One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 396 The Power of the Planet

The formation is broad and profound, it can lock the sky, forbid the ground, shatter the void, and instantly allow people to cross a distance measured in light years...

The horror of the formation is indeed difficult to describe in words. .

However, Dan Dao is the same as the world, the more you study, the more you will feel your own insignificance.

But generally speaking, the cultivators under the starry sky basically practice external force, that is, distribute and operate the formation force outside the cultivator's body, which is a kind of external body development.

However, during the course of alchemy, the results of the research are for monks to take and produce effects in the monks' bodies. Therefore, in the eyes of the monks under the starry sky, alchemy is also the research of the field of the body.

The formation outside the body can be developed to the limit, and the alchemy can also change fate against the sky. To put it bluntly, the elixir researched by monks that can prolong life is not against the sky. Change your life?

The cumbersomeness of alchemy is far from just saying that you only need to memorize a pill formula, and then you can control the real fire to burn the stove.

If that's the case, any monk can become a master of alchemy.

A real alchemy master needs to master and understand a lot of knowledge.

The simplest point, even ordinary people on the earth understand the truth, oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and oranges born in Huaibei are trifoliate oranges.

This is the allegory in the secular world of the earth. It is said that the same species is planted in different environments, and the results will change a lot, so some things are obvious.

With such a short distance between Huaibei and Huainan on the earth, one kind of thing can develop and change if it grows on different planets. If the same species grows on different planets, how much change will it produce?

That is likely to produce qualitative changes and form diametrically opposite effects.

So if you only remember alchemy recipes and know how to burn a stove and say you are an alchemist, that would be naive.

Identify pharmacology.

When you practice a kind of elixir, what you need to record is not which kinds of spiritual plants can refine this elixir, because the spiritual plants with the same name, even if they look the same, but if they grow in different regions, they will produce different effects. Therefore, the real alchemy masters, their minimum requirement is that you want to refine the kind of elixir, you must be prepared to understand the spiritual power structure of each department required for that elixir, and then extract it from the spiritual plant, and then no matter what kind of unknown spiritual plant In your hands, you can discern the medicinal power needed to extract it.

This is like a geoscientist, whether he sees a person or a tree, he can see through the atomic results of these things and see through the essence of things.

What this requires is a very complex and huge pharmacological knowledge.

Without talent, you really can't learn.

And even if you really learn that no matter what spiritual plant you get, you can distinguish the structure of its spiritual power, you can't be called a master of alchemy, at best you can only be called an alchemist.

A real master can create the most suitable medicine for others according to the different situations of the specific object, regardless of the formula.

Ordinary people understand the truth that two different people have the same disease, because of their different physical fitness or living environment, after taking the same medicine, the results may be opposite.

Although many elixirs in the cultivation world can also be used universally, just like popular cold medicines are basically effective for more than [-]% of cold patients, but you can refine popular elixirs for improvement and healing, and you are only an alchemist. Far from being a master.

The master is whoever asks you to concoct alchemy, you can quickly identify what kind of medicine is most suitable for the other party's physical fitness, and then use it properly and appropriately, so that the efficacy of the medicine can be several times the potency of the popular elixir.

This is another very deep knowledge.

However, even for great monks, even everyone can understand the profundity and mystery of alchemy, but ninety-nine out of ten monks' inherent concepts are still refined from pills, which are for human use.

Even Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a long time when he heard the Xinghe Patriarch say that even planets can take pills not long ago.

So it is not surprising that Tu Xingzhuo and the others would be so shocked and have such strange expressions after hearing the words of Xinghe Patriarch.

Dan Dao, under normal circumstances, takes the path of internal development, just like formation usually takes the path of external development, this is already common sense.

If one day, someone tells Guo Zhengyang that formations can be refined in the body, and all the internal structures of a person's body can be formed into formations, then the impact of this kind of thing will be the same as that of the ancestor of Xinghe who said that he can give non-living planets. It's the same as feeding pills.

They are all enough to subvert monks' common sense values.

If you build all the skin, hair, and organs inside a monk into groups, is the monk's body still a physical body?Can he still call it life?

And a planet eats pills...

This is due to the research of the big monk surnamed Hong during his lifetime. What the big monk had been researching before his death was how to use the power of alchemy to tear apart the bottleneck restrictions imposed on monks by the way of heaven.

This is a confrontation with the Dao of Heaven. During the research, the researcher did not get any results for many years, and then he suddenly realized that if he wanted to gain something, the first thing he needed to figure out was the Dao of Heaven.

From his understanding, the power to create this starry sky and then maintain the normal operation of this starry sky is the way of heaven.

So he set out to study the environment.

Based on my own understanding of the human body and my understanding of various spiritual plants, what kind of academic ideas can be used to develop new branches to study the left and right plants, a grain of sand or a planet.

In the end, he still hadn't figured out how to break the shackles of heaven with alchemy, but he also made a new breakthrough in alchemy, that is, he could extend alchemy, which focuses on the internal development of the body, to the outside of the body.

He treats almost any kind of things around him, whether they are dead or alive, as life, and researches and analyzes them, thus forming a new and powerful system, although not perfect.

The ancestor of Xinghe inherited this system, and he also understood the dry pool star under the feet of several people as a life. In his eyes, the atmosphere is equivalent to the skin of a human being, and the strange gas flowing in the space in the atmosphere is like Equivalent to a human blood...

He is also studying what kind of drugs to use to make this planet emit the wonderful response he wants.

Although Guo Zhengyang has only been in the outside world for two months, the ancestor of Xinghe stayed in the Lingshi mansion for about two years. Such a long time is indeed enough for him to bring back some gas samples and some soil samples, and then conduct research on the surname up.

However, it was his first time to make such a weird attempt, so he didn't know if his research was successful until he saw the whole planet really burning.

It wasn't until he watched the left and right sides burn completely that he was convinced that he had succeeded.

What's the use of burning a planet?It may not be a big threat to other monks in the Taoist stage, but to the Kongxu clan, it has a great deterrent effect.

The Kongbeards, the entire group is born with talent in the power of space, which is an incomparable advantage to humans, but there is no perfect life in the world, just because the Kongbeards have racial talent, so there are also people who are born to hate and fear, That is fire. This race naturally likes to live in water, not because of their huge size, but because they are inherently extremely weak when facing the power of fire.

More than [-]% of the entire ethnic group is like this. Even after they have successfully cultivated, most of the Kongbeard monks still cannot get rid of this innate weakness.

In comparison, although the human race does not have a particularly obvious racial talent, it does not have a particularly feared racial defect. It is really difficult to evaluate which is better.

"Junior Brother Guo, that's all I can do. It's up to you next." Without answering the doubts of Tu Xingzhuo and the others, Ancestor Xinghe just smiled and took a glance at those strange calls. His eyes turned to Guo Zhengyang.

"Since you have stimulated the power of the planet on this planet, or transformed it into the power of fire, leave the rest to me." Guo Zhengyang also laughed, and then flew into the formation.

In the blink of an eye, the entire formation was roaring, and amidst the roaring, the fire on the surface of the dry pool planet became more and more intense, and even completely burned through the atmosphere and spread to outer space.

Such a huge change also shocked the expression of several monks who were fighting outside the outer space.

From the outsiders' point of view, the Kutan Star has turned into a burning fireball, and the temperature of the flames is extremely terrifying. I am afraid that even the low-grade Houtian Lingbao may not be able to withstand the burning.

Not only that, during the frantic burning, the original slow and stable rotation of the Dry Tan star is gradually accelerating, and the rotation is getting faster and faster. With the acceleration of the rotation, the fire source on the surface of the planet is also gradually rotating, forming huge fires one by one. color spiral.


There was another loud bang, and when a group of monks who had been fighting outside the atmosphere froze in shock, a huge fire-colored spiral flew out of the planet, instantly merging a group of empty-bearded monks. Dao Qi rolled in, and then, like a burning tornado, with a miserable howl, it quickly drifted away into the distance.

"Boom boom~"

In the blink of an eye, another fire-colored spiral flew out of the planet, this time sweeping towards several powerful members of the Skybeard Clan.

Although those people had already been alerted early, they even flew to dodge as soon as the fire below broke away from the surface of the planet.

However, the speed of these fiery spirals was still too fast, they were too fast to react, and they were submerged in one fell swoop, spinning and flying away.


No sound can be transmitted in the deposited space, but many monks can almost see it with the naked eye. After those flame tornadoes were thrown out with each empty beard family member, they exploded in a very far distance.

The terrifying fluctuations produced during the explosion are definitely appalling, like a huge wave suddenly blowing up in space. After the explosion, the miserable-looking monks of the Kongbeard Clan also fell down. .

In serious condition, three or four of the eight tentacles may be broken, covered in blood, and in weak condition, even if there are no residual limbs, there are scars all over the body.

Such a scene completely stupefied everyone.

"Guo...Brother Guo...what are you doing?"

"I'm using the array to mobilize the power of the star of Kutan Star to help the seniors of the Tu family. Hehe, it seems that the effect is good. The power of the burning planet is crazily running, and any blow can hurt the monks of the joining stage. ah."

Facing Tu Xingzhuo's silly inquiry, Guo Zhengyang smiled happily.

He prepared outside the mansion for two months, and Patriarch Xinghe prepared in the mansion for two years. For such a long time, the combination of formation, alchemy and Taoism seems to be really effective.

As long as the group of monks in the Taoism stage don't run away, he is really sure to kill a few of them.

After all, in the few blows just now, not even one thousandth of the power of the dry pool star was enough.

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