Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

108 The Signs of the Cleansing Instigate the Fight of Human Interpretation

Lin Heng is happy that his cultivation has improved, but the pressure from the sage prevents him from feeling happy.Fortunately, Lin Heng is not an ordinary person. He has high perseverance. He is able to adjust his mood and turn pressure into motivation.

Not long after the breakthrough, Lin Heng, who had consolidated his cultivation, did not stay in Hongta Mountain any longer, but left the mountain leisurely, walking between heaven and earth.

In Wuyi Mountain, Lin Heng stayed for a period of time, inspecting their reforms, preaching to the younger disciples, and talking about virtue.As for the art of supernatural powers, Lin Heng didn't talk about them, and even reiterated his point of view again - each beginner is only allowed to pick three supernatural powers to learn, as for other supernatural powers, you can realize it yourself, I don't care, but The sect supply can only be three.

Ten years later, Lin Heng went to Taihang Mountain again, and the itinerary was Wuyi Mountain, then Yuehua Mountain, and other branches.

These places have left Lin Heng's figure, and those disciples of the younger generation were also fortunate to see the figure of Lin Heng, the patriarch, but they couldn't see his face, because every time he appeared, Lin Heng's whole body was covered. A hazy layer of mist gave them the feeling that they were clearly in front of their eyes but as far away as the horizon.However, even showing up is enough to make those disciples excited.

After walking through the mountain gate, Lin Heng also left something of his own, which is the foundation of democracy, debate!In the words here, it is about the Tao.

Lin Heng said in person: "To practice Taoism, you can't close your own gates. You need to communicate more with others. Communicate with your own brothers, ask elders, communicate with disciples of other sects... all these are the means of our cultivation."

As if he was the leader of the sect, when he spoke, this atmosphere of discussion naturally arose in the sect. Not long after, the sect even stipulated various grand gatherings, just like the flat peach party in the court. Famous in the world.Emulated by many sects.

After leaving his sect, Lin Heng went to other places in the world.He browsed roughly and found that there are people in all the major mountains. The Twelve Golden Immortals, Yun Zhongzi, Nanji Xianweng and others all have their own fairy mountains, and there are many branches under them, occupying the east. Most of the site.After teaching, it is human teaching.Human Education does not occupy as many sites as Chanjiao, but there are many disciples, except for Shouyang Mountain where Lao Tzu used to live and Tiandu Mountain where Xuandu established.There are also mountains such as Mount Emei and Taiqing Temple.

These two sects together accounted for nearly two-thirds of the resources in the East, and Lin Heng stood for two-thirds of the remaining one-third, leaving only a small point for others to choose.

This can be said to be no choice.It's a pity that they have to do this, because the three religions are too strong, and these younger disciples simply cannot fight against the three religions.

However, these are not what Lin Heng is worried about. What really worries him is that Chanjiao still doesn't seem to be satisfied.There were a lot of conflicts with some other small sects when he came in, and even eliminated several sects because of this, which made many sects very afraid of teaching.

This is not a good sign!

Of course, Lin Heng also understood in his heart.This may not be the thoughts of Yuanshi and his disciples, but the thoughts of those who passed on the disciples, because they still lack good things, and their own sect is so strong.They are naturally unwilling to be left behind.

In this way, fighting has become inevitable!

But in Lin Heng's view, this should not be a fight.Because it's not fair.The small sect was wiped out, and Chanjiao occupied other people's territory. If his Chanjiao disciple died, stronger Chanjiao disciples would definitely retaliate, and the sect was still destroyed and occupied other people's territory.This is completely sweeping up and purging people from other sects.

Now it is these small sects, will it be a big sect like myself that occupies a large territory in the future?

Lin Heng had to worry, but out of worry, he had the idea of ​​wanting Buddhism to advance eastward, because as soon as Buddhism advanced eastward, Taoism, or the focus of elucidation and teaching, shifted there.Of course, this is not a good idea. Buddhism must also be a sect of saints, and they will naturally be strong when they come.The most important point is that there are many quasi-sages in Buddhism, which seem to be more powerful than human teaching and explaining teaching.In Lin Heng's heart, he was even worried about Daofo River and clearing out those other sects, just like the novel written in later generations.

Therefore, this method was put in the second place by Lin Heng, and the first method he thought of was to stir up a dispute between the two religions.In this way, the two religions of human interpretation will also be taboo.

Maybe you will say that the two religions are bound by saints, and there will be no conflict.However, if you look at the development of teaching, doesn’t it start from the bottom?Don't you know above?Nonsense, those masters are most concerned about their own sects, how could they not know about their changes.It's just that this is a good thing for them, so let it develop.

Since you are like this, then don't blame me for plotting against you!

Lin Heng sneered, and disappeared on the spot in a flash, moving slowly like green smoke.

This time, he can only do it by himself, because with his current cultivation base, it is difficult for even a saint to figure out anything, but if it is someone else, don't try to escape the saint's eyes, and his calculations will become a thing of the past. If it is empty, it will also attract the suppression of the Second Teaching of Human Interpretation.

It's different if he does it by himself. With his cultivation base, even if he conceals the secret, even a sage can't easily find out unless the two sages work together.In this regard, Lin Heng didn't worry much about Yuanshi and Laozi, but instead worried about receiving and guiding.These two guys have seen what I have done before. If they figure out that it is me, I am afraid they will come to "cooperate"!

But now I can't control so much, and the phenomenon of explaining and teaching must be stopped, otherwise there will be more killings in the world.No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel disgusting.

Lin Heng, who was in the form of light smoke, directly approached a few people to teach his disciples. Using illusion, he brought the few disciples who had gone out to a mountain where he taught disciples.This mountain was just occupied by Chanjiao's disciples, and the interior has not been arranged yet, so it looks wild.Several people taught their disciples to take a look, and immediately had the idea of ​​​​establishing a branch here.Just as they were making various arrangements, those disciples of Chanjiao came back.

All of a sudden, the two sides started arguing, but Lin Heng just quietly added a little fire to it, and the two sides started fighting.

This time, there were no casualties on both sides, and Lin Heng didn't lead in that direction, it was just a little fire he lit.Next, he kept doing this kind of thing, provoking people to explain the disciples of the two religions, causing the disciples of the two religions to fight outside frequently.

In the first few times, there were no casualties among the disciples of the two religions, even not many were injured, not a single one was seriously injured.But slowly, under the spread of various news, the disciples of the two religions became angry, and the fight became more and more uncontrollable. At this time, Lin Heng, who stopped his movements, was just watching the play, explaining the two religions. However, his disciple followed the script and couldn't stop at all.

Once, a teacher was seriously injured alone!This time, the sparks sprinkled by Lin Heng completely detonated, and the injured disciple even set up a plan, asking the brothers to severely injure several Chanjiao disciples.

In this way, the competition between the two religions has come to the fore.Fortunately, there were no dead people, and under the constraints of the high-level, the two religions seemed to be fine.But Lin Heng knew that only one spark was needed, and everything would explode, and this spark was not easy to appear, but it was easy to appear, because there was Lin Heng who was behind it.

However, before Lin Heng could make a move, what he was worried about happened. In an unexpected battle, a disciple of the Renchan and Chan sects died.At such a time, who did this?

You don't need to think about Lin Heng to know that it must be the two saints of the West. What they did is nothing more than adding fire to the battle between the two religions. Another meaning is to remind Lin Heng that we have noticed you.

handle!A real handle is held in the hands of the Second Saint of the West.If Lin Heng doesn't want to be hated by Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu, then he can only make some deals with the Second Saint of the West!

"However, do you think I don't have anything against you?" Lin Heng sneered, and looked at Dongfang again.If the two saints had to choose between themselves and that guy, who would they choose?

In a blink of an eye, Lin Heng returned to Hongta Mountain, sat with his eyes closed, and his spiritual thoughts followed the long river of fate, and soon penetrated into the west.

"Amitabha!" Zhunti opened his eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes, but the next moment, his smile stopped on his face, and he snorted again, and closed his eyes with an ugly expression.At the same time, Lin Heng, who was sitting with his eyes closed in Hongtashan, opened his eyes and smiled.

Needless to say, he just traded with the Second Western Sage.Between Monkey King and his threats, the West chose Monkey King, and Lin Heng also removed his own danger, and everyone was happy.Of course, this is only for him, but it is very displeased for the West, because a good opportunity is gone like this, it is no wonder that the second sage can be happy. (To be continued..)

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