One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 450 Battle of Wills

In the end, Guo Zhengyang did not leave the Huo Mansion, and appeared in front of many monks with his true colors. .

Even though the counterfeit threatened him several times for this, but in the end, when his face turned green, the counterfeit said that you are so boring, and turned into him again and walked out of the fire mansion to receive the cheers of countless monks.

As soon as the shameless guy left, Guo Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of the threat of this guy. It is true that counterfeiters are capable of doing it, but he is unable to stop it.

Fortunately, in the end, the guy just went out in a well-regulated manner... Although the moment the fake guy went out, several beautiful figures escaped from the Liaoyun Sect, all crying and pounced on the fake guy, and threw themselves into his arms, and the fake guy also jumped into his arms. Unceremoniously, he stretched out his big hands and hugged all the beauties.

But these are just small things.

"I'm going to go out of the safe zone to have a look. Although the unknown life has retreated with those female beasts and demon insects, if I go after it now, it's still too late. With my current willpower, I'm not afraid to confront him again. .”

After seeing the counterfeit goods outside the mansion, Guo Zhengyang turned around and spoke to Liu Xia and the others.

That's right, even though the pest plagues have receded, Guo Zhengyang didn't want to let it go, and he planned to take the initiative to test it out once.

Right now his willpower is not the same as it was ten years ago, he will not be reconciled if he doesn't try it.

Although those insect nests retreated five thousand miles away from the safety zone, there were so many Yinxu female beasts in those insect plagues, and the Yinxu female beasts moved extremely slowly, and they needed demon insects to fly, and the speed would also be a drag. As far as the demon worms, and there are so many low-level demon worms in those pest plagues, if Guo Zhengyang goes after them now, he is still very confident that he will be able to catch up.

Among other things, the three Yinxu female beasts he recovered ten years ago brought him 42 immortal-level monster insects. The monster worms escaped with their brood several times faster.

Chase now, absolutely in time!


"Where did these **** come from? They are still a group. This is going to completely destroy the world."

A few hours later, five thousand miles away from the safety zone, when a silver-white light and shadow quickly passed through the void, Guo Zhengyang couldn't help but curse again when he saw the scene of ruins left and right.

Impossible not to scold, he also occasionally passed by this starry sky ten years ago. Wait, almost all of them were swallowed into slag, and even some meteorite belts and other things disappeared.

In the whole space, there is only darkness and dead silence.

Everything in the world was swallowed up by those damn monsters.

Such a scene is probably enough to make any monk feel palpitating.

This is all caused by those monster worms. Even if I knew that the monster worms swallowed everything and swallowed everything they saw, but watching the starry sky that existed ten years ago turn into nothingness, the shock still makes one's scalp tingle.

And according to Duo Bao Beast, such a star disaster has swept through several large galaxies, and this is definitely the rhythm of complete annihilation.

But it's useless to say anything now, Guo Zhengyang still drove the monster insect under him and continued to fly away. After a while, he was overjoyed and caught up.

With the speed of the immortal-level demon worms, although the start was a bit late, the chase soon came to fruition.

Right in front of Guo Zhengyang, at this very moment, the tide of countless demon insects is receding like an undercurrent.

He was able to find the worm nests in the pure darkness and dead silence, because when those worm nests quickly retreated, there was a lot of tremors in the void...

Hundreds of millions of monster insects flew together with their wings flapping. It is conceivable that even if there is no light on the left and right, Guo Zhengyang can still feel those vibrations with his ability.

Without hesitation, Guo Zhengyang drove the demon insects to chase again, and when he caught up with the retreating insect swarm, he waved and released 42 immortal-level demon insects, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and began to kill.

When these worms retreat, because their speeds are different, for example, the speed of the monster worms in the immortal state can be dozens of times the speed of light, the speed of the monster worms in the Dao stage is at most ten times, and the monster worms in the transformation stage are at most several times the speed of light, so the swarms that fall behind, It's all the stage of transforming into gods.

It is naturally vulnerable to the immortal-level demon worms released by Guo Zhengyang.

And Guo Zhengyang is not afraid that such movement will cause a siege.

Based on his previous temptations, the unknown life would only notice when he snatched the control of the Yinxu Mother Beast. Hunting and killing monsters by himself would only let the Yinxu Mother Beast find out.

But the intelligence of the Yinxu female beast is too low, you will only notice that something is wrong if you kill an astonishing number, but by then Guo Zhengyang can already control the Yinxu female beast.It's like a cow that loses a hair unknowingly, and it won't attract too much attention from the cow at all, because the other party's intelligence is limited.

So he didn't have too many scruples about doing such an act.

The fact is indeed the case, without the slightest hindrance, in the following period of time, Guo Zhengyang made the evolution of the monster planet on the Wanyue spectrum more and more clear.

However, there are 13 re-evolved images of monsters and insects on the Ten Thousand Monsters Book.

That is to say, the demon insects he has been hunting and killing are actually bred from 13 Yinxu female beasts, which makes Guo Zhengyang smile a little bit, because now he can control one or two more Yinxu beasts. In fact, the female beast has little effect. What he wants now is to quickly control a Yinxu female beast, and then connect with that unknown life.

If you can severely injure or kill the opponent in the confrontation of will, then it is definitely more meaningful than hunting one more Yinxu female beast.

Therefore, to control one Yinxu female beast needs to kill hundreds of thousands of monsters, and to control 13 Yinxu female beasts at a time, it needs to kill several million.

However, he couldn't distinguish the differences in the back patterns of Mantian Yaoworms in detail, which would only make him achieve his goal much slower.

But at this point, the efficiency slowed down and there was nothing he could do. Guo Zhengyang just buried his head in controlling the demon insects and continued to kill. After a long time, the number of demon insects bred by Wan Yaopu absorbed a certain Yinxu female beast finally reached the standard.

The next moment, he immediately gave the Yinxu female beast an order to stop flying.

Under the clear order, he could also sense that the brood quickly terminated its flight and separated from the other female beast groups that were completely in the ruins.

"Little thief, is it you again?"

As soon as the order was fulfilled, a thought came from far away, and Guo Zhengyang was overjoyed.

Finally found!

But then the unknown life was surprised again, "How did your control become so much stronger?"

No, in the past, after Guo Zhengyang controlled the brood, the other party could easily take it back, and then the two sides were closer in willpower, taking turns to snatch the control of the Yinxu female beast, but this time when Guo Zhengyang took the Yinxu female beast When he tried again to regain control of the female beast, he found that he couldn't take it back at all. No matter what he did, the Yinxu female beast remained motionless and was firmly controlled by Guo Zhengyang.

Guo Zhengyang didn't pay attention to the other party's astonishment, and was just trying quickly, how to let his willpower invade the unknown life through the hub of the Yinxu female beast, and attack.

Since the other party can invade his body with willpower through the Yinxu female beast, he should be able to do it the other way around, right?

He didn't want to just defend.

Close your eyes and feel silently. The situation Guo Zhengyang is facing at this moment is a point in his mind that is under his control, and on that point, there is another idea that is trying to compete for refining that point.

This feeling is like an ordinary person holding a knife in his hand, and another hand is also grabbing the handle, grabbing it.

But Guo Zhengyang's hand holding the knife is as stable as Mount Tai, no matter how hard the other hand exerts, it will not be shaken at all.

The situation is like this, but Guo Zhengyang doesn't know how to counter that hand.

After all, he has only experienced this kind of confrontation once, and he is far less proficient than the opponent in how to control his willpower.

After thinking for a moment, when that hand was still fighting for the knife of the Yinxu female beast, Guo Zhengyang tried to control the perfect sword intent in his body, and rushed into the Yinxu female beast with a bang.

As a result, there was a bang.

The Yinxu female beast that had just been controlled by him exploded completely. During the explosion, Guo Zhengyang heard a scream. In addition, the countless monsters bred by this Yinxu female beast were all wiped out in an instant.

Once the mother beast dies, all the demon insects will fall. This is a normal situation.

But Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly.

I really can't control myself in this area.

He wanted to kill or severely injure the unknown life through the brood, not just hurt the opponent's wisp of will, but the perfect sword intent was too strong, and he directly killed the brood.The injury of the unknown life now is definitely not serious.

It's still like two people fighting, the effect is absolutely different if you cut the opponent's hand with a knife, and invade the opponent's body and cut the brain or heart with a knife.

But it was too late to say anything now, Guo Zhengyang could only continue to order the demon worms on the left and right to continue besieging and killing the demon worms.

When he controls the second brood, he will carefully study how to use these Yin Ruin female beasts as a turning point to let the willpower invade the body of the unknown life and then wreak havoc.


Just when Guo Zhengyang was perfecting the image of the second Yinxu female beast on the Ten Thousand Monsters Book, a terrifying wave swept from the front.

It was willpower, a pure willpower that swept down like a dark cloud, sweeping in all directions.

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, ecstatic.

This is no longer the willpower emanating from the brood as a transit point, but in the void, using the void as the medium of distribution. What does this mean?It shows that the unknown life is nearby at this moment! !

And the other party seemed very angry at being injured by Guo Zhengyang.

"This time he is nearby, he came out in person..." His eyes were full of joy, Guo Zhengyang was no longer in a hurry to hunt monster insects, but also emanated a sword of will from his body, which was like the sea of ​​clouds. Cut off in the trend. (To be continued.)

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