Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

106 Laozi Hua 3 Qing 3 Leader Destroys Zhu Xian

In the west of Mount Sumeru, Jieyin and Zhunti met each other and smiled, Zhunti said: "Young boy, you go to the foot of Mount Sumeru and light the lamp to come up." A little boy came out from below and said, "Yes!" Let's go quickly down the mountain.When he came to the foot of the mountain, he saw a person flying from the east. Seeing him landed at the foot of the mountain, the boy immediately asked, "Is the person coming from Daoist Lantern?"

The lamp said: "The poor way is the lamp!"

"The two sages already knew the purpose of the visit, so they asked me to welcome the Taoist up." The boy explained and made a gesture of invitation.Ran Deng bowed from a distance and said, "Thank you, saint!" After that, the boy walked up Mount Sumeru.

After a while, Ran Deng came to the top of the mountain, met with the two saints, Jieyin and Zhunti, and explained the purpose of coming.Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other again, Zhunti said: "Since that's the case, brother and I will go for a walk."

"Thank you saint!" Ran Deng immediately bowed from afar.

The three of them left Mount Sumeru together and rushed out of the battlefield.The sky was full of purple air and colorful rays of light again. The scene of the saint coming to the world was so beautiful that everyone looked up at the sky and was dazed.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi saw that Jie Yin and Zhun Ti were coming, they got up one after another, and greeted them: "You two fellow Taoists came so fast!"

"Haha... Since the two fellow daoists have spoken, how can my senior brother and I be unhappy?" Zhunti said with a smile on his face, but the meaning of his words made Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi feel bitter.

The purpose of inviting the two of them this time is to break through the heavenly Zhuxian Formation.But since you invited the two of you, you owe them karma, as he said, since you have spoken and are willing, my brother and I will naturally help.

Lao Tzu shook his head, Yuan Shi smiled wryly, and then introduced Zhu Xian Sword Formation seriously.After hearing the introduction of the two, Jieyin and Zhunti stopped talking, but obeyed their instructions and entered the door one by one.

With the Four Sages here, the Tongtian Zhuxian Sword can no longer show its power.And these four people also successfully broke through the Zhuxian Sword Formation.It is worth mentioning that when Tong Tian flew out of the formation, Ran Deng did not attack him.

In Fengshen, Ran Deng attacked Tongtian, and after Ran Deng died, there was Tongtian's calculation.At that time, it was Da Luo who lit the lamp. Yuan Shi ordered him, and he naturally obeyed.But this time, Ran Deng did not obey Yuan Shi's instructions.Because he is a quasi-sage, he knows more about the secrets between heaven and earth.

For Da Luo, a saint is a completely mysterious and powerful existence, but for a quasi-sage, he can already glimpse this kind of power and mystery.Knowing this trace of mystery and power, Ran Deng did not make a move.Because the saint is the best face, if he loses face, he will take revenge in the future.Could it be that he, a little quasi-sage, could bear it?

Therefore, Ran Deng didn't obey Yuanshi's order and attacked Tongtian, and Tongtian took his disciples back to Jin'ao Island.It's just that he still put down his words, and see you in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in three months' time.

It has already been said that the saint is the best face.This time the battle.Tongtian lost, even though he lost to the four saints, he still lost face.The key is.His eldest disciple, Duobao, and some other disciples were taken away by Lao Tzu. If he wants to get back, he must win a battle, otherwise he has to bow his head.How could Tongtian bow his head?Therefore, this battle of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation is also necessary.

Not much nonsense, when Lin Heng woke up, the battle of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation had passed, and the Conferred Gods had also successfully ended. All his plans had become reality, but the highlights were completely invisible.

Practicing in the starry sky seems to pass in the blink of an eye, but it has been hundreds of years, and the world is also changing.

After the conferment of the gods, the human race was basically unified, and the entire prehistoric continent became the world of the Republic of China. The human races scattered in other parts of the land either went their own way, or traveled across mountains and rivers, and joined the Republic of China. Atoro country, that is, a country supported by the West.

The territory of this country is not large, but the population is large. It was caused by the war between the two countries. Many survivors of the Shang Dynasty moved here, which made the Atoro Kingdom further grow.

It's just that this country must be influenced by Western religion and has no offensive power. If the West doesn't speak out, they won't move at all.At this point, it is also the reason why the emperors of all dynasties liked Buddhism, because he was enough to fool the people.

What about the Republic of China?The policy is just the opposite. Influenced and taught by Lin Heng, the mainstream thought of the Republic of China is cultivation and the struggle between the people and the sky.They maintain that man can conquer heaven, and they also say that heaven obeys the will of the people.

Under this kind of thinking, the Republic of China is full of vitality, there are extremely many practitioners, and various developments are rapid.Among other things, there are a lot of water conservancy projects.

No one is stupid, as long as you let him develop, he can develop, not to mention the help of monks.Therefore, on the premise that monks cannot use spells to help people on a large scale, people have built many things, the most obvious being a large number of water conservancy constructions, because with these things, they no longer have to worry about food.

Such a Republic of China is definitely good for Taoism, because their orthodoxy spreads quickly, and almost everyone knows some knowledge of Taoism.It's just that this is not good for Taoism, that is, they are too democratic and self-improving.To put it bluntly, we need more knowledge, and we don't even rule out the knowledge taught by the West.

On the border between Atoro and the Republic of China, the teachings of the Western religion have already been spread, and the human race will not object at the beginning. Instead, they go back to learn and absorb those that are useful to them.

This point is beyond the imagination of many people, because in this way, the Republic of China is no longer just the territory of Taoism, but also joined a Western religion.What Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi didn't expect was that Jie Yin and Zhun Ti rebelled against Taoism, re-established Western religion as Buddhism, and themselves as the Buddha and the Buddha.

This action of the two saints directly cut off the luck of Taoism in the West, because in the West, there is no Taoist system other than Western religion, which can be said to be a huge loss.However, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi couldn't do anything yet, because they owed the introduction and permission to mention the karma, and the two Western Saints used this karma to prevent them from making a move.In this way, others will be even more helpless.

In this way, Buddhism was born, born in Taoism, and the most unbearable thing is that Ran Deng also apostate, and directly became the past Buddha of Buddhism from the deputy leader of explaining religion.

This turn of events caught Taoism off guard.Of course, compared to history, when Ran Deng, Ci Hang, Filiusun, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra all rebelled together, only Ran Deng rebelled in this life, which couldn't be better.

It's just that Yuanshi didn't know, so Ran Deng's betrayal made him angry and resentful.

Speaking of it, Yuan Shi was to blame for this matter, because Ran Deng didn't follow Yuan Shi's words to attack Tongtian, which made Yuan Shi annoyed Ran Deng.Originally, Ran Deng's position in the church was embarrassing, but after this time, it became even more unpopular.As for other people, they are also very different from the history, which is known from the fact that they did not apostate.The reason is nothing more than that their cultivation has not been greatly damaged, and their roots are in the east again.

It's just that it's nothing to explain the teachings, but it is a big blow to the luck of Taoism and Buddhism.Because Ran Deng had a lot of influence in the Republic of China, when he apostatized, many people followed him into Buddhism, and even established a Buddhist temple, which greatly increased the luck of Buddhism in the East, while Taoism suffered greatly.Such an increase and a decrease, how can Taoism bear it.

So, I made a move.

Lao Tzu went west to Hangu Pass and turned Hu into a Buddha!This scene also happened again. Duobao, the only quasi-sage who was a disciple of the three religions in the past, had to be oppressed and induced by Lao Tzu to apostate and become a Buddha, and went to Buddhism to take care of his own disciples who were cut off from the sect.And his rebellion also made Xuandu a big disciple of Taoism, which can be said to have consolidated his status as Lao Tzu.

At the same time, he single-handedly divided Buddhism into Mahayana and Hinayana.It's a pity that I have counted a lot, but I can't count people's hearts.

As I said before, people are unpredictable.Although Duobao has been induced a lot, but at his level, sanctification is the obsession in his heart.Jieyin and Zhunti gave him this opportunity to combine Mahayana and Hinayana into one, and he became a Buddha.In this way, his own luck will definitely increase greatly.How can such a great temptation be compared to Theravada Buddhism?

Therefore, Duobao also rebelled and became the leader of Buddhism.All of a sudden, Lao Tzu's actions actually helped Buddhism, making Buddhist teachings more perfect, and his luck greatly increased again.

One and two, two and three increase luck, making Buddhism a great prosperity in the way of heaven.In other words, at this time, the prosperity of Buddhism has become inevitable, and no one can stop it, and it is useless to stop it.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, who noticed this, were extremely annoyed, but they had no other choice but to stop and see what he did in Buddhism.There's no way, they can't really stay in the prehistoric world, and among the three religions, there is only one quasi-sage in Xuandu, who is still a newborn, and compared with Buddhism, it is not enough.Therefore, they have no strength to hinder the development of Buddhism.

Of course, it would be a different matter if it was connected to other forces, such as Zhen Yuanzi, Styx, and Lin Heng.These three people are definitely not a small force in the prehistoric world. Zhen Yuanzi's Earth Immortal lineage, Styx's Asura, and Lin Heng's Hongta Mountain lineage all play an important role.It's just that these people are not stupid, how could they be willing to be gunmen?Look at Zhen Yuanzi, this guy is on good terms with the two Buddhist sages, and from time to time he goes to listen to the introduction and Zhunti preaching, and let him come out to play the striker, it is impossible to even think about it.As for Styx, that guy was in the sea of ​​blood and had been silent for many years.

In the end it was Lin Heng... They had also seen Lin Heng, but unfortunately they couldn't find Lin Heng's figure, because this guy was in the middle of cultivation at that time, and his body was covered by chaos. Entering the final stage of quasi-sage, the traces became more obscure, and even the saint did not realize that he had returned to the wilderness.

In Hongta Mountain, Lin Heng quietly listened to Yang Jiao talking about the changes in these years, and thoughts kept flashing in his mind.After hearing everything, he waved Yang Jiao down, while he turned his head to look eastward.

After crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, Lin Heng's gaze landed on a sea island, where there was a fairy mountain called Huaguo Mountain, and there was a fairy stone on a mountain peak, which was the five-color god stone.

Ordinarily, this thing should not be able to produce spiritual wisdom. After all, he was refined by Nuwa, but Sun Wukong, the great sage equal to heaven, was born in it.In the past, Lin Heng didn't understand, but now he understands, because it's Zhunti's good deed! (To be continued..)

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