One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 422 3 Tribulation Loose Immortals

(ps: Please ask for the next monthly ticket, I have reached the top [-] in the list, I am in tears~)

Inside the main hall of the Liaoyun Sect's mountain gate, murderous intentions were boiling and chaos abounded.

Fleeing for his life, screaming angrily, the Qingshi Xiaoyan in the middle of the ** even controlled thousands of thin threads to cut the entire hall and collapsed.

But in the midst of the chaos, a terrifying force suddenly appeared in the hall. In the next moment, everyone and everything, as if they had been hit by a freeze spell, froze on the spot and maintained their last breathing movement. It's hard to do anything anymore, even those stone beams that were cut into pieces and fell in mid-air to build the temple, etc., also stopped the falling trend, and were strangely fixed in the void.

When this huge force was added to his body, the ancestor Xinghe was flying away, while looking at the colorful carp monster on his left shoulder with a wry smile, and the colorful carp monster was also flicking its tail, and the void beside it was crackling. There was a series of ripples, and at this time, both the ancestor Xinghe and the colorful carp demon maintained this weird movement, like a silent picture.

There was even a piece of falling rubble above the heads of the two of them, and a collapsed stone pillar on the left was leaning towards the two of them, but everything was fixed there strangely.

There was no more movement.

Not just human beings, the ancestor Xinghe could feel that his originally galloping cultivation had been frozen, and the only thing that could move was his thoughts.

And Guo Zhengyang, who turned into a colorful carp demon, is similar, the only thing that can move is his brain.

Just when the eyes of the two were facing each other and looking at each other, two figures Shi Shiran came from outside the hall. They couldn't see them, but they could hear the random footsteps.

"Uncle Grand Master, that little thief..."

Along with the sound of footsteps, there was a familiar voice, which was Baku Xiaomu's voice.

"One step too late, I fled far away." A few breaths later, another voice rang out, and with the words, Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang, who were originally set to be immobilized by the picture scroll, trembled suddenly and regained consciousness.

However, what surprised the two of them after recovering their body was that only a few monks in the entire hall recovered their bodies, and the other temple buildings that were collapsing were still fixed in the air.

After Guo Zhengyang and the others turned around, they immediately saw the other Liaoyunzong monks who had recovered their body salute to an old man in white robes. Not only was the old man's robes white, but his hair and beard were also completely naked. Only the ruddy cheeks seemed to be full of vitality, and the kind-looking old man's eyes fell directly on the palace at this moment, and was being hit by a piece of gravel on the top of his head, and the smashed scalp was somewhat cracked on Hong'ai's bones.

In fact, Hong Ai's bones are more than just a broken scalp. His whole body was cut into pieces by countless silk threads. It was only because he was cut into pieces a few breaths ago, and then he was immobilized by sexual force, that he could not completely collapse. .

Looking at Hong Ai's corpse, the eyes of the white-haired old man were full of surprise and nostalgia, but besides that, there was also a trace of regret and loss.

"Uncle Master, I... I didn't mean to..."

During the serious attention of the white-haired old man, Qingshi Xiaoyan, who had saluted on one side, blushed and apologized nervously.

The white-haired old man waved his hand, not intending to blame him, but then turned his attention to Patriarch Xinghe, "Your Excellency is the fellow Daoist Wu who sent back Senior Brother Hong's remains?"

In a word, there was a panting sound immediately in the hall. Although many people knew that Hong Ai was the senior of Liaoyun Sect, they didn't expect it to be the senior brother of the supreme ancestor of Liaoyun Sect in front of them.

"Wu Kongping was greatly favored by Senior Brother Hong back then, but later Senior Brother went to the mansion of Sanxian to explore the secrets, and never came back. Every time I think of..." When a group of people gasped in shock, the white-haired old man let out a sudden sigh , while speaking with emotion, he bowed to Patriarch Xinghe before saying a few words, and fell to the ground with a bow, "In this life, I am lucky to be able to see Senior Brother Hong's face again, fellow Daoist, you have a heart."

"Don't dare, the ancestor is too polite." The ancestor Xinghe really couldn't bear the gift of a Sanjie Sanxian, and said sincerely while hurriedly returning the gift, "I am lucky to have the inheritance of Senior Hong. It can barely be regarded as Senior Hong's wife, fulfilling his old man's last wish is really his duty."

The great gift of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals is indeed a bit unbearable, at least the Xinghe Patriarch feels so.

And Sanjie Sanxian can also be called a real fairy.

The special group of loose immortals is extremely rare. Let's put it this way, if 100 immortals are able to overcome the catastrophe, at most ten people will successfully ascend, and the other ten people will perish, and among the 100 people, there may not be one Turn to Sanxian.

Wanting to become a Loose Immortal is indeed more difficult than successfully crossing the tribulation and ascending.

Because when you are going through the catastrophe, if you can't make it through, your soul will be scattered, and you will die completely. .

In that case it's either dead or promoted.

The existence of Sanxian is definitely a very unique special case. It can only hope to appear if the chance is so strange that it becomes a half-dead existence. This probability is really much smaller than that of Feisheng.

It can be said that almost every Sanxian suffered from bad luck for [-] lifetimes. They survived, but failed to ascend due to some strange reasons.And no matter what the reason was, for those Sanxians, tears would fill their faces as soon as they thought about it.

However, the probability of Loose Immortals appearing is low, and it is even rarer for those who want to become Loose Immortals of more than three calamities.

The strength of the Sanxian who has just converted to cultivation is actually very low, and the low level can only be compared with that of the Taoist period. The Sanxian Tribulation lasts a thousand years, and this millennium still refers to the Earth Year. Kalpa, and before the first kalpa, this kind of Loose Immortal is a Loose Immortal of one kalpa.

The first calamity of the Loose Immortal cultivation base is at most comparable to the peak of the Dao stage, but fortunately, the first calamity of the Loose Immortal is far less terrible than the Ascension Calamity, so the first calamity of the Loose Immortal who transferred to cultivation is basically easy to pass.

It's just that the danger is greater in the second catastrophe. The second catastrophe's strength is at most comparable to the peak of the longevity realm, but the second catastrophe is far more terrifying than the ascension catastrophe.

You became a Loose Immortal back then because you were half-dead under the Ascension Tribulation for weird reasons, and now your strength has recovered to the same level as before at most, but you have to face the Loose Immortal Tribulation that is more terrifying than the Ascension Tribulation, the result?

Of the ten loose immortals, at least nine must die in the second catastrophe.

That is to say, one hundred immortals may not have one Loose Immortal, and ten Loose Immortals may not have one who can survive the second calamity.

Therefore, any Loose Immortal above the Second Tribulation is extremely rare, but it is also a powerful and terrifying existence, because once you pass the Second Tribulation and become a Loose Immortal of the Third Tribulation, you will usher in a qualitative transformation. How much has Sanxian's spiritual sea expanded, and how many times can Sanxian accumulate the cultivation base of a long-lived monk, but after the second calamity, what Sanxian needs is no longer spiritual knowledge, but fairy power.

Absorb spiritual energy and transform it into immortal power.

This is already a power that completely transcends the entire starry sky.

Wu Kongping in front of him is the Three Tribulations Sanxian!

For such a guy, not to mention that Xinghe Patriarch can compare with him, even Baku Xiaomu is probably just a child's play in front of him.

In today's Fierce Martian Realm, among all the remaining powerhouses, there are hundreds of immortal-level people from all races, but there are only three Sanxians! !

Among the three Loose Immortals, one is the Second Tribulation Loose Immortal, which is actually similar to ordinary immortals, and the probability of him surviving the Second Tribulation is also not high.

There are two Sanjie Sanxians, one is Wu Kongping, and the other is a metal clan monk.

So this one in front of him is actually the top deterrent force in the entire Fiery Martian Domain.

However, the Sanxian is also very hard, the Sanxian calamity is more terrifying than the first calamity, only you can ascend again after the ninth calamity, but let alone the ninth calamity, four or five calamities, search the entire chaotic galaxy, There may not be many of them.

Don't say anything else, can you absorb aura** into immortal power** in the mortal world, can you be efficient?But no matter how low the efficiency is, once the millennium comes, the catastrophe will come.

Therefore, every Sanxian actually has an unspeakable history of blood and tears. He clearly passed the Heavenly Tribulation, but failed to ascend, and has to be oppressed by the Sanxian Tribulation, how hard it is.

Even if Wu Kongping has reached the level of Sanjie Sanxian, and the power he has cultivated has surpassed the entire mortal world, he still can't retreat in peacetime, and he is desperate for help, because there is always a catastrophe hanging above his head. .

"Senior Brother Hong's alchemy achievement, how many points have you scored?" In the ancestor Xinghe's return, Wu Kong Pingcai who was not far away also stood up with a smile, looking curiously.

Patriarch Xinghe was stunned, but he was stunned for a moment, and said awkwardly, "It's about **."

In fact, he is considered to be the true biography of Hong Ai, not necessarily worse than Hong Ai, five or six hundred years of intensive research, and his own talent is also extremely outstanding. up.

It's just that he was too embarrassed to speak out.

"Okay! Okay!" Wu Kongping's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said yes twice, but then his face changed, and he gave Xinghe Patriarch a strange look, and then he sighed. "Since you have all of Senior Brother Hong's inheritance, then this old man also has a word for you. If you can use the Death Pill, it's best not to use it."

Patriarch Xinghe was shocked again, and when he was about to say something, Wu Kongping's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned to look at Qingshi Xiaoyan who was 20 meters away from him.

When his eyes fell, Xiao Yan was startled at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, but a strange laugh sounded behind him.


The word Ha suddenly broke, and the figure of "Guo Zhengyang" suddenly appeared, but it was already almost attached to Qingshi Xiaoyan's body, but at this moment, he was like an ink painting, unable to move at all.

"Little thief!"

"This god damned, dare to act presumptuously in front of Master Uncle!"


The next moment, the hall became chaotic again, amidst the roar of angry shouts, Qingshi Xiaoyan blushed and screamed and drifted several meters away, grabbing a handful of transparent filaments in the process and trying to "Guo Zhengyang" was dismembered.

"Slow down." It was Wu Kongping's words that stopped the cursing crowd.

When the main hall returned to calm, Wu Kongping's gaze also fell on "Guo Zhengyang". He glanced at him dumbfounded, then shook his head and said, "You are very courageous, but with the old man here, you will never even think about dying tens of millions of times." If you succeed, how about this, before Yang Xinghe coveted the treasure you harbored and joined forces with Feng Wuyi to attack and kill you, it was my Liaoyun Sect's fault, but you also..., why don't we just make peace?"

Wu Kongping didn't elaborate on "you too", but the meaning is self-evident. You also made the Liaoyun Sect go crazy, and insulted the most outstanding daughter of the Liaoyun Sect in front of them. **.

Liaoyunzong can bear losing such an adult, as long as he is willing to make peace, everyone will not offend each other in the future.

Although if this is really the case, the Liaoyun Sect will be ashamed, and the Three Tribulations Scattered Immortals will sit in the town, and the Immortal Family will become a figure. Such a sect will be beaten up and desecrated by one of the most respected women, and they will hold their noses Take the initiative to seek peace?This is definitely a complete embarrassment, but facing such a scumbag, even a Sanxian like Wu Kongping, he is a bit overwhelmed.

Even if he already has the magic power of the immortal family, he can completely ignore "Guo Zhengyang", but he can't protect Qingshi Xiaoyan all the time, how can he have that leisure time.

After finishing a questioning sentence, when Wu Kongping looked at "Guo Zhengyang" again, although the fake guy couldn't move his body, his eyeballs and throat had already come to life. He sighed helplessly, "The Three Tribulations Loose Immortals are indeed very different from the Immortal Realm." (To be continued.)

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