One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 360 Comeback

"Tianhe Kingdom, this is the third time. This is already the third time I have set foot on the continent, and the three times in a row are all for treasure hunting. Hehe, this continent is really a treasure land."

"However, we should not underestimate the monks in the world. The starry sky is boundless, and there are definitely not a few monks with great talents. For example, the invisible pill refined by Senior Hong is almost as effective as the concealment method of the sparrow on the stream. However, the hiding method of the sparrow on the stream relies on the power of the will of heaven and earth, and how many people can understand the will of heaven and earth, except in Lingwu Continent? Although here, there are as many monks who understand the will of heaven and earth as a cow, but the outer space can understand it. There are very few people with the will of heaven and earth. At the time, the master of the Fire Mansion, who was a strong immortal who traversed the starry sky, regarded this place as a super treasure... It is conceivable how precious this place is, and even the mighty Sanxian My best friend has also appeared here, and I came here to understand the will of heaven and earth, but now the power of a pill is almost comparable to the power of a certain will of heaven and earth, it is simply..."


Time flies, half a year flies by, half a year later, the season on the earth is summer again, Guo Zhengyang spends another half a year carefully studying the classics of formations, and he is still discussing and studying with Mu Daojun. Later, Liu Xia relied on After the cultivation of the concept of epiphany broke through to the early stage of Daojun, he also joined the new ranks of learning. The three formation geniuses studied and discussed together, and learned interactively. Up to now, Guo Zhengyang finally has the strength to give time.

It is precisely because of this strength that he will set foot on Jialan Star again.

And after spending a total of nine months on Earth to study, Guo Zhengyang's current formation strength has naturally undergone earth-shaking changes. When he returned to Earth, his formation attainment was only at the level of Mu Daojun's [-]-[-]%, and that of the Xinghe ancestor and others. almost.

But now for such a long time, his formation attainments have already surpassed Mu Daojun once. If Mu Daojun was 100 points, Guo Zhengyang is now about 110 points.

Of course, this refers to the former Mu Daojun, and refers to the Mu Daojun before he had contact with the immortal-level powerful formation technique experience, if compared with the current Mu Daojun?Well, Guo Zhengyang is still a tragedy.

In the past nine months, Mu Daojun has also been studying, and his progress is also terrifying. If it is said that nine months ago, Mu Daojun himself had a score of 100, and now he himself has reached [-] to [-] points.

And now it is not appropriate to use Mu Daojun as a comparison object.

Now the comparison should be made with the owner of the Fire Mansion. After Guo Zhengyang had studied formations for several years, he spent half a month hunting for treasures in the Fire Mansion and breaking various restrictions before coming here. Lingbao's Qi Ling said with a smile, the current Guo Zhengyang, finally barely has the master's half level in the formation.


One sentence hit Guo Zhengyang hard.

He has spent two or three years researching the formation method, and his talent in the formation method is not bad, but it is only up to the master of the Fire Mansion?Doesn't that mean that the Master of Ruohuo Mansion has 100 points in array formation, while Guo Zhengyang only has [-] points?Even this five-point achievement is just a reluctance.

And speaking of it, the current Mu Daojun can only get six or seven points when compared with the owner of the Fire Mansion?

This is indeed enough to shock people. You must know that the Master of the Fire Mansion is not good at formations, but refining weapons... Guo Zhengyang and Mu Daojun's formation formation attainments in the entire spiritual domain are already the abilities of great masters.

It's really true that the more you get in touch with, the more painful it will be for you to discover your own insignificance and inadequacy.

But it's true, Mu Daojun only has a lifespan of three or four hundred years, compared with the longevity of the master of the Fire Mansion?The difference is more than tens of millions of miles.

In addition, Liu Xia's current formation skills have also improved a lot. Compared with the master of Huofu, her formation skills have also reached three or four points, which is worse than Guo Zhengyang.

It's not that Liu Xia's qualifications are not good, but that in the past nine months, she has spent a lot of time cultivating.

Up to now, with a little calculation, Guo Zhengyang is already 26 years old, and six or seven years have passed since his rebirth.

Even Liu Xia has been in contact with cultivation for five or six years. In this life, she has spent more time from entering the spirit gathering stage to Daojun than in the previous life.

She only spent four years in her last life, but in this life, she has spent too much time on other aspects, such as being caught and trapped, recuperating from serious injuries, or studying formation skills, etc...

"Go, go to the seamless place."

Nine months later, he set foot on the Lingwu Continent again. Guo Zhengyang is full of confidence. He now has 42 demon worms at the early stage of transforming gods, and he has also found some good treasures from the Fire Mansion. He also has some gifts from the ancestor Xinghe A strange pill full of whimsical ideas, even facing the last stage of transformation, he still has enough power to protect himself.

This can be regarded as a comeback!

The last time he was oppressed by more than a dozen cultivators at the transformation stage, he had to retreat temporarily, what about this time?

"The past nine months are just a blink of an eye for a cultivator who has thousands of years of life in the transformation stage. Maybe there are still people there. Before we go to the Infernal Land, should we swallow some Invisibility pill, so as not to be exposed?"

Liu Xia, who was standing behind Guo Zhengyang, spoke excitedly as he flew away in the spirit boat.

The two came here for treasure hunting this time.

She couldn't help being excited, after all, what they were about to find was an innate spiritual treasure.

This is a super treasure that is rare in the pan-starry sky.

"Let's look at the situation first. Let's inquire first before we arrive at Wujiandi. Although the invisible pill is good, the quantity is too small. We only have one for each of us. If you use it, it will be gone. I want to count on Senior Brother Wu to be able to refine it. I don't know what year it will be until." The effect of the Invisibility Pill is already close to the effect of the will of the shadow of the sparrow on the stream relying on Dacheng, so naturally it cannot be wasted easily.

And these elixirs were all found by Xinghe Patriarch in the mansion of the great monk surnamed Hong. The quantity is very limited, basically one for each ancestor in Upper Boundary Mountain, and Xinghe Patriarch emptied his pockets.

Counting on him to refine it by himself, I really don't know what year to wait.

Taking Guo Zhengyang as an example, it took several years to obtain the inheritance of the Master of the Fire Mansion, and he was able to acquire the formation skills of barely five points.

He is still very talented, and if it were Xinghe Patriarch, he would not be much stronger against Shang Dandao.

After saying something with a smile, Guo Zhengyang quickly flew away, leaving a distance of 20 million miles away, and after half a month, the two arrived in the area of ​​the Dahao Empire.

But at this time, the two people also discovered the difference.

"Dahao was destroyed? Now Dahao has changed into the Yunshan Empire? Is that the Yunshan Sect usurped the throne? Moreover, Dahao's territory has also lost half, and was divided up by other forces."


The former Dahao Empire, with a territory of tens of thousands of miles, is comparable to the area of ​​Eurasia on the earth, and the three god-turning stages plus one Yunshan sect, and four god-turning stages sit in it, so it can naturally govern it intact. Huge area.

But when the Dahao trio died in the hands of Guo Zhengyang, the Dahao regime would also be destroyed.

Although Dahao only died three times in the transformation stage, there are hundreds of Taoist monarchs in his clan, which are more than ten times stronger than medium-sized countries such as Mingwu and Nankang. Open up a medium-sized country, but the problem is that the Yunshan Sect, who was originally surrendered to Dahao, suddenly made a move, beheaded hundreds of Taoist monarchs of Dahao, and replaced him with Dahao.

From the original Hao clan, it is heard that only a dozen or so Taoist monarchs escaped.

After the Yunshan Sect was renamed the Yunshan Empire, the statistical territory was also greatly reduced, but it was reduced to the same level as the Tianhe Kingdom, and the rest were annexed by medium-sized countries backed by other empires.

After hearing the news in the original territory of Dahao, Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia looked at each other in dismay. They were not surprised by Dahao's destruction, but were surprised that Yunshan Sect, who was said to have a good relationship with Dahao's royal family, would take the initiative to kill Hundreds of Taoist monarchs of the Hao family almost killed the Hao family.

"Forbidden Land and Qizong teamed up to raid Danzong half a year ago and beheaded the three spiritual masters of Danzong? And Daxi also lost two spiritual masters?"

"After Danzong and the others recovered, a super war broke out between the two sides in the Central Continent?? One side was the Forbidden Land, Qizong, and Dayi, and the other was Weiyue, Daxi, and Danzong?"



When the two continued on their way and heard some explosive news, they were dumbfounded again on the spot.

Super war, during the time they left, so many things happened?

And the two sides that are fighting fiercely now, aren't they the two groups of people who were outside Wujiaodi at that time?The Forbidden Land and the Qi Sect were so ruthless because of him?

However, Guo Zhengyang is not clear about how far this super war has developed, because it is too far away from the Central Continent. Raid Danzong and Daxi.

As for Weiyue, there was no move there, because Weiyue had Huashen Dzogchen sitting in the seat, and the Forbidden Land Qizong only had Huashen Dzogchen respectively. If they wanted to gain an overwhelming advantage, they had to choose Danzong or Weiyue.

Under the joint raid, Danzong had a total of 16 spiritual masters. Excluding Qing Yangfeng, three of the remaining 13 died directly. Of the three great spiritual masters in the headquarters, only one ancestor of the Xi family died.

This is a high-level fight.

Under the high-level, it can only be described as tragic.

Thousands, tens of thousands of Taoist monarchs and real-life monks all fell in the First World War.

However, almost all the monks who died were from Danzong and Daxi, because it was the Forbidden Land Qizong and others who joined forces to kill the opponent's headquarters. , thousands of Taoist monarchs and real people.

After the first raid, the news spread to the southeast of the mainland. Xituo and others who were still in the southeast of the mainland naturally rushed back to help.

And then, gone.

Because of the geographical relationship, the news has not yet reached here.

However, at the lower levels of the three superpowers, the fights were just as brutal, and the elders and deacons stationed in various countries, such as the Forbidden Land Qizong, also joined forces to hunt down and kill the Danzong powerhouse.

Of course, there are exceptions. In some places, the monks of Danzong chased and killed the powerful Qizong in the forbidden land, such as the Canghai Kingdom and the Black Stone Kingdom. If the local overlords send strong people to help in the battle, the Danzong side can crush the other two alliances. (To be continued.)

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