One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 451 Suspected Visitor from the Immortal World

In the absolute darkness, a wave of pure will surged like a tide, and the sword of will Guo Zhengyang exuded was like the divine sword that split the stars and the sky when the world was opened up. crack. .

It's a pity that there is no light here, and nothing can be seen.

Otherwise, what you can see is the sword of will condensed by Guo Zhengyang. The astonishing power of the bearer tears the sky and goes straight into the depths of the cloud of will. Along the way, nothing can stop the sword of will for even a second.

In the depths of the cloud of will that was torn apart like a rag, there was also a scream of frightened millet.

"Brother Jiangwu!"

Accompanied by the scream, a sledgehammer floated from nowhere in the sky, and hit the tip of Guo Zhengyang's sword of will with a whistling sound.

The unstoppable tearing trend of the sword of will was also interrupted.

But the hammer of will also exploded with a bang.

"What a powerful little guy, this pure willpower... No, his willpower is not pure, he is not from my family."

Another slightly painful voice sounded, the voice was surprised at first, but then became sharp again.

"It's not my clan? Then how can he control these Yin Ruin female beasts?"

"Could it be the magic weapon of the fairy family? He came from the upper realm? Otherwise, in this realm, there shouldn't be a way to control the female beasts of the Yin Ruins, but even in the fairy realm, who else can refine these female beasts except my clan? "


Exclamations continued, and Guo Zhengyang was also dumbfounded under the cloud of broken will.

Could it be that these unknown beings and unknown races came down from the fairy world?

It shouldn't be, why did monks ascend?It's because after the cultivator reaches the Great Consummation of the Immortal Realm, the power he possesses is too strong, and he can easily destroy everything in the mortal world with every move. Power, after passing, will also fly into the fairyland.

Therefore, the catastrophe of the mortal world is aimed at the power that can destroy the entire world.

As long as your strength is reached, there will be a catastrophe.

As for the existence of the fairy world, which one is not far beyond the capacity of this world?Therefore, immortals who have ascended do not dare to go down to the realm at all. There will be a catastrophe when they step down, and this catastrophe is the mobilization of countless starry sky in the entire mortal world, and all the powers gather. Ruthless, no matter how powerful a fairy is, he would have a narrow escape.

And even if you survive the Heavenly Tribulation, you will still be reabsorbed into the Immortal Realm.

So the immortals from the fairy world descended to earth?impossible.You come down once, survived the catastrophe after a narrow escape, and were immediately sucked into the fairy world?That idiot will come down.

Or some people would say that the immortals in the lower world can restrain their aura, and they will not be killed by the heavenly tribulation if they don't show the power that can destroy the world?In this regard, monks do have all kinds of secret methods to hide the aura of cultivation, but ** and the like, no matter how excellent the ** is, it is easier to deceive people after you run it. Heavenly Tribulation is infinitely more difficult.

Whoever has the strength to deceive the way of heaven is no longer a monk, but an existence above the way of heaven. The way of heaven is the existence that creates the world and maintains the operation of the world.

But those few conversations just now... no matter how you listen to them, they seem to be existences that do not belong to this world, but if you think about it carefully, this is reasonable, otherwise it is impossible to understand, how can there be Yin Ruins in the mortal world Unreasonable existences such as female beasts and demon insects exist to destroy the world, swallowing everything into nothingness!

The powerful brood can even breed immortal-level monsters quickly.

As far as Guo Zhengyang knows, among the three broods in his hand, the strongest one can give birth to a peak monster worm in the early stage of immortality in only one year, one per year. What race can compare?This is simply an unbelievable existence.

I'm afraid that only in the fairy world can there be such a powerful evildoer.

But are they really descended from fairyland?How and how could creatures from the fairy world come down to the mortal world?

Frowning, Guo Zhengyang ignored for a moment how two unknown beings popped up here. It seemed that there was only one in this starry sky...

But think about the last time he and that unknown life lost both sides. The other party suddenly disappeared for ten years and did not attack the safe zone again. After ten years, he reappeared and mobilized three or four hundred Yinxu female beasts at once. It is said that under the entire big starry sky, there are more than one big galaxy engulfed by insect disasters.

This seems to be understandable. It is estimated that in the past ten years, the unknown life that was originally entrenched in the area of ​​​​the Fierce Martian Realm found that Guo Zhengyang could not be completely dealt with by its own power. After that, it went to other places for help and brought back a fellow.

Although there were many doubts in his heart, after the initial astonishment, Guo Zhengyang gritted his teeth and quickly rushed up following the retreating clouds of will.

He has already discovered that after his sword intent has crossed from a great success to a complete one, ten years ago he could still lose both sides to him, and even the unknown life that overwhelmed him is far from his opponent at this moment, even the newcomer, who is also weak in will power. Worse than Guo Zhengyang.

Since the opponent is not strong, Guo Zhengyang will not give up the opportunity to get close to these unknown lives.

Now he is not in a hurry to completely kill these unknown beings, but what he wants most is to capture them alive.

As soon as he moved his body, he moved in an instant, and Guo Zhengyang's full strength exploded, which was already faster than lying on the immortal-level monster worm and letting the monster walk instead, because he was directly jumping over a section of space to flash.


Just as Guo Zhengyang flashed quickly, another sledgehammer suddenly appeared in front of him and smashed down on him.

Guo Zhengyang knew that this was purely condensed by willpower, and he released the sword of will again, but what made people astonished was that Guo Zhengyang's sword of will pierced through the sledgehammer with a whimper. no sense of entity...

The next moment, the sledgehammer also fell on him and dissipated with a puff.

Within Guo Zhengyang's spiritual sea, a hammer suddenly appeared and fell heavily.

But after a short while, the spiritual sea below also changed suddenly. A sharp sword protruded from the sea composed of spiritual consciousness, which directly handed over to the hammer of will and smashed the hammer directly.

"Their control of willpower is indeed much better than mine. Willpower is invisible and invisible. Cultivators can condense willpower into entities and release it. They have already had a good understanding of willpower, but they can condense it into The willpower released in essence can be blurred at will, which is definitely a display of a higher level. But will is will after all. Even if he avoids my willpower and enters my body, if he wants to really attack me, he must Touch my will, otherwise it will not be able to cause damage to my body. But its willpower is far inferior to my perfect sword will, with this, I will not be defeated."

Guo Zhengyang shattered the opponent's will to attack, and he also fully understood why his sword of will passed through the opponent's hammer of will as if through the void.

Continuing to flash quickly, Guo Zhengyang caught the wave of will in front of him and chased him down. Just when he was about to catch up with the target, a monster insect suddenly appeared in front of him.

This area is full of immortal-level monster insects, and there are hundreds of them at a time.

Guo Zhengyang flashed his body, jumped across the space, and left all the monsters behind. When he reappeared, Guo Zhengyang appeared in the middle of the monsters again, but the monsters on the left and right did not attack him directly, because they were unable to distinguish between the enemy and the friend. .

The demon worms have no wisdom, they are completely dead, how can they tell the difference between the enemy and ourselves.

"This little thief can transform into a worm, and not just his appearance, but a real worm. He can live and die with the corresponding brood. Damn it, which one is he?"


Guo Zhengyang is not afraid of falling into the siege of the monsters, because he himself evolved into a monster with the Ten Thousand Monsters Manual. In this case, it is difficult for the life that can control the brood to find out which one is him.Again, those unknown beings control the brood, not all the monster insects. There is a big difference between the two.

The Yinxu female beast has no wisdom, just like a cow. It can shake its body at most, and can shake the hair on its body. It's like a person saying a word can make a cow stand, sit or walk, but you let a guy with extremely low intelligence distinguish that the cow hair on his body is fake, he doesn't have that wisdom.

And once he lost such a sharp weapon as the demon worm, and surpassed the opponent in the power of will, Guo Zhengyang dared to go deep alone.

"Go, give up this starry sky, as long as you slaughter ninety-nine percent of the mortal world and break the foundation of the fairy world, those immortals who have ascended will no longer be able to compete with our clan. Kill them all, or leave a corner, the difference is not big .”

Guo Zhengyang flashed in the swarm of insects, and was about to discover the unknown life, when another voice sounded.

This sentence undoubtedly exposed more things. Hearing it again, Guo Zhengyang was startled, and countless associations floated up in his mind, but now he didn't have time to think about it carefully. Instead, he flashed his body again and finally appeared in a void .

It cannot be seen with the naked eye because there is no light at all.

But Guo Zhengyang sensed a mass of things purely composed of will power.

It is like a cloud, composed of pure will, which can be ever-changing and has no specific shape.

And when he appeared, the cloud group was turning into nothingness, passing by countless demon insects, and fled forward quickly without a shadow or form.

Strands of will burst out of Guo Zhengyang's body in an instant, like tens of thousands of sharp swords, piercing through with a puff, but unfortunately, his willpower is real. If it is not for real willpower, Guo Zhengyang can't do it. It was released, but the actual willpower that was released, penetrated through the fleeing will body like passing through nothingness.

"Although my sword intent has been perfected, and its strength has already surpassed the starry sky, it is not enough in various operation skills. Now that I find out, there is no way to hurt these two guys. What should I do? I can't really see it. Let them escape?" Guo Zhengyang's depressed face turned black.

But he didn't give up, but was quickly thinking of a solution, after all, those two haven't escaped far. (To be continued.)

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