With the Dragon Elephant Skill, Lin Heng has a clue for his future practice.Although the practice of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu focuses on the body, but in essence, it is the same.Look at the one on the eleventh floor to open up the rest of the meridians, isn't that what Lin Heng and the others are doing now?Although they don't have a complete method of cultivation, they all know that they should continue to open up the remaining meridians. The Dragon Elephant Kung Fu is better than everyone else, it's just that he gave a complete method of cultivation.

This point gave Lin Heng a hint.

On the next twelve floors, regarding the relationship between true qi and acupoints, they directly named the next step.As long as you are not a fool, you should know what to do after reading these.

Originally, Lin Heng wanted to practice Dragon Elephant Kungfu directly, but after thinking about it later, it shouldn't be the case.

Yes, Dragon Elephant Kungfu is very powerful, but his focus is completely different from Lin Heng's practice.Perhaps relying on the current strong zhenqi, Lin Heng can rush to the ninth or even tenth floor of the Dragon Elephant Art in one breath, but he must not be able to do many of the subtleties.Unless he is willing to spend a lot of time to polish his body bit by bit according to the method of Long Xiang Gong, otherwise, he will definitely not be able to withstand the burst of Dragon Elephant Gong's true energy later on.

Therefore, he gave up practicing Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, but pondered over the cultivation method of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, combined it with the similarities of the kung fu he knew, and thought carefully about what he didn't understand until he figured it out and transformed it. something for yourself.In this way, he can use this Dragon Elephant Kung Fu to create his own kung fu.

Kung fu, to put it bluntly, is the application of yin and yang and the five elements. No kung fu can escape this set of theories, but some are good and some are not.

This set of theories can't help Lin Heng, and the relevant cultivation knowledge can't help Lin Heng, and knowing him is enough.It can be said that he has all the conditions to create a kung fu.Therefore, creating a mature set of exercises has become inevitable.Of course, there are good and bad exercises, how do you know that the exercises you create are good?

Others may leave it to time to test, but Lin Heng doesn't need it. Don't forget, he has a system.This seemingly tasteless system is very useful at this time. He only needs to give a two-word evaluation to determine the fate of Lin Heng's kung fu.

Lin Heng didn't dare to be careless at the beginning of creating kung fu, and he hasn't opened up all the meridians in his body yet, so he can't create more advanced kung fu.It can't be described as a trial, but he is very serious, because he feels that his current exercises are not good enough.

The nameless kung fu he practiced was very dominant at the beginning, compared to most of the kung fu in Xiaoao and Shooting the Condor, it was superior.But after the Nine Yin Scriptures became popular, his technique was not so dominant.If it weren't for the help of the pill, his true energy at this time would not be comparable to that of others.

Now that I have the idea of ​​creating a kung fu, let's try this kung fu first.

His trial is not blind, but has a very clear goal.Speaking of it, although the nameless exercise is good, it is too common.In terms of the accumulation speed of zhenqi, it is higher than most ordinary exercises, but far worse than the general outline of the Nine Yin Manual; in terms of the use of zhenqi, it is not too clever; It also has no features.

In order to make his unnamed internal skills more powerful, he combined the general outline of the Nine Yin Manual, the Chapter of Changing Muscles and Forging Bone and Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, and constantly deduced it in order to create a perfect kung fu.

However, where there is perfect martial arts in this world, even the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu system did not give it a perfect evaluation, so Lin Heng spent a lot of time creating the inner strength, and only gave it a good evaluation.

This evaluation is not low, because the evaluation of Long Xiang Gong and Nine Yin Manual is the same, but the explanations are different, and it is precisely because of this that Lin Heng created the nameless internal energy from one to three.

The first part increases the gathering speed of true qi, which is comparable to the Nine Yin Divine Art, and because of its effect of forging the body, it surpasses a single Nine Yin Divine Art in the evaluation.

The second part is completely a matter of body training.Lin Heng was still unwilling to come up with this kung fu. He wanted to pursue the effect of the indestructible magic of King Kong, so he developed this kung fu combined with dragon elephant kung fu, and his internal kung fu is also very powerful. In terms of system evaluation, After cultivating to Hinayana, that is, after opening up the twelve orthodox meridians, one is invulnerable to swords and guns, and the skin is like a diamond; after practicing to Mahayana, that is, after opening up the eight extraordinary meridians, the body is as dirty as a stone, and the strength of fists cannot be hurt.

Lin Heng has never seen Vajra Immortal Kung Fu, so he can't be sure of the pros and cons of his own kung fu, but based on a systematic evaluation, he thinks it's not bad.

The third part, this is an excellent exercise that has been evaluated by the system, surpassing the first two.When creating this exercise, Lin Heng was really calm and thought a lot.

Since he created the above two exercises, he has been thinking, what kind of exercise is good?

The above two exercises are very powerful after practice, and they are supposed to be good, but Lin Heng really doesn't think they are good.Later, after carefully comparing the martial arts he knew, he suddenly discovered that good kung fu should be a kung fu method that everyone can practice, and even get started very quickly, and can practice advanced kung fu.

This superficial reason may seem simple and ordinary, but it is a truth.So, he started to create his ideal kung fu according to this idea.

This set of kung fu named by Lin Heng as Wuji Magic (bad taste) is divided into three volumes.The second volume is the introductory kung fu, that is, the first part of cultivation, which includes internal strength, fists, and weapons.Needless to say about fists, feet and weapons, let's talk about internal strength.It is extremely simple to get started with this Wuji internal skill, one only needs to go through basic practice to generate internal force, and then use the internal force to open the meridians and transform true qi.

In this way, the first layer is completed.

The second level is a bit more advanced, but it is also very easy with the previous foundation as a foundation, but this level of kung fu does not focus on quickly accumulating true energy, but on washing the sutras and cutting the marrow.Here's a little esoteric meaning, come to this chapter on Yi Jin Bone Forging!

The third layer is effective for the second layer, but the focus has changed from washing the sutras and cutting the marrow to quickly accumulating true energy.

These three layers are the content of the second volume.The middle volume is four to six layers.Of these three layers, one focuses on body training, one focuses on application, and the other focuses on the development of human potential.

The last scroll also has three layers, but these three layers are extremely profound, and they were also thought up by Lin Heng suddenly, and his basis was the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

It is hard to say how strong he is in the Great Teleportation of the Universe. For Zhang Wuji, he is very strong, because Zhang Wuji has become a top master after practicing this skill.To be more specific, the biggest function of this technique is to train the yin and yang of the human body and develop the potential. As for diverting the opponent's attack, it doesn't appear to be very clever, because Tai Chi, star shifting, four-two shifting and other methods can do it.

Lin Heng created the last three layers based on the characteristics of the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and the sixth layer of the scroll is completely a foundation.

With this Wuji magical skill, Lin Heng's own cultivation is also one step closer, especially when he has practiced the yin and yang qi of the human body, and when he uses the yin and yang two qi to perform force transfer, it makes his attacks even more weird and unpredictable .He didn't know who was stronger and who was weaker between this method and the Great Teleportation of the Universe, but Lin Heng knew that the person who had practiced the Great Teleportation of the Universe was definitely not his opponent, because he had absolutely no ability to transfer the other party.

This day in the Valley of Unrequited Love, Lin Heng was still working hard on research, when he suddenly received a message from Li Mochou, saying that the little girl Lin Tong had returned.He was slightly surprised, why did this girl come back.

Since the girl in the ancient tomb secretly ran away from home, she was sent back by the beggar gang not long after.Think about it, that little girl is only so old, and she can't go anywhere when she runs away, so she was quickly arrested.The little girl was not reconciled, and wanted to go out again. Lin Heng saw that she had been making trouble and there was nothing she could do, so he told her: If you can protect yourself, I will let you go out.

The little girl was happy when she heard that, so she pestered her mother to learn martial arts, but she forgot what it meant to be able to protect herself.

The little girl didn't notice the flaws in Lin Heng's words at first, but when she was 12 years old, she confidently told Lin Heng that she could protect herself, and Lin Heng managed to get rid of her with two tricks.The little girl was not convinced, saying that her father's martial arts were too strong, but Lin Heng also played tricks and refused to admit it.This girl was also stubborn, so she ran away secretly the next day, starting her second run away from home.

Speaking of which, it has been seven or eight years since this girl went out!

"Mother, mother, take a quick look, how is Brother Jun Bao?"

Before he got to the room, Lin Heng heard Lin Tong's voice, and from a distance he saw a beautiful figure haunting Li Mochou anxiously.

"Girl, you still know how to come back!"

Lin Heng said angrily, and came out of the room in an instant, staring at Lin Tong with wide eyes.Lin Tong was taken aback by his father's coercion, and quickly hid behind Li Mochou, whispering, "Father..."

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