One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 333 Just a little curious

After finding the records about the time of the spirit world and the mansion of the time of the spirit, it was almost the morning of the next day. At this time, Guo Zhengyang was not in a hurry to go to Wujiandi, but just told Liu Xia to rest first, and then he was free . .

After dawn, when the competition between the two countries continued, Guo Zhengyang and his party accompanied the young and strong men of Nankang to the competition venue under the warm invitation of King Ji and his party.

The Grand Competition venue, which is a wide square, has many high platforms for watching martial arts on the left and right. Nankang and Mingwu countries each hold a high platform, and the strong contestants perform martial arts in the central venue, one at a time.

When Guo Zhengyang followed King Ji and his party to the high platform of Nankang Kingdom, this situation aroused the surprised attention of Mingwu Kingdom. The main reason was the attitude of King Ji and others towards Guo Zhengyang. He is a strong man, but when facing Guo Zhengyang, he is like a boy leading a horse to open the door, with an outrageous respect.

It's hard not to draw attention.

In addition, most of the other monks in Nankang Kingdom have a proud and excited expression. As long as they are not facing Guo Zhengyang, they are often high-spirited and arrogant, as if the Mingwu Kingdom and his party on the opposite side have already passed away. No longer being put in the eye, such a scene really shocked the eyes of the whole place.

"What's going on? Who is that young man?"

"Looking at King Ji's attitude, even if the King of Nankang is here, he doesn't need to be so obedient, right?"


Not only were many monks around the high platforms whispering, but also several princes and Mingwu nobles on the high platform of Mingwu Kingdom became suspicious.

In amazement, the competition hadn't officially started yet, and the anomalies here had spread rapidly. Then, before the competition started, a middle-aged man in a flying feather robe escaped from the venue and landed in Mingwu Kingdom with a smile. On the high platform.

"His Majesty?"

"See Your Majesty!"


Headed by the Seventh Prince of Mingwu who presided over the Grand Competition, all the strong men of Mingwu also paid homage. The middle-aged man didn't take it seriously, and casually took the arms of the Seventh King. Then he looked at the opposite side curiously, "Brother Huang, the one on the opposite side I heard that I begged to see the emperor last night, saying that there was a way for Mingwu to win the competition, but was expelled by the emperor?"

With a chuckle, many Mingwu powerhouses around were stunned, even the Seventh Prince was also stunned for a moment, and then said strangely, "It seems that there is such a thing, is it him?"

He really didn't pay much attention to what happened last night.

At that time, he was still admonishing several strong young men who played yesterday, when he suddenly received a report from the guards, saying that there was a monk outside who claimed to have the means to make Mingwu win. After a brief induction, he sensed that there was an early-stage spiritual monk outside, so he ordered the guards to tell him to leave without asking...

Although the Lingzong is also the peak combat power of the Mingwu Kingdom, there are only thirty or forty of them in the whole country, and there are only more than ten Lingzong in the royal family, but it is only an early stage of the Lingzong, and he has not paid much attention to it.

As for this big competition, even though he lost three games yesterday, the Seventh Prince is still very confident in the final result, because the remaining four young strong men are the strongest among the strong men. He was at least [-]% sure of winning the four games, and [-]% sure of winning the three games. The five players who played yesterday were just testing the waters. If they won, they could earn more face.

But he didn't expect to go down to five people, and in the end, all three of them were defeated, so he was angry and felt that the five people were too disappointing. After hearing the big words reported by the servants, he told them to leave without seeing them. .

So he really didn't know that Guo Zhengyang on the opposite side was the person from last night. After all, last night he only sensed the other party's cultivation and didn't pay attention.

"To make Ji Kongyu so obedient, this guy might really have some tricks." King Mingwu also smiled lightly, and didn't mean to go directly to meet Guo Zhengyang, but naturally sat in the seat of the previous Seventh Prince, ready Watch the competition.

Well, until now, he was only slightly curious after hearing the news.

Before knowing Guo Zhengyang's strength and means, it's not worth his condescension...

It was this kind of indifference that was completely subverted in an instant after the two young strongmen left the field at the beginning of the competition.



"Is this a talisman??"

"No way? That's Guo Zhengyang? No wonder, no wonder the majestic King Nankangji is so obedient to that one. He turned out to be the formation genius that both the Forbidden Land and the Qi Sect were vying to win over a year ago?"


When watching the Grand Competition, there were indeed many strong men and dignitaries holding a cup of psychic liquid and drinking slowly, sitting on the high platform in a purely admiring posture. As a result, the young strong men from both sides had just left the stage, and the Nankang man The female monk threw out a few talisman papers with a flick of her hand, and the venue was covered in a cloud of smoke for miles around.

Many strong men who were smiling lightly sprayed countless spiritual liquids on the spot.

Rune array, this is rune array! !

There is still a big difference between the power of the formation and the technique used by the monks, so everyone immediately recognized that it was the power of the formation.

But the power of the formation can be given out in a few breaths with waving hands?Isn't this a rune?

Talisman Array, for the current Lingwu Continent, maybe in the western part of the mainland, it is still a method that no one knows at all, but in the near eastern part of the mainland, almost everyone knows it.

That is the skill of that Master Guo who suddenly appeared in Qingshi City more than a year ago.

King Mingwu, who was calm and calm before a few breaths, jumped up from the spot in an instant, looked at the audience stupidly, and looked at the young and strong man on his side who was suddenly in the formation, and was very at a loss for his reaction , he is also stupid.

He clenched his fist violently, his nails pierced into his skin and brought out a few traces of pain, King Mingwu let out a miserable howl, staring angrily at the Seventh Prince with his red eyes, "Mingkun, you turned away Mr. Guo! Outside? Damn it, this old man killed you..."

As soon as Guo Zhengyang's identity was revealed, King Mingwu instantly understood that Mingwu was doomed to lose this time.

Two monks with similar cultivation bases, even if there is a gap, are at most a few steps away from each other. If anyone can suddenly rely on the power of the formation to attack and kill, it is definitely a sure win. So this time, today's competition In the four fights, Mingwu Kingdom would definitely lose, but it was just like what King Ji said yesterday.

Although this kind of big comparison is to determine the ownership of the seamless land in the next ten years, but now, the battle for face between the two countries is almost more important than the final ownership of the treasure land.

After all, in the Lingwu Continent, no one can really study the details of Wujiandi. Everyone's impression of that place is that it is a pity that it is tasteless to eat and discard. It doesn't make much difference.

And this kind of big competition, the king of Mingwu really doesn't care if he loses once. If he loses once, he loses. It looks good, as if being overwhelmed by Nankang.

But face or something is really not important compared to the famous teacher who has the opportunity to contact Guo Zhengyang.

Thinking about this, superpowers like the Forbidden Artifact Sect are vying to win over him, and it is said that the super geniuses in the Forbidden Land Artifact Sect are taught with an open mind in front of Guo Zhengyang, so they have the opportunity to learn all kinds of profound knowledge, and their strength soars , such an existence, if there is a chance to come into contact with it, how can it be compared with a mere small face?

And yesterday, that Master Guo took the initiative to contact Mingwu Kingdom, but was driven away by the Seventh Prince?Thus pushing such a god-sent opportunity to Nankang?

Thinking of this, King Mingwu was so angry that he almost fainted.And if he hadn't been extremely angry, he wouldn't have called the Seventh Prince by his name directly. You must know that a moment ago he was still the emperor's brother, the former emperor's brother and the queen, and he was too affectionate.

"Prince Kun? You turned Master Guo out of the door? Pushed it to Nankang?"

"You prodigal thing, the old man will fight with you."


This competition, because before the start of the competition, Nankang Ji Wang and his party were too courteous towards Guo Zhengyang, which attracted too much suspicion and curiosity, so not only the king of Mingwu rushed over to check after receiving the information, but also the Mingwu domestic There are also many powerful people from other big clans.

They may have come a bit late, but after they arrived, they heard King Mingwu's scolding, and in the audience, among the two young strong men who were competing in the big competition, the female monk in Nankang controlled the talisman and easily defeated Mingwu. The contestants in the dock played dizzily, so even those who came late understood a lot of things.

In a short time, the two Mingwu bigwigs also glared at the Seventh Prince. The anger and collapse in their eyes were almost enough to kill someone.

After all, in Mingwu Kingdom, the royal Ming clan does not cover the sky with one hand, but there are two or three huge families with similar power and strength. If Guo Zhengyang was really honored by Mingwu Kingdom as a guest of honor, then not only Ming, among other things, only two of the nine strong young men who participated in the competition this time came from the royal family, and the rest...

If Guo Zhengyang wants to guide the young strongmen to control the talisman array, there are really many opportunities for their descendants to benefit. The young strongman of the Mingwu country who is present on the field is the son of another big family in Mingwu, the Wu family.

The old men were going to fight the Seventh Prince desperately on the spot.

But at this moment, a scream on the field instantly attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone in Mingwu looked sideways, they realized that the Wushi disciples on the field had already lost!

Well, two monks who are not very different in strength compete, one can control the power of the formation, and the other can't, the result is really too obvious.

Just like how Guo Zhengyang was able to fight against three half-step gods and three peak Taoist monarchs with only the power of the formation, the horror of the power of the formation is really not covered.

Although the talisman formations that Guo Zhengyang bestowed to the young and powerful men in Nankang were not very advanced formations, they were just some small formations that are widely known on the earth. However, compared to the formation of Lingwu Continent, it is still many times more subtle.

Relying on the power of the formation, it was still a small formation, and the female monk in Nankang easily took down the disciple of the Wu family in Mingwu. The whole process took less than three or four minutes.

After staring at the arena for a few moments, King Mingwu and the others were so angry that their eyes went dark, and they almost vomited blood from the anger.After all, the more delicate and powerful the talisman array below, the more unbearable stimulation it would be to them. (To be continued.)

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