One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 387 The Wounded Man

"Hey, this guy...why did he live in Lingnan? It looks like he still lives alone, where is his wife?"

After a while, following the feeling in his heart all the way to the south, Guo Zhengyang only took a few minutes to find the target from the vast crowd, but to his surprise, he found that Yang Zhiming's city was not Xiangjiang, but the provincial capital of Lingnan Province, and The current Yang Zhiming's house is not a hotel or other place, but a rented house with two bedrooms and one living room. The environment is very good. It is located in the east of the provincial capital of Lingnan Province, and this area is still relatively prosperous. At ** o'clock in the evening, the flow of people is very dense. .

And in the two-bedroom, one-living room, it’s not that there’s not a single thing for women, and it can even be said that there are quite a lot of women’s goods here, such as two or three women’s bras that are thrown at the foot of the bed. You can tell that it is not used by the same female surname, because the cups are too different.

At this moment, Yang Zhiming was sitting cross-legged in the simple and messy living room, holding a spiritual weapon and refining it.

In the storage ring that Guo Zhengyang threw to him back then, there were all kinds of pills, spiritual tools, or cultivation classics and spells suitable for monks in the spirit-gathering period, including some spiritual stones, which can make it easier for monks to practice, but in front of Yang Zhiming The situation is really unexpected.

After all, the person in Guo Zhengyang's impression is very dedicated. In those years, he not only gave up his cultivation for a beautiful little beauty in Xiangjiang, but he was even willing to find a job as an ordinary security guard in Hong Kong, even if he was appreciated by a big boss. His skill, willingness to pay a high price to ask him to be a personal bodyguard, this one refused, just wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend.

It was precisely because of this guy's deep love that Guo Zhengyang didn't bother him, but let him go.

Current situation……

Well, after thinking about it for a while, Guo Zhengyang was soon relieved. After all, this happened many years ago. After so many years, who knows how many accidents have happened to him?

Silently watching Yang Zhiming refine the spiritual weapon in his hand, Guo Zhengyang was still thinking whether to go over to say hello, but a doorbell rang outside Yang Zhiming's residence. After the guy put away a bunch of things and opened the door, there was a man standing outside It was a young girl who was scantily dressed, half drunk and half sober.

Then, the situation in the room became a scene that should not be looked at directly. It was still an old cow gnawing tender grass. Well, Yang Zhiming was already in his 30s, and that girl looked like she was about [-] years old, with a pure and beautiful appearance. With a hint of coquettishness.

Guo Zhengyang withdrew his gaze strangely, and then remained silent for a moment on the top floor of Yang Zhiming's residence before grabbing out his cell phone and making a call.

These years, he didn't deliberately disturb Yang Zhiming's life, but let him develop himself, because he only envied mandarin ducks and not immortals at that time, so he was embarrassed to disturb him, but that doesn't mean that Guo Zhengyang didn't leave any behind. A big boss in Xiangjiang was entrusted to look after him secretly. Of course, this kind of looking after is only to ensure that Yang Zhiming will not be disturbed by the police, and to ensure his safety, so that big boss in the dark will not interfere randomly when nothing happens.

"Mr. Guo, is that you?"

After the call was connected, there was an exclamation from the other side. Guo Zhengyang did not greet him, but directly asked about Yang Zhiming's situation in the past few years, and the other side naturally answered quickly and respectfully.

After some questions and answers, Guo Zhengyang shook his head and smiled wryly.

That guy, was he emotionally hurt?

The love that Yang Zhiming talked about in Xiangjiang many years ago was very affectionate. After a few years together, a man and a woman were about to talk about marriage, but the woman gradually changed.

Well, it should be said that at the beginning, the woman still puts love first, but as she got older, she gradually became more materialistic. She felt that Yang Zhiming was useless and made less money. He didn't care about material things, so after a lot of quarrels, he started to focus on making money.

It is easy to make money. As soon as the boss who secretly looked after Yang Zhiming knew about it, he immediately arranged various coincidences and accidents to send money there.

It was during this process that an even richer second generation started hooking up with Yang Zhiming's girlfriend, just throwing money at him. Simply put, he gave jewelry and romance, and after a few times, he arranged to open a house.

It was when a man and a woman were preparing to get things done in a five-star hotel, the boss who had been instructed by Guo Zhengyang sent someone over to grab the second generation and ravage them.

As for the women, they turned a blind eye.

Although Yang Zhiming's head did not turn green in the end, he was heartbroken after he learned what had happened.

Then the two parties broke up...

Yang Zhiming has changed from being devoted at first to being a playboy, and the women around him are constantly changing.All the millions of dollars earned from a certain boss were spent on the night market.

According to that boss, in the past two years, Mr. Yang has definitely reached the goal of beheading a hundred people with ease, and he spends money very generously. Even when he was about to send money to Yang Zhiming secretly, that guy even picked up money for the sake of playing with women. Money and chances don't matter.

After all, he still doesn't value material things.

And then something more tangled happened. Yang Zhiming seemed to really fall in love with a woman in the night show, but unfortunately, according to the boss, the woman in the night show only liked Yang Zhiming's money, and they used him as an offer in private. It's just a money machine.

It's not that Yang Zhiming doesn't know about it, but it's really hard to say about feelings. It's very common to jump into it when you know it's wrong.

So Yang Zhiming still spends money lavishly for her, often taking her home for the night.

Until the previous tens of millions of family property were spent, when he was short of money and wanted to continue to make money, before the big boss sent the money, the woman disappeared.

According to the news afterward, he went back to his hometown to get married and found a handsome young man... Well, in comparison, Yang Zhiming is indeed not very handsome, and he is also much older than that woman.

"Mr. Guo, I really can't control the relationship. Mr. Yang knew that woman at the night show, and before her, he had already spent hundreds of thousands in that place. There were two-digit women and him in it. After going to bed, almost everyone knew him, and then that woman was brought home by Mr. Yang for the first time, thinking that he was too flamboyant and preconceived, even if she wanted to change her concept, it was very difficult to do so. Even though I have planned a few coincidences to increase Mr. Yang's weight in her heart, it still didn't help in the end,..."

Hearing the anxious report on the other side, Guo Zhengyang could only shake his head and smile wryly. He could arrange people to secretly protect Yang Zhiming so that his life would not be in danger, but it was really hard to control whether Yang Zhiming's relationship was going well.

This guy has encountered similar blows twice in a row, so it's no wonder that it has become like this now.

The underwear of different women in the family is thrown away at will...

And that one also started to practice after the second emotional failure, right?Otherwise, with his aptitude, he wouldn't have waited so many years to enter the middle stage of Juling, right?

Suddenly Guo Zhengyang realized that Yang Zhiming in the previous life was really miserable. Without his intervention, after he escaped from prison, the situation of his family would never be as peaceful as in this life.

And if it weren't for his intervention, the girlfriend he had been talking about in Xiangjiang for several years and was planning to get married would not just have almost given him a cuckold...

No wonder he would always feel that this guy was full of things after getting in touch with him in his previous life.

Moreover, his cultivation is not very bad, and he is much smoother than Guo Zhengyang on the way of cultivation. When Guo Zhengyang was a freshman, the other party was already close to the peak of Juling's early stage. He must have been the same in his previous life, but Guo Zhengyang was at least five years later than him in his previous life. It took six years to practice cultivation, and it took another four or five years to get started... But when Guo Zhengyang met him at the age of 50 in his previous life, his cultivation level was still not high, and he was only in the late stage of Juling.



In the morning, the slightly vicious sunlight fell wantonly on the provincial capital of Lingnan Province. Yang Zhiming, who walked out of the bed naked, yawned lazily and walked towards the living room.

But as soon as he arrived in the living room, his face suddenly changed drastically. He didn't care that he was still naked[***], and looked at the sofa in the living room with a trace of horror, "Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

Isn't that right? At this moment, sitting on the sofa in his living room is a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes, with an outstanding appearance, holding a wine glass and sending a small mouthful of transparent liquid to his mouth.

But the damn thing is that until the moment he saw the other party, he didn't feel that there were outsiders in the living room at all. He is a monk in the middle stage of gathering spirits. It is the physical body that has been tempered many times, which is also much stronger than ordinary people, and the spiritual sense is extremely sensitive.

"You have the nerve to say that you have only barely stepped into the middle stage of Juling after you got my storage ring for eight years." Just as Yang Zhiming's face changed drastically, Guo Zhengyang shook his head dumbfounded, feeling a little helpless.

When he was preparing to get acquainted with Li Zhe in this life, he was afraid that if there was no reason, if he suddenly became nice to him, it would frighten the other side, so when he met Li Zhe, he deliberately searched for the source of a bosom friend before getting to know him.

But he didn't have so many scruples about Yang Zhiming. After all, the storage ring he dropped many years ago was a good cause and effect relationship.

It can be said that he came to look for the storage ring from that year when he appeared suddenly, so that he could get to know each other.

Sure enough, Yang Zhiming's countenance changed again after saying a word, as if he had seen a ghost again, he pointed at Guo Zhengyang in horror, "You, are one of the monks who fought at high altitude that night nine years ago??"

Guo Zhengyang stood up with a smile, and looked at Yang Zhiming with a strange expression. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for this guy to be naked?

With a laugh, he stretched out his hand and took the storage ring on Yang Zhiming's finger into the palm of his hand. He reached into his spiritual sense arrogantly and took out something. He played with it a few times before laughing again, "Before Too busy, no time to get this thing back, I didn’t expect that in the past ** years, it was still well preserved by you, although you are a little out of tune, and you don’t know how to make good use of the opportunity, but you finally got this thing for me It has been kept for so many years, and other things will be given to you. If you want to go to the Tao in the future, you can go directly to the Philippines... Lingyu, Shangjie Mountain, there is the entrance."

After joking, Guo Zhengyang waved his hand and threw the storage ring over again. This guy is very out of tune, but after so many years and so many things, it should be almost the same, otherwise he would not start practicing again and enter the gathering mid-spiritual stage.

The things in this ring can be used as a reason for him to take a fancy to him.

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