"With your current reputation, there are so many big sects and powerful forces to help you find it. After so many years of searching, there is still no news. I'm afraid we really have to prepare for the worst. It's really unfortunate that Junior Brother Li is here. !"

In the Huaxu Sect, after Guo Zhengyang told Zhou Yiqing the news that the search failed again, Zhou Yiqing also smiled wryly, "Speaking of which, although I was captured and enslaved as soon as I ascended, compared to Junior Brother Li's lineage , it’s already been calculated.”

Isn't that right? Although his experience after his ascension was horribly bleak, he was first enslaved for decades to do coolie mining, and later he was arrested to make a medicine tripod, but compared to the lineage of Li Changqing among the Eight Patriarchs of Shangjie Mountain, Already calculated.

The Eight Patriarchs of Shangjie Mountain, the four known survivors of the catastrophe, Guo Zhengyang and Zhou Yiqing were ascended, Li Changqing and Du Yunbo died under the catastrophe, and that nephew Lin was also Li Changqing's brother, and he is still alive until now. Without any news about him, anyone with a sense of reason would probably know that that person was in danger, and that he might have already fallen.

"It is necessary to be psychologically prepared for the worst, but things are not certain. Yushou Continent is so big, maybe he is hiding somewhere, and the people who help me inquire about the news are probably the powerful forces of Feiying Kingdom , may not be able to cover the other ten countries." Zhou Yiqing smiled wryly, and Guo Zhengyang also shook his head with a smile. Although the matter of finding Nephew Lin has reached an impasse, the possibility of getting good news is very low, but This matter is not hopeless, at least they didn't get the news of the death of that nephew Lin, "Even if I searched for him in ordinary ways, I still can't find him, but when I improve my cultivation and I am promoted to the realm of immortal kings, I will find him again." Try using the secret method, maybe you can find it.”

"Secret method?" Zhou Yiqing was stunned.

Guo Zhengyang smiled again and said, "Did you forget? When we locked Feng Hui's Qi machine, we used the life and death platform."

In a word, Zhou Yiqing also suddenly realized.

But no, before they left the spiritual domain, Guo Zhengyang and Feng Hui had an endless quarrel, relying on the life and death platform to lock Feng Hui's aura, forcing the other party to fight Guo Zhengyang to the death.

And something like the Life and Death Platform, as long as it can refine your qi, no matter where you hide, it can sense your position.

"With my current ability, in terms of the means of determining a person's position, I have already surpassed the treasures of the Life and Death Platform. As long as I refine a wisp of energy, I can sense its approximate position, and I no longer need to use it like the Life and Death Platform." Once the sensor is locked, life and death must be separated, but this method also has two flaws, first of all, if the distance is too far, then I will not be able to sense it, or if there is a strong interference force around the target, it is also easy to sense No, of course, if my cultivation base is sufficient, no matter it is distance or interference, it can also be weakened."

Guo Zhengyang explained again with a smile.

Before he asked someone to find the whereabouts of Zhou Yiqing and the others, he had already used similar secret techniques to track the location of the two, but they all failed.

This is not surprising. This kind of tracking and sensing secret technique is fine if the distance is close, but once the distance is too far... For example, when Guo Zhengyang was in Feiying Kingdom and Haizong activated the magic technique, Zhou Yiqing was in Wanhu Kingdom. The distance is like the distance between the Mortal Poison Wheel galaxy and the Chaos galaxy.They were so far apart, he couldn't sense anything more normal.

And later, when Guo Zhengyang arrived outside Qianyuzong, during those days when he was hidden, he also activated the secret technique, but he still failed, otherwise he wouldn't have been empty-handed for the first time, and that failure was not the distance. It's too far away, but the interference is too strong. This kind of interference is because the formations that have been arranged by Qianyuzong for so many years will be weakened by the power of the formations. The other is that Zhou Yiqing's vitality has been almost destroyed The precious medicine in the body was drained and drained. Although the precious medicine was full of vitality, after the precious medicine extracted his vitality, it had already derived another new vitality, which was still different from him.

Zhou Yiqing's own vitality was deeply concealed under the suppression of the precious medicine's qi machine.

It was the two ways of interference that made Guo Zhengyang feel defeated again.

However, the two factors that affect the induction can be weakened. As long as Guo Zhengyang's cultivation continues to become stronger and stronger, he can sense the space at a longer distance, and he can also weaken those interferences with his strong cultivation.

As long as that Nephew Lin is not dead, when Guo Zhengyang enters the Immortal Monarch Realm, the sensing distance will be greatly enhanced again.

As long as Nephew Lin is not dead, one day, he will be able to sense his position.

"That's true, so let's do it now?" Under Guo Zhengyang's laughing words, Zhou Yiqing also nodded in surprise, he had indeed forgotten this point.

"Now it's time to say goodbye to the fellow Taoists of Huaxu Sect. I am here, and I can submerge myself to strip out the precious medicine in your body. , because maybe one day, the people from Wanhu Kingdom will kill them. We can have the secret technique of telepathy, and those immortal monarchs and kings who stand at the top will not lose this kind of secret technique, and I When I went to Qianyuzong last time, the Qi mechanism was already locked by the soul eyes of that day. As long as Jing Haiwang and Qiandao Zhenjun, who were hunting for treasures in Dayan Kingdom, return, they will definitely be able to sense my approximate location, so we have to leave , and then find a safe place, and then I will arrange some confusing and disturbing formation restrictions, and try to improve my cultivation base."

Guo Zhengyang also smiled again. Of course, he will not forget his troubles in Qianyuzong, and he will never naively think that the incident just passed away.

A few years ago, no one in the Qianyu Sect came to trouble him, but the top combat power was basically absent there.

Once the top combat power returns, troubles will definitely come one after another.

After all, he has the secret technique that can sense the direction of the opponent with a ray of life energy from a certain immortal. Can those top immortal monarchs and immortal kings not have it?

This kind of secret technique is known even by many great monks in the mortal world. Immortal monarchs and kings must also practice it. The difference is only the strength of each secret technique, or whether the range of induction after casting the secret technique is large or small. .

And Guo Zhengyang would never underestimate the accomplishments of those top immortal monarchs and immortal kings in such methods.

In the past few years, he has been staying in Huaxu Sect because he has to rely on the help of several immortals of Huaxu Sect to exchange and collect more alchemy classics. He also needs to spend time comprehending those classics and saving Zhou Yiqing and others. people.

Now that the work was done, he should indeed go.

Also be on guard against being locked in by the Qiandao Zhenjun, King Jinghai and others who suddenly returned, and suddenly killed in front of you.

Just do what you said, and then Guo Zhengyang went into battle, loaded Zhou Yiqing and others with the fairy mansion, and said goodbye to the immortals of Huaxu Sect one by one, and then passed the teleportation array of Huaxu City to stay away from Huaxu Sect. After several rounds, he randomly found a remote place in Feiying country, and then he started to set up the formation.

And just when Guo Zhengyang found the retreat site and began to form formations, the Thousand Feather Sect of Wanhu Kingdom.

In the deepest part of the sect, all the figures were standing under a strange tree with dark faces, silently.

In the silence, Zhenjun Qiandao closed his eyes to feel it, and then he spread his hands suddenly and grabbed it. In the strange tree in front of him, invisible fluctuations were caught from a strange fruit, and Zhenjun Qiandao grabbed it in the palm of his hand. .

"Is this the breath of life of that child? No matter where he is at the moment, this old man must find him and cut him to pieces!"

The Heavenly Soul Eye is a rare treasure that True Monarch Qiandao asked from King Jinghai. It is a huge and strange tree about several kilometers high. Among the branches and leaves, what condensed out were fruits that resembled human eyeballs.

If this kind of rare treasure is planted in one part of the world, this thing can be completely integrated with the place, as if the soul enters the body, and it is perfectly integrated with the place, regardless of each other.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed a little troublesome, and it cannot escape the surveillance of the sky soul.

And once a strange life invades, those eyeball-shaped fruits of the Sky Soul Eye will extract a ray of energy from those lives, even if the Immortal King comes, it is also easy to be stolen and monitored.

Originally, they had gone through hardships and returned from an adventure in a certain ancient fairy king's mansion. Accompanied by a huge harvest, the mood of Qiandao Zhenjun and his party was also unprecedentedly excited.

But this excitement completely dissipated after the sudden news of the disaster.

The majestic Thousand Feather Sect was actually broken by an Ascended True Immortal, and in the end hundreds of Immortals were so shocked that they packed up their beds and prepared to flee. This kind of thing really made Qiandao True Monarch feel ashamed and wanted to die.

Even if it was because the true immortal was too monstrous, even if it was because the Thousand Feather Sect was not at its peak at that time, almost none of the strongest force was in the sect. The top immortals all went to Dayan Kingdom with King Jinghai.

If they were all in the clan at that time, it would have been absolutely difficult for Guo Zhengyang to achieve such a great feat.

Among other things, for a strong man like the Great Elder of Qianyuzong, Guo Zhengyang can't do much damage to him with all his strength. That kind of god-slaying stunt has little effect on the Great Elder, but he was able to gradually devour a whole body at the beginning. Criticizing formation groups basically relies on God of War's unique skills to scare away a group of immortals who are best at formations, so that it can be successfully realized. If more than a dozen other top immortals with strength and great elders were also in the sect, they have been If Guo Zhengyang wants to gradually encroach on the Thousand Feather Sect formation group if he defends nearby, the difficulty will definitely increase by more than ten times.

So Qian Yuzong would end up like that, indeed because the top fighters were not at home, and someone took advantage of the loopholes.

But even if you understand these, so what?

The fact is that a super-class sect like Qianyuzong was broken by a real immortal.

Those immortals outside don't care about your top combat power. They only know that there were seven or eight hundred immortals in Qianyuzong at that time, and they were bullied by a real immortal.

The majesty that the sect had established for tens of thousands of years was lost in that one day, and it became the laughing stock of the entire continent!

It is conceivable that at this moment, Zhenjun Qiandao and others' feelings for Guo Zhengyang are so intense! (To be continued.)

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