One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 423 That bitch's capital is really rich! !

"Three Tribulations Loose Immortals are indeed very different from the Immortal Realm."

With a strange sigh, the counterfeit tone seemed to want to agree with Wu Kongping's reconciliation. In a word, Wu Kongping's expression did not change, but a trace of anxiety flashed across Qingshi Xiaoyanqiao's face. Could it be that? up?She was...but the next moment "Guo Zhengyang" smiled again, glanced at Wu Kongping, and said, "Three thousand worlds."

Wu Kongping, who was originally calm, suddenly disappeared in the local area.

And "Guo Zhengyang" also suddenly came alive, not only him, but the chaotic and smashed palace buildings that had been fixed all the time, smashed down with a bang. The dismembered body was broken into countless pieces, but Hong Ai, whose body was fixed so as not to shatter, also slammed into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

All of this was settled by Wu Kongping, so once he disappeared, the power of spells would naturally cease to exist.

"Haha, even if you are a Sanxian, what's the matter...isn't it!"

At the moment when the chaos appeared, other people were stunned and dumbfounded, but the fake Guo Zhengyang laughed, but the laughter stopped abruptly in the middle of the sound, and then "Guo Zhengyang" disappeared with a strange scream.

As soon as he disappeared, the void where Wu Kongping was before shattered like a mirror, and Wu Kongping's figure appeared again.

"Uncle Grand Master?"

"I underestimated him. He actually used a space-type supreme spiritual object second only to the innate spirit treasure to evolve three thousand worlds. If it wasn't for his reluctance to damage the treasure too much, I wouldn't have come out so soon. "


After Wu Kongping reappeared, his complexion was a little pale, and his breath was a little chaotic. Baku's little eyes were shocked, but Wu Kongping opened his mouth angrily.

In a word, everyone present was shocked again.

Everyone understands how precious the treasure that is second only to the Xiantian Lingbao is.

"Evolving three thousand worlds, I only broke through more than a dozen world barriers in one breath. If he is willing to spend all his money, I'm afraid it will take me a while to figure it out." Wu Kongping spoke again, although the breath in the opening had already Gradually stabilized, but these words caused Baku Xiaomu and the others to change their expressions suddenly.

Even Sanjie Sanxian is like this, so what if that **** uses those three thousand worlds to deal with them?I'm afraid even Baku Xiaomu will be trapped for a long time.

"Three thousand world!"

Just as everyone's expressions changed, another strange cry sounded from not far away.

Accompanied by the strange cry, both Wu Kongping and Baku Xiaomu's expressions changed suddenly, and then they both disappeared at the same time.

"Beauty, for you, I gave up a treasure, so please follow me." The two most powerful men disappeared, and "Guo Zhengyang" appeared with a distressed face. Incessantly, "Guo Zhengyang" opened his mouth to spit again.

Yang Xinghe, Qingshi Xiaoyan, Feng Yangbo, Xinghe Patriarch and others all disappeared in an instant.

In the main hall, there was an incomparably carefree laugh.

A moment later, there was a whirring sound.

In the area that was originally empty, a transparent water droplet popped out suddenly, the water droplet kept growing, inside the water droplet, Yang Xinghecai, with an extremely gloomy face, suddenly grasped a magic weapon, broke the water droplet and escaped.

But after escaping, he was devastated.

It was after Yang Xinghe escaped that there was another explosion in the hall.

Wu Kongping and Baku Xiaomu also appeared separately, and Wu Kongping who showed his figure was still holding a lot of strange flowers in his palm, but the flowers were already broken at this moment.

"Uncle Master!" Yang Xinghe suddenly knelt down to Wu Kongping with tears in his voice.

Wu Kongping sighed, stretched out his hand, and two swollen water droplets appeared beside him, and the figures of Xinghe Patriarch and Feng Yangbo inside gradually became clear.

"It's another treasure second only to the Xiantian Lingbao. This guy is really willing!"

The number of congenital spiritual treasures under the entire starry sky is limited. They are born from the collection of countless mysteries from the beginning of the universe. Not to mention the Liaoyun Sect, even the entire Fierce Martian Domain may not have one.

That kind of treasure is outrageously rare.

And those supreme spiritual things that are second only to Xiantian Lingbao, although their efficacy and power are less powerful than Xiantian Lingbao, they definitely have magical effects that surpass the world. These things are much more than Xiantian Lingbao, but according to Wu Kong As far as Ping knows, there are only a few dozen in the entire Fierce Fire Region, and their Liaoyun Sect only has one.

Who would have thought that in order to rob Qingshi Xiaoyan, that shameless fellow used two pieces at a time, one was used to trap Wu Kongping, and the other was used to rob Qingshi Xiaoyan.

Even the Three Thousand Worlds used to deal with Wu Kongping was completely shattered by Wu Kongping, and the other party didn't even care? ?

Just give up like this?

It really is that sentence, that guy is really willing to give up Xiaoyan for the sake of Qingshi!

At this moment, Wu Kongping was just full of emotion, the capital of that **** is really strong! !

"Master, please save Junior Sister Qing." Amidst Wu Kongping's emotion, Yang Xinghecai suddenly looked at Baku Xiaomu again, and when Baku Xiaomu's face turned green, Wu Kongping waved Xinghe Lao Zu and Feng Yangbo were released from the water drop.

He could feel that the Three Thousand Worlds that "Guo Zhengyang" used to deal with them had to use all his strength to trap the two of them for a few minutes. Well, the key is to have Wu Kongping present to break open so quickly, otherwise if only Baku Xiaomu fell in, even if he was at the late stage of immortality, it would be difficult for him to get out within a few hours.

However, the supreme spiritual object that "Guo Zhengyang" used to deal with Yang Xinghe, Xinghe Patriarch and others, probably [-]% of his strength fell on Qingshi Xiaoyan, and Qingshi Xiaoyan would be taken away. Yang Xinghe Only then can he get out of trouble faster than him.

"Don't worry, I've put a forbidden spell on Xiao Yan, he won't be able to escape far." Wu Kongping waved his hand after releasing Xinghe Patriarch and others, first stopped Yang Xinghe's crying, and then looked at him in surprise Patriarch Xiang Xinghe, "Fellow Daoist Wu, where is your monster?"

"Er..." The Xinghe ancestor was stunned, looked around, but looked confused, yes, where is Guo Zhengyang?

Could it be that he was also taken away by counterfeit goods?

"Could it be that the monster was also captured by that guy? What mysterious ability does it have? Is it worth his hands?" Wu Kongping looked at Patriarch Xinghe strangely again, and then smiled, "Forget it, I have to go out anyway. Let’s go, Baku, you are here to treat fellow Daoist Wu well, and I’ll come back as soon as I go.”

After laughing, Wu Kongping disappeared instantly.

It was also after disappearing in front of people that Wu Kongping's eyes flashed a trace of fire and anger, but fire was greater than anger.

He had indeed cast the secret tracking technique on Xiaoyan in the early Qing Dynasty. No matter where "Guo Zhengyang" took her to escape, he might not be able to escape his induction. Even now he can clearly sense the other party's location.

But he has no intention of catching up directly.

Because everything before was actually done by Wu Kongping on purpose.

Compared with the secret of immortality, the ** of a woman in the sect?Is there a comparable last name?Even if Xiaoyan in the early Qing Dynasty was played to death by "Guo Zhengyang", if he could find out the secret of the other party's immortality, and he could also have this ability, then her death would be a well-deserved death.

Everything just now was basically an illusion, only the thought of lamenting that the guy's capital is really strong is true.

If you don't really step into the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals, you really don't understand how amazing it is when the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals explode with all their strength.

Therefore, the anger in Wu Kongping's eyes was not that he was angry that "Guo Zhengyang" had captured Qingshi Xiaoyan in front of him, but that he was angry that he had so many treasures.


"This guy is really shameless to the extreme. Not only is he shameless, but he is also so courageous. Even the Three Tribulations Sanxian is ruthless enough, but he turned into me. It seems that I will not be ashamed in the future." The method has appeared in the Fierce Martian Realm with its true colors, unless we can find this guy's real body and get rid of him."

At the same time, outside the planet where the Liaoyun Sect's mountain gate is located, a figure suddenly appeared in the void, and then disappeared again.

During the escape, "Guo Zhengyang" was smiling all over his face, holding a water droplet in his hand, inside the water droplet, Qingshi Xiaoyan was attacking left and right with frightened body control magic weapons.

But no one knew that Qingshi Xiaoyan's magic weapon was no longer the magic weapon she used at the beginning, and no one knew that there was another figure attached to that magic weapon.

The crooked gourd's basic function can upgrade any man-made artifact to a higher level, but that's just the basic function. In addition, it has another wonderful function, that is, it can be transformed into any kind of magic weapon.

For example, the thousands of filaments in Xiaoyan's hand at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty are treasures refined by her, and they can be manipulated at will in a single thought, but at this moment, the real body of the thousands of filaments has already been swallowed by the gourd. What is under her control at the moment is the thousands of filaments that have evolved from crooked gourds.

The whole process was so silent that even Qingshi Xiaoyan, the owner of the magic weapon, hadn't noticed that her magic weapon was replaced by the crooked gourd.

As long as Guo Zhengyang is willing, he can control this treasure with a single thought, and turn back Qingshi Xiaoyan.

Of course, this function that can evolve any magic weapon is not mainly used to replace other people's magic weapons without knowing it.

But Guo Zhengyang is willing, crooked gourds can be changed in ever-changing ways, and one treasure can be used as countless treasures.

For example, if you are envious of the Three Thousand Worlds in the hands of counterfeiters, crooked gourds can evolve into Three Thousand Worlds, and using the Innate Lingbao itself to exert the power of the Three Thousand Worlds is definitely more powerful than the real Three Thousand Worlds.

To put it simply, crooked gourds cannot be changed except for other innate spiritual treasures, and can become any magic weapon or acquired spiritual treasure, which can have the effect of the magic weapon, and can greatly increase its power.

At this moment, Guo Zhengyang is escaping into the Fire Mansion, shrinking the Fire Mansion to the limit, and attaching to the twisted gourd's evolutionary filaments.

After all, crooked gourds can only evolve magic weapons, but there is no way to make monks change too.

His intention at the moment is to follow Qingshi Xiaoyan and this impostor, and follow him thoroughly to find out where the immortal old monster is hiding.

As for how Guo Zhengyang did all of this, was he replaced unconsciously?Of course it was the moment when Wu Kongping was trapped.Otherwise, in front of a Sanxian, he wouldn't be able to avoid any flaws.

But without Sanxian's induction, things would be easy to handle. Wan Yaopu turned into the colorful carp demon, which gave him the ability of the colorful carp demon. The most terrifying ability of the colorful carp demon is to hide.

Once a colorful carp monster in the spirit-gathering period is invisible, it is difficult for real Taoist monarchs to find it. Guo Zhengyang stimulates the hidden magic of the colorful carp monster with a strength comparable to the peak of the early stage of the Dao. Naturally it is simple.

As for the collision and excitement between the congenital treasures?That's not a problem, because the crooked gourd does not appear in its own form now, but in the form of filaments. At this moment, its camouflage has reached its limit. When meeting other innate spirit treasures, as long as the breath is not stronger than it, it will be fine. If you can't see through this illusion, there will be no such thing as excitement.

Otherwise, as soon as the counterfeit appeared in the main hall of the Liaoyun Sect, they might have discovered that something was wrong.

At that time, the crooked gourd evolved into a flying sword model, which was swallowed by Guo Zhengyang and hid, and then directly turned into filaments, becoming Qingshi Xiaoyan's magic weapon. The whole process did not reveal its true colors. (To be continued.)

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