One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 41 Refreshing

(ps: The list changed at 12 o'clock in the evening. This should be the last week that we can be on the new book list, so I beg for recommendations and collections!!!)

With the He family's order, the entire Qingyuan City, black and white, completely boiled.

Even without mentioning the prestige of the He family in Qingyuan, the reward of 1000 million is enough to move countless people. In this day and age, although money is becoming less and less valuable, even in a prefecture-level city like Qingyuan, it is easy to pay for it. A set of real estate can be sold for four to five million yuan, but there are too many people who have struggled for a lifetime, and may not be able to earn the next ordinary real estate.

Regardless of whether it is the police or gangsters involved in the gang, there is basically no resistance to the 1000 million.

So in the following time, almost everywhere in the streets and alleys of Qingyuan City, figures cruising around or inquiring about various movements could be seen, cruising in and out of many hotels and rental houses densely.

There were also many people walking around the streets to inquire about all the information about the people who had feuded with He Mingguang before.

The whole Qingyuan was in motion, but it was a pity that day by day, whether it was the police or gangsters, they almost searched the whole Qingyuan, but almost nothing was gained.

Not even a clue.

Three days later, the He family villa.

Sitting on the sofa quietly listening to He Yunguang's report, He Yizhong's face became more and more serious. He listened, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pat the sofa on one side, with a heavy muffled sound, "That's enough, these trash, Qingyuan It’s a little bit bigger, and I’ve been searching for three days, but I don’t have a clue?!”

"Father, calm down. The murderer was too cunning. Although he didn't do anything to Mingguang's body, he couldn't find Mingguang's body because he was on the street. No clue."

"We can only investigate from the line of enmity with Mingguang in the past, but even if we start to investigate from the trouble he caused in middle school, we have checked dozens of families, and there are basically no suspicions. Most of those families are ordinary families. They are masters, but they are basically poor, and they can’t even hire better killers. They checked one by one, and now they have locked three or four targets. One of them immigrated abroad, and our energy cannot be found. They did business in other provinces and made a fortune, and they all moved to the southern coastal cities. They are prosperous in the local area, and their relationships are complicated. These people are suspicious, but our power will not affect them. But don't worry, I have entrusted my relationship to investigate, and once I find anything suspicious, no matter how they are doing in the local area now, I will avenge Mingguang!"

After He Yizhong carefully explained again, He Yizhong's face gradually calmed down, and his eyes flickered coldly, "Then quickly check, even if it is an immigrant, as long as it is done by them, I want his whole family to be buried with him!"

After saying a word, He Yizhong suddenly said, "By the way, where did Ming Guang go and what did he do before he died?"

"I've checked. Before he was killed, he went to Yanhe County and picked up a female student who didn't want to go to school." He Yunguang also said immediately, but he was a little embarrassed when he spoke, "This female student was fucked by Ming Guang. According to Mr. Hui from Song Ju's family, Ming Guang also wanted to mess with that female student's mother."

Even though He Yunguang was well-informed, he was a little embarrassed to mention these things to his father, mainly because this matter was too damned, and his brother, a dead ghost, had never done anything serious.

But He Yizhong didn't change his face at all, he just looked up, "Is there anything suspicious about that family?"

"No, the man in that family is doing business in the south, and hired a few female college students. They don't come back often. The woman just opened a beauty shop in Yanhe County. She doesn't know anything about Mingguang, and there is no asset change. The little girl On the contrary, Mingguang coaxed him into bed with his charm." He Yunguang explained again, "After he went to Yanhe County that day, he had a meal with the mother and daughter at noon, and after the meal, Mingguang went to play in the bathing center opened by Yang's family in Yanhe. Once, but did not conflict with anyone, went back to pick up the little girl after leaving the bathing center, went to a hotel to get a room, did not conflict with anyone in the middle, and then came back, after returning, he took the girl The little girl was sent to school and killed on the way home."

The power of the He family is indeed huge, even the Yang family in Yanhe County can't stand up to them, so all the itineraries of He Mingguang on the day he was killed were easily checked.

But on that day, there was also nothing suspicious.

Before He Mingguang died, except for playing with women, he had no conflicts with others.

The current investigation is really deadlocked. It seems that the general direction is clear, but there is no real suspicious object.

"It doesn't look like it happened that day." He Yizhong also nodded slowly, but immediately said with a serious face after nodding, "No matter how cunning this killer is, he will always leave clues, and money can make ghosts pervert. I don't believe that he can't be dug out, let me know, the bounty will be increased to 00 million, and everything will be checked again. Also, if anyone can find out the real culprit, I, He Yizhong, will owe him a favor, idiot I will let him rise to the top, and I will promote him if he is a gangster, no matter what, I will dig him out!"


He Yunguang was startled when he said those words, and then he nodded immediately, knowing very clearly what his father's words would make the whole Qingyuan boil.

2000 million is enough to drive any ordinary person crazy. Whether it is a policeman or a gangster, who can stop the impact?And not to mention He Yizhong's favor, this favor is probably more attractive than the 2000 million.

That's right, even if it's an ordinary policeman, if He Yizhong wants to support him vigorously, it can at least make the other party's career brighter dozens of times. A case, coupled with the attention from above, can easily save the other party decades of struggle, as for the gangster?It's simpler, no matter how ordinary a gangster is, the He family can easily make him one of the best bigwigs in Qingyuan City if he wants to support him.

This seems to be more crazy than the 2000 million bounty.

And the fact is true, as soon as He Yunguang let out the words, Qingyuan, who was already boiling, became more and more enthusiastic. He had been chasing down the crowd for a few days without any gains, but now not only was he not tired at all, but all of them looked like I was as excited as a chicken blood, and those who had checked were re-checked, and those who hadn't been checked were searched more carefully and carefully by more people.

But it has to be said that no matter how carefully and meticulously the investigation was done, the countless moving figures really went in the wrong direction at the very beginning. No one knew it. Even if they were ten times busier, they would still find nothing.

And just when Qingyuan was boiling, a taxi slowly stopped on a clean and spacious street, and the real murderer stepped on the street of Qingyuan.

When the real murderer got out of the car, there were several figures from the left and right, far or near, all of a sudden, but after one glance, they quickly looked away and stopped paying attention.

And the murderer just glanced around, refreshed, and swaggered towards behind with a shoulder bag on his back.

"It's been three days. I killed that guy on Monday night. I didn't expect that after three days, and now it's Thursday, the idea appeared to give me a chance. This time it took so long, and the place where the idea was harvested was still clear. source."

Walking calmly on the street, Guo Zhengyang was in a good mood. What would be the secret that was plundered for the third time?Is it just an ordinary chance like the first time, or is it a shocking big chance like the second time?

When there is no real opportunity, this kind of longing and anticipation for the future is indeed enough to make people excited.


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