One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 560 What is there to talk about?

"I ran for dozens of days in vain, and now I can only choose the direction again. I am here, but I can determine where Bei is, but once I escape for a long time, I may lose my direction again. What should I do?"

Knowing from the mouths of the two Ascended True Immortals that he had rescued that the direction was messed up, Guo Zhengyang was really depressed. In his depression, he distinguished the left and right directions from the mouths of the two True Immortals, and then he waved the two of them out of the Dead Sea. King Jinghai would chase after him in two minutes at most, he really didn't dare to delay with them for too long. .

But after sending those two away, he fell silent again.

Because of the direction, it is really a big problem.

He once went to Yunshang Continent in the Dead Sea, but inexplicably detoured to Qiwu Continent, he was really at a loss what to do.

If he could solve the problem of identifying the direction in the Dead Sea, he had solved it dozens of days ago, but if he couldn't, even if he chose the north to escape now, he might run to an unknown direction in a short time.

It's really not the way to go on like this.

Even if he wasn't afraid of being chased by Jing Haiwang, it would be unbearable to keep chasing and fleeing without a moment of peace.

Guo Zhengyang is not afraid that if he is trapped in the Dead Sea for a long time, he will not be able to survive. Although he can only use the power of heaven and earth in the Dead Sea to kill and trap enemies, he cannot use the poisonous gas in the Dead Sea to cultivate, because these things cannot be used at all. It is the most poisonous thing after creation, and it is impossible for normal immortal things to suffer.

But even so, given the fact that he had killed so many real immortals and immortal monarchs before, and the background of the portable immortal mansion that he hunted, let alone being trapped in the Dead Sea for a few months, even if he was trapped for hundreds of years, resources are still in demand. do.

The question is, is it true that he was chased and killed by a fairy king for decades and hundreds of years?

"No, we have to find a way. If we can't solve the problem of orientation, we have to solve the pursuit." After a moment of silence, Guo Zhengyang gritted his teeth and fled to the north again.

But this time, he just stopped after escaping from the area of ​​Qiwu Continent, and then started to earnestly and rigorously set up a donation formation around the area.

In the past, the formations that trapped King Jinghai were all arranged by him during his escape. A formation can only give dozens of breaths at most. It is simple and light, but it can't cause too much trouble to King Jinghai.

But this time, he has exhausted all means, preparing to set up a powerful formation in this area, and then have a good talk with King Jinghai.


"Huh? Why did the little thief stop? It's been more than a quarter, and he hasn't moved away yet? Could it be, is he trapped? Or is he in some serious trouble?"

Just when Guo Zhengyang began to set up the formation in earnest, preparing to use the strongest formation he could give to talk to King Jinghai, just over a moment later, several traps were opened behind him to hunt down King Jinghai Suddenly startled, stopped suddenly.

Isn't that right? After chasing and killing Guo Zhengyang for dozens of days, the guy in front of him has never stayed in one place for more than a moment in a row. .

How does this make Jing Haiwang not confused?

But after being puzzled for a moment, he became overjoyed and ecstatic again.

The crisis in the Dead Sea is indeed not only poisonous gas, but also poisonous beasts.

And even if there is a limit to the danger of poisonous beasts, for example, if an immortal wants to advance to the Immortal King Realm, he must have extremely terrifying attainments in the perception of heaven and earth. This kind of monster bred by adhering to the most vicious aura since the beginning of the world has no intelligence at all, so they can't talk about understanding the world. The strongest can only be stronger than the fairy king, but they cannot pose a big threat to the fairy king.

But even so, if a batch of the most powerful poisonous beasts surrounded an Immortal King in the Dead Sea, it would be enough for the Immortal King to drink a large pot.

And even the Immortal King, once he senses that there are a large number of the strongest poisonous beasts nearby, he can only dodge in advance...

Therefore, if Guo Zhengyang was besieged by a large number of poisonous beasts, it is not impossible. Although this may not be a big name, it is true.

And besides poisonous beasts, there are also some innate Jedi in the Dead Sea, which are more dangerous than poisonous beasts.

When the world first opened, it is normal for a party to evolve into a strange and fierce self-proclaimed killing game.

Even if the world in the Dead Sea is different from the outside world, it can still evolve by itself.

There is also a part of that kind of place that is enough to trap or even obliterate the Immortal King.

Or, the remains of some ancient fairy kings fell into the Dead Sea and turned into vicious ruins?

Thinking of this, and knowing that this is the first time Guo Zhengyang has stayed in a certain place for so long in dozens of days, why is King Jinghai not happy?

In ecstasy, his water-like body turned dark blue, but it wasn't vomiting blood, but his whole body was congested with excitement!

Just kidding, he managed to borrow a treasure from Hui Dao King, finally locked Guo Zhengyang himself, and then chased him, no matter how he thought about it, with his majestic Immortal King ability, he would catch Guo Zhengyang in a day at most. But the fact is that he, the Immortal King, not only chased and killed Guo Zhengyang for dozens of days without success, he never saw that guy, but was trapped by the danger set by that guy again and again, and was trapped hundreds of times! !

Even those pits didn't hurt him, but that kind of soul humiliation has already made King Jinghai vomit blood countless times.

It's also fortunate that he doesn't have the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys in the human body, otherwise the heart and liver would have been blasted countless times.

Then suddenly find that the target seems to be trapped?As long as he passes by, it seems that he can either capture and kill the little thief, or sit aside and reap the benefits, so how can he not be excited?

Excited, King Jing Hai flew out again.

It wasn't until more than half a quarter later that the blood-soaked Jinghai King was suddenly startled and turned full speed.

Then, he stopped and carefully observed the surrounding world in the Dead Sea. No matter how he observed, it was difficult to find anything wrong, so he took a few steps forward and looked ahead suspiciously.

But in front of him was Guo Zhengyang standing calmly in the poisonous gas layer of the Dead Sea, as if waiting for him.

"What's going on? Didn't the thief stop because he was trapped? Why does he seem to be waiting for me here?"

He was so suspicious that King Jinghai didn't dare to act hastily for a while.

"King Jinghai, we have been chasing and fleeing for dozens of days. If you think about it, you can understand that even if you try your best, it will not be so easy to catch up with me. Why don't we have a good talk?"

This side was full of doubts, and Guo Zhengyang looked at King Jinghai with emotion. Speaking of which, he had fought this fairy king many times, but it was the first time that he had actually faced each other face to face.

"Talk? What's there to talk about?" King Jinghai was instantly furious.

Originally, I didn't dare to act rashly, but when I saw a real fairy, he said in front of him that he couldn't catch up with all his strength, and this was the truth, and the face of the fairy king on his side was also destroyed by this sentence. There was nothing left of being trampled and ravaged, King Jinghai was immediately aroused with infinite anger and roared crazily.

Then, the left and right worlds became complicated in an instant.

But that was only because Jinghai King's anger leaked, and when his murderous intent swelled, it automatically activated the power of the formation that Guo Zhengyang had arranged for two moments.

The great formation was in motion, and pieces of mighty power from heaven and earth were crazily mobilized and rotated, one ring after another, one ring after another, and in the shortest period of time, countless mighty powers erupted, pouring down on Jing Haiwang layer by layer.

The King of Shocking Sea was also furious. Could it be that the little thief is setting up an formation to surround and kill him?

Well, how arrogant is this guy?

The water was tumbling, and a big bell surfaced. When the bell rang, there was a layer of sound waves. As the sound waves spread, worlds were born one by one, and all the countless mighty powers that poured down were imprisoned instantly.

Guo Zhengyang frowned, but he still controlled the operation of the left and right formations, and while imprisoning Jinghai King, he smiled again, "As long as I deal with it carefully, even if I can't kill you, you can't catch up with me at all, why don't we just stop here? Do you really want to chase me down in the Dead Sea for a hundred thousand years?"

"Even after chasing you for thousands of years, this king will crush you to ashes!" The bell on King Jinghai's body rang again, and the sound wave rolled again, and once again prosperous worlds were born, which overlapped with the previous worlds, and also made people laugh. Those worlds became clearer and clearer.

The world is clear, and once the big clock rotates, those worlds seem to come alive, as if monsters opened their mouths wide, biting off pieces of heaven and earth power on the left and right, and bringing them all into the world.

Guo Zhengyang frowned again, because with just these two strikes, the opponent had swallowed [-]% of his mighty power.

This, so scary?

It seems that he still underestimated King Jinghai.

According to this efficiency, with a few breaths at most, the formations I have worked so hard to arrange before will be eaten away?He mobilized countless powers of heaven and earth, but King Jinghai relied on the bell to directly swallow the nearby pieces of heaven and earth into the world of creation that evolved from the bell?

And King Jinghai's tone made him understand that there was no possibility of the two parties shaking hands and making peace.

Frowning, Guo Zhengyang came to a very far away in a flash, and also analyzed the power of heaven and earth with a wider structure. He really didn't believe that Jing Haiwang's creation fairy treasure could swallow the real world without limit.According to the frequency of his big clock devouring the world before, one bite can bite off a whole world that he mobilized in the previous two moments. This efficiency is indeed scary, but it is only an ideal state. You swallow a bite, it takes time to digest it, right?Impossible to have a second bite right away?

See if the other party swallows the whale faster, or is it faster to mobilize yourself?

But after dozens of breaths, Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly and dodged away, quickly fleeing away.

"Although the fairy treasures of his creation can't gobble up the real world without limit all the time, they can be quickly refined into new fairy treasures after being incorporated into a world. Let the power of Whale Swallow become stronger...Damn it, I still have to escape, compared to him now, I am far from an opponent."

"However, he wants to completely crack the killing array here, but it's not that easy."


After Guo Zhengyang disappeared in a blink of an eye, it took another full moment before King Jinghai finally shattered the last layer of killing array and escaped.

But after he got away, not only did he not show any joy, but he was even more furious.

Impossible not to be furious, finally caught up with that kid, and it was also the first time to face that kid face to face, but now it took more than a moment to break the formation.

The opponent set up a killing array within two moments.It took him a moment to burst?

"Damn it, no matter what, the distance has been shortened a lot. As long as he has a little accident, this king can catch up and let me chase you for a hundred thousand years? Just dream!"

In the midst of his anger, King Jinghai dodged again and quickly chased after him.

But after a dozen or so breaths, King Jinghai trembled again, and layers of deep blue water waves rolled out of his body again.

"Damn, why is there another group? It's only a few steps away? God damn it..."

How many times have you been trapped by the trap set by that little thief?He can't remember.And that little thief always set up formations in places he least expected, making him fooled again and again. This kind of mental frustration really drove Tangtang Immortal King mad. (To be continued.)

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