One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 397 The 2nd place is really in the stage of transforming gods?

"Two fellow daoists, thank you very much. The kindness of saving lives will never be forgotten. If there is anything that can be used in the future, just ask."

"However, are you two really at the stage of transforming gods? Could it be that they suppressed their cultivation intentionally?"


A moment later, near the dry pool star, the strong people of the Kongxu clan who had surrounded the outer space of the atmosphere and massacred the monks of the human race had already fled without a trace.

Under such circumstances, the two strong members of the unity stage inside the Tu family are naturally safe. Well, at least their lives are not in danger. They are all bruised and sluggish, but the murder crisis is really over like this.

The monks of the Kongxu tribe escaped so quickly, and it didn't mean that Guo Zhengyang displayed his supernatural power in a short period of time and beheaded several strong people in the Dao period.

To be honest, after a planet's star power erupts in full, its power is indeed terrifying. It is normal that it can't be resisted in the joint stage, because even a few monks in the joint stage have the strength to completely destroy a planet, but that means The sad thing is that a planet can only be shattered if it stands still and does not fight back.

Under normal circumstances, when a monk attacks a planet, it will basically not cause the planet to rebound, so as long as you escape before the planet explodes and avoid being affected by the fluctuations caused by the planet explosion, then any three or four powerful people in the fusion stage will get together. The ability to smash a planet into scum in a short period of time.

But the premise is that the planet does not fight back, it only needs to be beaten.

Once all the power of a planet is mobilized and counterattacks, it will be really terrifying, and it will not be able to withstand the unity period, but Guo Zhengyang is still relying on the power of the burning star of the Kutan Star to attack and kill the aliens in outer space. How about a few strong enemies from other races, they suddenly ran away...

The specific reason is that a strong man of the Skybeard tribe who was being beaten suddenly found that the power of the crazy planet near the secret technique of the forbidden space technique was shattered, and he turned around and fled after saying hello.

Even if Guo Zhengyang wanted to kill a monk at the Consummation Stage for fun, he was a little powerless.

Because those guys are really running too fast, and the Dao stage is the Dao stage after all, it is not a cat or a dog or something, so there is no way to fight hard all the time, but it will hurt the most if you resist a few times, and you will not fall easily.

So things developed into what they are now.

That is, after the monks of the Kongxu tribe fled, the two members of the Tu family escaped to the Kutan star. Even though their expressions seemed to show that they were very grateful to Guo Zhengyang, the strangeness deep in the eyes of the two of them, It can't even be covered.

Some people even opened their mouths and asked if the two of them really only had cultivation at the stage of transforming gods...

It's too exaggerated to cultivate in the stage of transformation into a god!

The power of the formation is enough to lock the sky and the forbidden land, and the way of alchemy can also pass through the sky and the earth.There is no need to say more about these, but the question is that a cultivator in the transformation stage can use the formation to mobilize the power of a planet, and attack a group of members of the Dao stage from the front?This, this is too nonsense.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that such a miracle could happen.

It is already a miracle that a few monks in the Dao stage can block the attacks of a few monks in the transformation stage by relying on the power of the formation. It is enough to make them famous in a star field. The peak cultivation level in the early stage of Hedao is ten times that of the cultivator in the transformation stage, and the peak cultivation level in the middle stage of the path is thirty times that of a monk in the transformation stage.

Adding several together, it is definitely not easy for you to block it with the formation, let alone fight back from the front! !

"Don't just look at the situation just now, the thing just now is easy to do, but we have been preparing for several months in advance, and we still target the weakness of the empty beard tribe. A few months ago, we discovered that the monks of the empty beard tribe came from Passing by here, to attack us humans, but at that time we did not have the coordinates of the teleportation formations of some nearby human monk planets, and we were unable to go there to report, so I started to prepare just in case, and I arranged a large formation for several months. My senior brother studied alchemy for several months before refining a pill that can mobilize the power of this planet. I didn't have long-term preparations for this kind of thing, and if it wasn't for our cooperation, there would be no way to do it."

When a group of people on the opposite side were in a strange and scary mood, Guo Zhengyang explained with a wry smile, isn't it, the fight just now looked enjoyable, but in fact, it was not easy to achieve that step.

The two of them have been preparing for such a long time together, that is, this time they broke out.

Moreover, after the battle just now, the entire Dry Lake Star has shrunk in size... that is the result of excessive volatilization of the power of the planet.

With a laugh, Tu Xingzhuo, Tubanji, etc. were silent again, and they all silently looked at Guo Zhengyang and Xinghe Patriarch, and then smiled wryly.

"No matter how long you prepare, you are in the stage of transforming gods, and one is in the early stage of transforming gods, and the other is in the middle stage of transforming gods. Together, you can fight back so many synergy stages from the front. This..."

"The formation technique and alchemy attainments of the two fellow daoists are really admirable! This kind of attainment, let alone in a star field, is at the top level even in the entire chaotic galaxy."


After another emotion, Tu Xingzhuo suddenly clapped his hands excitedly, "Now those guys have finally retreated, we can't just let them go so easily, now that there is no air banning technique, the teleportation array can be activated, Ban Uncle Ji, as long as we return to the Bitu star field and let the ancestors come over,..."

"I want to go back once. Elder Guzheng and I are both seriously injured, so we can't go back."


Following Tu Xingzhuo's words, Tubanji also nodded, but soon smiled again, "Guo Daoyou, Wu Daoyou, thanks to you this time, and it is also a great opportunity for you and me to meet in the vast sea of ​​stars. If the two fellow daoists are interested, how about going to my Bitu Starfield as a guest?"

This time, if it wasn't for Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang, one of them would really be in big trouble. Tubanji and Tubanji probably would die, or they escaped before and exchanged dozens of lives for a chance to escape to the center of the earth. Tu Xingzhuo and others may not be able to return to the Bitu star field alive.

Guo Zhengyang's attack really made Tu Shi owe a huge favor.

The Tu Clan used to dominate the Bitu Starfield. Although it was only a cultivation family, it was because of the Tu Clan that the Bihan Starfield was renamed from the original Bihan Starfield to the Bitu Starfield.

The Tu clan used to sit in the five immortal realms, all of them were relatives of the Tu clan, not to mention the hegemony in the Bitu star field, even in several nearby star universes, they were also behemoths who could cause the starry sky to tremble with stomping their feet.

There are five longevity-level ones, so there's no need to mention the joint dao period below...

This kind of power can no longer be simply described as brilliant. Although in the Shenjian Starfield, there are several super powers with immortal status, but that refers to one or two or two or three of a race. There are also disputes and battles inside, just like there are more than 30 monks in the human race in the Shenjian Starfield, but that is the result of more than a dozen sects and families twisting together, referring to the entire Shenjian Starfield. There are only so many periods of harmony for human beings.

Tu Clan himself has five long-lived realms and dozens of Dao-joined stages, so one can imagine how brilliant they are.

It is a pity that more than 1000 years ago, an immortal-level ancestor failed to cross the robbery and was killed. Another ancestor of the Tu family crossed the robbery 600 years ago. Under the catastrophe.

This is how Tushi declined.

After the decline, the Tu Clan's territory continued to shrink, and the enmity that had been forged in the past also came one after another. In the end, dozens of strong people in the Dao stage fell one after another... In the end, only the seven Dao stage in front of us remained.

If there is another accident, the Tu family's power will undoubtedly shrink a lot again, especially Tu Xingzhuo, the most favored descendant of the ancestors, the young master, has reached the peak of the gods in more than 30 years, and has an infinitely bright future. It is another future immortal ancestor. If he also dies here, it will definitely deal a great blow to Tu's family.

Thanks to Guo Zhengyang's action, they were spared. It's really hard not to be grateful.

Not to mention that Guo Zhengyang and Xinghe ancestors have already proved with their strength that although they are only in the stage of transforming gods, their combat effectiveness may not be weaker than that in the stage of joining the dao.

The strong will be respected no matter where they go.

After some kind invitations, other members of the Tu clan also looked expectantly, but Guo Zhengyang became a little weird under such an invitation.

"I also want to see the beauty of the Bitu Starfield, but Guo has something to do right now, which is to send the remains of a senior back to the sect. We established a teleportation array here before, in fact, we want to go The other star field is just waiting here because it has been unable to teleport."

For several months, there was no movement in the teleportation array over the Lie Martian Realm, and Guo Zhengyang was helpless.

He was afraid that there was no movement before, but if he followed this side, the other side would open again?

"Send the bones of the senior back to the sect? I don't know which sect the fellow daoist belongs to? I'm afraid the reputation of the sect that can teach the two fellow daoists this kind of absurdity has spread far and wide to the entire starry sky." Guo Zhengyang had just finished speaking. On the ground, Tubanji on the opposite side was surprised again, and opened his mouth in surprise.But this was his misunderstanding, Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang were not from the sect that Senior Hong belonged to, they just wanted to send the remains of Senior Hong back to his sect.

"Liaoyun Sect, the sect is in the Fierce Martian Realm." Although the other party had a misunderstanding, Guo Zhengyang didn't intend to explain in detail, but just smiled after taking a look at Xinghe Patriarch.

In a word, the group of people on the opposite side were suddenly dumbfounded.

Several people frowned suddenly, as if they felt that the name was strange and unreasonable...Isn't it true, if a sect can teach monsters like Guo Zhengyang and Xinghe Patriarch, it should definitely be The super sect, when the Tu family was in glory, there were no such outstanding monks in the stage of transformation.

But the names of Liaoyunzong and Fierce Martian Domain are really strange.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, the others were still smiling wryly, another Elder Lonely, another monk of Tu's Conjoint Dao Stage, was suddenly startled, "Fire Fire Field, I remembered, I didn't expect that the two little friends came from there No wonder when I wanted to go back, I actually wanted to build such an interstellar teleportation array. It was already at the edge of our chaotic galaxy, and it was almost thousands of miles away from this large bustling star field, spanning half of the chaos. What about galaxies?"

Following Elder Guzheng's exclamation, Guo Zhengyang and Xinghe Patriarch were also surprised. Although their expressions were well concealed, they were really surprised at this moment. Why, Lie Martian Domain is also in the chaotic galaxy? ?

In fact, not only they were surprised, but Tubanji, Tu Xingzhuo and the others were also surprised. They all looked at Elder Guzheng suspiciously, and it could be seen that only Elder Guzheng knew about the Fierce Spark Realm among this group of people. (To be continued.)

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