One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 63 Chaos One Night

"I'm late."

"Hey, this person has already obtained a treasure, but the thoughts in my mind haven't dissipated yet? He is still my hunting target in the telepathy, it seems that he has the opportunity to obtain several treasures this time..."


A while later, Guo Zhengyang guided through a community according to his thoughts, and arrived at a certain building, but when he arrived here, what he saw was a figure turning over from the courtyard wall deep in the community.

And in the residential building next to Guo Zhengyang at this moment, there is also a bloody smell wafting.

But what surprised Guo Zhengyang was the background of the person who left the community. He had obviously obtained a treasure from the bloody room, because he also had strong aura fluctuations on his body when he left, but in Guo Zhengyang's mind, the other party was still his. Hunt the target.

Under normal circumstances, if the target gets a chance, the mind will dissipate if the distance is far away, but this time it did not dissipate, and still guided him to hunt, so Guo Zhengyang immediately understood the opportunity of the target in front of him after thinking for a moment. Not just one treasure, but many.

But it is also true, since the other party is a master who can sense the fluctuation of spiritual energy, and now he is hunting for treasures in this area, and there are so many treasures here, as long as he keeps searching, he may not only find one treasure.

After thinking about it, Guo Zhengyang quickly chased after him according to his thoughts and senses.

As for the room that smelled of blood, Guo Zhengyang didn't bother to go up and take a look. He could sense it without looking, and the smell of blood didn't just come from one person.

If the judgment is correct, at least two people should have died in that room.

Different people's blood tastes different.

The figure who escaped from this neighborhood is even more ruthless than the last middle-aged man in a suit!

Maybe it's just destroying someone's house after breaking into it.

Quickly chasing after him, Guo Zhengyang was suddenly stunned after chasing, and then slowed down the speed of the pursuit abruptly, and a wonderful smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.

Because he found that two targets were approaching each other, and in the induction, these two targets were masters who came here not long ago.

"Three masters came, one of them was already beheaded by me, and the remaining two also sensed the aura fluctuations of the treasures and searched around. The first thing they sensed was the treasure with the most violent aura fluctuations and the largest range, but Just because these treasures fluctuate strongly, they are easy to be discovered by multiple people at the same time. Maybe it will be fun to watch this time."

The speed slowed down, and after Guo Zhengyang found that the two targets had met, he speeded up and rushed over.

Then he was still standing at a corner of the street, and he quickly saw two figures flying around in an alleyway ahead, fighting each other quickly while suppressing their voices.

One of the two was a tall young man with a cropped head. His skills were excellent. After taking a few glances, Guo Zhengyang judged that the other party was not only weaker than He Yizhong, but also similar to Guo Zhengyang's own skills. This cut is also the one that Guo Zhengyang followed all the way out of the neighborhood just now.

Another long-haired man, his skills should be only about the same as He Yizhong's apprentice, even if the long-haired man held a sharp weapon, he was suppressed and collapsed in a short period of time. With a bucket forward, he stabbed the long-haired man into the stomach, and the battle was almost over.

In an instant, Guo Zhengyang shot suddenly, throwing a throwing knife more than 30 meters away, and went straight to the back of Cuntou.

Cun Tou's reaction was extremely sharp, and he suddenly dodged to get behind the long-haired man. The speed was so amazing that the long-haired man blocked the way of the throwing knife.

But after a pop, the flying knife directly pierced the long-haired man's heart.It not only penetrated the long-haired man's heart, but also directly pierced into the body of Cuntou who was hiding behind the long-haired man.

After all, this is not an ordinary sharp weapon, but it has been swallowed by crooked gourds, and it is almost a sharp weapon that cuts iron like mud. Under normal circumstances, even if someone assassinates with a gun, Bunny's reaction is very correct. Use a personal meat shield to block it. In front of him, bullets can be blocked, but Guo Zhengyang's knife is much sharper than bullets.


Two more knives pierced through in the dark night, entering behind him from Cun Tou's chest and abdomen.

In just a few breaths, Guo Zhengyang quickly walked over.

When he got closer, what he saw were two corpses stacked on top of each other.

The wages of avarice is death.

Everything is a bit chaotic tonight. Those residents who live in this generation are really lucky. They are sleeping at home and have treasures dropped at the door of the house, so they can easily pick up opportunities.

But these good lucks became the reason why many people were killed tonight. For the three masters who came later, those lucky residents were really just lambs waiting to be hunted.

Compared with these masters, Guo Zhengyang was the last beneficiary after the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

Even among these masters, the one who died with the inch head was even more wronged. His skills are really good. If he fights Guo Zhengyang face to face, it is not certain who will live and who will die in the end.

But Guo Zhengyang suddenly attacked the killer, but the other party used the long-haired man's body as a meat shield, and was directly assassinated by the overly sharp flying knives. It is estimated that he didn't see who the killer was until he died.

After glancing at the two corpses on the ground, Guo Zhengyang quickly began to absorb the sins of the two targets. In a short period of time, he harvested more sins than in the previous two months. Feeling the gray energy in his body, Guo Zhengyang first Yixi, after that, he rummaged through the two of them one by one to find the treasures they had obtained, and then put the throwing knife into his pocket, and then quickly disappeared under the night.

At first, he sensed nine targets. After the impact of the spiritual energy, four people got chances directly. Then, when the three masters came to kill them, there was another one who got chances.

So up to now, there are only four goals left in his mind that haven't gotten his chance.

Naturally, we have to go and see them one by one.

In the same way, even those who have already got chances, he has to go and have a look, although Jiang Weijie directly threw away the chances for those who got the chances.

But the rest are the same and there are two people who are fine.

This night was destined to be a chaotic night, at least six people died in a short period of time, because Guo Zhengyang didn't know whether two or more people died in the room where the inch head hunted before, he could only smell it. The smell of blood came from more than one person.

And within a few kilometers, so many people died in one night, and it would definitely cause a huge sensation tomorrow, but now Guo Zhengyang has no time to pay attention to these things.

After all, he still has too many things to do now!


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