One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 370 This kind of thing is really weird

"Junior Brother Guo, Junior Brother Guo??"



A strange shout sounded in his ears, and Guo Zhengyang, who was distracted, suddenly woke up, and then looked to the side, where Mu Daojun also looked suspicious, including Liu Xia, who stared at him straight.

"What's the matter?" Guo Zhengyang asked back with a smile. After asking this sentence, he fell silent for a moment. What's the matter?It's his mind wandering, and these days, it's not the first time he has lost his mind.

Now, it is already the fourth day since Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia entered the Forbidden Presbyterian Church.

It was the fourth day of Lingwu Continent.

On the first day, he wandered around the Sea of ​​Will of the Presbyterian Church, and then cast the array outside his residence, put down the portable teleportation array and went back to the Fire Palace to practice. On the second day, he opened the altar for the first time and rested on the third day. On the fourth day, the altar was opened again, and now Guo Zhengyang had just finished his sermon, and it was not long before he returned to the Lingshi mansion through the teleportation array.

If counted as outside time, it would take about an hour for him to return to Lingshi Mansion, but counted as time within the mansion, he had already stayed here for four or five days.

In the past four or five days, Guo Zhengyang has not only lost his mind once, but dozens of times. When he was studying and discussing the formation with the other side, he suddenly lost his mind, as if he was in a daze. Mu Daojun and Liu Xia stopped being suspicious, even the Xinghe Patriarch and others who were not far away would occasionally glance at them with weird expressions.

But under everyone's gaze, Guo Zhengyang blushed a little, and then waved his hands in embarrassment, "I was lost in thought."

"What happened?"

From Liu Xia's concern, the others didn't speak, but they also showed concern, but Guo Zhengyang was so embarrassed that he died.

Because his distractions turned out to be because of a woman.

He himself felt incredible!

But since entering the Lingshi mansion this time, a beautiful image will pop up in my mind from time to time. No matter what I was doing before, that beautiful image either popped up without warning, or Guo Zhengyang thought of it naturally, thinking about it Then, he would even have a feeling of longing, and really want to see her one more time...

God damn it, Guo Zhengyang himself doesn't understand how this happened.

That kind of feeling is like a hairy boy meeting his first love. The first time he thinks of her, he just feels happy and his heart beats faster. The second time is still the same. The more he thinks about her, the more he misses her more and more.

This feeling was only experienced by Guo Zhengyang when he had a crush on a certain classmate in high school in his previous life.

But how old is he now?How could he suddenly have such an impression of a different surname?He himself thought it was unscientific.

And he still doesn't know her name until now, he only knows that she is one of the many beautiful women on Xueyi Mountain, um, when he returned to the main hall after preaching on Feihua Island today, he passed by a group of women standing outside the main hall to greet him Xiu's side, looking back occasionally, suddenly saw her, and then Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a few seconds, stared at that pretty face for a few breaths, and felt a throbbing heartbeat, then rationally looked away, turned back Go to the main hall and return to Huofu through the teleportation array.

He originally thought that the matter was over like this, but after sitting down, he kept thinking of that gentle and charming face again and again, even the blush that flashed across that pretty face at that time still seemed to be in front of him now , kept appearing in his mind, and at the same time, the feeling of heartbeat and throbbing.

It is because of this that he loses his mind again and again...

But this is unscientific. Could it be that I am really tempted by that woman?Is it because of a simple look back, just happened to touch that shy and beautiful face, and fell in love at first sight like that?Even so disturbed that he can't even study the classics of formations and can't meditate?

Guo Zhengyang himself felt very embarrassed about this kind of thing.

It is even impossible to tell Mu Daojun, Liu Xia and others clearly.

Guo Zhengyang also knew that he would not be able to study if this continued for more than ten times, so he smiled and got up, "I am a little confused now, and I am not suitable for cultivation and study for the time being. You study first, and I will calm down."

After speaking, without waiting for a few people to reply, Guo Zhengyang walked to the side alone, entered the house in Lingshi Mansion, and then sat down and began to comprehend the idea of ​​epiphany.

It took a few hours for the kung fu to run and comprehend the formation of the simulated big bang before Guo Zhengyang got up again, bid farewell to a few people with a strange expression, and then arrived at Lingwu Continent.

"Damn, what's going on? Could it be love at first sight? I feel as nervous as I did decades ago when I faced An Xi. I really want to see her. I really want to see her from afar." Does she feel very happy?"

Pacing back and forth in the palace with a dark face, Guo Zhengyang really wanted to release his spiritual consciousness more than once to find that beautiful figure, but he endured it again and again, just cursing in his heart.

He still doesn't believe that he will fall in love with a woman at first sight, even like a boy when he first fell in love decades ago.

But he really never thought that this would be someone secretly playing tricks.

After all, he has never heard of this kind of thing at all, and he never thought of any means and calculations that can make people feel all kinds of emotions towards another person as if they fell in love at first sight when they see another person.

A person's inner feelings can also be controlled left and right?At least Guo Zhengyang hadn't heard of such a thing before, so he didn't think that someone had secretly tampered with it, and he was just scolding himself for how he became like this.

This is not reasonable!

After pacing back and forth for a few minutes, Guo Zhengyang finally couldn't hold back the thoughts in his heart, and finally released his spiritual sense to explore, and soon found the beautiful figure.

That Qianying is also a female cultivator with black hair and black eyes. She looks about [-] years old, with a snow-white oval face that can be broken by blowing bullets. Coupled with a plain and refreshing white dress, Guo Zhengyang's heart beat faster again at a glance, as if he was peeping at the goddess and was afraid of being discovered by the other party, and quickly withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

To be honest, although that beautiful figure is also stunningly beautiful, she is definitely not the most eye-catching among twenty or thirty stunning beauties. Guo Zhengyang had never paid attention to her when she was standing in the crowd before. It's because there are too many beauties, Guo Zhengyang glanced over every time, and had no impression of that beautiful figure at all before today's glance.

But even today, when he glimpsed it occasionally, and looked at it carefully, he was astonished as a heavenly man, and the more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

This kind of thing is really weird.

"What happened to you?"

Just as Guo Zhengyang withdrew his gaze and was pacing nervously and awkwardly again, a concerned voice suddenly sounded from behind, and it was Liu Xia who also followed from Lingshi Mansion.

Guo Zhengyang rarely made a big face. He glanced at Liu Xia and didn't know what to say.

He always tried to maintain the majesty of a teacher in front of Liu Xia. Even though the girl never called him a teacher a few times, he always treated her with the mentality of treating a junior. He has a feeling between a man and a woman, but he has been avoiding it and doesn't want to get involved.

So how could he say such a thing.

He waved his hand again and said it was all right, Liu Xia was about to speak again when a soft voice sounded from outside the hall, but it was a few female cultivators who came to pay their respects, saying that there was a problem with the formation and wanted to ask Guo Zhengyang for advice, and asked if she had time .

Under normal circumstances, their inquiries would naturally not be answered, but at this time, Guo Zhengyang responded immediately as if he had received an amnesty. He really didn't want to face Liu Xia with such a weird attitude, and then walked out of the house.

But soon, Guo Zhengyang regretted it again.

Because among the few female cultivators who came over this time, there was the one who made him peek at him before. Of course, that one was just one of them. Looking at it, Guo Zhengyang was swept away by such eyes, and his mood suddenly became excited.

But he still tried very hard not to show his flaws, and turned to look at others.

Well, seeing this, Guo Zhengyang was startled again.

The two female cultivators at the front are a blond beauty and a black-haired beauty. One of the two women is in tight clothing, and Guo Zhengyang's heart suddenly rises when he sees the infinite temptation of her explosive figure. An evil fire, although this evil fire is not big, but it does exist, and it is growing gradually.

When his eyes shifted to another black-haired beauty, the evil fire that was already growing boiled even more.

That beauty was of the same type as the one he had peeped at, both with a gentle and charming temperament, and dressed similarly, the difference was that the beauty behind her was tall and her face was sweet, while the one in front of her was gentle and sensual, and her figure What's more is that she is petite and exquisite, with a sense of sex and a soft aura, paired with a delicate and pitiful expression, it makes people look at her, and there is a feeling that she can't help but want to pounce on her and ravage her.

Looking away from her again, Guo Zhengyang glanced at the other women, and finally calmed down a bit. It's not that those women are mediocre in appearance. In fact, this group of six beauties are all extremely beautiful, each with its own merits and demeanor, but the other three , when Guo Zhengyang looked again, he didn't feel his heart beating.

There are three different heartbeats, one is unbearable throbbing like first love and secret love, the other is pure lust, and the third is perverted like violence.

Although Guo Zhengyang was trying his best to suppress it, and hid his expression well, he still showed a little bit of a show, because his breathing was already a little short.

This situation fell into the eyes of the six beauties in front, but the reactions of the women were completely different, some were secretly happy, some were pleasantly surprised, and some bowed their heads a little bit shyly.

And the one who lowered his head shyly was the one behind him that made Guo Zhengyang's heart palpitate and he kept thinking about it. All kinds of evil fires were still churning in his heart, and he was already paying attention to the other person's expression, so when he saw that beautiful figure Slightly shyly drooping down his beautiful eyes full of affection, Guo Zhengyang's heart trembled suddenly, and his scalp felt a little tight.

"Forget it, I'm not in good shape today, wait until next time, I'll help you next time." Knowing that his state is not right, Guo Zhengyang opened his mouth immediately, turned around and returned to the main hall.

Although this situation is very embarrassing, he knows that if he really stays here and sits next to a group of beauties helping them preach, he will really be confused, and he may make more embarrassments.

Turning around and walking back to the main hall, ignoring the reactions of the few beautiful figures outside, Guo Zhengyang sat directly beside the bed, took out a pot of spiritual liquid from the storage ring, and poured it down with his head raised.

how so?Why did he suddenly have a heartbeat?This is unreasonable. .

Swallowing the spiritual liquid, he originally wanted to vent his irritability, but after gulping it down, the evil fire, lust, and even the heartbeat and throbbing that had been aroused in his heart became more and more intense.

"What happened? Don't scare me..."

At this moment, Liu Xia was also sitting beside Guo Zhengyang, worriedly grabbing his wrist and speaking hastily, her pretty face was full of tension. (To be continued.)

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