One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 357 Super War Preparation

"Look, Guo Xiaoyou may not be dead already, no matter what, even if you mobilize all the monks in my forbidden area, you must look for it!"

Near Wujiandi, Xi Tuo and others vowed to turn the whole land upside down and continue to search to see if Guo Zhengyang was really killed by mistake, or if he escaped with the help of the ground and radiated outward from Wujiedi. Countless monks have already been killed Guo Zhengyang's name was once again stunned, and countless people looked up to the sky and sighed, wishing they could admire Master Guo's demeanor. .

After Ying Wuhen, Yi Mingtu, Qi Zong Xin Jihan and others arrived at the headquarters of the Forbidden Land, the other people were settled first, and Ying Wuhen reported the news to the Lord of the Forbidden Land as soon as possible.

When the Lord of the Forbidden Land heard the detailed development of the matter, his face turned green on the spot, and he no longer looked calm and breezy. Instead, he got up anxiously, and walked back and forth in front of Ying Wuhen. The complexion is also wonderful.


How did things turn out like this?

Isn't this a pit?If he had known that things would develop like this, he would definitely not let Ying Wuhen go alone, but would personally take all the elders above the seventh rank in the forbidden area to go.

If he had gone there in person, the matter would never have turned into the current situation! !

However, in the past, who would have thought that Guo Zhengyang's formation technique was so terrifying?This is already beyond everyone's imagination, creating a height that the entire continent has never had.

In the early days of the Lingzong, could the Lingzun be killed by relying on the cultivation of the formation?And beheaded four Spirit Venerables!Even when a generation of emperors like Xituo went there and performed the terrifying swordsmanship that became famous, they still couldn't break through that restriction.

If he had known this earlier, even if his brain was kicked by a donkey, he wouldn't have sent Ying Wuhen alone.

Originally thought that even if Guo Zhengyang's formation skills were excellent, he was already ahead of the mainland by an era, but Pai Ying Wuhen could calm down the scene, but the reality is that Guo Zhengyang's formation skills have already been several or dozens of times ahead of the mainland right?

It has reached an unbelievable level!

And Guo Zhengyang like this is absolutely worthy of him personally leading the team and taking all the spirits in the forbidden area to protect.

Unfortunately, it is too late for him to know now.

Ying Wuhen rushed back from the endless retreat. It has been more than two months on the way, and this is still two months in the Lingwu Continent. In the Lingwu Continent, one day is equal to four or five days on the earth. Even if there are only nine days in a month, One month is equal to about one and a half months on the earth.

That is to say, after Guo Zhengyang lost the protection of Ying Wuhen and others, it has been more than two months, and his reading power has faced 13 spiritual masters?

That result...

It's too late to say anything now, even if he regrets dying in his heart, the Lord of the Forbidden Land can only give the order to search. He has a feeling that Guo Zhengyang may not be dead yet.

"We must look for it, but shall we face Danzong, Daxi, Weiyue and other alliances?" Ying Wuhen also nodded quickly. In fact, he also felt that Guo Zhengyang might not be dead in his heart. When we were in the group, we did vaguely hear the words Guo Zhengyang shouted, that he had a way to leave Wujiandi.

Although along the way, Ying Wuhen couldn't figure out how Guo Zhengyang would escape under the noses of the 13 Lingzun if he lost their protection, but he couldn't figure it out, and he still believed that sentence.

After all, Guo Zhengyang's attainments in formations are already terrifying enough to allow Lingzong to kill Lingzun, so it seems that it is not impossible for the other party to escape by relying on some wonderful formations.

The power of the formation locks the heavens and the forbidden land, even if there is a mysterious situation, it is enough to make sense.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

There is another possibility, that is, Guo Zhengyang did not escape, and has already fallen into the hands of Xi Tuo and others.

If it is the latter, it will be troublesome.

They were afraid because Xi Tuo and others had already killed Guo Zhengyang.

"I'm going to see Xin Jihan and the others right away." Following Ying Wuhen's words, the Lord of the Forbidden Land spoke immediately, and stepped forward to the door, but while walking, the words of the Lord of the Forbidden Land rang again, "You said, let's join forces with the forbidden area, how about pulling out the Dan sect before the 13 spiritual masters come back to help? Before the people in their lair don't know about this, let's strike first and defeat them one by one?"

In a word, Ying Wuhen was stunned, and after thinking for a moment in astonishment, he said, "If you're afraid, they don't dare."

Sighing, Ying Wuhen continued, "If they weren't afraid of death and dared not risk their lives to fight, we might not have lost so quickly!"

That's right, even if the rest of Danzong, Weiyue, and Daxi don't know that they have formed an alliance, if the forbidden area and Qizong join forces to defeat them one by one, there is definitely hope that they can wipe out all the people in their lair.

But if you are afraid, you are afraid, and you dare not.

Because once such a battle starts, there will definitely be a lot of spiritual masters falling.

If you wait for the 13 spirit masters outside to return and keep attacking and killing them in the dark, the forbidden area will be as troubled as Qizong, and there will be many, many future troubles.

The Lord of the Forbidden Land can have the determination to make this decision, but Qi Sect may not.

Among other things, if Xin Jihan and Elder Bai hadn't dared to risk their lives and escaped first during the fight, then the remaining Ying Wuhen and Dayi Yi Mingtu might not have had to choose to leave in despair.

"No matter what, make preparations for war first. I'll go see them. Send an order to all expatriates to prepare for war. At the same time, do your best to search for Guo Xiaoyou's whereabouts at all costs. Damn it!" The Lord of the Forbidden Land issued another order , and at the end of the sermon, he couldn't help but curse.

Damn it, if Guo Zhengyang can be brought back now and guarded at the forbidden headquarters, then...

That means the entire mainland is coming from all over the world, and he is sure to keep Guo Zhengyang safe. After all, the headquarters of the forbidden area is the most notorious forbidden area in the entire continent. All kinds of restrictions, plus more than a dozen spirits sitting in command?

That is to say, you can face the attacks of hundreds of spiritual venerables without fear.

If Guo Zhengyang can be brought back, then the forbidden area... It's a pity that it's useless to say anything now.

All he can do is to launch war preparations, and then try his best to find Guo Zhengyang. If Guo Zhengyang doesn't fall into the hands of Xituo and others, and they can find him, that's naturally the best.

If Guo Zhengyang really falls into the opponent's hands and is still alive, then even if a super war really starts, Guo Zhengyang must be rescued.

In the end, if Guo Zhengyang falls into the opponent's hands, even if he is already dead, then it is still necessary to launch a super war, because as long as Xituo and others are not stupid, they will probably kill Guo Zhengyang with all his formations before he dies. What will happen if all the knowledge is squeezed out and those people get Guo Zhengyang's array inheritance? ?

It is absolutely impossible for him to give the other party time for them to slowly digest.

Therefore, war is necessary!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said to Wuhen just now that the United Qizong should act first.

That's not just for venting, but for all aspects.

Regardless of whether Guo Zhengyang is dead or not, they need to weaken each other's strength first.

As for whether Qizong dares?Now that the situation has evolved like this, is there still an environment where they dare not?

However, this kind of super war does not mean that it can be launched if it can be launched. It must be prepared. Among other things, if the war is launched rashly, the forbidden land Zhu faction has so many master-level elders in various countries, all of whom are future geniuses in the forbidden land. Not all the geniuses in the forbidden area were sent out, but there were at least [-] to [-]% of them.

In case of being slaughtered by all, who will bear the loss?

"I'll do it now." Following the curse from the Lord of the Forbidden Land, Ying Wuhencai immediately respectfully accepted the order.


"Senior Brother Mu, this point, you see..."


Earth, Upper Boundary Mountain.

Guo Zhengyang sits in the main hall under the peak. He himself doesn't know the current situation of Lingwu Continent, and he doesn't know at all that the unmasked master of the forbidden land has already started to discuss with the deputy master of the Qi Sect to launch a super war for him.

At this moment, Guo Zhengyang was holding a jade slip in the main hall of Zuofeng, and asked Mu Daojun beside him about his doubts.

It has been two or three months since he returned to Earth. During this time, Guo Zhengyang has been sitting and discussing with Mu Daojun, who is best at formation in the Upper Boundary Mountain.

Although he has far surpassed Mu Daojun in many aspects of the formation method, but overall, his own formation skills are only [-]% to [-]% of Mu Daojun's, so many doubts and puzzles can be answered there. he explained.

Of course, since he was sitting and discussing Taoism with Mu Daojun, Guo Zhengyang was not stingy with this senior brother Mu, and had already rubbed another copy of the formation inheritance of the master of Huofu to Mu Daojun.

After several months of study, Guo Zhengyang has benefited a lot. Mu Daojun is also often studying and studying, and he will look up to the sky and sigh. It turns out that he used to be so short-sighted, and the formation method can still be done like this. No wonder he hadn't made a breakthrough in a certain formation before, it turned out that the direction was wrong and so on.

Discussing and confirming with Mu Daojun, Guo Zhengyang didn't understand the confusion just now until half a day later.

Then, after Mu Daojun dived headlong into the book of formations, Guo Zhengyang stood up and moved his hands and feet. He had been sitting without getting up for more than a month.

"According to the current situation, in half a year at most, I will be able to use the time-guiding formation. After half a year, I will be able to go to the Lingwu Continent and find out the time in the spirit world. But the formation method is really too broad. If I want to give a timing formation, I have to study for about two years... Hey, by then, Liu Xia will almost be promoted to Daojun, right?" After moving his body, Guo Zhengyang released his spiritual sense and found that Liu Xia Xia was absorbing the elixir to improve his cultivation, so he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In the past, how could he have thought that he would temporarily put down his cultivation and just study the formation for more than a year?And up to now, he still hasn't been able to use the timing formation, but the timing formation is nothing more than an easy task for the owner of the Huo Palace.

Moreover, the formation of the master of the Fire Mansion is not the type that dominates the starry sky. The immortal level expert himself said that what he is best at is refining weapons, and the formation is just an achievement...

After sighing with emotion, Guo Zhengyang continued to sit cross-legged again. After half a year, he will be able to make a comeback in half a year. He has enough confidence to set foot on the Lingwu Continent again. At that time, he will have enough confidence to face Shangxituo.

Because if you wait another half a year, the demon worms... Now he has 17 early-stage demon worms in his hands, and if he waits another half year, he will have about forty demon worms in the early stage of incarnation. With enough self-protection power. (To be continued.)

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