One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 358 Three Last Words

(ps: The third update arrives, ask for a monthly pass!!)

It has been more than a year since Guo Zhengyang left the earth and set foot on Jialan Star last time. The last time he arrived at Jialan Star, he killed the Seventh Princess of Daxi, and then it took him a month to rush all the way to Mingwu Country. Nankang Guozhihai stayed for four or five months, which was half a year. After half a year, he went to Wujiandi to hunt for treasure, and then stayed in Wujiandi for more than half a year. .

It has been two or three months since he returned to Earth, and the time is around the Spring Festival of the new year.

However, Guo Zhengyang didn't think about whether he would go home this Spring Festival.

His plan is to stay here and study the classics of formations. After all, the situation at home is basically safe.

But considering that it has been about a year and a half since I left home last time, it seems that I should go back and have a look?

Putting down the book of formations again, strands of thoughts flashed through Guo Zhengyang's mind, but at this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Robbery idea? ?

After the idea appeared, Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, the idea of ​​robbing and killing the secret, this thing has not appeared for several years!

Well, since he was fighting for the succession of the Fire Mansion, he killed hundreds of targets in the Fire Mansion, and for several years now, this idea has never appeared again.

why now...

"Haha, Junior Brother Guo, Junior Brother Mu, how is your research going?" While Guo Zhengyang was still in a daze, a burst of laughter quickly came from outside the hall. Following the laughter, the figure of Xinghe Patriarch also quickly entered the hall and walked over. .

Guo Zhengyang was stunned again.

Because the target of this robbery and killing is none other than Patriarch Xinghe! !

Well, Guo Zhengyang woke up with the next breath, and even put down his thoughts of robbery and killing.

Just kidding, the target of being robbed and killed turned out to be his senior brother, and since the beginning of acquaintance, the ancestor of Xinghe has been very protective of him, so even if he knew that killing the ancestor of Xinghe would be of great benefit, Guo Zhengyang would not be able to do it.

Standing up with a smile, Guo Zhengyang said, "Senior Brother Wu, is there any happy event? Look at your radiant face."

There is a happy event, it must be a great happy event!

The appearance of robbery and killing thoughts means that the target person will encounter a great opportunity in the next few hours or a day or two.Moreover, the fate of monks and the fate of ordinary people are not the same concept.

For an ordinary mortal, it is a chance to pick up a elixir thrown away by a monk, and it is also a chance to get a copy of a rotten exercise that cannot be rotten.

But for monks, the situation is quite different. Only getting treasures that can help you a lot, and can improve your strength or prospects to a higher level, is an opportunity.

Guo Zhengyang has figured this out a long time ago. When fighting for the control of the Huo Mansion, there are a lot of monks who can pass the test from the Huo Mansion to obtain a large number of magic weapons, or fifth- and sixth-grade spiritual plants. Those treasures are far beyond the control of real-level monks. range, so Guo Zhengyang has encountered many targets.

But after leaving the Huo Mansion, he has not been able to meet the target of robbery for several years in a row.

Because under normal circumstances, even monks, it is not easy to encounter benefits that can greatly help oneself and can greatly improve one's strength. Moreover, Guo Zhengyang has spent most of the time alone in the Huofu for the past few years. Learning the inheritance left by the immortal-level power, with fewer people in contact, it is naturally more difficult to meet the target.

But now that Patriarch Xinghe has become the target of robbery, it means that the other party is likely to encounter good things that can make his strength soar or be of great help.

It is estimated that this is really a good thing.

And if it's all right, the ancestor Xinghe probably wouldn't rush over deliberately. After all, he has been back for a few months, and the ancestor Xinghe and others already knew that Guo Zhengyang and Mu Daojun were studying and studying the formation left by the master of the Huofu together. Forbidden classics, if there is nothing wrong, they won't bother you, right?

At the beginning, Guo Zhengyang wanted to pass on the formation classics to the ancestors of Xinghe and others, but the ancestors of Xinghe and others smiled and refused. In their original words, none of them have any talent in formations. How about it, after putting in so much effort, it is about [-]% to [-]% of Mu Daojun's level.

So if Guo Zhengyang and Mu Daojun are studying, they won't study. With that time and energy, it's better to improve your cultivation so that you can break through and enter the next stage more realistically.

"It's really a good thing." After Guo Zhengyang's laugh fell to the ground, the Xinghe ancestor said dumbly, "A while ago, Luoheshan found an ancient cave on the bottom of the sea, but it was a little dangerous inside, so I sent someone over to invite us to go together. Exploration, I just want to ask Junior Brother Guo if you are interested in going together."

Guo Zhengyang suddenly realized, the ancient cave?Luoheshan discovered the ancient cave and invited them to go together?And at this moment, the idea of ​​robbery and killing appeared on the ancestor of Xinghe, which... This means that if the ancestor of Xinghe goes, it is likely that he will win the ancient cave! !

Even if he didn't get the right to inherit the cave mansion in the end, he would probably get great benefits from the promise.

That is definitely not something that can be dismissed with one or two magic weapons, otherwise, judging by the strength of the Xinghe ancestor who can refine magic weapons himself, just getting some magic weapons casually is far from being called a chance.

Luoheshan found an ancient cave on the bottom of the sea?

In his previous life, he had never heard of such a thing. However, the general situation of the spiritual domain he could understand in his previous life was basically known to everyone, and it was not a secret at all. Cave mansion, as long as people keep it as a secret, casual cultivators like Guo Zhengyang will not have the chance to know about it.

Thinking of this, Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, "I won't go, I think your current strength, senior brother, should be enough."

If Patriarch Xinghe didn't have the intention to rob and kill, then he might be interested in going to see such news, but now he is really not interested, otherwise he would be grabbing benefits from his senior brother if he went, it would be too much It's embarrassing.

After rejecting this matter, Guo Zhengyang sat down cross-legged and continued to study after Xinghe Patriarch turned around and left again.

At this time, he was still hesitating about whether to go home for the New Year, but he has already made up his mind. Even if he wants to go home and have a look, he has to wait for the ancestor Xinghe to come back, right?

At least take a look at what this person has gained in that ancient cave before returning home?

Continuing to study, time flies and another few days pass.

After a burst of hearty laughter sounded outside the peak again, Guo Zhengyang stood up abruptly, and then looked outside the door with a trace of curiosity. Are you back?

Under the slightly curious attention, Guo Zhengyang also quickly saw the Xinghe Patriarch, Zhou Yiqing and others coming hand in hand.

These Daoist Monarchs of the Upper Realm Mountain were all beaming with joy at the moment. You don't need to ask, they seem to have received the goods very well. But it also seemed a little tangled.

"Senior Brother Wu, Senior Brother Zhou?"

After being stunned for a while, Guo Zhengyang and Mu Daojun went up to meet him together.

"Senior Brother Wu, from the looks of you, you must have had a good harvest in that ancient cave, right?" When he went up to meet him, Mu Daojun also asked with a smile.

In a word, Patriarch Xinghe's complexion became even weirder.

"The harvest is very good! The ancient cave mansion was finally inherited by Senior Brother Wu, haha, this time, Luoheshan and his gang have been busy for nothing."

"You can't say that. Without us, with Luoheshan's strength, they may not be able to crack the cave. Senior Brother Wu was able to get the cave because of his strength, and we have already thanked Luoheshan and the gang. what?"


Amidst the strange expression on the face of the ancestor Xinghe, Zhou Yiqing and others laughed and spoke.

When Mu Daojun was also overjoyed, Xinghe Patriarch suddenly waved his hand, stopped the conversation of several other Taoist monarchs, and then smiled wryly, "The harvest is good, but there is a problem. The remains of the victim, should I send them back?"

After a pause, the ancestor Xinghe immediately opened his mouth to explain, "The ancient cave that was discovered this time was left behind by a peak Huashen powerhouse. Inheritance, but, but I found a jade slip inside. The jade slip recorded the last words of the great cultivator of Huashen. Sect... The sect he belongs to is not on our earth, but in the Fierce Martian Realm. It seems to be a very terrifying super sect. It is said in his last words that he is the peak of the god transformation, and he is just a disciple in the sect... Not so much. The upper core disciples can only be regarded as inner disciples, I dare not even imagine how strong that sect is!"

In a word, Guo Zhengyang and Mu Daojun looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Well, even if we want to send it back, we can't send it back, right? After all, our earth is basically cut off from the outside world." After a moment of stunned, Mu Daojun opened his mouth and said.

Being favored by others, he naturally accepted the kindness of others. The ancestor Xinghe inherited the mantle of the cultivator in the transformation stage. That person just wanted his descendants to send his remains home. It is really not too much. .

But in the current environment, even if you want to send it, you can't send it, right?

"That person has already said in his last words, considering that this planet is in the final stage, and he is not too proficient in formations, and he is not capable of building an interstellar teleportation array, so this matter is not forced, but , but he left behind the coordinates of the interstellar teleportation array of his sect, saying that if the latecomers have the ability, they can do it. The younger brother has obtained the inheritance left by the immortal-level power, and has been studying the formation, so it is estimated that he will be able to distribute the interstellar teleportation formation soon."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that this powerhouse in the transformation stage fell more than 3000 years ago. He said that at that time, the dynasty in the secular world of the earth was still when the Shang and Zhou Dynasties were handed over. For more than 3000 years, his sect should There is no decline, after all, there is a 3-year lifespan in a joint stage... I am favored by others, if it is something that can be done, I would like to help him fulfill his last wish. The Super Sect Unicom of the inner disciples, the surname is too big to be sure..."

The ancestor of Xinghe explained the whole story in detail again, and Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang were silent again.

It turned out that he not only got the legacy of a great cultivator in the transformation stage, but also got a last word.

Although the last words of the great cultivator in the Transformation Stage were not compulsory, it only depends on the surname of the inheritor himself, so the Xinghe ancestor was entangled. First of all, his surname is not bad, and he won the inheritance Great benefit, naturally willing to help that senior fulfill his last wish, and Shangjie Mountain seems to really have the ability to do these things.

But it is absolutely impossible to do this kind of thing casually. After all, the opposite side is an extremely terrifying super sect, and the peaks of Transforming Gods are just disciples, or are they just inner disciples?Not even the core?If you do this rashly, if you attract someone with malicious intentions, it will be a disaster! (To be continued.)

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