One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 561 Returning to the Void Continent

"Senior Brother Zhou, how are you doing now?"

"It's okay, but compared with you, there is still a sky and an earth. You know, I have only comprehended it for a few thousand years, and even if I directly comprehend the system you summed up and written, it would take you more than a hundred thousand years." The crystallization of wisdom, but my formation talent is only average, at most only [-]-[-]% of your level."

"That's not bad, it seems that as long as a little more time passes, you will be almost there."

"That's right, the Lingshi Mansion is really terrifying. By the way, how are you?"

"I... my egg hurts, let's not talk about it, he is here again."


Time flies, three years have passed, in a sea of ​​mottled poisonous gas, Guo Zhengyang chatted with Zhou Yiqing in a bored manner, and after only a few words, his expression changed again, showing an extremely entangled and depressed feeling on his face .

It's impossible not to be entangled, it's been three years!

That guy Jing Haiwang chased him after him for three years!

In the past three years, except for the time when Guo Zhengyang deliberately showed up to meet King Jinghai, the other party has been left behind by him, and there is almost no chance to meet him again. This kind of chasing and fleeing is really painful.

He basically didn't have any leisure time, and he often threw off the guys behind him, rested for dozens or hundreds of breaths, and then had to continue to flee.

The situation of being forced to escape all the time also made Guo Zhengyang not only entangled and depressed, but also furious about being chased and killed. can escape.

Perhaps he, a true immortal, was chased and killed by an immortal king for more than three years, and he just let the other party follow behind to eat ashes. If such a thing gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire fairy world, not just one continent. But that's useless, the current Guo Zhengyang is just maddened with boredom, he feels like he was bitten by a mad dog, and he can't get rid of it no matter how he shakes it off.

The only good news is that when Guo Zhengyang was fleeing desperately, Zhou Yiqing, who was hiding in the portable Immortal Mansion he brought, was not affected, and could still enter the Lingshi Mansion smoothly.

One year in the fairy world is 7) days, and three years is more than 00 days. Zhou Yiqing has lived in the mansion for more than 2000 years, and one year in the fairy world is three years in the mortal world. It is counted as earth time. The Clan Code has been around for six or seven thousand years.

What he directly comprehended was the mature system that Guo Zhengyang gathered from countless classics, which was much easier and simpler than when Guo Zhengyang deduced it out of thin air. Even if his talent is not very good, after so many years, his formation skills have continued to improve by leaps and bounds .

Even if Zhou Yiqing is still unable to compare with Guo Zhengyang, it is estimated that he can reach [-]-[-]% of his level.

If it continues like this, maybe in a few years, when Zhou Yiqing can catch up with him in formation, the two of them can join forces to attack King Jinghai's pursuit.

Judging from the past three years, if Guo Zhengyang can get rid of King Jinghai every time, even if he wants to escape safely for a few more years, he should be able to do it.

"However, do you really want to escape like this for a few more years? This is too deceitful!"

Once again, Guo Zhengyang couldn't help swearing while escaping again, and this was not the only thing that made him feel cheated. The other point was that in the past three years, he had never met another continent...

What does this mean?

The first time he left the Yushou Continent, he reached the edge of the Qiwu Continent in only a few dozen days. According to this efficiency, he would probably be able to reach another new continent in about a month or two, but it would take three full years. , He has been fleeing in the Dead Sea, and has never seen the New World.

This can only mean that he is either going around in circles in one place, or passing by continents one by one.

Totally lost in the Dead Sea, that's about it!

"Have I reached the Dead Sea near a super huge continent? The bigger the continent, the bigger the Dead Sea. The previous Yushou Continent was just a small piece of the 132 continents in the Immortal Realm. It is equivalent to a chaotic galaxy in the mortal world, and the corresponding Dead Sea may be the size of dozens of chaotic galaxies. I am lucky not to get lost, and I may cross to the other side in dozens of days. Now, if I am in the Dead Sea near a super continent Wandering, if the direction is wrong, it is really easy to find the edge for several years or even ten years."

Flashing again, Guo Zhengyang acted quickly again, communicating the power of heaven and earth in the nearby Dead Sea to donate formations, and this time he donated one after another, left and right, up and down, and erected a wall in this area, which surprised the king of the sea. Finally, as long as you don't make a detour of dozens of breaths, you will definitely fall into the group.

After the trap was settled, he continued to fly forward.

He just flew away for dozens of breaths, and when he reappeared, he smiled strangely, with a flash of pride in his eyes, that guy was caught in the trap again, and he was trapped in a trap again. Well, after running away for so long, Guo Zhengyang Laughing in the constant fire, there is only a short moment when he often plays to surprise Aquaman.

After a smile, he set up formations around the area again, and after he settled down a group of formations, he continued to move forward.

However, during the stop and go, Guo Zhengyang was suddenly startled, and then he was overjoyed and ecstatic.

"Continent? Sigh... I thought I would be trapped for a few more years, but I finally saw the mainland! I just don't know which continent is in front of me."

His current mood is really like the surprise of an ordinary person who has been drifting in the boundless ocean for several years and suddenly discovers a new land.Although he didn't find any immortals in the Dead Sea at the edge of the continent this time, he still rushed to the mainland without hesitation.

After a few dodges, when Guo Zhengyang stood above a mountain forest, breathing in the fresh and beautiful fairy air, his whole body seemed to relax countless times.

Of course, he didn't dare to keep this kind of relaxation and surprise at all.

In the Dead Sea, relying on his own attainments in the world, his advantage in it will be enlarged, while the advantage of King Jinghai will be reduced. In the simplest way, compared with King Jinghai, Guo Zhengyang's speed is only a few tenths of that in the Dead Sea. , but it was a quarter of the opponent, so if he didn't quickly find out what kind of continent this continent was and what the situation was, he still had to turn around and flee back to the Dead Sea immediately.

After closing his eyes, Guo Zhengyang disappeared into the world again.

"What is this place?"

With one breath, at the edge of the mainland, a fairy who was searching for precious medicine in the wilderness was startled suddenly, and looked up to his side in horror.

"Don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to ask which continent you are here."

The immortal was also a race that Guo Zhengyang didn't know, but the thunder mark on his forehead indicated that he was an ascendant, so Guo Zhengyang hurriedly spoke to appease him.

"Returning to the Void Continent?" The immortal suppressed his shock, stood up respectfully and bowed to Guo Zhengyang.

Guo Zhengyang appeared too abruptly, but because of the abruptness, the other party realized that the cultivation level of the person in front of him might be far above him.

"Return to the Void Continent??" Guo Zhengyang was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter again, but in the laughter, he still used the secret technique suddenly, instantly confusing the immortal, "Is it really the Return to the Void Continent?"

"Yes." The immortal's answer this time was already dumbfounded, and it was just a mechanical answer.

"Guixu Continent, this time, let's see how he still chases and kills me when he is shocked by King Hai. If he has ten guts, I'm afraid he won't dare to mess around in Guixu Continent. Return to the Void Continent."

Originally, his original destination was just the Yunshang Continent in the north of Yushou Continent, but he really didn't expect that after three years of fleeing, he had never encountered the New Continent, and after taking many detours, he actually arrived at Guixu mainland.

This is simply good news that couldn't be better.

If it is said that in the Yunshang Continent, each of the seven Ascended Immortal Kings established a country, and the Ascended Ones dominate the world, then the Guixu Continent is definitely the most powerful holy land for Ascended beings among all the continents in the entire Immortal World.

In this continent, there are more than 20 immortal kings, but there are only two kingdoms!

More than 20 Ascended Immortal Kings gathered under the command of two Super Immortal Kings, and it is said that those two Super Immortal Kings are both Immortal Kings of Great Perfection. Longevity's supreme avenue.

Such an Immortal King can wipe out the average Immortal King's early stage with just a casual sneeze.Because it is not just as simple as how many times stronger than the Immortal King's initial stage in terms of cultivation base, but it is a matter of attainment in all aspects, and many of them can reach the heavenly way, which is truly comparable, and no longer just chase.

The Guixu Continent, where the two Immortal Kings sit, is the largest and most powerful Holy Land for Ascenders among the 132 continents in the Immortal World.

If Guo Zhengyang really enters the Yunshang Continent, and the seven Ascended Immortal Kings are in charge, enough to frighten the powerful descendants of Jinghai King who dare not go deep into it easily, and dare not chase and kill the Ascended there at will, then enter the Guixu Continent now Not to mention the Jinghai King, even the seven immortal kings of the descendants of the Yushou Continent would not dare to set foot on this continent.

It is precisely because Guixu Continent is so powerful that Guo Zhengyang couldn't even believe that he would run here by mistake after flying around for a few years, so he used some secret techniques to torture the ascendant in front of him, for fear The other party is fooling himself.

Now that he confirmed that the other party was not lying, he quickly laughed and fled to the depths of the mainland.

On this real continent, his speed is no longer just 30 to 300 light miles per breath, but has been fully exerted to the limit, more than [-] million light miles per breath, without suppressing his breath at all, rushing into the sensory area at the fastest speed. to the nearest city.

Then, under the eyes of a group of ascenders who were somewhat stunned and awed, Guo Zhengyang asked about the safest place their teleportation array could reach.

It was not until Guo Zhengyang disappeared in the teleportation array that another piece of water light suddenly appeared on the edge of the continent.

Appearing almost along the route of Guo Zhengyang, and even found a certain Ascended Immortal who had just recovered his sanity, Jing Haiwang also did not hesitate to use the secret technique and asked where it was.

And then, the dignified Immortal King spewed blood in shock on the spot. (To be continued.)

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