One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 550 No news yet?

"I'm finally back, Brother Dao. I really want to congratulate you this time. You have won such a treasure. I'm afraid Brother Dao just wants to reach the top in Yushou Continent. It's not hopeless."

"Also talk about me, your gains don't seem to be bad!"


Under the clear sky, in the central part of the Yushou Continent, the imperial city of the Dayan Kingdom, following a few lights and shadows flashing out of thin air, and looking at the majestic city below, a loud laugh resounded in the sky.

What made the laughter was a group of wave-like water light, as if a small pond with a radius of several kilometers was lifted up into the sky, constantly ups and downs in the void.

Along with the laughter in the water, on the other side, a handsome middle-aged human also replied with a smile.

They're back, and their line of immortals, who have gathered the best combat power in Dayan and Wanhu, finally returned after more than five years.

Five years is definitely not long for a fairy whose lifespan is tens of thousands of years, but thinking of the experience of everyone in the past five years, it is a group of top powerhouses in the two countries, who also have lingering fears, but compared to this time In terms of gains, almost everyone feels deeply worth it.

"Who?!!...Your Majesty? See Your Majesty!"

"Welcome to His Majesty's return!"


Also amid the laughter, figures also escaped from the imperial city of Dayan Kingdom below, but those escaped figures were shocked as soon as someone yelled, and followed by all the escaped figures bowed down in the void .

They all kowtowed to the handsome middle-aged man of the human race.

That one is also the master of the entire Dayan Kingdom, King Hui Dao!

And King Huidao is not only the master of Dayan Kingdom, but also the strongest among all the immortal kings of the descendants in Quan Yushou Continent, not one of them.The Dayan Kingdom he founded was even more powerful than the Ascending Empire like the Feiying Kingdom and Tachi Kingdom.

"Ha, Brother Dao, you guys are so blind that you can't even feel your aura. Only when you see you will you know it's you..."

In the reverent bowing of a group of Dayan Kingdom immortals, the pool of water near Hui Dao King flashed like waves and laughed loudly.

Obviously, this is only when the other party is in a good mood.Just kidding the Immortals of Dayan Kingdom.

Just following the laughter, a group of immortals who were worshiping suddenly looked sideways, and all of them looked at the water light strangely, not only at the water light, but also at the group of immortals behind the water light.There is also a fairy who has attracted a lot of strange eyes.


Seeing the strange reactions of this group of immortals, Shui Guang trembled.He let out a light snort in surprise.Isn't it.He just laughed and joked just now, but according to common sense, after making fun of himself, those guys should also pay homage to him in fear, which is reasonable, after all, he is also a majestic fairy king.Although his strength is not as monstrous as that of King Hui Dao, he is also one of the most powerful immortal kings of the descendants, and his strength is not far behind the Ascending Immortal King of Feiying Kingdom and Tachi Kingdom, the Shocking Sea King of Wanhu Kingdom!

It is reasonable for these guys to pay homage to him in trepidation, but they are not only not paying homage now.Instead, they all looked at them with such weird eyes?Not only looking at him, but also behind him?Is that True Monarch Qiandao? ?His proud disciple?

In Jinghai King's astonishment, the Qiandao Zhenjun who was watching behind him also widened his eyes in confusion, what's going on?

"Presumptuous!" On the other hand, Hui Dao Wang also frowned after a flash of surprise in his eyes, and scolded the group of impolite immortals.

All of a sudden, a group of immortals were shocked, and then they all said words of apology while paying homage.

"Ha, you guys, what's going on? Is there something wrong with this king? Let you watch like this?"

King Jinghai didn't take it seriously, but asked back with a smile.

And a group of impolite Dayan Kingdom immortals of course did not dare to speak nonsense, and continued to apologize and admit their mistakes.

"Say, what's going on? Could it be that something happened during the years we left?" This time, it was King Hui Dao who spoke coldly again.

Accompanied by the emperor's question, a group of immortals did not dare to hide any more, and someone directly glanced at King Jinghai and King Huidao carefully, and then looked at Zhenjun Qiandao strangely, "Your Majesty, after you left During these times, something happened, but what happened was the Thousand Feather Sect under Qiandao Zhenjun... The Thousand Feather Sect was broken."


"My sect was broken??"


All of a sudden, the group of immortals who had just returned were shocked, but their personal reactions were quite different. The Dao King was only a little surprised, but Qiandao Zhenjun immediately got angry, and there were several immortals around him. , they all jumped up in shock on the spot, and even burst into endless murderous intent in an instant.

Even Jing Haiwang, who was rippling wantonly like a pool of spring water, also froze suddenly, and as the waves calmed down, the surrounding void suddenly seemed to be frozen.

After all, Zhenjun Qiandao is one of his most valued personal disciples, and this time he took away Zhenjun Qiandao and even a group of top military forces in his sect. If his sect was destroyed under such circumstances, it would be a surprise! Neptune, as a master, will also become angry from embarrassment.Even if it wasn't because he took away a group of top fighters from Qianyuzong that led to the destruction of Qianyuzong, but Zhenjun Qiandao, as his personal disciple, was defeated like this, and that was like beating him to startle the sea king face.

So his wrath was definitely not empty.

It's just that a group of immortals whose moods were changing violently, became dumbfounded on the spot following the reporter's last sentence.

"However, the Thousand Feather Sect was broken, so the damage is not that great...Because the one who broke the Thousand Feather Sect was only a true immortal, and an Ascended True Immortal entered the Thousand Feather Sect. With more than 700 immortals guarding the Thousand Feather Sect, Captured its protective array, beheaded thirty or forty immortals, and then shocked the other Qianyuzong's immortals to flee,..."

The fairy who reported the matter was indeed cautious in the gradual report, always keeping the emotions of King Haiwang and others in mind, as if he was afraid that the other party would lose control after hearing the news, and was ready to run away at any time.

And the way they looked at Jinghai King, Qiandao Zhenjun and others was also full of strangeness.

It's fine for King Jinghai, this kind of weirdness is hidden very deep and complicated, because they dare not, but when it comes to Qiandao Zhenjun and a group of immortals.This kind of weirdness doesn't need to be so fearful, it can be released to some extent, and the expressions of pity, contempt, and even laughter contained in it are also extremely wonderful.

That's true, a sect with seven or eight hundred immortal kings was killed by a real immortal, and you were killed and fled... This, this is really an unprecedented ridiculous and absurd incident. Let Guo Zhengyang's prestige rise endlessly, and the opposite Qianyuzong.But it really became the laughing stock of the whole continent!

After all, several years have passed, and there are some things that cannot be concealed, even if the immortals in Qianyuzong want to hide them, but because Guo Zhengyang wants to show his formation skills, it is worth other immortals to exchange for treasures, so Not only did he not deliberately cover up this matter.He also took the initiative to publicize some, so these things have already been publicized across the continent.


When Jinghaiwang, Qiandao Zhenjun and others were confused by this answer.Back to Dao Wang, but sprayed.A cloud of water mist sprayed out from the nose, and the next face was instantly distorted, reaching the limit of weirdness.

joke?This is the only thought in Hui Dao King's mind at the moment, but he knows that his own fairy can't make fun of such a thing under such circumstances, so is it true?

And the majestic Qianyuzong.The super first-class sect established by a powerful immortal king like King Jinghai, who is extremely valued by the true disciples, although the top power in the sect has been mobilized, but after all, there are still more than 700 immortal kings sitting in the town, and there are thousands or thousands of years. Great array.Such a sect was broken by a true immortal?

Knowing that this is not a joke, Hui Dao Wang is really angry!

He finally understood why the group of his own immortals who had just escaped had such strange expressions when they looked at King Jinghai and the others.


It was when Hui Dao King was breathing out that a majestic murderous intent suddenly emerged from Jing Hai Wang's body. When the murderous intent was first released, Hui Dao King was shocked immediately, and waved out a night curtain, covering Jing Hai King, " Fellow Daoist Shocked Sea, calm down."

"Calm down? Shameless boy, relying on my king's absence and bullying my disciple like this, how do you want me to calm down!!"

Following Dao King's consolation, there was a chorus of mournful voices in the night.

Zhenjun Qiandao and the others in the back were equally angry and ashamed. Although they didn't speak, their expressions were extremely exciting.

As for King Dao, after glancing at the angry and ashamed True Monarch Qiandao and the others, he hurriedly said with a wry smile, "Of course I won't stop you from taking revenge, but now that Ascended True Immortal is not with me." Yan Kingdom Imperial City,..."

Well, Hui Dao Wang doesn't know how he feels at the moment.

He really wanted to laugh out loud. The sect established by the true disciple of the Immortal King was shattered by a true Immortal. No longer have the face to gain a foothold in the mainland.

But at the moment, he is also sighing with emotion, what a monstrous true fairy, who did such a horrible thing in the real fairyland, although he still doesn't know the name of the ascended true fairy, but at this moment he can't bear it. It hurts, is this such a monstrosity popping out from here?

The real immortals even bullied the immortal emperors and kings, and even tore their faces to pieces.

He stepped on Qianyuzong to take the position, but this time, he really offended Qiandao Zhenjun and Jinghai King to death.

"Is there no news yet? After so many years of investigation, there is no news at all. It seems that Nephew Lin is more ominous." Even Hui Dao Wang was wondering where such a monster popped up. The evildoer who was talking about it was muttering while frowning in Feiying Country's Huaxu Sect.

That's right, Guo Zhengyang didn't know that a group of superpowers such as Qiandao Zhenjun and Jinghai King had returned, but at this moment, he was worrying about the whereabouts of his nephew Lin. Over the years, so many immortals helped him inquire about the news, but until He basically took out the precious medicine from Zhou Yiqing and other batches of medicine cauldrons, but no one has found the whereabouts of Nephew Lin. This situation is really worrying.

Even he had to wonder if the soaring nephew had already fallen due to bad luck. . )

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