() Mongolia finally came. Although countless people with lofty ideals in the Song Dynasty rushed to the front line desperately, they still couldn't resist the Mongolian iron cavalry.That kind of situation really made him cry, what a pity.Perhaps, if Song Ting tried his best to help Guo Jing and others, the ending would not be like this.But there is no possibility for anything, and this possibility is just a good wish in everyone's heart.

Under the city of Xiangyang, [-] Mongol troops besieged the city, and then there were [-] cavalry cruising around, and [-] cavalry bypassed Xiangyang and went straight to the depths of the mainland.

In Xiangyang City, Guo Jing looked sad, and Huang Rong looked at Guo Jing worriedly.Beside them, Lin Heng held a teacup and remained silent.

In Xiangyang City, I stayed for five years.The five-year offensive and defensive battle was really thrilling, but Lin Heng could face it calmly now, but Hong Qigong's death made him feel extremely guilty.

Qi Gong was already grown up, and his health has not been good these years, but for Da Song, he is still fighting on the front line.After several battles, although he didn't suffer any serious injuries, he still consumed a lot of energy.A year ago, due to a great war, Qigong died of exhaustion.He died on the battlefield, still standing when he died, giving people the feeling of being upright.

Originally, Lin Heng wanted to bring him back, but Lu Youjiao stopped Lin Heng.He told Lin Heng that Qigong knew his time was approaching two days ago, and this battle was his last. He hoped to die on the battlefield instead of on the bed.This sentence dispelled Lin Heng's idea of ​​saving him, but looking at the old and firm back, Lin Heng felt extremely sad.

Tread, tread... A burst of footsteps outside interrupted the silence in the hall, and Guo Polu, who was in armor, walked in, and he said to Guo Jing with a smile on his face: "Father, mother, the second sister is back."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beautiful girl walked into the outside room.I haven't seen her for a few years, and Guo Xiang has grown up too, but she probably inherited Huang Laoxie's genes, and she has a witty smile on her face from time to time.

"Father, mother..." Guo Xiang met her parents and gave Lin Heng another gift.She said: "Father, mother, Fancheng has been lost, and Xiangyang cannot be defended. You and I will break through."

"Bastard! What nonsense are you talking about?" Guo Jing threw out his palm angrily, smashing the table and chairs in front of him with one palm, and Guo Xiang was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak again.On the side, Huang Rong gave Guo Jing an angry look, and said softly to Xiang'er, "Xiang'er, you are so naive, you shouldn't stay here. In two days, you will leave Xiangyang with Po Yao."

Hearing what Huang Rong said, Guo Jing opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he sighed and didn't speak.On the other hand, Guo Polu, who was standing on the side, said loudly: "Mother, a man should die to serve the country. How can he go away when disaster strikes? Besides, his parents will not leave. As a son of man, how can he leave? Mother, please don't say anything about leaving. Make up your mind that you won't escape alone."

"You..." Huang Rong trembled angrily, pointed at Guo Polu and couldn't speak, but Guo Jing stood aside, with a gratified expression on her face.

Lin Heng looked at the family and sighed slightly.The courage of their family is touching, but is such a death worthwhile? Maybe some people will say, of course it is worth it, because their death will awaken the soul of the nation.But as a modern person, Lin Heng knew that it was not worth it.Because of the death of their family, not only did not awaken the soul of the nation, but also made the last barrier of Song Dynasty disappear.Obviously, it's better that they don't die.

Looking at Guo Polu, Lin Heng's eyes flickered slightly.This stupid young man is just like Guo Jing back then. He was half a beat behind others in learning everything, but as long as he memorized, he would put his heart into doing it.What he did this time was that Guo Jing taught him the righteousness of the nation, which he deeply remembered until he died in Xiangyang.

What made Lin Heng regretful was this kid. Maybe he couldn't become Guo Jing, but he would definitely be able to pass on Guo Jing's spirit.

"Saving Guo Jing and Huang Rong is relatively difficult, but it is much easier to save this kid. It seems that I have to move!" 'Lin Heng thought to himself.

The next day, Guo Xiang was persuaded to leave by Guo Jing and Huang Rong. They didn't want their Guo family to die here, so sending Guo Xiang away was inevitable.However, what Guo Jing and Huang Rong didn't expect was that Guo Polu had disappeared.Yes, it's just gone.The two felt strange, so they asked people to look for it immediately, but after searching for a long time, no one knew where Guo Polu had gone.

On the next day, a disciple of the Beggar Clan suddenly came to report that a corpse was found in a small alley in the city.

Guo Jing was shocked when he heard the words, and he immediately asked him to carry the body up.

The "Guo Polu" in front of him really festered all over his body, but Guo Jing could tell that he died in these two days only because he was poisoned.After carefully inspecting the condition of the body, Guo Jing found that he really looked like Guo Polu.

"Son..." Guo Jing looked sad, his eyes were reddish.

"Breaking captivity..."

Seeing that her father had confirmed that he was her younger brother, Guo Fu also had a look of grief on her face. If Yeluqi hadn't pulled him, she might have thrown herself on top of her body.In the arena, Yeluqi was the calmest.

Yeluqi is a very smart person.He felt that something was wrong when he heard the report from the disciples of the beggar gang, but he couldn't figure out the situation, so he kept silent.As for Huang Rong, she was the smartest person, but it was her own son who died after all, she was in a turmoil, so naturally she couldn't find out what was wrong.Of course, when she calms down, she may think that something is wrong, after all, what Lin Heng did was not very secretive.

Sure enough, on the second day after finding the body of "Guo Polu", Yeluqi and Huang Rong found Lin Heng together and asked him what was going on.Lin Heng didn't hide it either, and said directly that he didn't want the Guo family to be extinct, and he said bluntly that your death would not help the Song Dynasty, and it would be better to leave an heir for the sake of success.

"Madam Guo, don't worry, I asked the disciples of the beggar gang to send Guo Polu to Guo Xiang. I believe they have met now. With Guo Xiang taking care of him, he will be fine."

"Thank you Brother Lin!" Huang Rong nodded in relief.She already had a problem with the family sticking to Xiangyang, but she always obeyed Guo Jing's words, so she didn't say anything.But she is really happy to have the opportunity to send her son and daughter away.

A few days after Lin Heng sent Guo Polu away, the Mongolian army attacked the city.This time, the Mongolian army attacked Xiangyang with almost all its strength, day and night.In the city, Guo Jing held on for seven days, but after seven days he finally couldn't hold on, because the city's food, supplies, soldiers and other resources were declared exhausted.

In the Guo Mansion again, Guo Jing sent Lu Wenhuan away, returned to the hall with a pale complexion, sat on the wooden chair, and looked outside absentmindedly.Huang Rong looked at her husband worriedly, and gently held his hand to comfort him.On one side, Guo Fu, Yeluqi, and Lu Youjiao all had dignified expressions.They knew that the day when the city was broken was approaching, and their time seemed to be approaching.

"Rong'er, we can't just lose our martial arts strategy. I plan to forge a pair of weapons and hide all our knowledge in them. I hope that someone in the future can decipher them to drive out the Tartars and restore China!" Suddenly, Guo Jing said. road.

Hearing this, Lin Heng was shocked.He knew that Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Sword were about to be born.He took the initiative to untie the black iron sword behind his back, and said: "This sword is made of black iron, so it is extremely hard. Brother Guo, you melt this sword and make another weapon!"

"Thank you Brother Lin!"

Guo Jing cupped his fists at Lin Heng, took the Xuantie sword and walked out.Behind him, Lin Heng, Huang Rong and others followed automatically.

In the barracks, Guo Jing found blacksmiths and asked them to melt the black iron sword, and found a lot of metal materials to mix it with.Once the fire was ignited, it lasted three days and three nights, and in the end it was a knife and a house.This sword is the Dragon Slaying Sword and Yitian Sword that will shake the world in the future.These two weapons are no worse than the black iron sword before, and they are extremely sharp due to the addition of a lot of metals. Among them, the Dragon Slaying Saber weighs more than 100 catties, and it is impossible for ordinary people to hold it in their hands.

When the sword was about to be completed, Guo Jing and Huang Rong put a body of martial arts and strategy into the hollow space respectively, and then cast it into a sword, and sent the sword to Lin Heng, hoping that he would take good care of it and pass it on to those who are destined.

Lin Heng did not refuse and took the sword.He knew that Guo Jing and his wife didn't want to implicate him and let him go.In this regard, he did not refuse, and disappeared that night.But the two couples didn't know that when the Mongolian army broke through the city and the family was about to commit suicide, Lin Heng suddenly appeared in the Guo Mansion.Guo Jing and the others were astonished, they didn't know what was going on, but when he was about to get up, he felt extremely heavy.

"Brother Lin, you...you..." Guo Jing immediately realized that Lin Heng must have made a move, but before he could say anything, he fainted.

"Mrs. Guo, it's too late to say more, let's go!" Huang Rong nodded, she stepped forward to support Guo Jing, and was slightly relieved to find that she just passed out.Then he looked at his daughter, son-in-law and Lu Youjiao beside him, and said, "Master Lu, order the disciples of the Beggars' Clan in the city to evacuate immediately. Fu'er, Qi'er, let's go too!"

After Huang Rong had spoken, they naturally wouldn't continue to commit suicide. In fact, who wanted to die, but because of Guo Jing's relationship, they had to die.Now that they have a chance to survive, they will naturally not refuse.

Behind Lin Heng, several people entered the secret tunnel that he had already prepared, and then a fire ignited in Guo's mansion, burning Guo's mansion to ashes.Later, the Mongols found several bodies in Guo's mansion, all of which were burnt into ashes. After being identified by some people, they were very similar to Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others, so it was rumored that Guo Jing and Huang Rong died when the city was broken.

Then, the Mongolian army went all the way, and three years later, they broke through Lin'an, the capital of the Song Dynasty, and captured the five-year-old Song Gongdi.In another three years, Meng Yuan wiped out the resistance forces in the universe, and broke through the last exile regime of the Southern Song Dynasty in Lingnan, and the Song Dynasty perished!

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