One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 62 Mantis Catching Cicadas

(ps: The third update arrives today, please recommend tickets, please collect, and ask for Sanjiang tickets.)

"The action needs to be quicker." It is very likely that someone came to grab the business, and Guo Zhengyang no longer entangled with this treasure that contains the attribute of lightning, but turned around and left.

After all, he dare not take this treasure now.

Walking quickly along the side of the road, Guo Zhengyang easily rushed towards one target because he could sense which direction the three new targets were moving.

He also wanted to see first whether they were real masters who came to snatch the business, or just passing by by chance. After all, everything just now was just his inference.And if that is really a master, he should observe what level of master the other party is.

Walking quickly, a few minutes later he reached the outer wall of a residential area, found a dark corner and turned in.

But within a few steps after entering the community, Guo Zhengyang was suddenly startled again, what a strong aura fluctuation, that aura fluctuation was really too strong, far better than the round ball on his body, and the sticky aura he saw on the roadside before. Things near the transformer are much stronger, covering almost half of the residential area.

Surprised for a moment, Guo Zhengyang twitched his nose again, and his face changed slightly after that.

"The smell of blood? It's human blood..."

Under the strong aura fluctuation, he even faintly smelled a bloody smell, just behind the tall buildings more than a hundred meters ahead.

Then Guo Zhengyang suddenly quickened his pace, and walked lightly to the corner of a building in front of him. He also had a spiritual weapon on him at this time, that is, the round ball he got from Jiang Weijie. The aura fluctuation of the ball is very weak, and Guo Zhengyang can only feel it within a few meters, but the aura fluctuation in front of him is dozens of times stronger than this. Such strong fluctuations easily cover up the subtle fluctuations on his body.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed over directly.

And when he leaned against the corner of the building and looked forward, his pupils shrank.

On the wide concrete floor outside a doorway of the building ahead, a woman in pajamas was lying on the ground losing her life, and she was holding a faintly shiny object in her hand. In front of the woman was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. year, was about to bend down to grab something from the woman's hand.

Such a scene suddenly made Guo Zhengyang suddenly realize.

"It turns out that these two goals are about to get the same chance! The dead woman was also a goal I sensed before. She was lucky and picked up the treasures scattered at the door of the house, but then she was caught by the middle-aged man. Killing and getting more."

That's right, at the beginning Guo Zhengyang sensed nine targets nearby, and when the change happened, four people got the opportunity directly, and one of them seemed to be in this community.

But if a person can get a chance, it is not certain that he can grasp it. For example, when Jiang Weijie got the chance, his Mercedes-Benz was directly smashed by a treasure. He was so angry that he smashed things on the ground and wanted to find someone to reason with. Those who are lucky enough to get a chance here will be robbed and killed shortly after getting the chance.

After she got the chance, she probably didn't even know what the thing in her hand was, so she was killed by someone.

Chance, turned out to be the cause of her sudden death? ?

And that middle-aged man was also one of the three people who rushed over from the direction of the city just now.

The opponent is definitely a master, who was startled by the aura impact and rushed over, sensing the violent aura fluctuations of that thing, rushed over, and then rushed to the killer.

Suddenly realizing it, Guo Zhengyang flicked his body and raised his hand, and shot a cold light from his hand, heading straight for the middle-aged man's neck.

The other party was merciless in killing these ordinary women and children, and Guo Zhengyang would also be merciless in killing him.

And the reason why he dared to attack was because Guo Zhengyang could feel that the strength of that master was not that outstanding, at least the other party didn't bring him any sense of danger, otherwise he would just turn around and run away.


A throwing knife was shot, and the middle-aged man who was about to take the treasure from the female corpse in front of him was also startled, and rolled down to the ground, but Guo Zhengyang had expected it, and the second knife had already been shot from his hand.

The third knife was shot out together with the second knife.

These throwing knives are also carried by him. After all, after being swallowed by the crooked gourd, these small fruit knives became as thin as paper, and they were put in the scabbard that was also swallowed by the crooked gourd, like pens , Put four or five in any pocket, and it doesn't take up as much space as a normal wallet.

Because he is only in the early stage of gathering spirits, he can only rely on hand-to-hand combat when encountering battles, and the appearance of thoughts has always been unexpected, and he has killed many people since his rebirth. It can be said that he has incurred a lot of evil debts. Of course, you have to carry it with you just in case.

Two throwing knives cut a distance of more than 20 meters in the dark night, one up and one down, and hit the middle-aged man's vitals. Although the middle-aged man escaped another knife while rolling, the third knife came from him with a puff. Shoulder stabbed.

After one stab, Guo Zhengyang chased him with the fourth and fifth stabs, and when the middle-aged figure barely avoided the fourth stab, the fifth stab pierced the middle-aged man's body with a puff. Stiff, limp there with a plop.

Guo Zhengyang quickly stepped forward, and when he arrived at the scene of the murder, he glanced wide, and a strange flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Such a sexy woman...

When he arrived in front of the two corpses, the first thing he saw was a beautiful face under the night. This woman in pajamas was a bit prettier than his elder sister, with a hotter figure, thin waist and plump buttocks. With a bulging chest, she can be regarded as a little beauty.

But it's a pity that this top-notch beauty was pierced through the heart with a sharp weapon, and the person who did it even stirred her heart a few times, and died in a miserable state.

After taking a look, Guo Zhengyang squatted down quickly to tidy up the scene, not only picked up the throwing knives he had shot out one by one, but also took the thing that emitted fluorescence and strong aura fluctuations in the female corpse's hand.

Of course, the middle-aged man who was beheaded by him also had strands of sins emerging from his body and was absorbed by Guo Zhengyang, but now Guo Zhengyang has no time to refine the sins.

Let the sin sink into his body, and then he looked at the treasure. This thing seemed to be the scale of some monster, but it carried a desolate and distant atmosphere on it, which made Guo Zhengyang tremble, as if he felt a strange feeling. Coercion.

This coercion came from the oppression of the soul, as if his soul was stagnant.

"The aura fluctuations on the scales are many times higher than the ball I got just now. No wonder the middle-aged man can sense it."

With a sudden shudder, Guo Zhengyang looked away from the scales, and then quickly returned to the original path.

As for the scene, he really didn't have time to deal with it.

After all, after investigating once, he also discovered that the three new targets were really masters trying to grab business. Now that one has been dealt with, there are two more.

He wants to stay here to deal with the scene, not to mention that the smell of blood here may alarm the residents at any time, and the other two business snatchers will also loot all other treasures at any time.

"Huh,..." But just after leaving the community, Guo Zhengyang paused and looked across the road sharply.

Across the road, a target in the original induction suddenly disappeared. This target was one of the first few targets and seemed to be a nearby resident. The disappearance of the induction indicated that he had already got the opportunity in his hands, but this is not the point, the point is later. Among the several masters, one of them was rushing towards the place where the target disappeared.

"Hey, chance, chance... These secrets are all good things. Anyone who is lucky enough to encounter a secret is lucky, but this time, I don't know how many people will die because of these secrets."

With a whisper, Guo Zhengyang did not rush over directly, but quickly walked to the side of the road, walked nearly [-] meters along the roadside flower bed, grabbed a knife and dug the soil beside the flower bed, dug a hole, and took the The scales and balls were all buried in the soil, and he stood up and sensed in place, and then he quickly rushed to the opposite side of the road.

At first, the aura fluctuations of the ball were very slight, so he dared to take it with him to investigate the target, but the aura fluctuations of the new scales were so strong, as long as he was not an idiot, he would not always carry it with him.Although digging a hole on the side of the road to bury it is not safe, but now Guo Zhengyang has no other better choice.


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