The sky suddenly darkened, and when he looked up, it wasn't a dark cloud, but a rain of arrows covering the sky.Round after round of arrows rained down, like a net bag covering the sky, covering the sky and enveloping the attacking martial arts practitioners.


There were screams one after another, and one after another martial arts practitioners were shot into hedgehogs and fell to the ground.

"Everyone get off the roof!"

A loud shout came out from the crowd, and then several figures jumped into the sky and landed on the roofs on both sides.They stepped on the tiles, their bodies were like the breeze, and they jumped several feet away.


Finally, they met with the Mongolian and Yuan army, and the martial arts people broke out with amazing fighting power at this time. Look at those masters of the sect, they gathered three or five people together to form an formation, marching and killing all the way, the Mongolian army There is no single enemy at all.Looking at the masters of Mingjiao, although they don't have much momentum, they can move forward together, and the surrounding people can't stop them at all. Even if the Meng Yuan army uses people to pile up, they can't stop their footsteps.

If things go on like this, sooner or later all martial arts practitioners will break through.

At this moment, Zhang Junbao on the roof suddenly noticed that a large group of horses and horses came out from behind the group of people, and there were several large carts in the middle of them. He looked carefully and was shocked.This car is nothing else, it is the Mongols themselves who made the return gun, which is the so-called trebuchet.

The trebuchet was launched, and huge stones fell down like an overwhelming sky.Such attacks are more powerful than bows and arrows, making it impossible for people to hide.


For a while, there were bursts of screams.This time, the Mongols not only attacked the martial arts people, but also wrapped up their army, which was really inhumane.


Zhang Junbao was furious, his whole body was like a willow swallow in the air, fluttering lightly, and the next moment he was in front of the Huihui Pao.The officers and soldiers guarding the chariot saw Zhang Junma immediately formed a formation and attacked him.

Zhang Junbao laughed angrily, he drew out the real martial arts sword in his hand, and with a light swipe in the air, the big knives of the people in front of him were tilted around, and then the long sword was cut, and the people died under his sword.

Zhang Laodao usually doesn't kill people, but at this time he can't care much.He was merciless with his sword, each sword would take away several lives, and he was killed in the queue in less than a while, and hundreds of Mongols died under his sword.

The Mongols surrounded Zhang Junbao in the center, and he kept killing everyone, and rushed to the Huihui Cannon, intending to destroy the Huihui Cannon.It's just that his movements were still slow, and the Mongols fired several rounds, and many martial arts people died under the boulder.The more Zhang Junbao fought, the more he became angry. At the end, after the murder, he directly threw the corpse towards the return gun, and those who fired were hit by the corpse and fell to the ground one by one.At the back, even the return guns were covered by the corpses and could no longer be fired.

"It's Master Zhang of Wudang, everyone rush towards Master Zhang!" Someone noticed Zhang Junbao and immediately let out a loud roar to boost morale.Sure enough, when they heard that Zhang Junbao had also come and was still helping him and the others, they immediately exerted their strength and broke through the Mongolian encirclement in front of them in one fell swoop, killing them.

Everyone joined forces, the attack power increased greatly, and the surrounding people were cleared away in a short while.It's just that they were few after all, so they broke through the street just now, and half of them were already dead, and there were still countless Mongolian troops outside. Whether they could really kill them, these people really didn't know.

On Mingjiao's side, Yijiao's face was heavy. He pulled Yang Dingtian over and said in a deep voice: "Dingtian, this time our Mingjiao fell. However, we Mingjiao can't all die here. After a while, you see the opportunity, Just break through."

"Master, you..."

"You Shi, you just listen to the leader. You are our next generation leader, how can you die here. We old guys, this time we will fight!" Zuoshi did not wait for Yang Dingtian to speak loudly, and the leader behind him The crowd immediately shouted too.

After several discussions, everyone found that there was no good way except to break through, so they all took up weapons and prepared to fight out.

In the town, there are densely packed Mongols, and every step they take will pay the price of blood.It's just that when martial artists who are as united as one are united, their explosive power is also huge, especially when they just break through.

This breakout battle lasted for a day, and in the evening, the leader of Mingjiao Yi led Yang Dingtian to break out first, but in this battle, he Mingjiao suffered heavy casualties. He was dead, leaving only a young Dharma king behind him, breaking through the encirclement.This person is none other than the White-Browed Eagle King, the leader of the Sky Eagle Sect who will become famous all over the world.

Mingjiao's biggest loss is not those dharma kings, but Master Yi.In this battle, he fought with all his might, and if it wasn't for the obsessive support in his heart, he would have been unable to persist.At this time, he sent Yang Dingtian and Baimei away, while he himself staggered and fell to the ground without any warning, his face like gold paper.The next moment, the Mongolian soldiers around him cut him into mud.


Yang Dingtian was filled with grief, and he got up and was about to go back. Fortunately, the White-browed Eagle King held him back and shouted, "Your envoy, there is no one left in my Ming Cult. If you die here, my Ming Cult will be destroyed." Already!"

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian yelled, the pain in his eyes and face was unbearable to look at.

On the other side, Zhang Junbao also led righteous people to break out, but their side was not much better. Except for some young and strong people with high skills, others died in the city, even Zhang Junbao himself With two knives.

"Let's go!" Zhang Junbao said in a hoarse voice, and he jumped out as soon as he moved first. The stones kicked up by him flew back like sharp arrows, and the Mongols who hit them ran away with their heads in their arms, so they dared not pursue them.

After completely away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell to the ground.Several leaders thanked Zhang Sanfeng, he shook his head, and said: "We belong to the same way, and we should help each other." As he spoke, he thought of Yu Lianzhou in the city, and immediately said: "Everyone, the old way is still a matter, So farewell!"

A few people are not forced to stay. This time, several of their sects have suffered heavy losses, so naturally they have to take a serious count.

After Zhang Junbao separated from them, he sneaked back under the cover of night.In the city, the Mongols were cleaning up the town, and countless corpses were carried away by them on carts. The strong smell of blood made the whole city of Xi'an feel like a slaughterhouse.

Back at the inn, Zhang Junbao picked up Yu Lianzhou, and when he sneaked out of the city again, he saw a little boy on the street looking at those Mongols with hatred on his face. Mongol.

"This..." Zhang Junbao was startled, and immediately stepped forward to grab the boy, snatched the knife from his hand, and shouted softly: "Are you dying?"

"Give me back the knife, and I will avenge my father and mother!" Xiaotong said with hatred, as if he was not afraid.

Hearing this, Zhang Junbao sighed, he stroked the little boy's head, and comforted him: "Child, your parents are dead, so what's the use of revenge? Now, you should live and learn a good kung fu. That's the only way , your parents will know from the bottom of the spring."

Xiaotong seemed to be very reasonable, he knelt down when he heard Zhang Junbao's words, and said: "Disciple Yu Daiyan, I beg senior to accept me as an apprentice!"

"Okay, I'll accept you!" Zhang Junbao didn't have time to think about it, the city was still dangerous at this time, he hurriedly dispatched Yu Daiyan, and quickly sneaked out of Xi'an with two children.

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