"Seconds, exquisite! This old man never thought that formations can still be used!"

"I'm already in the Huaxu Sect, and I'm the best at formation techniques, but I can't even understand all the formation techniques written by Brother Guo,...it's too profound."

"Awesome, amazing! No wonder the formations we have arranged for so many years are so unbearable in front of Brother Guo. Brother Guo's formation skills are really appalling."


A few days later, in the Huaxu Sect, each of the immortals held the formation experience that Guo Zhengyang had compiled and written, and they were basically obsessed, and several people were studying and watching obsessively. Applause.

It was really at this moment that the immortals finally realized how outstanding and monstrous Guo Zhengyang's formation skills were.

That kind of excellence and evil has exceeded the imagination of several immortals. Even if a certain elder in the entire Huaxu Sect is best at formations, if he just grabs a jade slip and reads it, at most he can understand less than [-]% of it. What's more, it's completely like reading a bible to him.

But even if they basically don't understand or see through these, their precious value is beyond doubt, because a small part of it that they can vaguely understand, as long as they savor it carefully, it will immediately make people suddenly realize, It seems that a difficult problem that I have been comprehended for a long time before can not be understood, and in this vague taste, I was suddenly enlightened thoroughly!

The feeling of being completely clear, the problem that has been stuffed in my heart before being unblocked and liberated, so that my body and mind are in an unprecedented state of clarity and lightness, is definitely not fake, and I can't lie to myself.

What's more, although they can't understand many places, some of the things Guo Zhengyang wrote involve the general direction and big theories, but they will also give people a kind of enlightenment, as if suddenly there is an extra line in the closed void. The smooth road, the sense of clarity, is also exciting.

So even if they don't understand many things, the value of these formation techniques has been infinitely magnified in the minds of several immortals.

Just comprehend and watch like this, clapping hands and admiring from time to time, and after more than a quarter, an immortal from the Poison Wheel Clan in Huaxu Sect trembled, held up the jade slip floating in front of him, looked at it excitedly and wryly. Xiang Guo Zhengyang, "Brother Guo, you... Hey, after seeing your experience in formation techniques, Jing Mou finally understands what is beyond the sky. Naturally, we are 100% willing to read the classics. The only problem is that the old man and others should not be too shameless. If you randomly intercept one percent of your formation experience, the value of a small section is far more than that of my sect. It would be too much of a bargain if we only exchanged those treasured alchemy classics, the old man and the others would be too embarrassed to accept it."

"Yeah, we used to think that we had a deep foundation. In fact, when you said that, brother Guo, I felt dissatisfied in my heart. I felt that you, brother Guo, were too incomprehensible. You just want to read my collection of classics so much. It's too deceiving, but now... after reading this, the old man is ashamed, and with the value of my sect's treasures, he can't afford such a generous gift."


Following the words of the Poison Wheel Clan fairy, the other fairy who just broke free from the experience of those formations suddenly burst into a wry smile.

Isn't that right, when Guo Zhengyang just said something, the expressions of these Huaxu Sect immortals were just speechless, looking at each other, not knowing how to reply.

But the emotions in their hearts are definitely very complicated, and this kind of complexity is similar to what Guo Zhengyang expected. Even if they value Guo Zhengyang and want to make friends with him, they don’t know him well. , I just thought about how to politely refuse, my temper was so hot that I almost turned my face, and even scolded this guy in his heart for not knowing what to do, thanks to the fact that they are so kind to you, you actually made such excessive demands.

However, when the matter has evolved to the present, everyone's previous thoughts have naturally disappeared completely. Although Guo Zhengyang's proposal is abrupt and a bit surprising, he has really seen the other party's formation skills, and the other party has also organized his own formation skills into a system. After the knowledge was written and verified by all the immortals, they discovered that Guo Zhengyang's proposal actually allowed them to take advantage of the sky. No matter how thick-skinned people are, they are too embarrassed to take advantage of this advantage.

I'm sorry, the strength and status of the two sides are basically the same level, and even the Huaxu Sect may be weaker. In such a situation, Guo Zhengyang exchanged treasures worth hundreds of times his own treasures, and they really couldn't bear it.

"Fellow daoists are too polite."

It was in the embarrassing speech of everyone in the Huaxu Sect that Guo Zhengyang smiled again and said with a smile, "Actually, I took out these formation techniques. I want to exchange for the alchemy classics collected by the noble sect. Ask a few fellow Taoists for help?"

"What are you busy with?"

"Brother Guo, just say it."


In a word, several elders of Huaxu Sect were also excited immediately, obviously wishing that Guo Zhengyang would tell the conditions immediately, and they would run to do it immediately, and when they were done, they could accept these formation techniques with peace of mind.

That's right, after understanding the value of these classics, they all know that the conditions offered by others are too superior, and they are too embarrassed to accept it, but this does not mean that they don't want these formation techniques.

It's an idiot's mentality not to want it. As long as you thoroughly understand such a precious thing, you can improve the comprehension of the formations of the few immortals present hundreds of times and hundreds of times. , They can also do what Guo Zhengyang did, invade a large sect, and then easily take over the formation formed by the other party and turn it into their own. Then this will improve the personal strength of several people, which is simply unimaginable horror.

In the fairy world, strength is the foundation of a fairy or sect.

Then such a good thing, unless the brain is flooded and completely demented, you will not want it.

They want it, but they are too embarrassed to accept such a valuable formation experience. Now that Guo Zhengyang still has requests, as long as they can do it, maybe they can accept this exchange with peace of mind and pave a bright future for themselves. Dao, how can this make a few people not excited?

"It's like this. I want to help Zhou Daoyou take out the insidious treasure medicine in his body. I'm afraid only Guizong's alchemy classics are not enough, so I not only want to exchange these formation techniques for the alchemy classics Guizong treasured, but also In exchange for more treasures from other major sects, but this is quite troublesome to do, so I want to entrust a few fellow Taoists to help, and when other sects come to exchange, we don’t have to hand over all the classics at once , can be delivered in sections, whatever value alchemy classics they come up with, we will take a section with a slightly higher value from these formation classics and give it back to the past."

Guo Zhengyang's formation experience can indeed be divided into many chapters after being systematically sorted out. For example, some focus on defending formations, some focus on attacking and killing formations, and some focus on confusing formations.

Others focus on transforming the world and let the world play its own murderous intentions, but some focus on how to make the best use of ordinary formations, so that they can exert power dozens of times higher than ordinary formations.

There are so many things, these array knowledge can be easily divided into dozens of categories, and they are all relatively easy to read. Even if they are separated from each other and exchanged, it will not make people feel lost after getting a certain section. A concern that I can't understand at the end.

In this way, if Guo Zhengyang wants to exchange his knowledge of alchemy for more alchemy classics, he will have feasible surnames and surnames. As long as you take out enough alchemy classics, you can exchange for formations of similar value Even if not everyone will be moved by classics, there will definitely be many who will be moved.

However, he planned to hand over this matter to the Huaxu Sect. After all, this work is very cumbersome. If Guo Zhengyang has that time, he might as well take the Huaxu Sect's alchemy classics and enter the Lingshi Mansion to do research.

Of course, asking them to help is actually cheaper for them. This matter will also bring countless benefits to Huaxu Zong. If you want to buy the whole book, this benefit alone is unimaginable, otherwise, if you want to buy the book of formations written by Guo Zhengyang, let alone the Huaxu Sect, even a ninth-rank sect may not be able to afford it.

Secondly, when Huaxu Sect does this, countless sects will definitely come to find them. Well, as long as many sects from the outside world know the value of the formation books written by Guo Zhengyang, countless people will definitely be moved by the news, and they will undoubtedly help Huaxu at that time. Zong has expanded too much influence.

They were originally only a seventh-rank sect, although they are not weak but not too strong, but as long as this matter is publicized and the value of these classics is known to the outside world, even most of the ninth-rank sects, I am afraid they will seek to transform On the head of Xuzong...

It's definitely a good thing for them too.

As for those ninth-rank sects, will they be bought fairly or forcibly plundered after they are found?Guo Zhengyang has made it clear that he buys and sells clearly, and with his influence and reputation, it is estimated that as long as he is not out of his mind, it will be difficult to give up a fair and equal opportunity to offend Guo Zhengyang, a super monster with unlimited potential, to death of.

Therefore, if the Huaxu Sect does this, there may be disasters. Maybe there is a particularly abnormal sect that does not come to buy and exchange, but takes advantage of the situation, but this possibility is absolutely small, and it is far worse than being invisible Zong added great influence.

After explaining again, several immortals of Huaxu Sect looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a long time.

After being speechless for a while, Elder Hua, who was the first to contact Guo Zhengyang, sighed bitterly, and said with a wry smile, "I thought I could help you, but I didn't expect you to make us owe you more favors, and it's a free gift again." It's a benefit for us, this..."

"I can't say that. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be able to rescue Zhou Daoyou. This kind of favor is also very big." Guo Zhengyang smiled again, looking at the situation, he was very excited, and what he planned seemed to be about to enter the stage soon. On track, so he is in a good mood at the moment. (To be continued.)

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