One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 386 It's Not A Surprise

Liu Xia's family consists of parents, two siblings, and her close relatives also know about cultivation. After all, Liu Xia has been in the cultivation world for [-] years, and it is calculated by years when he disappears. It is also impossible to hide it forever. .

As for Liu Xia's family members who have not practiced cultivation, in her own words, they are also afraid of various murder crises and accidents in the cultivation world, and do not want them to be involved in that cruel life for the time being.

Of course, another reason is that Liu Xia's parents and others are still young, and there is plenty of time for her to think about it.

After parting with Liu Dong, he entered the community with Liu Xia with trepidation. Guo Zhengyang also soon met his prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law. , and they all seem very energetic.

Originally, Guo Zhengyang didn't know how to face him, but to his surprise, as soon as Liu Xiagang introduced him as Guo Zhengyang, Mother Liu immediately greeted him warmly with some awe, nervousness and excitement, saying that you are Zhengyang, I often hear Xiaoxia mentioning you, I have wanted to see you for a long time, but people like you are very busy, I finally saw you today, this trip is worthwhile in this life.

As for Liu's father, when facing Guo Zhengyang, he was reserved and apprehensive, standing not far away awkwardly, wanting to say something but seemed not to know how to say it all the time, just in a daze.

With such a scene, Guo Zhengyang was naturally full of weirdness. How could it seem that Liu's mother knew that he was Liu Xia's boyfriend?And Father Liu, who was more nervous than him when he saw him?

"How did you explain it to your parents before?" Full of eccentricity, Guo Zhengyang also asked Liu Xia curiously.

"I just told them before that when I was practicing, I showed a little bit of magical ability, which almost scared them to death, and then I told them that the boyfriend I made was a fairy, and he took me to practice... this It all happened several years ago, that is, before you had a decisive battle with the ancestors of Hei Prison, I occasionally came back to see them, that's what I said." A sound transmission explained, and Guo Zhengyang vomited blood on the spot.

Co-authored this girl to tell her family about cultivation so many years ago, and just explained him as her boyfriend?

When he was still in his freshman year, Liu Xia was kidnapped by the ancestor of the black prison. At that time, it was ** years ago, and then he saved people and got the Fire Mansion. He stopped intermittently for more than half a year before he used the platform of life and death to make an appointment to fight Feng Hui. , and at that time Liu Xia was also seriously injured because of the assassination of Feng Hui, and had been recovering from his injuries. After recovering from his injuries, Guo Zhengyang devoted himself to preparing for the battle, but this girl occasionally came back to the secular world several times under the escort of Mu Daojun and others.

That's how she explained it back then?That was about seven years ago.She still fooled her parents into saying that she was a fairy?Well, monks like him are first-class gods in the eyes of ordinary people. There are so many myths and legends in ancient China, and there are indeed many monks who were mistaken for gods because their whereabouts were discovered by mortals.

Now, what else can Guo Zhengyang say?

He could only explain to Father Liu and Mother Liu with a hint of embarrassment in embarrassment that he had actually wanted to come and see the house for a long time, but it was too late because he had a lot of things to do.

Then there was the tense and restrained father and mother of Liu who waved his hands excitedly and excitedly. Father Liu didn't talk much, but just stood aside, while mother Liu kept saying that she would come to the house often when she was free, and then Guo Zhengyang is a fairy-like figure, to be able to fall in love with their girl, it is like smoke from the ancestral grave or something, the little girl is not sensible, if there is something difficult for him to do normally, don't take it for granted.

Guo Zhengyang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard those words, while Liu Xia was dumbfounded, and even got angry many times, because according to her parents, she didn't know how much luck she had to be taken by Guo Zhengyang, and she could follow Xiao Guo, so lucky and so happy...

In the eyes of normal people, he is a very ordinary family, and his daughter was chosen by the gods to be his wife. Even if he is not married, it is still a happy event that smokes from the ancestral grave. As the heroine in this incident, Liu Xia felt awkward no matter what she heard, she didn't seem that bad, did she?Even her parents thought she was lucky to be seen by Guo Zhengyang?

How can such a little girl be in love?

She even turned green when she heard it several times, and she couldn't wait to interject that her daughter's cultivation base is now higher than Guo Zhengyang's, at least on the surface, she is willing to follow him because he is taking advantage of him.

But these words could not be uttered in the end, and in the end the little girl just pinched Guo Zhengyang's waist fiercely a few times when her parents were not paying attention.

"This is your own fault. You didn't explain it clearly to them at the beginning. Why did you blame me?" Guo Zhengyang was so confused that he couldn't help but stare at the little girl speechlessly.

"Well, I made you a myth. If I knew this, I shouldn't have explained it that way." Liu Xia just gave him a blank look. Her family is so cautious about Guo Zhengyang because she put this kid in the family. The image in my mind is a myth. In the past, the Liu family was just an ordinary family. The old house they lived in would be forced to be demolished. It was not a safe place to live. Their parents were just working as ordinary office workers in the city to make a living.

However, because Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia were close, there were too many people who were interested in doing things in secret. At that time, she was still an ignorant cultivator in Donghai City. Before she was taken away by the ancestor of the black prison, her family's life began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Changes. First, the demolition of the home continued, but a high amount of compensation was received, and then a new home was resettled. Accidentally "picked up a big bargain" and bought a good house with great value for money at a very low price. Then, the good house was acquired again. The rich man took a fancy to it, and the family sold it while it was still being renovated, and it changed hands for several million.

When he was rich, Liu's father settled in an ordinary new home and began to try to start a small business. Once he started a business, it was like a miracle.

Also because there are a lot of dignitaries and personnel in various business occasions, they are also very enthusiastic to help the Liu family develop.

At that time, Liu Xia had just been taken away by the ancestor of the black jail. Those things were caused by the efforts of the Su family in Donghai City, and Liu Xia himself did not know about the various accidents.

When she had the opportunity to come back from Lingyu, her family had already become a multi-millionaire, living in a big house, driving a good car, and the company's business was thriving. It was at that time that she explained her cultivation to her family, and she finally understood After understanding why the family environment has changed so drastically, and then seeing that his parents were a little uneasy about these things at the beginning, they deliberately exaggerated that Guo Zhengyang is very fierce and able to cover him, and he is very good to him, and he likes her very much. The family conditions have changed so much, It was also an order he secretly issued.

All of a sudden, Guo Zhengyang, who had never been masked at that time, naturally became infinitely taller in the eyes of the Liu family. Even Liu's father patted his forehead more than once and muttered, no wonder he did so smoothly no matter what he did these days, as if he was helped by a god. There are really gods helping in the dark.

And with those explanations at the bottom, plus the fact that the Liu family has been flourishing over the years, as if they have been blessed by gods, and accumulated concepts over the years, it is no wonder that Liu's father and Liu mother will have such a posture when they see Guo Zhengyang. When I met Liu Dong outside the community, didn't that brother-in-law keep looking at Guo Zhengyang with curious eyes, and his attitude was not a little restrained?

Therefore, Guo Zhengyang was originally worried that he would not know his thoughts about facing his prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law. After he actually got in touch with the Liu family, this worry completely disappeared, because after the two parties met, it was obvious that the other side was more nervous than him.

It was quite easy to communicate with Liu's father and Liu mother, but when Liu Dong, who went to pick up his fiancée, returned home, the scene became more lively. I don't know, and I don't understand. Naturally, there is no restraint from the Liu family in front of Guo Zhengyang. As soon as she came back, she chatted with Liu Xia. The two women chatted together, completely making the atmosphere relaxed and noisy.

He stayed at Liu's house until after dinner, and he officially visited his prospective father-in-law and his mother-in-law. After dinner, Guo Zhengyang left Liu's house with a smile accompanied by Liu Xia.

Tonight, the little girl was going to sleep at home with her parents, so after she came out, she went back in a short time. She didn't even arrange a hotel for Guo Zhengyang. There is no need to fly from Mingchuan to any place in the country within a few minutes.

The only thing that made Guo Zhengyang angry was that maybe the little girl felt that her parents belittled her too much in front of Guo Zhengyang, so before leaving, she took Guo Zhengyang to the top of a residential building in the community, and she was very passionate under the moonlight After teasing him a bit and getting Guo Zhengyang excited, she fled back with a coquettish smile, leaving Guo Zhengyang depressed and wanting to smash down the building below him.

"This girl, I don't need to clean up." Depressedly, he stretched out his hand and patted on the guardrail of the roof. Guo Zhengyang just cursed in a low voice before he was suddenly startled, and then looked up to the south, "Eh? This is..."

After being stunned for a moment, Guo Zhengyang suddenly smiled, "Yang Zhiming? Isn't that right? This guy only opened the storage ring I left him now? So, he has only entered the middle stage of gathering spirits now? Just kidding... But, but before I went to see him twice, and he always looked like he only loves beauties and doesn't like cultivation, and cultivation has been completely neglected, so it's not surprising that he has only stepped into the middle stage of gathering spirits now."

What surprised Guo Zhengyang just now was that he suddenly sensed that something with a special mark on it was being refined by someone, and its location was in the south.

He was surprised at first, but after thinking about it, he realized that this was a chance for Yang Zhiming in his freshman year. Yang Zhiming was in prison in his freshman year. Guo Zhengyang rushed to see him, and met this kid who escaped from prison, and followed him for a while. Guo Zhengyang pretended that there were monks fighting in the sky, dropped a storage ring and landed beside Yang Zhiming, and then the boy took the treasure and ran away very alertly.

At that time, Yang Zhiming was already close to the peak of Juling's early stage. Normally, he should be able to enter the mid-stage within a few years and be able to accept what Guo Zhengyang left him at that time. But who would have thought that after two years, Guo Zhengyang would be in the mid-term with Hei Ling? The prison patriarch returned to the secular life before his death, only to find that this kid fell in love with a beautiful woman in Xiangjiang, and his cultivation had not progressed at all, and the things in the storage ring were still untouched.

Afterwards, Guo Zhengyang beheaded the ancestor of the Black Prison, took his family back to the secular world, stayed in the secular world for a year and a half, and took Liu Xia to the Lingwu Continent for the first time, staying there for more than a year. After practicing for a year and a half, I took Liu Xia there again for more than two years, and it was about seven years since I got the storage ring from Yang Zhiming.

He just found out that what he left in the storage ring was being refined? ?

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