One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 445 The disaster of extinction

"It's strange, it's been so long, and the bugs outside haven't moved at all. The last time Junior Brother Guo paid for serious injuries, he only hurt the unknown life. It's not clear whether the other party's injuries were serious or not. But it is definitely not dead, since he is not dead, it is reasonable to say that those injuries should have recovered long ago, but it is simply unreasonable that there will be no insect swarms outside the safe zone for a whole ten years."

"Ten years, ten years in the outside world, Lingshi Mansion has been more than 200 years old. For such a long time, I don't know what happened to Junior Brother Guo and Junior Sister Liu..."


In the safe area of ​​Lie Martian Region, where Liaoyun Sect's sect is located, on the top of a gorgeous fairy mountain, the ancestor of Xinghe stood outside the hall and looked around, his eyes were full of weirdness.

Isn't that right? Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye since the monster insects besieged the safe zone last time, and Guo Zhengyang took Liu Xia and Duobao beast to Lingwu Continent. In the past ten years, the entire safe zone has been peaceful and quiet, and no one has appeared again. Survive the siege of demon insects.

Ten years of peace, in exchange for the vigorous development of the safe zone.

Although in the last battle, tens of thousands of monks at the Dao stage and even hundreds of thousands at the stage of transforming gods fell in the safe zone.

But ten years have passed, and there have been more than 1 more joint stages in the safe zone. These are all new breakthroughs. Take Liaoyunzong alone as an example. There are less than 2000 people left in the Taoist period, but now there are more than 3000 people in the Taoist period in Liaoyun Sect.

After all, the number of monks in the entire safety zone is too large.

Every living planet has hundreds of billions of monks, and there are over one million monks in the stage of transformation. Although it is not easy to break through from the stage of transformation to the stage of harmony, even if only one percent of the stage of transformation of gods exceeds a million A breakthrough within ten years is a terrifying amount.

Even if the new breakthrough cultivators are not necessarily much stronger than before, as long as they are breakthroughs, almost all of them are valued by the upper echelon of the sect, and they are given sufficient pills and enough environment to practice.Therefore, in the Liaoyun Sect, more than half of the monks who have made new breakthroughs in the past ten years have cultivated to the peak of the early stage of the Dao.

Even the former goddess in the Liaoyun Sect had just broken through to the Immortal Realm ten years ago, but now she has cultivated to the peak of the early stage of the Immortal Realm, possessing impressive combat power.

Liaoyun Sect is like this, and other sects are similar.

It was the sects that were hit the hardest last time.At present, some strength has been restored.

However, in the past ten years, there has been no large-scale violation of the safe zone by outside monsters, which has indeed surprised countless people.

"Senior Brother Wu." Just as Patriarch Xinghe was looking at the scenery on the left and right.A figure also walked slowly from behind him, "Ten years have passed, and I don't know what's going on with Junior Brother Guo and the others. Shall we send someone to take a look?"

"It's good to go and have a look, you go, maybe Junior Brother Guo and Junior Sister Liu will be shocked by you." Ancestor Xinghe took a look at the visitor, stroked his beard under his forehead, and nodded with a smile.

Originally, everyone planned to stay with Huofu ancestor Xinghe.As soon as the demon insects invaded the safe zone, they sent someone to report, but no one thought that there was no movement for a whole ten years.

So in the past ten years, everyone has cultivated peacefully.

As a result... For outside monks, ten years passed in the blink of an eye, not a long time, but for Zhou Yiqing and others who practiced in the Lingshi Mansion.But more than 1000 and [-] years have passed! !

After such a long time, coupled with his already outstanding aptitude, Zhou Yiqing himself has cultivated to the middle stage of immortality! !It is precisely because of such a terrifying cultivation base that the ancestor Xinghe dared to say that he would scare the other side.

At the peak of the god transformation, to the middle of the immortal state? ?

At first glance, this is simply a gap between heaven and earth, but think about it carefully.In fact, it is not a surprise.

1000 two hundred years, from cultivating at the peak of Huashen to the middle stage of immortality, this is really not a scary speed.

800 years of lifespan at the peak of Huashen, 1600 years of Hedao period, and only 800 years of lifespan are added from Huashen to Hedao. If you spend 800 years from entering and leaving the Hedao period to the peak of Hedao, this is already very bad qualification.There is no time to break through the longevity realm and die.

The ancestors of Xinghe and others all rose on the earth, and those who can walk at the end of a planet are definitely the most outstanding group of people on the entire planet. It is not too surprising to have such a breakthrough in more than 1000 years.

Zhou Yiqing entered the Dao stage shortly after Guo Zhengyang and others left, and it took more than 500 years from the beginning of the stage to break through to the peak of the stage.

Then it took more than 400 years to break through a bottleneck, and it took more than 900 years to add up.If he was not in the Lingshi Mansion but in the outside world, then he might not be able to break the shackles of the longevity realm until his lifespan was exhausted.

But in Lingshi Mansion, Shouyuan was not affected, and the result was scary.

After breaking through to the Immortal Realm more than three years ago, and after another 300 years of cultivation, he finally entered the middle stage of the Immortal Realm.

This is the fastest progress of the monks in the Fire Mansion.

And other slow progress, in fact, is not too bad.

The four monks, Li Dumu and Liu, now have two more immortals, that is, the monk surnamed Li who is good at refining weapons, and the monk surnamed Liu who is not too interested in anything other than cultivation, and the two monks Conghuashen It took more than 100 years to break through to the immortal state, one took more than 1000 years, and the other took more than [-] and [-] years, and they just broke through.

If these two were not cultivating in the Lingshi Mansion, it is estimated that they would not be able to break through until they died, because strictly speaking, it took about 2000 years for them to break through from Taoist Lord to Longevity Realm. time.

But the peak of Hedao is only 1600 years old.

If it weren't for the Lingshi Mansion, he would have been trapped in the Dao stage long ago.

But because of the Spirit Time Mansion, these two are now at the Immortal Realm!

As for Guo Zhengyang's other two senior brothers, Senior Brother Mu and Senior Brother Du, they are still at the peak of the Taoism. Their aptitudes only reached the Taoism stage in around 2000. Without the Lingshi Mansion, they would not even be able to enter the Taoism stage. It may have died due to the passing of life essence during the stage of transforming gods.

But now their two lifespans are only about [-] years old each, and they have already reached the peak of He Dao.

It is the ancestor Xinghe himself, because he does not stay in the Lingshi mansion all the time, he spends a lot of time dealing with the monks of the Liaoyun sect in the outside world, but he also uses various excuses to enter the Lingshi mansion to practice for five or six hundred years. Now it is already the peak of Hedao.

So now all the monks on the earth can be regarded as extremely terrifying force! !

Even compared with the safe zone, this is already a terrifying force that should not be underestimated.

Three Immortals, no matter where they are placed, they cannot be underestimated. The Liaoyun Sect is just two Immortals and one Loose Immortal.

In comparison, three joining periods are nothing. One Liaoyun sect has more than 3000 joining periods.

"I gave him a big jump? I think that guy would have guessed it a long time ago. After all, it's been more than 1000 years and two hundred years. We barely cultivated to the immortal state by relying on the Spiritual Time Mansion. Without the Spiritual Time Mansion, we would have fallen a long time ago." Zhou Yiqing sighed full of emotion after reading the words of Patriarch Xinghe.

Without Guo Zhengyang, at most he would have reached the Taoist realm on earth in his life. Even if he got to know Guo Zhengyang and got out of the earth by chance, if there was no Lingshi mansion brought by Guo Zhengyang, he would at most lose his lifespan during the Dao period. Do and die.

But now, everything is different.

It was precisely because of being promoted to the Immortal Realm, which was still in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, that Zhou Yiqing walked out of the Fire Mansion and dared to show his face in front of the Xinghe Patriarch.

After sighing, when Zhou Yiqing was about to say something, he suddenly frowned again, looked at the location under the mountain in surprise, and then squeezed the magic formula and disappeared there.

The ancestor Xinghe also quickly recovered his calm, standing there and waiting quietly.

After only a few breaths, a figure quickly escaped to the front of the mountain, it was the Anqing Festival of the Liaoyun Sect.

"Brother Wu." An Qingjie cupped his fists with a strange face soon after lowering the cloud head, and then said with a smile, "Every time I see Brother Wu, An can't suppress the shock in his heart. In the past year, Brother Wu actually practiced from the peak of Huashen to the peak of Hedao, really..."

No, the ancestor of Xinghe has made a breakthrough all the way in the eyes of others in the past few years. In just ten years, he has gone from the Great Perfection of Huashen to the Great Perfection of Hedao.

It's also fortunate that they only saw the changes of the ancestor of Xinghe, otherwise, if people knew that the ancestor of Xinghe was around him, and there were three more immortals in just ten years, then it would be more frightening to death.

"Mrs. An Chang praised Wu, and I was just lucky." Facing An Qingjie's emotion, ancestor Xinghe could only respond modestly.

At the next moment, although An Qingjie still wanted to say something about this, he finally didn't speak again. Instead, he straightened his face and said seriously, "I'm here this time because I have something important to tell Brother Wu."

Patriarch Xinghe was startled for a moment, and a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes.

"The traces of the demon insects appeared again, not only appeared, but also completely different from the last time." An Qingjie paused for a moment before saying with a pale face, "Five days ago, the monks we sent to search and explore in the occupied areas reported , Five thousand miles away, there are a large number of demon insects gathering, after the report, the elders in the district went out to explore in person, and almost found traces of three or four hundred broods."

"Although those broods and monster insects that have gathered have not attacked immediately, but are only gathering five thousand miles away from the safe zone, as if waiting for something, but this time the situation is simply..."

Following An Qingjie's words, ancestor Xinghe, who was stroking his long beard under his forehead, trembled and pulled out seven or eight beards.

Three or four hundred nests? ?

Gather and wait five thousand miles away in the safe zone? ?


The last insect plague that almost destroyed the safe zone, after the liquidation, there were only seventy or eighty brood nests.

This time, there are already three or four hundred broods that have been discovered by those powerful elders in the Presbyterian Church. What about the ones that have not been detected?Although no one knows what those guys outside are waiting for, once those broods launch an insect swarm offensive, it will be an unstoppable disaster! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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