One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 430 Envious Eyes

"Guo Daoyou."


"I think it's okay for you to appear in the safe zone openly now, and you don't need to hide anymore."

"Why...cough, fellow Daoist Qian, why do you keep looking at me like this?"


A day later, on the planet where the Liaoyun Sect's sect is located in the Lie Martian Safety Zone, when the female cultivator surnamed Qian escaped into the Fire Mansion again, she kept staring at Guo Zhengyang with rather strange eyes, could she not help laughing?Still want a belly laugh?Or skip the excitement and anticipation once in a while?

This look is naturally too weird, so Guo Zhengyang couldn't help asking questions, even Xiang Xiangcai and others on the side were also very weird, and they all looked suspiciously at the female cultivator surnamed Qian.

what happened?

The female cultivator surnamed Qian went out to inquire about news, why did she look at Guo Zhengyang so strangely after she came back?

One day ago, after Guo Zhengyang killed a clone of Turbot, he escaped with the help of the space channel left by the opponent in the back world. That space channel connects eight normal worlds. Guo Zhengyang chose one at random, and then he was unlucky directly appeared in a dead star field, the left and right were all desolate and desolate, and there were no signs of life at all.

Fortunately, Guo Zhengyang was not troubled by this point, and then he directly controlled the teleportation array in the Huofu, connected to an interstellar teleportation array in the safe zone, and teleported back.

Of course, Guo Zhengyang's current situation is inappropriate to directly appear in the Fierce Martian Realm, so it is still up to the female cultivator with the surname Qian to come forward and let Guo Zhengyang attach the Fire Mansion to her hair, and then let the female cultivator with the surname Qian come to the Liaoyun Sect The planet where it is located, after all, the ancestor of Xinghe is still there.

When she came all the way, she naturally also had the mission of inquiring about news.

But what is surprising is, what exactly did this inquiring beauty find out outside, which made her hold back her laughter?

"Sister Qian, what's going on? What happened outside?"

In doubt, he glanced at the female cultivator with the surname Qian, before Wei Cai stepped forward, and said in surprise, "You said Guo Daoyou would be fine if he appeared in the safe zone openly and aboveboard? Shouldn't he? Wasn't that guy just kidnapped last time?" Did you offend Fairy Wuchen? That would offend a Three Tribulations Loose Immortal to death."

"That's because you don't know, Fairy Wuchen broke through. Fairy Wuchen was taken away by fellow Daoist Guo once. After a few months of intercourse, that one broke through from the Dao stage to the immortal realm..." The female cultivator surnamed Qian finally She opened her mouth, and couldn't help the weirdness in her heart anymore. She smiled, and the branches of her smile trembled wildly, "She really broke through. It's just the one with Daoyou Guo... well, even if I know that's not the real Daoyou Guo. It's The breathless old monster is an illusion, and I have heard that the breathless old monster is good at the way of dual cultivation, but I really didn't expect that he can make people break through from the Taoist stage to the immortal state. Now it is said that several big sects are considering Don't deliberately give him a few female cultivators for him to play with. There are also a lot of loose cultivators, especially the outstanding female cultivators. The bottleneck and shackles are so terrifying. Even I can break through in this way, even I am a little moved..."

Indeed, Guo Zhengyang did not tell Wei Xiangcai and others about Xiaoyan's breakthrough into the immortal realm in the early Qing Dynasty, because he had no time to talk about it.

As soon as Xiao Yan broke through in the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, he was already fighting with the multi-treasure beast, and the fight continued for five months.As soon as it was over, Guo Zhengyang was busy escaping from the back world and looking for Patriarch Xinghe, so he really didn't have time to tell a few people what happened in those days.

One can imagine the shock that the female cultivators with a surname of Qian heard the news for the first time! !

For monks.Longevity is the strongest peak, as for Sanxian?Loose Immortals are hard-working people, even if they are powerful after three kalpas, no one will envy them, at most they will be in awe.

Immortal status, that is the pinnacle of monks.

For the immortal level, no monk can not envy or admire.And a monk who wants to cultivate to the immortal state, no matter how talented a genius is, no one dares to guarantee it.

Take a look at the total number of all races in the Fierce Martian Domain, there are only more than 100 people in the Immortal Realm, but there are dozens of life planets in the safe zone, and there are hundreds of billions of monks on any planet. This probability is enough to make people collapse !

There are tens of thousands of monks in the Dao stage, and there are even more monks in the stage of transformation.

Only a small group of the most favored lucky ones can hope to be promoted to the Immortal Realm.

As a result, a female cultivator was taken away by someone for a few months, and then turned into an immortal?The sensationalism and explosiveness of this sort of thing is... almost impossible to describe.

Although it seems to be rumored that several big sects are planning to arrange for female disciples to let "Guo Zhengyang" do it, these are gossip and may not be accurate.

But what the female cultivator surnamed Qian saw with her own eyes, there were indeed too many female cultivators, and they were all very good-looking, and they were all looking for news about Guo Zhengyang.If being screwed a few times can make your cultivation soar all the way, how many cultivators in the safe zone today would be unwilling?

This really moved even the female cultivator with the surname Qian.

After all, a female monk like her is only a low-level ascetic monk, it is too difficult,...

It's a pity that she clearly knows that this Guo Zhengyang is not that Guo Zhengyang, what a pity.

She felt a little pity, if it was the real Guo Zhengyang, the one in front of her with that kind of ability, she would probably be even more excited.

After all, she knows a lot about the person in front of her, he is a very good guy in all aspects, but it is a pity that it is a counterfeit who can get the Dao stage to the immortal state.

Of course, these thoughts are just fleeting thoughts, the most important thing is that it’s funny, she’s really hilarious, if Guo Zhengyang appears openly now, what he will suffer is not being chased and killed, but being surrounded by many female monks, killing him Squeeze it dry.


"Fairy Wuchen has been playing with that impostor for several months, and has she reached the Immortal Realm??"

"Isn't it fake? Isn't this too fake? The bottleneck of entering the Immortal Realm is so terrifying!"


And after the words of the female cultivator surnamed Qian fell to the ground, the positions and phases were naturally like those who had just learned the news, vomiting blood in shock, and their scalps exploded in shock.

No matter how you hear or think about this kind of thing, it is too incredible.

Only Guo Zhengyang, who knew the situation earlier, was a little helpless about it, and shook his head helplessly, before he finally said, "Actually, the matter is not what you think, I was going to tell you, but I haven't had time to say it That counterfeit is actually a woman."



It was just another sentence, and the few people who were so shocked that they vomited blood just now vomited again on the spot, and the shock this time was definitely not lighter than the one just now.

There is no way not to be surprised. You said that a female cultivator was fucked by a slut once, and she broke through the shackles of entering the Immortal Realm in the Taoist stage. This is an earth-shattering event. The slut of the great monk's wife is actually a woman?This is too subversive, right?

"She has an innate spirit treasure that can continuously catalyze the avatar. The strength of the catalyzed avatar is the same as that of the deity, and she can change any shape at will. If I hadn't observed her in secret for a while before, I really would not have thought of it, and she pretended to be I went to loot other monks' Taoist companions like me. In fact, I never broke anyone's body after I came back from the robbery. Repeating one after another erotic dream, but she can dominate the dream, so even the kidnapped female cultivator didn't know that those were all fake, only thought that the real thing was defiled, and the spiritual thing that can trigger the dream, It is a rare treasure of the most yin and purest, constantly refining..."

Now that he opened his mouth to explain, Guo Zhengyang didn't hide it anymore, and clearly stated the truth he observed, including that the guy completely intensified the two twin yin and yang trees in his hand in order to help Qingshi Xiaoyan break through. The vitality of those treasures were all integrated into Qingshi Xiaoyan's body and so on.

After a thorough explanation, several monks who were inexplicably shocked at first came to their senses.

But after a sudden, they were all speechless for a while.

Because after learning the truth, no one knew what to say.

"Excellent, so to say that those female cultivators are all a blessing in disguise. Not only have they never had sex, but they have also benefited from each other. Even that guy's behavior style is too incredible and completely incomprehensible."

"Yeah, he spent too much money in order to frame fellow Daoist Guo?"


"If this is the case, then those female cultivators are all lucky. It's just that no one in the outside world will believe the truth. Even if we tell it, no one will think that that bitch is trying to frame Guo Daoyou. With so many treasures, if Guo Daoyou appeared in the outside world, he would be chased by countless beauties, Guo Daoyou is really lucky."

After being silent for a long time, Wei Xiangcai and the others finally opened their mouths, but all of them still had a broken expression on their faces, and the female cultivator surnamed Qian also stared straight at her, speechless.

In silence, he still teased Guo Zhengyang, but one sentence made the monk surnamed Ji, Shang Hejing and others look envious.

Yes, the truth is like this, but no one outside knows it, and even if they reveal the truth, no one will believe it. Who would believe that the immortal guy spent so much money just to frame Guo Zhengyang?Who will believe it?

So no matter what the truth is, if Guo Zhengyang really appears now, it is estimated that there is not much danger, and he will only be begged by countless female cultivators for love...

This kind of scene, any male will feel a little exciting when he thinks about it, right?

Guo Zhengyang's face turned green, and then he sighed again. It seems that he really won't be able to see people with his true colors in the future, at least in the Fierce Martian Realm.In the past, if he appeared in his true colors, he might only be hunted down, but now it is estimated that a group of female monks may actually pop up to court him. That scene is enough to make one's hair stand on end.

As for the envious look in the eyes of monk Ji and Shang Hejing?That is the pit of God. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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