Flowers bloom and fall, flowers fall and flowers bloom.The ignorant boy in the past has now become the leader of a faction, but it's a pity that there is no beauty by his side, and everything has changed.

In the main hall of Zixiao Palace, Zhang Junbao sat on the main seat, and there was a young man under him, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, but his gentle and refined demeanor was very gratifying.

"Yuanqiao, have you heard the rumors about the Dragon Slaying Saber?" Zhang Junbao asked.

Song Yuanqiao nodded, and said: "Yes, master. My disciples have heard about it. Rumors say that the supreme martial artist, with a sword and dragon slaying, orders the world, and no one dares not to follow. The saber and Yitian sword were forged by Guo Jing and Huang Rong's guild leader in the past, and they contain supreme secrets. Now it is known that the Yitian sword is in the hands of Guo Xiang Guo female hero of the Emei sect. Now some people say that this knife appeared in Xi'an, but I don't know if it is true."

Zhang Junbao nodded. He had written to Guo Xiang about this matter, and she was sure that the rumors were basically true.But, why did Dragon Slaying Saber and Yitian Sword suddenly appear in the rivers and lakes?In the past, Guo Xiang didn't have Yitian sword in his hand!

"Could it be a conspiracy by the Mongols?" Zhang Junbao was puzzled, he stood up and said to Song Yuanqiao, "Yuanqiao, I'm going out for a trip as a teacher, so you stay on Wudang Mountain."

"Yes, Master!"

Song Yuanqiao bowed, and quietly continued the task of guarding the house that his master asked him to do, while Zhang Junbao reached for the long sword on the table, carried a small burden on his back, and went down the mountain.

Because of Dragon Slaying Knife, countless people gathered in the city of Xi'an, Shaolin, Kongtong, Huashan and other great sects also sent disciples, even the Mongolian and Yuan courts also quietly sent people to find out what happened.

On this day, Zhang Junbao came to Xi'an City. As soon as he entered the city, he saw two people fighting in front of a small tavern. There were many people around them, most of them were armed. They were obviously martial arts men. .

They watched the two fight in the arena, without any intention of joining hands.Zhang Junbao knew that Jianghu people generally had a high temper, so it was not surprising.He pushed through the crowd and walked to the front, only then did he see clearly the two fighting in the arena.

These are two big men, one is holding a steel knife, wearing silk armor, looks like a general; the other is holding a blue light long sword, wearing a black silk robe, very mighty.

"Brother, who are these two people? Why are they fighting again?"

Zhang Junbao asked the kind-hearted man.The big man laughed, and said: "The man in silk armor is Zhuo Yiqing, a swordsman from western Hunan, and he is the number one swordsman in the past ten years. The man in green robe is Zuo Zongbao from Taishi Mountain, and he is also a master who has risen this year. The two of them Because of the language conflict, a fight broke out. It’s not a big deal, but it’s the same with Jianghu men. I think brothers are also Jianghu people, so you have to be careful when walking, and don’t conflict with others at will.”

"Thank you for the warning, brother, I will keep it in mind!" Zhang Junbao clasped his hands, and turned to study the two martial arts seriously.

Just now the big man said that the two of them are good players in the rivers and lakes, but after watching Zhang Junbao for a while, he felt that the two people's kung fu is not very good, fighting back and forth is just the same set of saber and sword skills, which is completely rote , although there are many changes, but it belongs to the sword itself and has nothing to do with itself.After seeing this verse, Zhang Junbao lost his temper and went straight into the tavern.Only when he got inside did he realize that there were also many people here. They wore all kinds of different clothes all day long, but they were very different in comparison.

Zhang Junbao took a look and found that the hall was full of people, and he didn't know what to do for a while.At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of a huqin. He looked sideways and found an old man and a boy of eleven or twelve years old sitting there performing arts. After thinking about it, he walked over and said, "Uncle, don't you know?" Can the boy sit here?"

The old man saw that Zhang Junbao was dressed in ordinary clothes but had an extraordinary temperament, and he was carrying a long sword behind his back. He knew that people in the Jianghu would not dare to offend him, so he immediately got up and saluted, and said: "Young man, please sit down quickly, little old man respectfully!"

"I'm bothering you so much!" Zhang Junbao said, and sat down.He ordered two plates of ingredients, ordered a pot of tea, and ate it himself.He just took two bites when he heard a gurgling sound from the side.He was slightly taken aback, and looked up at the little boy beside him.The little boy was staring at the food on his plate with his eyes wide open, with a hint of longing in his eyes.At this time, Zhang Junbao noticed that although the boy was not short, his body was thin and his face was thin, making him look very pitiful.

"Little friend, come and eat!" Zhang Junbao immediately pushed the food in front of him, clasped his fists to the old man and said, "Old man, I need you to take care of me, please don't be polite, let's have dinner together!" After finishing speaking, he called Xiao Er , and ordered two dishes again, including a meat dish, which he ordered for the boy.

The old man saw that Zhang Junbao was so kind, and thanked him a thousand times, and immediately wanted to kneel down for him, but Zhang Junbao had quick eyesight and quick hands, how could he let him be like this.

Just when the two declined, two big men came in from the outside.These are two men with quite similar looks, but although they have similar faces, one is tall and burly, while the other is as thin as a bamboo pole, which makes people quite surprised.

"Brother, there is no room!" the burly man shouted to the thin man.

The thin man turned his eyes around, and found that most of them were at the same table, but Zhang Junbao was at the table with a young man who didn't seem to be too old, an old man, and a child.The two walked up to Zhang Junbao, patted the table and said, "Boy, give up the space!"

Zhang Junbao frowned slightly, stood up and said: "Everyone, there is still room here, and the two of you can sit down, why are you driving me away?"

"Hmph! I am willing!" The skinny man snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Junbao.Zhang Junbao didn't hide either, and let him grab his shoulders with his big hands, but he didn't know that just as the thin man exerted force, a strong force rushed from Zhang Junbao's body, shaking him out all of a sudden.

"Okay! So it's Lian Jiazi, so we brothers will learn from you!" The skinny man was furious, roared and slapped Zhang Junbao with his palm, and the tall and strong man also rushed towards Zhang Junbao suddenly.

The store is small, and there are old people and children behind Zhang Junbao, so he can't blink, and he doesn't want to dodge, so he just stands there.When the two rushed forward, Zhang Junbao made a sudden move and drew a circle in front of him, then the two suddenly changed directions and collided.

The two looked at Zhang Junbao in shock, knowing that they had met a master.Just now, they clearly felt a strong force, but upon closer inspection, Zhang Junbao's hand did not touch the two of them.

"I don't know what to call your Excellency?" the thin man asked with his fists clasped.

Zhang Junbao smiled slightly, clasped his fists together and said, "If you're going, don't change your name, if you're sitting, don't change your surname. I'm going to Wudang Zhang Junbao!"

Zhang Junbao's voice was not loud, but everyone in the hall heard it, especially the word "Zhang Junbao", which made everyone look sideways.Not many people may know the Wudang School of Wudang Mountain, but when it comes to the three words Zhang Junbao, there are very few people who don't know.His magical skills are enough to shake the heavens and earth, and it is said that he is not too young, but now he looks like a boy in his twenties, this is a monster!

"It turned out to be Hero Zhang, our brother offended!" The skinny man was also startled, he immediately returned the salute, and then pulled the tall and strong man away.Zhang Junbao didn't say much after seeing this, he smiled at everyone and sat down again.

However, although he sat down, the people in the hall became lively.This time everyone came around the Dragon Saber, those who are not friends are naturally enemies, even Zhang Junbao is the same.It's just that this guy's martial arts are too high, he can be regarded as one of the top masters in the world, so they naturally dare not be careless. (Note: Zhang Junbao is already 60 years old at this time. Yitianzhong Yu Daiyan appeared more than 50 years after the fall of the Great Song Dynasty. Zhang Sanfeng's 90th birthday is now more than 20 years old, so he is [-] years old.)

After hastily eating lunch, Zhang Junbao got up and left the tavern with his real martial sword, but he stopped after walking for a long time, and said loudly behind him: "Have you followed the old Taoist for so long, why don't you show yourself?"

The movement outside could not be hidden from Zhang Junbao's ears, but what surprised him was that the ones following him were not some martial artists, but young and old in the tavern.As soon as the old man saw Zhang Junbao, he knelt down and begged, "Master Zhang, I have heard of your name before, please accept my poor grandson..."

"This..." Zhang Junbao was surprised, stepped forward to help the old man, and said softly: "Don't be like this, old man, just accept him."

"Thank you, Daoist Zhang, thank you, Daoist Zhang!" The old man was overjoyed, and immediately pulled his grandson Yu Lianzhou by the side of the house, and asked him to worship Zhang Junbao as his teacher.Yu Lianzhou was also sensible, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed.Seeing this, Zhang Junbao helped him up again, looked him up and down, and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad. Although you are thin, you have a bright eye, and you will surely achieve something in the future. Well, from now on you will be my second disciple of Zhang Junbao .”

"Thank you, Master, Yu Lianzhou!"

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