One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 546 Completely crazy

"Everyone, goodbye by fate..."

A few moments later, at the junction of the four kingdoms, Guo Zhengyang clasped his fists at more than 30 figures in front of him, and the immortals on the opposite side also saluted in unison. go.

It wasn't until these people disappeared between heaven and earth that Guo Zhengyang sighed softly and fled towards Feiying Country.

The rescue has already rescued these medicine cauldrons. If he has the ability, Guo Zhengyang doesn't mind taking out all the precious medicines in their bodies. Unfortunately, there are 372 medicine cauldrons in total. People are sure that they can be cured directly, because only those more than 40 immortals were planted with precious medicines not long ago, and those precious medicines have not yet been entangled with their lives, so they are easier to separate.

Except for those, the other immortals have conceived and nurtured the precious medicine for at least 30 to [-] years, and Guo Zhengyang has been unable to peel it off for the time being. He can at most suppress the growth of the precious medicine in his body.

In the past few moments, Guo Zhengyang tried one by one, and successfully sealed the precious medicine in the bodies of more than 30 people, so that they would not die within two or three years. There were two people who were too sensitive and irritable because of the precious medicine in their bodies. After he tried to seal it and failed, he couldn't save him, and he was directly drained of all vitality and fell.

As for the more than 30 people who left just now, some failed to be sealed, some were cured, and some were successfully sealed. In this case, at least a dozen people may die in the next few months.

But Guo Zhengyang can't help it, he has tried his best.

With a sigh, he also gradually exerted his speed to the limit during the flight, and rushed towards Huaxu Sect. His current alchemy attainments are not enough, and he needs to strengthen it.Only by making one's alchemy attainments a few steps further, can he be sure to extract all the precious medicines from the batch of medicine cauldrons that are still following him, and even if the other medicine cauldrons are not too important, Zhou Yiqing... is must be saved.

So this time he went to the Huaxu Sect to ask for help, to those big sects, and to borrow their treasured alchemy classics!

Of course, Guo Zhengyang also knew that it was not an easy task to directly talk about borrowing the alchemy classics collected by others, and he knew it with his ass, even if those immortals valued him more.I also want to make friends with him, but the time we have known each other is so short, if you directly ask to borrow the most precious classics in his collection, I am afraid that even if they don't tell you to leave, they will never agree.But he naturally has a plan in mind.

"Borrowing classics is not an easy task, but it can always be won. As long as you can get it, most of the problems will be solved. After all, the Lingshi Mansion has been restored now, and it is still in its heyday. If you only ask for enough alchemy classics, I will be in the The talents on Dan Dao are not very good, but they can accumulate enough knowledge with time."

And from the border to Huaxu City.Guo Zhengyang also only took a few moments. This does not mean that the location of the Huaxu Sect's sect is very close to the border, but that after entering the Feiying Kingdom, Guo Zhengyang only needs to reach a large city at will.You can use the teleportation array...

"Trouble fellow daoist, report to Elder Hua, Guo Zhengyang is here to visit."

Standing outside the Huaxu Sect, Guo Zhengyang saluted the disciple guarding the mountain gate with a smile. In the slight words, the two guard disciples were dumbfounded. He rushed to the sect in a hurry, but the other saluted Guo Zhengyang excitedly and in fear.

Isn't that right? Although what he did in Wanhu Country has not yet spread to Feiying Country, his previous reputation in Feiying Country is enough for any ordinary disciple of any sect to use it as a god Trace looked at.

"Brother Guo? Haha,..."

When Guo Zhengyang, the host who guarded the disciples in fear, a series of laughter soon resounded in the Huaxu Sect, and several figures flew out, and it wasn't just Elder Hua who came out, but all of a sudden. Nine immortals came out.

Huaxu Sect is also a seventh-rank sect. There are only a dozen or so immortals in the sect, and now this time almost all of them have come out.

After coming out, Elder Hua enthusiastically introduced other immortals to Guo Zhengyang, including the suzerain of Huaxu Sect, and even invited Guo Zhengyang to enter during the introduction.

When everyone was seated in the main hall of the sect, Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, "Sect Master Hua, Elder Hua, Mr. Guo would like to thank a few fellow daoists for their help, and let him know the whereabouts of fellow daoist Zhou, so that Mr. Guo would have the opportunity to remove fellow daoist Zhou from the Thousand Feather Sect." Rescue."

"Really rescued?"

"you succeeded?"


In a word, many immortals of Huaxu Sect were also surprised, and then they all looked surprised, with a lot of sighs in their eyes, they knew that Guo Zhengyang was going to save people, he was still a monster, but now they heard that the other party really The successful rescue still shocked all the immortals, after all, this is a sect where real immortals sneaked into thousands of immortals to save people.

Of course, if they learned that Guo Zhengyang did not sneak in to save people according to the original plan, but Ming Daming killed them,... I am afraid that these people will not simply be shocked, but will go crazy.

Fortunately, those things can't spread so fast.

So even if these immortal monarchs feel shocked, their emotions are still within the normal range.

"The man was rescued, but there is still a lot of trouble. The precious medicine growing in his body has long been entangled with everything about him. With my alchemy attainments, there is no way to save his life without endangering his life. Next, take out those precious medicines, so this time, Guo still wants to ask a few fellow Taoists for help, and wants to borrow the alchemy classics collected by Guizong. Of course, this matter is not trivial, and I also know that Guizong collected The classics are extremely valuable, so I am willing to offer something of equivalent value in exchange."

After Guo Zhengyang spoke again, all the immortals of the Huaxu Sect who were still shaking were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other, as if they didn't know how to answer.

This is also normal, Guo Zhengyang also considered this point before he came, and when all the immortals were speechless, he smiled and waved his hand again, releasing dozens of palm-sized portable immortal mansions, "These are the ones I hunted in Qianyuzong. After confiscating more than 40 immortal monarchs, the confiscated spoils, although they are all descendant immortal monarchs, and their cultivation base is basically in the junior and middle stages of immortal monarchs, but their lifetime collections should not be bad, as long as there are fellow Taoists who like it, You can choose whatever you want.”

With a chuckle, the dozens of Huaxu Sect Immortal Lords who were still thinking in the hall suddenly jumped up from their seats, and all of them were so frightened that they almost lost their wits.

"No? You went to save people and killed more than 40 immortals of the Qianyu Sect?"

"Didn't you sneak in and leave quietly? You were discovered? You were discovered, and you can come back alive?"


The sudden appearance of these portable fairy mansions, coupled with Guo Zhengyang's words, really drove the immortals of Huaxu Sect crazy.

Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly, "I wanted to save people quietly, but I was discovered as soon as I entered Qianyuzong, because after the Tachi Kingdom Immortal saved people last time, True Lord Qiandao actually went to King Jinghai for help. A strange treasure monitors the entire sect. It is said that even ordinary fairy kings may not be able to escape the monitoring of the strange treasure if they break in privately. I also have a good experience, when I was hunted down at the beginning, I took control of a group of formations from the Qianyu Sect, and finally rescued people from Xianbao Lake by relying on those formations."

Guo Zhengyang had tried his best to simplify his experience, but these words still made several Huaxu Sect immortals roll their eyes one after another, and some of them couldn't help sending out their sense of immortality to search those immortal mansions, because they couldn't believe it at all.

But after the few immortals who started to search searched, they screamed strangely with pale faces, "It's really the immortal mansion of the immortals, and the things in these immortal mansions are basically useful to the immortals, aren't they? Fake……"

"Thousand Feather Sect has been built for tens of thousands of years, and the guardian formations built by generations of immortals, you, an outsider, broke in, and there are so many immortals controlling the formations, how can you seize control of the formations? Poof~ Are you kidding me? No matter how terrifying the formation master is, he can't do this?"


It was at this time that Guo Zhengyang threw out his last hole card, "My formation skills can indeed do this. If you don't believe me, we can try it once, and a few of you can control the formation of the noble sect to block me. Shall I try to capture the formation again? If I can succeed, I will be able to prove this. At that time, I can also write down my attainments of formation techniques. As long as fellow Taoists are willing, I will use these formation techniques experience to exchange for your precious treasures alchemy classics."

It may not be possible to exchange the trophies of one's own hunting for the alchemy classics collected by the other party.

After all, what Guo Zhengyang hunted and killed were only more than 40 immortals of the descendant clan, and they were all immortals with relatively low status in Qianyuzong. They should have good things in their hands, but there must not be too many good things.

It may not be able to impress the people of Huaxu Sect to exchange their own sect's treasures, and even if they are willing, it is just a collection of alchemy classics collected by Huaxu Sect, and it may not be able to help Guo Zhengyang improve his alchemy attainments too much. After changing the classics here, I am still planning to continue buying.

So it is more reliable to use what you have learned to exchange what you have learned.

In that case, not only can he use what he has learned to exchange for the treasures of a sect of Huaxu Sect, but he can continue to exchange them.

Of course, before changing, you must let others know whether what you have learned is worth their hearts.So even if Guo Zhengyang didn't want to make too much publicity, there was no good way at the moment.

I can only try to publicize it once!

Then, after a few moments, when the nine control groups that they worked so hard to build to block Guo Zhengyang were killed, they tampered with the group in less than a quarter, and Guo Zhengyang took the group. The Huaxu Sect Xianjun is really completely crazy. . )

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