One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 421 You Are So Gorgeous

"Hong Ai? Let me think about it..."

"Thinking about it, I have been in the clan for more than 600 years. Although Senior Hong has not been in the clan for hundreds of years when he joined the clan, Senior Hong's name was often mentioned at that time. He is a great and perfect monk, but his achievements in alchemy are really amazing. Even if he has disappeared in the sect for hundreds of years, once he encounters some difficult alchemy problems, many of his classmates will mention Senior Hong. , although the old man has never met Senior Hong in his life, I guess Elder Wukong remembers and knows him, so I will invite Elder Wukong right away."


The appearance of the counterfeit Guo Zhengyang put a lot of pressure on Liaoyunzong. Even Baku Xiaomu, a late-stage immortal, can feel the pressure, but because Baku Xiaomu was shocked, the Xinghe ancestor sent Hong A The matter of sending his remains to Liaoyun Sect has also become easier.

It was Baku Xiaomu who killed the fake Guo Zhengyang, and when he was still thinking about it, the guardian disciple stepped forward to inform him, and Baku Xiaomu's expression became strange after hearing the words.

Although he had never met Hong Ai, he had heard of that person back then, and after inviting the ancestor of Xinghe to go up the mountain, he quickly left the two of them behind and went to the depths of the mountain gate to invite the third member of the Liaoyun Sect. Jie Sanxian.

And the guarding disciple was accompanying Patriarch Xinghe in the main hall of the mountain gate.

Ancestor Xinghe also took out Hong Ai's remains, and the result shocked the guarding disciple. After all, the monks who have been dead for so long are not physical cultivation, but spiritual cultivation. Thousands of years later It seemed that this senior Hong Ai was still lifelike, he looked like a person who had fallen asleep, with such a strange appearance, he was so shocked that he was dumbfounded.

And from this we can also see how exquisite that senior Hong Ai's alchemy attainments are.

"According to the last words left by Senior Hong, although he had refined a life-prolonging elixir back then, which increased his lifespan for more than a hundred years, he still hadn't made a breakthrough after more than a hundred years, so he went to the scattered pill again. Exploring the secrets of the Immortal Remains Mansion. As a result,..." Xinghe Patriarch also explained Hong Ai's past with a smile.

The guarding disciple who heard the words was terrified. The life-prolonging medicine is a peak in the way of alchemy, and unless it is a master of alchemy, it will not be able to refine it.

And after a person has taken life-prolonging elixir once, taking this kind of elixir has almost no effect, even the general alchemy masters cannot prolong their own life many times in the same realm.This senior Hong?It turned out that he missed the restriction when he was preparing to extend his life for the second time, this news.But it's scary! !


Just as the Xinghe Patriarch was explaining, two figures also came from outside the hall. The first female cultivator, the moment she first stepped into the hall, instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

The female nun who came here looked like she was in her 30s, with black hair and black eyes. Although there were some signs of aging on her fair oval face, those marks left behind a mature and provocative sexy. There are about 1.7 meters five.Hidden under a white dress, the ancestor Xinghe seemed to see a round of pure and bright moon rising from the distance at the moment when he first saw it, and that kind of pure and ethereal with a touch of holiness made him feel His heart almost beat faster, he was dizzy looking, and even faintly felt ashamed.The one who came from afar is definitely the goddess of the moon night, she is still a familiar sexy goddess, but she is full of dignified and holy nobility, making people take a second look, and can't help but want to blame themselves for desecrating the fairy.

But at this moment, this pure and beautiful young woman with a hint of mature charm has a pretty face full of shame and anger.It was also when she saw that the three people in the hall did not have Baku Xiaomu, she froze for a moment, and let out a light sigh.

"Feng Yangbo pays his respects to Uncle Qing and Uncle Yang."

Following Qinghe, the guarding cultivator who accompanied the Xinghe Patriarch also immediately saluted the two of them respectfully. When saluting, this one looked at the two people in front of him with a very strange expression.

Fairy Wuchen was young at the beginning of Qing Dynasty.She is really the goddess in the minds of countless male monks of the Liaoyun Sect, and this person is not only a direct disciple of Baku Xiaomu, but also has reached the peak of Hedao. Yu Xing's area has stunned countless human monks, and later with the deepening of his cultivation and the growth of age, although Xiao Yan has rarely shown himself in front of outsiders in the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and his statement has gradually decreased, he is still confused in the Liaoyun Sect. Countless male disciples wished to see this stunning uncle more in their dreams.

In the sect, there are naturally countless people who are envious and jealous of Uncle Yang who can become a Taoist couple with Uncle Qing to the limit!

But now this Uncle Qing is being targeted by that immortal bitch?This...Thinking about it, Feng Yangbo not only has a sense of humiliation and anger in his heart, but also a little bit of envy. If he can really take away the stunning beauty of Master Qing and make a fool of himself, it will be worth dying for. Yes.

"Feng Yangbo? Are you a disciple of Master Mingge? Where's the master?" It was also after Feng Yangbo's visit that Qing Shi Xiaoyan frowned, and looked back and forth between Xinghe Patriarch and Hong Ai suspiciously.

That's all for Xinghe Patriarch, he took a look at her and then looked away.

But Hong Ai... Xiaoyan at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty wrinkled and charming, "Who is this? Since he came to the main hall of my Liaoyun Sect, he is still sleeping soundly?"


In a word, Feng Yangbo almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but he immediately explained respectfully, "Returning to Master Qing, this is a senior of my Liaoyun Sect more than 2000 years ago. In fact, this senior was born more than 2000 years ago He has already passed away, but he is good at alchemy and swallowed an elixir to maintain the appearance of the corpse, so..."

Qingshi Xiaoyan was suddenly dumbfounded, staring at Hong Ai's remains in a daze, and blushing when he saw it.

However, this slightly stunned, yet pretty blushing figure made the goddess under the moon even more alluring, making Feng Yangbo and Xinghe Patriarch lose their minds.

Elder Yang, who was still behind Qingshi Xiaoyan, coughed softly, and the two of them woke up immediately, and then turned their eyes away.

Afterwards, the ancestor of Xinghe undoubtedly began to explain his origin and intentions to several people again, as well as some things related to Hong Ai.

During the explanation, Qingshi Xiaoyan listened to the same eyes as Elder Yang, and couldn't help clapping a few times in admiration. The main reason is that the ancestor of Xinghe was also explaining, and he took out some wonderful medicines for several people. Knowledge effect.

Undoubtedly, thousands of years ago, by relying on the way of alchemy, many monks in the sect's Dao period bowed down and begged to make alchemy. Senior Hong's attainments in the way of alchemy are really amazing now.

Because of this incident, Qingshi and Xiaoyan almost forgot the original reason for their visit.

until a few hours later...

Following a figure quickly escaping to the hall, when reporting some situation, Xiao Yancai in the Qing Dynasty became furious again.

"Kill all those people away, you are sincerely looking at the jokes of my Liaoyun Sect, and those female cultivators, you really have no shame..." The new monk is another Liaoyun Sect's transformation stage. After Feng Yangbo left the foot of the mountain, this was the one who guarded him.

And what he came to report was that after a while, a group of monks gathered outside the gate of the Liaoyun Sect, who seemed to be waiting to see the excitement.

There was even a female cultivator who wanted to join the Liaoyun Sect.

Well, the female cultivator said that she was humiliated by "Guo Zhengyang" before, and she learned that he might appear in Liaoyun Sect in the past few days, and then she wanted to enter the sect and wait for it, and she wanted to kill the mortal enemy.

It's just that the female cultivator's reputation is not very good, she is already suspected by many people, she is too happy to be played by "Guo Zhengyang", and she wants to continue to be one of the favored female cultivators.

The reason for the suspicion is that once after "Guo Zhengyang" appeared in a certain place, she rushed over, but when she really saw that person, when she saw "Guo Zhengyang" himself, she forgot to do it after just a few words, and was instead "Guo Zhengyang" was embraced in his arms, and after a few breaths, he let go of his resistance. The two sides had a passionate wet kiss. It wasn't until "Guo Zhengyang" was killed that the female cultivator woke up from the bewilderment and ran away in shame and anger. .

It was also that time that she parted ways with her original Taoist partner, because that time was witnessed by many people.

There is also a gossip that said that the female cultivator was originally at the peak of the middle stage of the Dao, but was kidnapped by "Guo Zhengyang" once, and after being sent back, she broke through and was already in the late stage of the Dao.

It's also the same thing that made countless people suspect that the No. [-] slut who caused a sensation in the safe zone is not just a bit or two of being good at dual cultivation.

In a fit of rage, he issued a death order to the guarding monk, and the guarding monk naturally accepted the order respectfully and apprehensively, even when he had just left the hall or just walked to the door.

There was a series of exclamations in the hall.


"Little thief, how dare you?!"



When the guarding monk turned his head in shock, what he saw was a sunny and handsome young man, holding Qingshi Xiaoyan's towering milk with one hand, and pressing Qingshi Xiaoyan's buttocks with the other, kneading it fiercely.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Xiaoyan was completely frightened, but Elder Yang who was behind him saw his eyes tearing apart, and rushed to the front with an angry roar.

Ze Xinghe Patriarch was once again dumbfounded.

As for Feng Yangbo, his eyes were tearing apart, and there was even deep envy in his eyes. It was an expression of wishing he could not replace it.

The goddess, the goddess of the entire Liaoyun sect, the goddess who is elegant, sacred, charming, and sexy, was insulted by that notorious bitch who could fly thousands of miles against the wind in front of all the monks.


It wasn't until a pair of big evil hands kneaded fiercely again, and Elder Yang pounced forward desperately, that handsome young man disappeared in an instant, and disappeared completely. This is the Void Escape Technique.

His people disappeared, but laughter began to flood the hall.

Accompanied by the laughter and Xiaoyan's screams of shock and anger at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, in the incomparable shock and anger, the goddess propped up a protective luster on the outside of the skirt, and released a strange silk thread, cutting towards the entire hall, and The temple building was cut into countless pieces in an instant and collapsed.

"Junior Brother Guo, you are so beautiful!!" Patriarch Xinghe also fled desperately during Xiaoyan's fury at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, but during his escape, he also strangely transmitted his voice to the colorful carp demon on his shoulder.

The colorful carp demon responded with a flick of its tail, and the void was filled with crackling sounds. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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