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Guo Zhengyang's abnormal performance really made Liu Xia panic. It should be said that she has known Guo Zhengyang for so long, and has almost never seen him with such a restless demeanor. Even in the face of various life and death crises, Guo Zhengyang has always been able to deal with them calmly. , but today he was suddenly restless, this demeanor was really scary.

However, in the face of Liu Xia's nervousness and worry, Guo Zhengyang's breathing gradually became heavy. He glanced at Liu Xia, his eyes were a little dazed, "I'm not in the right state now, you go back first, I will deal with it myself."

When he said this, Guo Zhengyang suddenly had a flash of light in his heart, and he was tricked!

Because at this moment, with Liu Xia's tender little hands gently clenched and slight skin contact, he actually felt a slight trembling and throbbing. With her pretty face, the evil fire and desire fire in her heart are also growing rapidly.

Therefore, Guo Zhengyang finally realized that he had been tricked!

If it was in a normal state, how could he have evil thoughts boiling in his heart when he looked at Liu Xia?

Even Liu Xia is a stunning beauty who can overwhelm the country, but how can I say it?No matter how moving the beautiful scenery is, no matter how amazing it is at first glance, if you look at it every day, if you look at it too much, it will look dull.

Guo Zhengyang's concentration is already very good. Even when he first met Liu Xia, he was a little moved by this girl's sense of beauty, but he could regain his composure after a few breaths. Later, even with Liu Xia's practice, he became more and more calm. Yue Chuluo's water spirit is moving, but the two often practice together, and they can't see each other when they look up, and he has long adapted to Liu Xia's temptation.

Can face all kinds of situations calmly.

But now when he glanced at Liu Xia, he suddenly felt that this girl was getting more and more beautiful, more and more beautiful and sexy, and that kind of beautiful and beautiful appearance made him feel a strange impulse in his heart. Suppression, but stronger...

Isn't this a trick? ?

Although Guo Zhengyang never thought that there would be a strange treasure in the world that makes people fall in love with a completely unfamiliar alien surname, but he is a senior old monk after all, and he naturally knows that under the vast starry sky, there are all kinds of wonders, even when the spirit is alive. A treasure formation that can control the flow of time like the government can be built, what else is impossible?

"If it wasn't for this evil fire that was suddenly stirred up, I wouldn't have noticed it. Damn it... more than one person has attacked me!"

But no, at first he really didn't expect that he was caught in the trick. Although he couldn't believe it, he really didn't think about it, but when he went out for a walk just now, not only did he see the woman who made his heart throb, I also saw two beauties who were full of evil thoughts at the first glance.

The latter is what made him suddenly realize the root cause of the trick.

After all, he may not be able to think of the treasures that control other people's emotions for a while, but there are a lot of things that aphrodisiac and arouse lust in the earthly world.

Damn it.

Those old guys in Heihuangbu are too shameless to use such obscene and superficial tricks on themselves? ?

However, in fact... Guo Zhengyang really misunderstood at this moment. Heihuangbu and Qi Dazong are not idiots after all. Seduce and win over, but those methods must not be rushed, so the strange treasures they use for the female cultivators who are close to each other are actually just to stimulate a person's charm. This kind of charm is more sexual, but it is subtle, like spring rain The same moisturizes things silently.

If there is no accident, after swallowing some wonderful spiritual plants, the first feeling that Guo Zhengyang brings to Guo Zhengyang after appearing in front of him is only a sense of sex and wildness, which slightly stimulates people to roll over. Not to mention a monk with good concentration, even a monk with average concentration can be slightly suppressed.

And then it is meeting again and again, meeting more and more times, it will gradually deepen, and the desire to tease the target will increase little by little, until it cannot be extricated, and then explodes suddenly.

There is no such thing as boiling frogs in warm water in Lingwu Continent, but how could one not understand similar principles with Heihuangbu and Qi Dazong's vision?

If there is no accident, even if Guo Zhengyang saw the two female cultivators standing in the front row outside, at most he would think that they were amazing, amazing, and sexy at first glance, and then suppressed them, and only occasionally in the future would they practice , a slight thought popped up, wait until I see it ten times or eight times, and if I see it more, the kind of moist and silent provocation will be brought to the limit, and it will gradually become so heavy that people will lose control. Once out of control, the raw rice will be cooked. It's easy to handle...

But the operation of this matter is really unexpected, the accident is that there are not only Hei Huangbu and Qi Dazong who are acting.

They have strange treasures in their hands. When a woman takes it, her sexuality and charm ability will suddenly increase, as if she was born with a charming bone. of.

But among those who can send the stunning female cultivators in the clan, which one is not a big boss who is not at the top of the mainland?

Some things in the hands of some big guys are even more wonderful than theirs, that is, the first female cultivator who made Guo Zhengyang's heartbeat, a spiritual plant that was swallowed is the magic of good fortune, although the usefulness of the spiritual plant It's a bit tasteless, but it's not a person's desire to be confused and teased, but love. Although this kind of confusion is temporary, after all, it is impossible to control a person's feelings absolutely. Guo Zhengyang's heart throbbing before was only due to the drug Once vented, the false illusion that made him temporarily confused, once he really vented, he would wake up, and the feeling would naturally be interrupted and invalidated.

But the person who used this method undoubtedly had the same thought. If Guo Zhengyang really vented out, he would be cheating on his daughter. Can Master Guo still pull up his trousers and deny her recognition?If you don’t recognize someone, you have to recognize the child. Since these female cultivators have used these methods, they naturally have many methods to strengthen the dark knot of the bead tire. Even if no one can guarantee it 100%, as long as Guo Zhengyang vents, the probability is definitely over [-]%. so……

If only the female cultivator was acting alone, then Guo Zhengyang might also have been tricked unconsciously, but both of them were acting at the same time, two completely different treasures that had some miraculous effects. No one really knows what intensified consequences will be produced between each other when the teasing breaks out.

Guo Zhengyang, the victim, although he didn't know what methods those beauties used, but he faintly sensed something was wrong, so when he secretly scolded the big bosses for being shameless, he also decisively reached out to block Liu Xiaxiu's base and throw her away first. Back to Fire House.

But when the hand was stretched out, it changed abruptly when the matter came to an end, and it became a hand reaching out to grab one side of Liu Xia's pretty face, caressing greedily.

With a slight caress, there was a tender, slippery and bone-erosive touch in the palm of his hand, and Guo Zhengyang's brain slammed again. His eyes also became hot.


On the other hand, Liu Xia was bewildered by such Meng Lang's behavior. Last moment, she was worried and nervous because of Guo Zhengyang's abnormal behavior. When she heard him say that she was in a bad state and asked her to go first, she instinctively wanted to refuse, but Now?

Her mind is also blank. After so many years, she knows how she feels about him. Otherwise, she would never call him master. Not calling him master doesn't mean that she doesn't care about him, but another kind of daughter's mind. , It's just that this guy has always been the same, or he is not interested in her at all.

Breathing heavily, eyes red, and making such weird movements?

"Go away, I've been tricked."

Liu Xia was in a daze, and Guo Zhengyang, who was greedily playing with Liu Xia's pretty face, suddenly exerted his strength and threw Liu Xia out of the way, and then cursed wildly.

Grass, what is this called? I actually made such a big somersault, and what was that just now?What did he do just now?

Barely regaining a trace of sobriety, after pushing Liu Xia away, Guo Zhengyang cursed in his heart again, and his mind was once again occupied by endless fire and evil thoughts, and when the evil thoughts were tumbling, what flashed through his mind was no longer Liu Xia's pretty face was that unknown female cultivator in white.

That kind of heartbeat and throbbing like a crush on a goddess, coupled with the lust from the blond female nun, and the perverted ambition of another petite beauty who wantonly ravaged all kinds of tricks, is actually weird Combined together, he couldn't help rushing out of the room, just wanted to vent the goddess who occupied his whole mind and made him feel a little ashamed under him.

That's right, it's either a princess of a country or a princess of a country, a fairy who looks like a fairy, but she looks so gentle and virtuous with eyes of adoration and admiration. Goddess, if you can...

"not good."

Just when Guo Zhengyang's eyes were red and his mind was in turmoil, there was another scolding sound from one side, but Liu Xia finally woke up, and seeing Guo Zhengyang's situation again, his expression changed drastically.

At this time, no matter how stupid she is, she can see that something is wrong. Although she was blinded by his intimacy just now, and even she was a little surprised when she just woke up, but now she knows that this is not because the wood has been enlightened, but because she has been awakened. Plotting, did you get caught in some dirty trick?Even if she had her heart tied to him long ago, even if she was willing to die for him, she never hoped that if there was any change in the relationship between the two, it would be because of him being plotted against.

So in the face changing and exclamation, Liu Xia reacted decisively, and released a formation treasure with a wave of her hand, trying to suppress Guo Zhengyang first, even if she knew that Guo Zhengyang was in a bad state, she couldn't just walk away, in case it was cheaper, the outside It would be a big loss to help the vixen.

But as soon as the array was released, Guo Zhengyang, who was looking at the outside of the hall, turned around abruptly before his power was released. He flashed in front of Liu Xia, stretched out his hand, and hugged Liu Xia into his arms. When he opened his beautiful eyes, he opened his mouth and swallowed it facing the front.

If Guo Zhengyang lost his mind last time, it could only be regarded as a little lost. He just stretched out one hand to fumble with Liu Xia's half pretty face, but this time he lost, it was frenzy.

Not only moved his mouth, but also pressed his hands behind Liu Xia, the clothes originally worn by the little girl were instantly shattered, revealing a bumpy and exquisite back muscle, a big hand also directly grabbed the little girl and straightened her body. The smooth and beautiful buttocks are naked without any barriers.


Liu Xia's body froze, and the treasure that had been thrown in the air and hadn't started to exert its power fell directly to the ground, and she was stupid again.

After being dumbfounded for a while, Liu Xia woke up suddenly when there were bursts of pain in her raised buttocks, and then there was endless embarrassment in her beautiful eyes.

What is this called?

how so?Although she has been looking forward to the day when she no longer sees herself as a child, but when... But when it really happened, how could this be the case?

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