"What? Are you willing to come back, you cruel girl?" In the hall, Lin Heng raised his eyebrows with a look of anger.

When Lin Tong ran away from home, Lin Heng was naturally worried. After all, he was Lin Tong's father, and there is no father who would not be worried.Just don't forget that he has the beggar gang as friends, so he can know about Lin Tong at any time, otherwise he would have captured this girl long ago, and Li Mochou went out to see her a few times during the period, and Lin Heng also knew about it.

It was precisely because of this that he never went to look for Lin Tong, but now that he saw it, he still couldn't help but burst into anger.

"Okay, why are you angry? When you asked about Tongtong's news, you were not in high spirits. Why are you still so angry when you see a real person?" Li Mochou's words made Lin Heng's face turn red, and he glared. I met the two people who were grinning, and said angrily: "You two mother and daughter are my nemesis. Tell me, why did you ask me to come? You two mother and daughter, if you have nothing to do, you won't come to me."

"Hey, look at what you said, you are her husband, so I will come to you if I have something to do!" Li Mochou walked up to Lin Heng and smiled, which made Lin Heng's heart skip a beat.Although she is over 50 years old, she has maintained her appearance and figure very well, like a young man, but her charm has a touch of a mature woman, which makes Lin Heng want to stop every time.

"The little girl made a good friend outside. He was injured by someone, and this time he came back to ask for help. Here, go and have a look!"

She pointed at Lin Heng before he noticed a comatose young man lying on the side of the hall. He glanced at him and found that the man was not bad, but not particularly handsome. He couldn't compare with Yang Guo, but he looked handsomer than himself. a little bit.

"You girl, do you have to wait for something to happen before you come back?"

Lin Heng glared at Lin Tong again, got up and walked to the man, took a closer look, and said, "This kid is just poisoned..." As he spoke, he put his hand on the young boy. On his pulse, Wei Wei said in surprise: "Huh? This is Xiaoxiangzi's poisonous sand...Little girl, who is this young man who actually fell into Xiaoxiangzi's poisonous sand."

"His name is Zhang Junbao. I met him in Songshan..." Lin Tong opened his mouth and said that he admired this young man named Zhang Junbao very much, saying that he has a chivalrous heart, is willing to help others, and is talented. Although he is only a disciple of Shaolin handyman, But his cultivation is not low.

Lin Heng wasn't very interested in what she said, but he was interested in Zhang Junbao.He looked at the comatose Shaolin with surprise on his face, this guy is the future Zhang Sanfeng.

"Tongtong, don't tell me you're in love with this kid?" Suddenly, Lin Heng looked sideways at Lin Tong and asked.

"Ah..." Lin Tong was taken aback by Lin Heng's words, and instinctively shook his head and said, "Where is that? Dad, where did you go..." But she was talking, but her face was blushing, still He lowered his head slightly, playing with the corner of his clothes.With her behavior like this, how could Lin Heng and Li Mochou not know what this girl was thinking.But compared to Li Mochou, Lin Heng was a little worried.

Lin Heng likes the character Zhang Sanfeng very much, and Jin Yongda also said that this is a person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Bodhidharma.He was naturally happy to have such a person become his son-in-law.But Jin Yong also said that he likes Guo Xiang, so he kept his virginity for a hundred years. If his girl can't win his heart, then she also has to be a hundred-year-old virgin.

When Lin Heng thought of the two with gray hair, one looking at Mount Emei with a tender face, and the other looking at the man with a soft and resentful expression, it hurt him so much.

'Forget it, we'll talk about it later, it's hard to say whether Guo Xiang likes Yang Guo now? Shaking his head, Lin Heng got rid of the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, and helped Zhang Junbao who was on the ground up.He rested his hands behind his back, and slowly poured thick qi into it to help him expel the poison.With Lin Heng's skill at this time, it was easy to get rid of this little poison. In a short time, he helped Zhang Junbao get rid of the toxin in his body, and also helped him get through the twelve classics in one fell swoop.

On the side, Lin Tong was surprised to see Lin Heng's bluish-red face when he circulated his true energy, and quietly asked his mother, "Mom, what kind of skill is this, father?"

Li Mochou chuckled lightly and explained: "This is a martial art that your father has researched in recent years. It is called Wuji Divine Art. This set of exercises was created by your father's collection of essence. layer, it can even melt the yin and yang of the human body, which is extremely mysterious."

"Really?" Lin Tong's eyes widened, and the eyeballs kept rolling.Li Mochou could tell from her appearance that she was planning this magical technique, and immediately warned: "Girl, you don't want to think about your father's magical technique. You don't know, although his set of exercises is powerful, but Without the foundation of the first few layers of skills, don't try to practice the next three layers, forcibly practicing will only make people go crazy. Your current skills are simply not enough."

"Ah, it's so dangerous." Lin Tong was overwhelmed, stuck out his tongue, and said, "Mom, I know!"

While the two mother and daughter were talking, Lin Heng stood up and Zhang Junbao also woke up.He looked around in confusion, and murmured, "What kind of place is this?"

"Brother Junbao, you're awake!" Lin Tong was very happy to see Zhang Junbao woke up, and immediately ignored his parents, and ran forward to care.

Seeing that it was Lin Tong, Zhang Junbao nodded slightly and said, "Miss Lin, did you save me?"

"How can I have such great skills? It's my father. He is very strong in martial arts and good in medicine... Hurry up, let me introduce to you. If you can let my dad teach you a few tricks, it will definitely be enough for you to benefit from for the rest of your life! "Lin Tong pulled Zhang Junbao to stand up. At this time, Zhang Junbao also noticed Lin Heng and Li Mochou, but they didn't look old, and they couldn't be seen as parents at all.

"Thank you, Senior, for saving your life, Zhang Junbao!"

Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me, your inner strength is pretty good, even if I don't save you, you will be fine in a short time. It's really unexpected that you, a little Shaolin handyman disciple, know such great inner strength. "

Lin Heng asked knowingly, but he asked in vain, because now Zhang Junbao is just a blank sheet of paper, and he doesn't understand martial arts at all. As for internal strength, it's even more cloudy.

Seeing his bewildered expression, Lin Heng was a little speechless.This is the great master Zhang Sanfeng in the future, he is really too ignorant, okay?

"Father, Brother Junbao is very smart. When I taught him the Tianluodiwang style, he only read it once and learned it. You say he is good now, why don't you teach him a few tricks..." Although Zhang Junbao didn't understand, but Lin Tong understands, this girl is completely turning her elbows outward.

"You girl!" Lin Heng smiled bitterly, and said to Zhang Junbao: "Your injury is just right, rest for a few days, and I will teach you how to do it when I have time!"

"Thank you, senior!" Zhang Junbao was not stupid, so he thanked him immediately.

Lin Heng nodded and left.As he walked, he thought about how to teach Zhang Junbao.If it were someone else, Lin Heng might not be so happy, but now he is teaching Zhang Junbao, so of course he has to agree.Think about it, later Zhang Sanfeng said to his disciples, "There was a senior who taught me kung fu for a few days before, and I made great progress in martial arts. That senior is the master", how cool it is!

The current Zhang Junbao is a complete novice in martial arts. Although he knows some moves, he can also automatically cultivate the true energy in his body, but if you let him say something, I am afraid that he will face a white face.So if you want to teach him, you have to start from scratch.Just start with the basics, how long it takes to teach!

"No, it's good to teach for a long time. If he can have a long-term relationship with Lin Tong, then he will become his son-in-law. Haha... Zhang Sanfeng is his son-in-law, how awesome!"

The more he thought about it, the happier Lin Heng became. In the end, he even had the idea of ​​directly marrying the two, but when he thought about Zhang Junbao being a Shaolin disciple, and now he was also worried about the great monk Jueyuan, if it was impossible for him to get married, He has the idea of ​​directly tying him up to pay homage.

"No, I have to find a way to keep Zhang Junbao here and let him stay by my side for a few years."

Touching his chin, Lin Heng pondered over the "conspiracies and tricks" to himself.

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