"It's done. This time it's really done. I got all nine treasures. Although I don't know what these are, they must be good things."

Half an hour later, in a quiet alleyway in the new district of Mingchuan City, Guo Zhengyang looked at the treasures on the ground and was quite excited. All the treasures were found by him, and he also beheaded three targets to get three crimes.

This harvest is huge, huge, amazing.

It's just that in the surprise, Guo Zhengyang suddenly sighed helplessly. He found that his heart was not hard enough. If he was hard enough, then he could kill not only three targets, but more.

But half an hour ago, when he found the last four targets one by one according to the guidance of his mind, he faced a **-year-old girl who was sleeping soundly at home, an old man in his sixties and seventies, and two others who were also sleeping. Ordinary men and women, even after thinking about it, he couldn't do it.

So after that, he just relied on the induction of spiritual energy fluctuations to take away the opportunity that the other party was going to get in advance.

As for the two who have already got the chance, Guo Zhengyang also just stole the other party's treasure.

It's funny to say that the two who had gotten the chance but were not discovered by the previous three masters were the little kids who were playing not far from the hotel when he first came to the hotel.

One of the children was still sleeping, and one treasure fell directly on the kid's bed through the open window. The little guy didn't even wake up, and let the baby fall on him. Woke up, and played with the baby for a while before throwing it into the pile of toys.

When Guo Zhengyang stole this thing, he didn't feel uneasy. Speaking of which, if he hadn't beheaded the three masters, those two children would just keep the treasure by their side and end up...

Even if the three masters have been dealt with, if those two brats keep the baby with aura fluctuations beside them, they are likely to be discovered by other masters later.

So even if he took it without telling, he felt that the other party should thank him instead.

When he finally got all the treasures in his hands, including the two things he had buried in the flower pond before, Guo Zhengyang was overjoyed to see the nine treasures on the ground, but felt dizzy again.

There are a lot of treasures, but many of these things emit aura fluctuations, which are fine when buried in the ground, but how can he cover up those aura fluctuations when he carries them on his body?

If the aura fluctuations were not covered up, these things would be the root cause of the disaster, but he has no ability to cover up the aura fluctuations of these treasures now, and these nine items may be large or small, the largest one is bigger than a basketball, and it seems that it is not easy to carry around.

"It's too inconvenient without a storage ring. In the past, all kinds of treasures that were swallowed by crooked gourds could only be stored in backpacks. Now these treasures with aura fluctuations are even more difficult to store, but now it's okay to give me a storage ring. No, I didn't have a spiritual consciousness,..."

"Forget it, let's find a place to bury it first, but it can't be buried near here. Although I didn't kill the last four targets, so many people have died here, and it won't be long before the whole city will be alarmed. There are a large number of police sweeping the search, and if they want to be buried, they must also be buried outside the city. And outside the city... I want to see it even more."


After a while, Guo Zhengyang quickly rolled up the treasure on the ground with his coat and rushed out of the city.

These things are not easy to carry with you, so you can only find a place to bury them first.And the outside of the city is the safest place. After all, many people died nearby this night, and it is inevitable to cause a sensation. At that time, the police will conduct a blanket search, and he must first deal with the next body of stolen goods.

What's more, these treasures are likely to be swallowed up suddenly by a nearby ancient cave. Does that mean that if he looks around, he can find any traces of the ancient cave?

When the aura shock first appeared, he only searched for treasures nearby, because these things were close to him and by his side, not that he had forgotten why these things appeared.

So he still has a lot of things to do now, and he has no capital to waste time.

He quickly took a batch of treasures and ran out of the city with all his strength. Although the sky was gloomy at the moment, Guo Zhengyang's extraordinary eyesight was not greatly affected. After finding a remote place and making some marks nearby, he took After digging a hole on the ground with a knife, after burying everything in the ground and tidying up, another half an hour has passed.

After doing this, he got up and walked further into the darkness.

But this walk took a full hour, and Guo Zhengyang didn't find the target he was looking for.

He has already confirmed that these things should be sprayed from some treasure or ancient cave, otherwise there would not have been such a strong wave of spiritual energy before, and after the impact of the spiritual energy, there are still so many treasures swaying in the new district of Mingchuan City, indicating that That place shouldn't be far away, and with his footsteps, the speed of running with all his strength is also very good, but after searching around for an hour, he finally found nothing.

"It's strange, why can't I find any traces? Could it be that some treasure or ancient cave mansion disappeared after spraying out a wave of spiritual energy and a batch of treasures?"

Standing by the river a few kilometers away from the urban area, Guo Zhengyang was thinking hard, with a trace of depression and loss on his face.Originally thought that he could find a bigger treasure, but now he couldn't find any clues, how could he not be lost.

Of course, even if he finds the treasure or the entrance of the ancient cave, he may not dare to go in directly. Those places must have strong restrictions left by the predecessors. This is not possible, but inevitable, otherwise such a cave or treasure It is impossible to hide nearby, and it has been discovered long ago.

He is only in the early stage of spirit gathering, if he enters such a place rashly, he might be banned and obliterated in the blink of an eye.

So even if you can find him, you may not dare to go in directly, but whether you will enter after you find him, and you can't find him, the meaning is obviously completely different.After pondering for a while by the river, Guo Zhengyang quickly set off again, and continued to search a wider area, or search again. If there is really no clue, there is nothing he can do.

It's just that this time the search was still in vain, and it was after three o'clock in the morning that Guo Zhengyang's figure appeared in the new district of Mingchuan City.But when he was walking, his expression suddenly became serious again, and he took a deep look at the city in front of him, and there was a strange flash in his eyes, messy, so messy.

Although it was still far away, he could already hear a lot of police cars roaring and noisy people...

But it is also true, although there are not many residents in the new district, but after all, there are many people living there. There were so many murders before, and the four corpses were all outdoors, either in the entrance of the corridor door or in the alleyway of the community. After two or three hours, It does not seem to be surprising to be discovered.

The only good thing is that most of the new area is still in the dark at this time, and the electricity is still cut off.

Otherwise, Guo Zhengyang might have some troubles if he wants to sneak into the hotel now.

"The circuit in this area may have been damaged by the baby with the attribute of lightning, and the damage was relatively serious, but this is indeed a good thing, otherwise things would not be so smooth."

The place where the police car roared was not close to the hotel where Guo Zhengyang and others were staying. After carefully plastering the hotel up to the 9th floor, he was even more convinced that no one would have noticed this way. Guo Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, collapsed on the bed He started to sleep. He was already very tired from studying without sleep for the past few days, and he had been running for a few hours just now, and he was really exhausted.

Huge fatigue swept up, Guo Zhengyang ignored the large number of policemen who were exhausted running outside the building, and soon fell into a sweet slumber.


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