"Hahahahaha, hahahahaha..."

"Okay, I know you have made a breakthrough, so you don't have to keep doing this?"

"I said, can you be quiet a little bit?"

"Hahahahaha, hahahahaha..."


Jia Lanxing didn't know about the changes outside the safe zone. Somewhere outside the will, Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia couldn't help but rolled their eyes and collapsed when faced with a figure dancing and laughing wildly in front of them. .

But the dancing and laughing figure didn't know to restrain himself at all, but jumped several hundred meters away in the void, clapped his hands, smiled, twisted his buttocks, and then jumped to the top of the two of them with a whimper, and continued Laugh, wiggle ass.

That scene...

If you are not 100% sure that this is an immortal-level powerhouse, then you probably wouldn’t believe it even if you were killed. An immortal-level man who can shake the starry sky and move horizontally and vertically, would be so ridiculously unpredictable.

No, ten years!

With the help of the sea of ​​will, Guo Zhengyang and others have inherited the wondrous technique from the master of the Huo Palace, they can clearly see the various trends of will in the sea of ​​will. Enlightened to perfection!

When Guo Zhengyang comprehended the sword intent to perfection, the ferocious sword intent that destroyed the sky and the earth directly smashed a piece of void and destroyed a sea of ​​will.

And when the spatial will of the Duobao Beast reaches perfection, the terrifying image displayed is even more speechless.

It is because of his breakthrough, the fluctuation of space will in an instant, completely destroys the space within hundreds of thousands of miles of the forbidden area, and Nuoda is full of space cracks and space storms.

The entire territory of the original forbidden area was destroyed and turned into slag.

Fortunately, as early as when Turbot first came, because of its stubborn character, all the strong people who stayed here were defeated and moved to live elsewhere. Otherwise, with the breakthrough of Turbot, countless people would be killed. She inadvertently obliterated it.

As for Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia, even though they are still in this area, both of them have achieved remarkable attainments in space will at this time. With the perfect sword intent, he easily wiped out the Heavenly Tribulation of Huashen and entered the Dao stage, and officially entered the Dao stage. For the remaining three years, he has been comprehending the will of space, and now Guo Zhengyang's will of space has also reached Xiaocheng.

Although it is only a small achievement, but with some space secrets obtained from Duobao Beast, at least Guo Zhengyang is not afraid of ordinary space storms and space cracks.

Liu Xia is stronger. For ten years, she has been comprehending the will of space. After ten years, the will of space has already been accomplished.Her current attainment in space is almost close to that of Duobao Beast ten years ago. It is close, not equal. After all, Duobao Beast is inherently blessed with the power of space, and that kind of talent is also terrifying. Moreover, Duobao Beast also has a lot of spatial magical powers inherited from the race. Those supernatural powers are only suitable for the body of Duobao Beast. Even if human monks know the principle of supernatural powers, it is difficult to exert their effects.

So Liu Xia's current attainment in the power of space is only close to that of Turbot ten years ago.

If it is compared with the current Turbot, it is naturally even more incomparable, but the mere space cracks are far from enough to pose a threat to Liu Xia. Even if Liu Xia enters the back world now, she can easily round trip.

And Duobao Beast itself, at the moment of comprehending the will of the Perfect Level Space, entered the Longevity Realm naturally.

Duo Baoshou said this ten years ago, as long as she can comprehend the spatial will of the perfection level, there is a [-]% hope that she will break through the bottleneck and enter the immortal state.

At this time, it was really verified to the fullest.

But this is not surprising, Duobao Beast is a kind of natural space beast, born with Daojun-level cultivation, infancy can be compared to the stage of transforming gods, juveniles can be compared to the stage of joining the Tao, and most of the Duobao The normal lifespan of a beast is about ten thousand years, and all kinds of advantages are exhausted, but the shackles imposed by the Dao of Heaven on this race are equally astonishing.

At the same time, the number of ethnic groups is in single digits, and several generations of treasure beasts may not be able to break through to the immortal state.

However, this kind of shackles can be easily broken once confronted with the treasured beast that comprehends the will of space.

The space beast and the space will complement each other like a tiger with wings, and when the space will is perfect, it will be a matter of course, but what Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia didn't expect was that she was here in the midair Flashing, jumping, twisting ass fog, dancing for hours.

Keep dancing, keep laughing...

This is not like a high-ranking and respected immortal-level power.

And after another time of persuasion to no avail, Guo Zhengyang didn't bother to pay attention to that guy any more, but only winked at Liu Xia, and the two disappeared in an instant.

"I said, you two don't fight for righteousness, such a joyous moment,... poof~"

The two of Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang disappeared, and the joyful Duobao Beast who was jumping was not happy. When she stretched out her hand, she grabbed Guo Zhengyang who was moving in an instant, but when she frowned and expressed her dissatisfaction, But he was taken aback on the spot, took a breath or two, and then opened his mouth to spit out a large amount of saliva.

Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia were startled by Duobao Beast's behavior at first, but then they looked back together and saw Zhou Yiqing coming from a distance.

"Brother Zhou?"

Seeing Zhou Yiqing, Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang beamed with joy, but soon they were also stunned.

"Immortal level? Impossible! Ah~ you guys, you guys... when I saw you last time, you were only at the peak of Huashen Dzogchen. I haven't seen you for ten years. This lady has just broken through the peak of Hedao Dzogchen. Immortal Realm, how could you have also entered the Immortal Realm? It seems that you have already stepped into the Immortal Realm, at least the peak of the early stage of the Immortal Realm?"

The Duobao Beast jumped up and down, flickering in the void, flashed to Zhou Yiqing's side, stretched out its hand to slap him, and then disappeared with curses.

The strange cry indeed resounded through the world in the shortest time, and Guo Zhengyang and the two could hear it very clearly.


Is Zhou Yiqing already at the Immortal Realm?

After staying there, Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia clasped fists at Zhou Yiqing with a smile.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother Zhou!"

Congratulations, this is the Immortal Realm, the Earth's Immortal Realm powerhouse.

"It's fake! It must be fake, you old man, how could you break through so fast...it must be fake." Even in the congratulations of the two, the Duobao beast still flashed back and forth in the air, and kept using exaggerated voices. line shouting.

Zhou Yiqing rolled his eyes, ignored Duo Bao Beast, and just looked at Guo Zhengyang and the two with a smile.

"Junior Brother Zhou, Junior Sister Liu, I haven't seen you for ten years. Seeing that you two are doing well, I guess you have made a lot of progress." Even though he has been promoted to the middle stage of the immortal realm, Zhou Yiqing has no pride in front of Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia. After all, this is the result of his 1000 and [-] years of painstaking practice in the Lingshi Mansion. If Liu Xia and the two were also in the Lingshi Mansion, it would have been more than this level.

Didn't you see that in the past, when Liu Xia was also in the Lingshi mansion, every time she surpassed others in terms of cultivation, didn't she?

After saying a word, Zhou Yiqing smiled wryly and shook his head again, "But I came this time and brought bad news."

The faces of Guo Zhengyang and the two of them paused, and the Duobao Beast, which was jumping around, also stopped in the void, and looked at Zhou Yiqing with a little seriousness.

"In the past ten years, except for some sporadic demon insects outside the safe zone, no large army has ever been assembled to invade the safe zone, but just before I came, there were three or four hundred brood leaders gathered five thousand miles away from the safe zone. Countless armies are waiting, even if the protection of the safe zone is stronger than ten years ago, but if the broods on the outskirts lead all the monsters to attack, I am afraid that the safe zone will be captured in a short time."

Three or four hundred broods led an army of demon worms to assemble outside the safe zone. This kind of thing has indeed scared countless people in the safe zone. Although everyone knows that the demon worms have not attacked in the past ten years, it is likely that they will not come That's it, it will be shocking once it comes, but when it is found out that there are three or four hundred broods that have invaded this time, no matter how calm people are, they will not be able to calm down.

Following Zhou Yiqing's words, Guo Zhengyang's heart sank, his face was ugly and scary.

But unexpectedly, Duobao Beast suddenly burst into laughter after hearing this information.

"Three or four hundred broods? Hahaha, okay, this lady has just realized the will of the consummation space, and she is thinking of making a big fuss. Those guys came just in time. Let's go back with this lady. I'll let you have a look, consummation How terrifying is the super space will."

"You...are you okay?" Zhang Yang's loud laugh stunned Zhou Yiqing directly, and asked a very strange question.

"You don't believe me? Ahhh~"

Asking back, Duobao Beast immediately became angry, glaring at Zhou Yiqing, but angry Duobao Beast smiled secretly again, and with the smile blooming, Zhou Yiqing, who was already in the middle of the immortal realm, suddenly disappeared from the place.

Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a dozen or so breaths, Guo Zhengyang couldn't sense Zhou Yiqing's location, so he couldn't help frowning, "Where's the person?"

"I sent him back to the Fierce Martian Realm." Duobao Beast's bland face smiled gracefully at Guo Zhengyang. No matter how you look at it, this smile is full of a peerless strongman's proud look. His elegant demeanor is full of the demeanor of a peerless master.

But at the next moment, before Guo Zhengyang came back to his senses, Duobao Beast laughed wildly again, wriggling its buttocks in the void, "I'm too powerful, perfect level space will, combined with my lady's space secret technique, and Who can stop? Hahaha... An immortal level, I was caught off guard and easily thrown to a place beyond the thousand star field, wow haha... Ten years ago, this lady had to deal with those brood nests and send them into the dark place. The world wants me to die countless times. Now, with a thought, the space listens to my orders and operates the rules by itself. Sanxian will also kneel and lick this lady's toes when he sees it, hahaha..."

Amid Duobao Beast's wild laugh, Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia were deeply astonished.

Dacheng and Consummation seem to be separated by a thin line, but in fact there is a world of difference. Guo Zhengyang already had a deep understanding of this when he comprehended the sword intent of Consummation, but he still thought that the Duobao beast would be abnormal. At this point, there was no movement at all, just a smile, and sent Zhou Yiqing, a long-lived person, from Jialan Star back to the Fierce Martian Realm?

"It's nothing, I just ordered the distortions of the spaces he passed by when he came, and reversed the spaces he passed by, which way he came from, and which way he came back from now, it's a very simple one. It's just skill."

Seeing that Guo Zhengyang and the two were shocked, Duobaoshou winked with joy, waved his hands gracefully again, and said in a big way.

Of course, only she knows that the space countercurrent that brought Zhou Yiqing back to the Fierce Martian Realm just now is not a small trick, but one of the most profound space spells, a race that can only be inherited by Duobao Beasts when they reach the Immortal Realm One of the top supernatural powers, just a breath, has already consumed half of her cultivation base, and she just barely used it.

But in terms of face, Duobao Beast naturally wants to give itself a lot of attention. (To be continued.)

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