One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 42 1 painting

(ps: It’s Monday, the list has been changed, continue to support, please bookmark, please recommend, please don’t be sorry for the direction, be more violent!!)

"The downtown area is quite lively. It's strange that the chance is here."

Striding on the street, muttering to himself while walking, Guo Zhengyang did not only have expectations and longings for the opportunity he will encounter this time, but also doubts. The opportunity appeared three days after killing the target. The location was actually in the center of Qingyuan, a busy street in broad daylight.

The chance that such a place can appear?An hour ago, when he was in class, he suddenly sensed the fluctuation of his mind, and he skipped class and ran out. The further he walked, the more he felt as if he was going to stay away from the county. The road came all the way, just when passing a certain crossroad, the mind indicated that the goal had been reached.

this place...

some meaning.

Guided by his mind, Guo Zhengyang continued to walk for tens of meters before suddenly stomping his feet, and then there was a very strange look in his eyes.


The place guided by the mind has arrived, but this place is beside a trash can at the intersection?

Looking at the trash can in front of him, looking at the pedestrians waiting for the red light, or the traffic on the road, Guo Zhengyang's eyes became more and more strange.

No matter what Ren Shi thought before, he never thought that the final destination would be next to a trash can in Qingyuan City.

this intersection...

After glancing left and right, he realized that there was a striking architectural sign not far away, the Antique City.

"The first time the secret fell from the sky, maybe a monk was fighting and broke the storage ring and the contents fell directly in front of Yang Lulu. The second time was in the dirt on the side of the road. How long has it been there, maybe Xiaojie fell into a ditch and just picked it up because the robber was fleeing, but this time... this time it was next to a trash can on the street?"

After looking around strangely for a few times, Guo Zhengyang took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, took out one, lit it, and quietly began to wait.

If the opportunity has arrived and the secret that the target is about to obtain has already appeared, then the idea in his mind will directly lock on the opportunity. Now that the idea has no reminder, it means that the opportunity has not yet appeared, and he can only wait.

While waiting quietly, Guo Zhengyang hadn't finished his cigarette yet, the red light on the street turned green, and many pedestrians also started to walk towards the opposite side of the road.

"Fuck, a few dollars, damn it, it's not worth the travel expenses, it's too bad, I won't sell it to you J-merchants even if I throw it away." And at this moment, he suddenly made a trip from the direction of the Antique City. The figure, cursing, ran to the side of the road, crumpled up a roll of paper and threw it into the trash can, and then quickly rushed to the opposite side of the road while the red light was running.

However, because this guy ran in such a hurry, he didn't throw the ball of crumpled paper into the trash can accurately, but fell to the ground with a puff. Guo Zhengyang, who was on the ground, stepped forward suddenly, bent down and picked up the paper ball.

Then, Guo Zhengyang glanced at the back of the young man who had already walked to the middle of the road, his eyes were full of dumbfounding expressions.

This is the third chance he snatched?A crumpled and discarded piece of paper?

No, to be precise, this should be a painting.

After Guo Zhengyang retracted his gaze and stretched out the ball of paper, he realized that it was a figure painting on rice paper.

The color of this painting is a bit old, and it looks like it should have a certain age. It is about half a meter long and 20 centimeters wide. Against a clean background, there is a man in ancient costume standing with his hands behind his back, and this painting does not look like that. Good thing, at least even Guo Zhengyang, who doesn't have the slightest art skills, can see that the painting is very ordinary.

And then, gone...

This is the secret?nice one?

Although his thoughts were already saying that this was a good thing, Guo Zhengyang stared at the painting in his hand, and he even saw some damage to the scroll, that is, there were signs of being torn at the corners and the like.

Although these torn marks are not big, they are indeed rotten. After Guo Zhengyang experimented a little, he found that this is ordinary paper, and it can be torn if you tear it casually.

"Is there nothing left?"

With his eyes widened, Guo Zhengyang smoothed the calligraphy and painting carefully. Although he couldn't remove all the wrinkles of the calligraphy and painting, no matter how he stretched it, the drawing paper still looked crumpled, and a quick look at the contents of the painting was just a negative. The scene of the man in ancient costume standing with his hands looking up at the sky is not surprising at all.

And at this moment, the idea in his mind has disappeared, indicating that he has already got the opportunity.

Opening his mouth to spit out the cigarette butts in his mouth, Guo Zhengyang held the upper and lower sides of the scroll with both hands, and stretched the painting in front of him to look at it carefully. At the beginning, it was an ordinary picture scroll, but he read it more and more attentively. Getting more involved.

Until he looked at it, Guo Zhengyang suddenly turned pale, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of hot blood.

Following him, he suddenly reached out to close the scroll, and took a deep breath.


There were also sudden screams from one or two passers-by beside him. When Guo Zhengyang turned around abruptly to look, he bent over again before he could see what the screaming person looked like, opened his mouth and spewed out again. A mouthful of blood.

"what happened to you?"



The passerby who was staring at him not far away was almost sprayed with blood, and after hastily dodging, he let out another scream, but not far away, someone asked in shock.

"It's okay, thank you."

Guo Zhengyang straightened up while stroking his chest, waved at the kind-hearted man, turned around and left.

But while walking, his eyes were full of horror, such a strong sword energy!

This painting is actually full of fierce and overbearing murderous sword spirit. The people on the scroll, stroke by stroke, if an ordinary person looks at it, they may feel that the traces of the lines are vigorous and powerful, with a sharp brushstroke. That's all, but a master who really knows something will find that every line is full of fierce killing sword energy!That kind of artistic conception is like flying swords flying in circles, tearing apart the heaven and earth and piercing out.

It was that sword energy. Guo Zhengyang was attacked by the sword energy after looking at it, and was almost torn apart by the sword energy.

He just spit out two mouthfuls of blood, which is really a blessing, because he just started watching, and he was counterattacked by the sword energy just as he discovered the connotation of those strokes and lines. Draw the connotation of sword qi to kill!

But, but here comes the problem, this is just ordinary paper, a very ordinary piece of paper, so ordinary that any child can tear it apart, how can such a powerful sword energy be portrayed on such ordinary paper?

It's incredible!

If you look deeply, the sword energy that can directly kill him is embroidered and engraved in such an ordinary paper, which is much more difficult than using a scabbard made of paper to hold a sword that is as sharp as iron.

This painting, isn't it baby?

Guo Zhengyang is not sure for the time being, but he is absolutely sure that the person who painted this painting is a strong man beyond imagination. Such an incredible thing, even if he was a real person in his previous life, he is not capable of painting the fierce killing sword on on an ordinary piece of paper.

How much control does it need to be able to pour the sword energy full enough to kill into such a piece of paper without hurting the paper itself?


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