night in Lingwu Continent, even a night in Earth time. In seven or eight hours, the several sets of talismans that Guo Zhengyang took out were quite proficient in operation by those young strong men.

However, the Lingwu Continent lasted more than 50 hours a night, so after being proficient there, King Ji and the others arranged for Guo Zhengyang and the others to live in the courtyard. During the whole process, King Ji and the others acted in a very respectful and humble manner.

And after King Ji and others retreated, Guo Zhengyang did not rest either, but started to look through the inheritance knowledge left by the immortal-level power together with Liu Xia.

The main reason is that in the treasure land of Wujian, the time is chaotic and disorderly, which makes people feel too weird. In this world, there is even a place where the speed of time is so weird. It is hard not to make people curious.

Although countless experts in the Lingwu Continent have studied that treasure land, but they can't find any clues, but that immortal-level expert may not have seen it.

After all, that immortal-level power is the most powerful person in the starry sky, and what he has seen and heard is definitely countless times better than that of the monks in the Lingwu Continent.

However, at the beginning, Guo Zhengyang just had the mentality of giving it a try, and was not very sure that he could find the answer from the classics left by the immortal-level power.

So after searching for dozens of hours, and after Liu Xia found the answer from a lot of classics, Guo Zhengyang was both surprised and happy, and he lost his composure in joy.

One is that they were surprised that they really found the answer, and the other is that they were surprised by the answer, which is too shocking to hear.

In the spirit world, the innate spirit treasure? ?

The reason for the chaos and disorder in the endless time is probably because there is a congenital spirit treasure there?

Innate spiritual treasures are the strongest artifacts that monks in Panxingyu can use. Forging weapons for monks, regardless of the Lingwu Continent, the most basic artifacts that can be forged within the scope of the earth and Panxingyu are The lower, middle and upper best spiritual weapon, then the lower, middle and upper best magic weapon, and finally the lower, middle and upper best Houtian Lingbao.

Acquired spiritual treasures are already the limit that monks can forge, and the congenital spiritual treasures above the acquired spiritual treasures are all the essence of the universe that was born between heaven and earth when the universe first opened.

The number of these things was fixed at the moment when the universe first opened, and the value of any innate spiritual treasure was far above that of a planet.

However, the situation of Xiantian Lingbao is not necessarily an artifact, it may also be a kind of spiritual plant.

But Lingzhi doesn't necessarily have to be used to refine medicine and alchemy. For the innate Lingbao, which was born at the beginning of the universe and absorbs the essence of the universe, it has a very strange effect even if Lingzhi is used as a magic weapon. effect.

For example, in this long-lived-level power’s message, when his best friend first obtained the spirit world, he used it as a magic weapon. When he grasped the spirit world, he swiped at the enemy, and he could make the opponent’s time disorder and lose a hundred years in an instant. Shou Yuan, this is also an extremely terrifying method to attack and kill.

It is the spells released by the other party. When you use the spirit world, you can also cause those spells to collapse. Among other things, no matter how powerful you cast a spell, it is impossible for a spell to remain indestructible for hundreds of years , Waiting for the Lingbao to move, the speed of time flow of the spell increases hundreds of times, and decades have passed in that time and space in the blink of an eye, and the power of the spell will naturally dissipate completely.

In the beginning, when his best friend relied on the spirit world, he was able to travel across the starry sky to no avail.

It's a pity that the later one was defeated by the Heavenly Tribulation. The Heavenly Tribulation is not limited by time...

So after turning to Sanxian, that person used the time of the spirit world as the foundation for creating a wonderful formation restriction, and used the time of the spirit world as the base to create a mansion of time of spirit.

In the Lingshi mansion, the order of time can be adjusted by him at will. One day outside, one year in the Lingshi mansion, using the terrifying time flow to help him cultivate.

What's the point?

If Guo Zhengyang had such a Lingshi mansion, he would definitely achieve dementia effects when he practiced. After a day outside, he has already spent a year in the Lingshi mansion. peak?Even apotheosis?

Moreover, this speed of time does not affect longevity.

If this kind of treasure array is used to assist in cultivation, the effect is really amazing.

It's a pity that the Sanxian was finally defeated by the catastrophe, and even the spirit world in the Lingshi Mansion was damaged by the catastrophe...

Later, the Sanxian and the master of the Fire Mansion, the two superpowers who crossed the starry sky joined forces to research, but they were unable to find any treasures that could replace the spirit world, resulting in the Lingshi Mansion becoming an abandoned mansion.

But it is also true, if you can find a replacement for the power of the Xiantian Lingbao, it is not worthy of being called the Xiantian Lingbao.

"There is a semi-finished Lingshi mansion in the fire mansion? Is it the immortal man who can imitate the Sanxian's Lingshi mansion? It's just a lack of a spirit world? As long as we can find the spirit world, let's release this innate spirit treasure. Go in, and the Lingshi Mansion will be able to operate? That is to say, if there is really a spirit world plant in Wujiandi, wouldn’t it be..." When Guo Zhengyang was surprised, Liu Xiacai looked at Guo Zhengyang with great interest.

When she said this, her little face flushed with excitement.

According to the description in this jade slip, there is probably [-]% of the reason why Wujiandi looks so wonderful because of the spirit world. If there is really a trouble in the spirit world, as long as they get it, wouldn't they be able to create a new spirit world? Shifu?

Xiantian Lingbao, with their current cultivation base, if they hadn't been planted by the predecessors, they wouldn't be able to use it even if they got it!

With the current cultivation of the two of them, the strongest magic weapon can only be a middle-low grade magic weapon. Even if they get a top-grade magic weapon, they will not be able to use it, let alone acquired spiritual treasures, innate spiritual treasures, etc...

If there is no semi-finished Lingshi mansion left by the immortal-level man, even when they get the spirit world, they can only stare blankly.

But because the immortal-level power was envious of his best friend having such a treasure house, he tried to imitate it himself, but the imitation was unsuccessful in the end, leaving a half-finished product?When only one spirit world is missing?

So after Liu Xia's words, even Guo Zhengyang was also excited, but in the excitement, Guo Zhengyang suddenly said suspiciously, "You said that Wuxiadi became so wonderful because of the spirit world, then the spirit world there Could it be left by the Sanxian strongman? I remember that the long-lived master also said that every innate spirit treasure is born from the essence of Xingyu, almost all of them are unique, and there are no two. A congenital treasure that is exactly the same. So..."

Each innate spirit treasure is unique, and it is difficult for the same innate spirit treasure to appear.

If there is really a spirit world in Wujiandi, wouldn't it be left by that Sanxian?

Liu Xia froze suddenly, "It can't be that unlucky, can it?"

If so, doesn't that mean that the spirit world there is likely to be damaged?Even if they get it, it's useless?

"Maybe, here on Jialan Star, the owner of the Fire Mansion has appeared before, and he also knows that there is such an existence as the Sea of ​​Will, which can help monks understand the will of the world. If he tells his best friend the news, so that his best friend can cross the border." Is it not surprising that Jie is more sure?" Guo Zhengyang spoke again, but what he said was also reasonable.

The vast starry sky, if it was just a coincidence, it probably wouldn't be such a coincidence.

But the owner of the Fire Mansion remembers Jialan Star because there is a sea of ​​will here, which can help people understand the will of heaven and earth. After he realizes the consummation, he may not tell his best friend the news and help him overcome the catastrophe.

It's like Guo Zhengyang brought his apprentice with him for the second time after he came to Jialan Star once, and wanted the apprentice to understand the will of heaven and earth.

Since that Sanxian is a close friend of the master of the Fire Mansion, and has suffered greatly under the catastrophe, if he hadn't realized the will of heaven and earth before, then the master of the Fire Mansion would tell him about this place, which is absolutely normal.

Therefore, even if the Sanxian best friend of the owner of the Fire Mansion also appeared here, it is definitely not a surprise.

Even if there is a spirit world plant in that Infernal Field, it is likely to be the one in the hand of the Sanxian expert.

"If that's true, wouldn't our happiness be in vain?" Liu Xia was stunned again, disappointed.

"Not necessarily, the innate spiritual treasure is born with the essence of the stars. Once damaged, it cannot be repaired by manpower. It can only be restored by continuously absorbing the essence of the stars. It was a damaged plant in the hands of the author, but after thousands of years, maybe it has recovered by itself?" Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, but his heart became more and more excited.

This time, he originally just came out to avoid the limelight and clear his suspicions after killing a certain princess. Who would have thought that he might encounter a congenital spiritual treasure, and it was such a wonderful thing in the spirit world? It's hard not to get excited. (To be continued.)

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