One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 429 We are all good friends

"Who did she find? It doesn't matter who she finds... If she really wants to blackmail me with them, she will have to try her best." Provoked by the impostor's wild laughter, Guo Zhengyang gritted his teeth with a gloomy face. Finally ready to fight her thoroughly.

No, the battle has been stalemate for several months. Although Guo Zhengyang has used a lot of cards, so far, there are still two cards that have not been moved.

The first one is the demon worm.

The Yinxu Mother Beast No. [-] that I plundered from that unknown life is the most terrifying existence capable of breeding monsters at the peak of the Dao. If this hole card is really used, it is estimated that no matter how many and powerful counterfeit treasures are, they will have to flee for their lives in embarrassment.

But this one can't be moved at will, because that guy is too good at the power of space, even if he is besieged by demon insects, Guo Zhengyang is not sure that he can kill him, especially this is just a clone of the other party.

So if the demon worm moves, even if the current predicament is temporarily resolved, it will be an even more embarrassing situation waiting for him in the future. Right now, the entire Fierce Martian Domain is infested with insects. If the news gets out, I am afraid that all the great powers in the star field will join forces to embarrass Guo Zhengyang.

This can't be moved casually, but in addition, he has another big hole card, which is to use the prohibition to mobilize the power of the planet in the Huofu. Dongfu, it is still a planet in essence, as long as the life force of this planet can be fully mobilized.

Think back to when Guo Zhengyang mobilized the life force of a dead planet when he was at the stage of transforming gods, he could kill seven or eight members of the Dao stage who fled in embarrassment. With the power of life, it is definitely not difficult to kill counterfeit goods.

He hadn't thought about this before, just because once he mobilized the life force of a planet, the Fire Mansion might be shrunk several times. For example, the Kutan Star in the past was only a short battle away.After Guo Zhengyang urged the life force of the planet, the volume of the planet shrank by a large circle.

And Huo Mansion is his cave mansion, Guo Zhengyang really doesn't want to do that unless it is absolutely necessary.

but now……

"Haha, what a beautiful beauty, huh? So irritable..."

Just when Guo Zhengyang manipulated the restraint to penetrate the spiritual consciousness into the ground, a figure smiled strangely and rushed out of the ground again.

Since he escaped.There were also several figures chasing after him from behind, and it was Liu Xia.There is also a group of senior brothers from Guo Zhengyang in the Upper Boundary Mountain, and there is no need to explain it now. The ones who were discovered by that counterfeit are undoubtedly the Lingshi Mansion and Liu Xia.

And after escaping from the surface, Liu Xia closed his eyes even more, raised his hand and slashed into the void, with a bang, thousands of miles away, the counterfeit screamed strangely and jumped up, and there was a piece of space behind him.It was also directly chopped to pieces by the sharp knife energy.

"Sword Intent, this is Dacheng, even close to the perfect Sword Intent? Hiss..."

"No, no, little thief, you have comprehended the Dacheng Sword Intent, and this beauty has also comprehended the Dacheng Sword Intent. And... ah, ah, this is unreasonable, how could it be possible that everyone in your group is Feeling some kind of will of heaven and earth? What's going on, what's going on here?"


Almost cut his upper body by the knife intent.Although the counterfeit made some weird screams at the beginning, she was taken aback for a while, and walked hundreds of meters away from Liu Xia and others, staring at Liu Xia and Li, Du, Mu and others. The cultivator from the Earth Transformation Stage was really shocked and dumbfounded.

This is not surprising, how difficult is the will of heaven and earth to comprehend?In places other than Lingwu Continent, there are millions of monks on a planet.There may not be a few who can comprehend a certain superficial will of the world.

For a large sect like the Liaoyun Sect, Baku Xiaomu and the Sanxian in the sect didn't understand the will of heaven and earth. In the entire Liaoyun Sect, only a previously unknown cultivator at the stage of transformation The will of heaven and earth.

And how big is the Liaoyun Sect?The total number of big monks there is much more than all the big monks in Lingwu Continent combined.

All the monks in the entire human race in the safe zone can comprehend the will of heaven and earth, in fact, there are only a few dozen, but what is the total population of the human race?

So I suddenly found that I had provoked a group of people from the depths of the ground. As a result, there were six people here, and all six of them had comprehended the will of heaven and earth. But two?

This kind of thing really shocked the counterfeit and almost vomited blood.

This is not reasonable!

"Could it be that you have some means to allow people to easily comprehend the will of heaven and earth? Otherwise, why would there be so many..." After being dumbfounded, when the real Guo Zhengyang also escaped to the side of Liu Xia and the others, the counterfeit also opened his mouth dumbfounded again , the naked coveting and coveting in those eyes can hardly be concealed.

Although she also comprehended the will of heaven and earth by chance, or the will of space, and even comprehended the will of space to the stage of Dacheng, but after she really achieved Dacheng, she also understood more and more that the journey from Dacheng to Consummation is better than starting from nothing. It is many times more difficult to add up from the fur to the small to the big.

A perfect difficulty is really enough to trap countless geniuses.

For example, the owner of the Fire Mansion back then also realized the will of fire to a great level, but then he didn't make any progress until he discovered the Jialan star, and he cultivated the will of fire to perfection in the sea of ​​will.

The master of Huofu, who is a great talent who knows the world well, can't use ordinary means to comprehend the road from Dacheng to Consummation. One can imagine how difficult it is.

The counterfeit also naturally understands how difficult it is for her space will to realize perfection.

"I said, look, we don't know each other. After fighting for so long, we have a good friendship, right? If you have any way to deepen the understanding of the will of heaven and earth, how about telling me?"

Almost drooling and looking at Liu Xia and the others several times, the counterfeit suddenly looked at Guo Zhengyang again, and smiled obscenely, "We are all good friends, you help me and I help you, everyone It should be."


Guo Zhengyang glanced at the opposite side silently, reached out and took out a few pills, crushed them, and then spread them into the void again.

The counterfeit blinked, as if he didn't understand what this meant.

But he immediately said with a smile, "Could it be that these pills can help people understand the will of heaven and earth? Eh, something's wrong..."

Something was wrong, after the elixir aimed at the planet sank into the void, the entire Fire Mansion seemed to come alive, and the turbulent golden fire power quickly became active and boiling.

The planet of Fire Mansion.The most powerful planetary power is gold and fire, and gold makes fire, which will only make the wildness of fire more surging and unstoppable.

Zizizi, crackling~

The void that was originally calm has completely become irritable, and wisps of sparks appear in the void.It gives people a sharp and domineering aura that destroys the world, as if under this aura.Everything will be burned to slag.

"Pfft~ You are ruthless, if you don't agree, you won't agree..."


Thoroughly affirming that something was wrong here, the impostor opened his mouth again and spat out another mouthful. Just as he blinked and wanted to scold, handfuls of blue flames the size of palms fell from above her like raindrops. The impostor was about to cast void escape He tried to escape, but he ignited his body with a bang, and fell out of the void.

Because this is the space of the House of Fire, the void here has also been ignited by the power of the surging planet at this moment.Boiling, no matter how exquisite her void escape technique is, she still needs to use the local normal space to hide.

Then, before the counterfeit that fell out had time to say anything, it was burned to slag.

Only then did Guo Zhengyang breathe a sigh of relief.

"Is this gone?"

"It was solved so easily, how many months have you been fighting with him?"


such a situation.But Liu Xia and the others were staring at it. They were indeed prepared for all kinds of fierce battles at the beginning.

"Simple, easy?" Only Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly and shook his head.

It was the brief rain of fire just now that burned up the power of the planet Huofu, and he didn't need to fly up to the sky to watch it, he only needed to close his eyes to feel it.It can also be found that the diameter of the planet where the Fire Palace is located has shrunk by a circle.

The diameter of the earth is about 1 kilometers, and the house of fire is much larger than the earth. The diameter of a round planet can be counted as 0 kilometers. The diameter has been reduced by [-] kilometers just now.

The diameter of a planet is reduced by two hundred kilometers, how much power of the planet has been mobilized?

But it is a planet like Huofu.If it is worn out like just now, it only takes about twenty times at most, and a large planet will completely disappear from the void and become a scum-like thing!

"The supernatural powers in the space she left outside are still there? This is a good opportunity, or let's leave the back world first and talk about other things." After shaking his head with a wry smile, Guo Zhengyang suddenly rejoiced. He was really afraid that if he killed the counterfeit, he would Let the space channel connecting to the normal world outside disappear.

Once that happens, they will be in trouble if they want to return to the normal space.

Fortunately, when he looked outside at this moment, he could still see the cube-shaped space channel.

Now it seems that the space channel connecting the eight normal worlds should not only have supernatural powers, but also some treasures at work.

The next moment, Guo Zhengyang nodded with Liu Xia and the others, and quickly fled to the outside of the Huo Mansion.


"Ah, I'm so mad, I'm so mad!"

"That little thief killed me again! Killed me again!"

"No, Miss Ben wants him to pay with blood...Wait, should I change my tactics? If he only has an innate spirit treasure, then I can just grab it and use it, but, but it can be used by others. It is easier to comprehend the will of heaven and earth. If it is a skill, or an unknown treasure, or a treasure hidden in that corner, this possibility is too great. If he doesn’t say it, how can I grab it? ? I made that little thief into a mess before, but he would rather die than submit, so should this lady use some softer methods?"


It was the bottom of another dead planet, and in the void, a Duobao beast was jumping around and screaming, while the Duobao Beast's big smart and beautiful eyes were always shining with sly light. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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