Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

116 Yuan soldiers besiege the city

"What happened just now? Is it also the great teleportation of the universe? Yes, only the great teleportation of the universe can achieve such a feat. I just didn't expect that the great teleportation of the Yijiao master can not only transfer the strength of the body surface, but also Transfer the force that penetrates into the body. From this point of view, this skill is no worse than the Wuji skill I cultivated."

In the room, Zhang Junbao understood very quickly.Compared to him, the people in the field seldom understood. Only some people guessed the reason, but no one knew if they were sure.

"Haha... It was Yi who won the first round, I wonder who you sent for the second round?" Master Yi glanced at the crowd, they all took a step back, fearful in their hearts.

Although the reputation of Baishang Taoist is not good, but his magical power is unpredictable, they think they are not opponents.However, such a master died in the hands of Yi Jiaozhu, who would dare to come.

Master Yi asked three times, but no one answered, obviously they didn't plan to send anyone.After all, although treasures are important, life is even more important.

"It seems that everyone in the ** doesn't want to compete for the Dragon Slaying Knife, so there are only two of you left. I don't know which side will come first?"

As soon as Master Yi finished speaking, a big man came out from the Huashan camp. The big man drew out the sword in his hand and threw the scabbard aside.

"Good internal strength!"

Master Yi's eyes lit up, and he looked at the man seriously.This person is ordinary in length, but his height is extraordinary. Compared with himself, this person is at least 1.9 meters tall, which is a full head taller than Yi Jiaozhu.

"I don't know what to call your Excellency?" Master Yi asked with his fists clasped.

The big man bowed back and said, "I'm going down to Huashan Baiyuan!"

"Oh? You are Bai Yuan..." Yi Jiaozhu looked surprised and praised: "I have heard of your reputation. Among the younger generation of masters, you are the only one who can compete with my disciple Yang Dingtian Today is just the right time for me to weigh you." With that said, Master Yi swiped over, and with a light slap, he sealed off the surrounding area of ​​Baiyuan, and the powerful palm pressure came.

Bai Yuanchu remained calm, the long sword in his hand trembled slightly, and he stabbed forcefully, pointing directly at the palm of Master Yi.Yijiao let out a surprise, flipped his right palm over, and slapped the long sword with his palm, hitting Bai Yuan unabated.But at this time, Bai Yuan turned his body and moved to his side, and swept his sword towards Yijiaozhu's abdomen.

Master Yi didn't dodge or dodge, his whole body was shaken, and Bai Yuan's long sword was deflected with a touch of nameless force.This move is naturally a big shift in the universe.Bai Yuan had already seen such a miraculous skill, so he was not surprised.With the strength of the vibration, his body rotated in the air, and the long sword in his hand slashed at Yijiaozhu one after another at an extremely fast speed.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Master Yi praised, leaned back, avoided Bai Yuan's attack, then kicked with both feet, and jumped up with his hands on the ground.He put his feet up and down, exerted all his strength, and with a touch, Bai Yuan flew out.

Landing on the ground, Bai Yuan looked at the long sword in his hand. It turned out that the long sword in his hand had been broken into two pieces by a flick just now.Sighing, Bai Yuan clasped his fists and said: "Bai Yuan is not the opponent of Master Yi!" After saying that, he walked back among the disciples of Huashan School.

Such an upright person is naturally praised by Yijiaozhu, and others also admire this kid.This person is young, but his swordsmanship is extremely sharp.He just met Yi Jiaozhu, if it was someone else, he might not be able to block the long sword in his hand.

"Your sects have been defeated for a while, who will come next?" Yi Jiaozhu asked loudly after gaining power.

The faces of the disciples of several sects were a little ugly.Although Bai Yuan is not the oldest among them, his cultivation is one of the best, and he is even known as the best candidate for the head in Mount Hua.He lost so easily, how could others have hope?It's just that a big faction is a big faction, even if you know you're going to lose, you won't bow your head.

An old man in his fifties stood up, clasped his fists and said, "I'll do this one!"

"It turned out to be Mr. Wu from Kongtong Shenquan..." Just as Master Yi spoke, one of the 11 people behind him walked out.This is a burly man in his forties, he clasped his fists and said to Yi Jiaozhu: "Master, let the disciple come for this battle!"

Master Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately smiled and said: "That's fine. You are not only my disciple, but also the bright right envoy of Mingjiao, the next leader. You should stand out in the world. This battle is up to you!"

"Thank you Master!"

The person who stood up was naturally Yang Dingtian.He joined Mingjiao since he was a child; at the age of 20, he joined the sect of the leader of Yijiao; at the age of 30, he became the left envoy of Mingjiao, and became famous all over the world; at the age of 35, he became the envoy of the right, only one step away from the leader.Today, he is 42 years old.But his skills are very profound, not worse than Yijiaozhu.In the teaching, some people even privately said that he is the number one master of Mingjiao.But only he knows that maybe his internal strength is not weak to his mentor, but he will not be the opponent of his mentor without the great shift of the universe.

"Mr. Wu please advise!"

Looking at Yang Dingtian, who was younger than him, Kongtong Shenquan Mr. Wu yelled three times, but everyone could hear the anger in his words.Indeed.He originally competed with Master Yi, but now he ran out of Master Yi's disciple, isn't this obviously contemptuous of others?How could he not be angry.It's just that Yang Dingtian was not afraid at all, and punched him first.

Mr. Wu's punch is Kongtong Shenquan Seven Injuries Fist. This punch is very powerful, but the moves are mediocre, just a simple straight punch.But before his fist met, Yang Dingtian felt the inexplicable force from his fist.Surprised in his heart, he immediately retracted his fists, shortened his body, passed through, and kicked Mr. Wu's back.

Mr. Wu didn't expect that Yang Dingtian would dodge, but he didn't react too slowly, he naturally took a few steps forward, avoided Yang Dingtian's kick, turned around and punched him.

Yang Dingtian didn't dare to meet his Seven Injury Fist, so he had to use his speed to dodge and then quickly fight back.In this way, the two came and went, making hundreds of moves in a short while, but no one could do anything to the other.

The prestige of Qishangquan has been too strong in these years, and there are very few people in the world who can take Qishangquan hard.Of course, it’s not that no one can take it head-on. Master Yi, who is watching the battle, and Zhang Junbao in the room, can all take the Seven Injuries Fist that hurts himself first and then the enemy. It’s just that other people may not have the ability. At least Yang Dingtian thinks that he is unable to catch the Seven Injury Punch without getting injured.

During the fight, Yang Dingtian's speed became faster and faster, and Mr. Wu gradually couldn't keep up with his speed.It just so happens that although the Qishang Quan is powerful, it can damage the true energy, especially when the punch is fully exerted, it will cause certain damage to oneself, unless the true energy reaches a very strong height.Mr. Wu couldn't reach this height, so after he punched hundreds of moves of Qishang Fist, it was inevitable that his true energy would be exhausted.

Seizing an opportunity, Yang Dingtian kicked Mr. Wu in the abdomen, and kicked him hard with both feet, sending him flying.Mr. Wu vomited blood in the air, and when he fell to the ground, his face was even paler.

"Haha..." On the other side of the sects, everyone's faces were ugly, while Yi Jiaozhu laughed endlessly. He stepped forward and patted Yang Dingtian on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, okay, okay. As expected of me, Mingjiao Guangming It is not only strong in kung fu, but also good in brain."

Master Yi praised his apprentice so much, obviously ridiculing Mr. Wu for being stupid.This point made the people of several sects very angry, but it was agreed in advance that they won two out of three battles, and now they have lost two battles.Normally, they would attack with all their strength in order to kill a few people, but now they are surrounded by people from the Five Elements Banner of the Ming Cult, how dare they move.

"Now, my Mingjiao has defeated several major sects and corrupt forces, and you are left with casual cultivators. Which one of you will go?" Yi Jiaozhu was very energetic at this time. He waved his hand, and the Four Dharma Kings behind him suddenly jumped up and inserted Standing in the middle of the crowd, he faced the big man holding the dragon sword.

The big man has been anxious since just now, thinking about the strategy of retreating.But looking at it now, there is no chance.Facing the four kings of Mingjiao, his face was extremely ugly, so he had to obediently thrust the dragon-slaying knife into the ground.Several people saw that he was interesting, but they ignored him, and they reached out to grab the Dragon Slaying Knife on the ground.But at this time, there was a rush of iron hooves in the distance, and then the loud "kill" resounded through the sky.

"It's the Mongolian cavalry!" Yi Jiaozhu looked ugly, and said loudly, "Bastard! Where are the five-element flag spies? Didn't I let them watch around? Why didn't they come to report when the Mongolian cavalry approached?"

At this time, no one would answer Yi Jiaozhu.In fact, it was they, the martial arts people, who regarded the Mongolian and Yuan courts as idiots.How could the dragon-slaying knife incident not attract the attention of the court?When they pay attention, they will naturally make up their minds.The superficial one is to send people to seize the dragon sword, and the clever one is to send a large army to strangle the martial arts people here, once and for all.

When the Meng Yuan army came, everyone panicked, and the Ming Cult lost the arrogance it had just now. Master Yi clasped his fists at the crowd and discussed countermeasures with them.Everyone was fighting against each other at this time, and quickly reached a consensus, and then rushed in one direction together.It's just that these people are all people in the world after all, so there are no rules.Just explain it to me, except for the Five Elements Flag when he waved it, the others didn't have any rules, and they walked in a mess.

In the inn, Zhang Junbao frowned knowing that Meng Yuan had come.He turned his head and said to Yu Lianzhou, who was writing beside him, "Disciple, don't go out in the room. If you have something to do with the teacher, go back as soon as you go!"

"Yes, Master. The disciple knows!" Yu Lianzhou replied respectfully.

Zhang Junbao nodded, and left the room with a straight body, then turned around in the air, jumped up to the roof of the inn without landing, and looked into the distance.

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