Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

107 The Calculation of the Saint and the Withering of Democracy 0

Because of Rahu, the west is very barren, just like today's wasteland, with few good things.

Jieyin and Zhunti had great ambitions to revive the West. When Daozu preached, they tried to come to the East to fight the autumn wind, and moved the good creatures and plants from the East to the West to restore the vitality of the West.It's a pity that the East was extremely powerful at that time, although Jieyin and Zhunti made some moves, they were all small moves, and it was impossible to quickly restore the West's vitality.

After the two became saints, they also gained confidence, but unfortunately there are four saints in the east, what can they do in the face of the four saints working together?

After so many years, the two of them sneaked around and knocked, and finally regained some vitality. The Western spirit vein was also recast by the two, but compared with the East, it was far behind, especially after the return of heaven and earth, the West The blow was even greater than that of Dongfang, because the spiritual veins they had built were all damaged and transformed, and the hard work of these two people for many years was invisible.

However, the two did not give up, but worked hard again and again.

Nuwa mended the sky, refined the five-colored stone, and threw the remaining piece into the sky. Lin Heng noticed, and Zhunti also noticed. He was faster than Lin Heng, and after mending the sky, he quietly went to find the five-colored stone.He was lucky, and he found it, on Huaguo Mountain in the East China Sea.At that time, this sacred stone radiated multicolored divine light, which was extremely dazzling, and Zhunti's first thought was to take this stone back to the west.

However, he inexplicably had an idea and gave up his previous plan.He arranged it so that the Five-Colored God Stone looks like ordinary stones. Even if you look carefully, you will just feel that it is a fairy stone with nine orifices, and no one will think that it is the leftover Five-colored God Stone. .That is to say, Lin Heng knew Sun Monkey's origin, otherwise it would be impossible to recognize this fairy stone.

As for the birth of spiritual wisdom from the divine stone, it is also done by Zhunti!

Although this sacred stone is powerful, it is artificially refined, and it is impossible to give birth to spiritual wisdom.Ke Zhunti really worked hard for the West.Before he gave up his initial plan, he thought of what kind of existence it would be if he let this stone give birth to spiritual wisdom?

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​taking this stone back to the West, and used his own great supernatural powers to create luck for this stone, imitating Nuwa's creation of man, dripping blood into it.In this way, coupled with the heaven-replenishing merit of the divine stone itself, spiritual wisdom was really born.

This is the same as what Lin Heng saw in his previous journey to the west.Sun Wukong is different for Hongyun.But he is no longer surprised, after all, there was no such thing as Journey to the West in the beginning, and now that Monkey King has changed his identity, it's no big deal.He just didn't know that Zhen Yuanzi would not let Sun Houzi smash his ginseng fruit tree.

The birth of Shenshi Lingzhi was not smooth. Under Zhunti's action, he opened the spiritual light, and then gradually gained sanity.Unfortunately.His mind is too weak to bear the power of spiritual knowledge and the merits of mending the sky, which makes his mind constantly shattered and reborn.Time and time again, Zhunti's essence and blood finally completely merged into the divine stone.It can be described as the blood of the god stone.

In this way, the spiritual wisdom he was born with can withstand the power of the divine stone.

Looking at this sacred stone, his spiritual intelligence is not weak at this time, and it is almost time to be born.It can be counted, it has been a long time since mending the sky.It took so long to be born.After birth, there is no memory of her own inheritance. This innate fetish is really painful!

In terms of background, origin, and luck, Sun Monkey is definitely not weak, enough to compare with innate creatures. Unfortunately, he must have been created by the day after tomorrow. Even if he returned to innate, he still lacks the most crucial thing-the inheritance of the way of heaven.Otherwise, how can an innate spiritual being be like Monkey King, who doesn't even know how to practice.

"Monkey, monkey, I planned to take you into my sect, but now I can't!" Lin Heng shook his head and sighed, and slowly withdrew his attention.

This monkey, after all, was born of Zhunti's blood, it can be called Zhunti's son, the fate between him and Zhunti cannot be broken at all.To put it bluntly, he was destined to go to the West.

It's just... inexplicably, Lin Heng laughed and murmured to himself: "This stone was made by Nuwa, and Zhunti was planted out of it. These two saints... Interesting... Interesting... Haha..."

The fall of the Shang Dynasty and the fall of the Jiejiao caused a lot of changes in the human race. The entire East became the territory of the teaching and the human religion. Tao, more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A world has a law of the world, and the law of this practice world is the law of the jungle.

In modern novels, the law of cultivation is to join an aristocratic family and sect, and it is the same here, the only big difference is that one is feudal and the other is democracy.Of course, maybe this is not a real democracy, but there is a difference between having and not having.

Because of Lin Heng's relationship, this world has a democracy and a freedom. You can choose what to do.Everyone understands these truths, but whether they can choose or not, only God knows, you know.This is the same in modern times, sometimes you have no choice at all.Here, if you want to live well, you will naturally worship the sect and practice Taoism. Once you enter the sect, you must follow the rules. At this time, it is completely nonsense to talk about democracy.

To put it bluntly, these are two conflicting systems.

In a short time, the two systems can coexist, but after a long time, disputes and troubles will inevitably arise, especially after the birth of the aristocratic family, this conflict with the democratic system will be infinitely magnified.

The family is definitely the most feudal existence.But in the world of cultivation, you can't escape the aristocratic family, or, if people live for a long time, the aristocratic family will naturally appear.

A person, who has a chance to practice, may or may not achieve success.There are two choices for those who have achieved success, one is to accept disciples to pass on, the other is to have children to pass on.The inheritance of apprentices has its own sect, that is, a single inheritance, and it will have a name after a long time.There are many sects, and disputes arise naturally.Inheritance by childbirth, from generation to generation, life is long, human races accumulate more and more, and the family is self-contained.

The same is true for those who have no achievements, and the story of family heirlooms is more marketable.And with the family, the children of the family naturally put the family first, and as the power of the family expands, more and more people will be included in it, so the feudal order will naturally rise.

In today's climate, there are already many aristocratic families, and the interpretation and human education are also great sects, and there are many branches under the two religions, enjoying the world.Those who grow up with the family are those small sects. With their increase, it can be said that there are families and sects everywhere in the world, and it is a good scene of cultivation.But Lin Heng knew.This kind of development is completely in conflict with his democratic system. When the two parties break out the focus of conflict, the democratic system will definitely die, because in the eyes of practitioners, the strong are respected!Democracy and freedom, without strength, is bullshit, with strength, you are at ease!

In this situation, Lin Heng felt a little helpless.He also knows that his experiment has failed, and his academy in the world has almost become a thorn in the eyes of all major factions, because the academy has been spreading the system of democracy and freedom, which is very marketable in the eyes of young people and juniors. After growing up and becoming individual cultivators, this statement was disgusted and attacked by them again.

Lin Heng knew.If he doesn't change the rules of the academy, I'm afraid that the outbreak of this conflict will fall on his own academy, and his orthodoxy in the world will be destroyed, after all, it is such a big place of faith.No one would covet it, even if it was explained, Renjiao would probably not let him go.

"In the past, maybe I would still be afraid, but now..." On Hongta Mountain.The corner of Lin Heng's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Kunlun Mountain with disdain.The saint can't make a move anymore, and Lin Heng is the number one in the world today.only.The hard top is definitely not what Lin Heng wants, because from the change of Monkey King, Lin Heng understands a truth, that is, the layout of the saint is very long, maybe he Lin Heng can withstand the attacks of others now, but wait until the Taoist's ban If it is lifted, then Lin Heng will be the first to be attacked.

At that time, it was good for him to be sanctified, but if he was not sanctified, he would definitely die without a place to bury him.So, if you can avoid becoming stiff, it is better not to become stiff!

So what to do?

Lin Heng has seriously thought that if he wants to continue to preserve the democratic system, there seems to be only one feasible way, and that is to split the human race.But this is absolutely what Lin Heng doesn't want to do, so whenever he had this method, he ruled it out.As for shrinking the Academy, it seems to be possible to turn it into a sect.It's just that, but it has become a state where everyone is drunk and I am alone.

From Lin Heng's point of view, this may be good, but the people below will definitely not be able to figure it out. Even now, the high-level officials in many academies are a little bit confused.

"The trend of the world is overwhelming. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish! Forget it, forget it! Let nature take its course!" Sighing, although Lin Heng was unwilling, he had to accept the reality.It seems that in a world with monks, freedom and democracy are destined not to exist!

After Lin Heng figured it out, he immediately issued an order that the Wuyishan Lower Academy, Taihangshan Academy, and Yuehuashan Academy, these three major academies and their branches, were re-planned, gathered, and changed into a sect, which became the current teaching and human education. The third largest monastic power after that.The only difference from other sects is that Lin Heng's subordinates have made very detailed regulations, which he made based on the descriptions in later novels.

Disciples are divided into five levels, secular disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, and true disciples.

Secular disciples are secular believers, and to put it bluntly, they are the general public.Now that Lin Heng has decided to change, he should make a thorough change. He directly passed on the most basic Taoism to everyone, so that everyone can practice.

Outer disciples, disciples who come to the mountain gate to learn from their masters, the initial level.

Inner disciples are formed from outer disciples who have certain achievements, aptitudes, and cultivation.

Core disciples, stepping up from inner disciples, can be called high-level academy disciples.

A true disciple, even if this true disciple has entered Lin Heng's sect, it's just that he is not his disciple, but his disciple, great-grandson, etc., who are counted as registered disciples, and furthermore are his true descendants.

In this division, Lin Heng directly gave those people the ladder to advance, and did not allow others to accept disciples casually.Therefore, those who worship under his sect must go through the tests of the outer sect and the inner sect.Only those who have passed these two courses can be accepted by the original high-level academy as their disciples.

In addition to dividing the disciples, Lin Heng also divided the strict religious rules, and handed down the treasure of punishment - the execution tower, where those disciples who violated the religious rules were imprisoned.The execution tower has three floors, the lighter ones on the first floor face the wall; the heavier ones on the second floor face the wall and add corporal punishment;

This pagoda is placed in the most conspicuous place of the sect, to remind and warn the disciples in the sect!

When Lin Heng's power changed, the world also changed because of the disappearance of the initiator of democracy, and the democracy in the world naturally lost its source and supporters, and was overthrown by sects and aristocratic families in one fell swoop.

In this way, an ancient dynasty was re-established in the world.

Interestingly, the boss of this dynasty cannot be a cultivator, and even many ministers cannot be cultivators, and there is even a saying that there is a time limit for being an official.To put it bluntly, the major sects are to prevent the dynasty from being dominated by one family or one sect, because if they can practice, they can make rapid progress by virtue of the strong luck of the human race.

This made Lin Heng disgusted.

It's a pity that in the dialogue with the sage, not only Lin Heng, but also the Three Emperors have no right to speak, so everything can only be watched and listened to. The sage may adopt the occasional pronunciation, but it depends entirely on it. Their needs, as for others, they only look at the development of their own sect.

"Everything is still talking about strength!" Lin Heng sighed deeply, and his desire for sanctification became more determined in his heart.Only when he is sanctified will he have the right to speak and have the final say. (To be continued..)

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