The news about the battle of the Dragon Slaying Sword in Xi'an City spread all over the world, and everyone in the Jianghu was shocked. Many people were thankful for this incident, glad that they didn't go to Xi'an themselves, otherwise it would be a dead bone outside Xi'an at this time.

In the Valley of Unrequited Love, Guo Jing also got the news from the Beggar Clan. He was furious and asked Lin Heng, "Why did you release the Dragon Saber?"

Lin Heng glanced at him, and said softly: "Brother Guo, you are almost a hundred years old, can you stop listening to the wind and rain?"

"I heard that the wind is the rain? Okay, okay... Then tell me, did you release the dragon sword? Did you say those rumors?" Guo Jing laughed angrily, and asked again.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "That's right, I did it all."

"" Guo Jing flushed with anger.Seeing them like this, Huang Rong immediately stepped forward to hold Guo Jing, and comforted him, "Brother Jing, don't get angry, listen to Brother Lin. You also know that he is not that kind of person."

"Okay, then tell me now why you did this." Guo Jing snorted, sat down, pointed at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng laughed twice, gave Huang Rong a thankful look, and said, "I did this just to rebel against Yuan..."

"For the sake of rebelling against Yuan? You can say that. You can only waste the power of martial arts people in vain. Look at what happened this time. The Huashan faction, the Kongtong faction, and the Kunlun faction all suffered great losses in Xi'an. Jianghu loose cultivators are almost extinct. You still have the face to say that you did this to rebel against Yuan!" Guo Jing asked loudly, staring at Lin Heng fiercely.

Lin Heng rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Brother Guo, although many people have been lost in Xi'an City, they can't hurt their bones. On the other hand, Meng Yuan, they killed a lot, but forged a deadly feud with the Jianghu forces. I believe that even if the Jianghu sects in the future do not openly oppose Yuan, they will definitely oppose them in private. I did this for this purpose."

Lin Heng's words were not straightforward, but Guo Jing and Huang Rong also understood what he meant.Among the major sects in Jianghu, only the Emei, Beggar Gang and Mingjiao really aim to resist the Yuan Dynasty. Although the other sects are also against the Yuan Dynasty, they are either too small and useless, or they do not shout slogans and are on two boats.Now that Lin Heng has made such a move, those sects have become Meng Yuan's mortal enemies, and they will definitely bring trouble to Meng Yuan.

"Of course, I also know that doing so will weaken the strength of the martial arts, but the benefits are also obvious." Lin Heng nodded and continued: "Moreover, it is simply unrealistic to use those martial arts sects as the main ones to resist the violent Yuan. Once, the reason why I did this was to create an enemy for Meng Yuan on the one hand, and on the other hand to use the hatred psychology of the people in the rivers and lakes to let them take revenge on Meng Yuan and attract Meng Yuan's attention. In this way, we can make the people in the valley Send them all out to form our anti-Yuan forces."

"Brother Guo, you have to know that you have been here for more than 20 years, and you have taught hundreds of children. Some time ago, we sent some away and asked them to contact the old ministry that broke into the imperial court. But there are still many people in the valley. , They are not young anymore, but teaching is useless, they need actual combat to make them progress. This time is an opportunity. As long as those sects attract the attention of the imperial court, then we can take the opportunity to develop and expand, or enter Mongolia Inside the Yuan court, bandits may be developed to hide troops. In this way, we will have a large number of troops in a short time. When the time comes, we will surely get twice the result with half the effort if we raise an issue."

Huang Rong absolutely made sense, and it was a very good way.Back then, in order to fight against Tyrant Yuan, Lin Heng sent out the disciples he taught, and let them enter the interior of Mongolia, or enter the mountains to become kings of the mountains, and now they are considered a little powerful.If you add those people taught by Guo Jing, the power will increase greatly.

If you wait for a good time to start an incident, the possibility of success must be very high.

But Guo Jing didn't think so.He admitted that Lin Heng's method is very good, but he absolutely disagrees with sacrificing his own people to do these things, so he objected: "Brother Lin, what you do is really effective, but you don't want to sacrifice so many people." Feel bad?"

Guo Jing's words were a bit serious, and Huang Rong's face changed when he heard it.She took a look at Lin Heng and felt relieved when she found that there was nothing wrong with him.

Lin Heng smiled and said to Guo Jing: "Brother Guo, you are a very good person. You are the number one hero in history for the people and the country. But, you can't judge other people by your mark. Although those sects usually Rebelling against the imperial court, but they are all for their own benefit, and they don't care about the life and death of the people. If nothing else, just talk about the Huashan faction. Since Hao Datong's death, there are still a few of them who remember to resist the violent yuan. I don't do this, they Will you work hard to fight against the violent elements?"

"This..." Guo Jing was speechless when asked by Lin Heng.Yes, what these sects usually do really pissed him off.That’s all for Kunlun. After all, he is far away in the Western Regions, but the Huashan Sect is a branch of Quanzhen Sect. Although it established a separate sect, it was originally founded with the purpose of resisting the violent Yuan. However, since Hao Datong’s death, They didn't have much heartbeat anymore, they just developed their own power, so they didn't have the heroic spirit they had back then.


Sighing, Guo Jing sat there decadently, not saying any more.Seeing this, Lin Heng knew that he should think about it carefully, so he stopped talking and walked out.Seeing this, Huang Rong looked at Guo Jing worriedly, and gently held his hand to comfort him.

Standing in the valley, Lin Heng suddenly felt like going out for a walk.For so many years, he has been in the Valley of Unrequited Love and has never gone out. Now he has to take a closer look at the world.

Thinking of this, Lin Heng recruited a servant and asked him to tell Guo Jing and Huang Rong that he would go out.

After hearing this, the servant immediately turned back to report, and Lin Heng also rowed out of the valley in a small boat.

Since the Mongols occupied Xiangyang, they did not kill here, but many people evacuated here before the war, so Xiangyang was very barren at that time.More than 20 years have passed, and many people have returned here. At a glance, it seems that the former prosperity has been restored here.But careful people know that the life of the Song people here is very bad, and everyone is cautious every day, for fear of doing or saying the wrong thing.They're so alive, it's really tiring.But for ordinary people, being able to live is the biggest luxury, how can they dare to expect anything else.Therefore, until they can't bear it, the success rate of the uprising is very low.This is why Lin Heng has always put development power first.

"Go... old bastard..." There was a sudden reprimand from behind.Lin Heng was slightly surprised and turned his head to look.It was found that two soldiers were walking with an old man and a little boy on their backs. The old man was handcuffed and beaten while walking, while the little boy next to him was also very young, only five or six years old.

"Beast!" Lin Heng cursed, and raised his foot to control it.But someone is faster than him.Behind the soldiers, at some point, there was a young man who was not very old, but he was holding an iron spear in his hand, and he stabbed as soon as he came up.

"Bastard, how dare you attack the officers and soldiers!" The two soldiers yelled and rolled to the ground to dodge. After getting up, they drew out their long knives and slashed at the boy on horseback.

This boy seems to be quite courageous, but he is not very old, only twelve or thirteen years old, and he seems to be inexperienced. He was thrown into chaos when he was chopped off, especially after the Mongolian soldiers cut off the horse's leg, he fell directly. fell to the ground.

Lin Heng shook his head, moved his body and inserted himself into several people, and raised his hand to block the sharp blade seen by the Mongolian soldiers.

"Who are you?" The Mongolian soldiers shouted.Lin Heng snorted coldly, and came to the two of them in a blink of an eye. He patted the two of them lightly. The two of them were fine at first, but they immediately felt severe pain, and fell down when their eyes were dark. On the ground, without breath.

Shaking his head, Lin Heng looked sideways at the old man, frowning slightly.This old man is obviously also a Lianjiazi, but he was caught for some reason, and seeing that his face is as pale as paper, it is obvious that the time limit has come.

"Little old man, thank you hero for saving my life. It's just that the little old man will die soon. I hope the hero can take care of my poor grandson. The little old man is very grateful." The old man knelt down to Lin Heng and said.

Nodding, Lin Heng said: "Don't worry, I will take good care of them. This time, I'm going to Wudang Mountain. I know Wudang Zhang Junbao, and I will let him take them as disciples."

"Daxia Zhang..." The little old man's face flushed with joy, and he thanked him again, then he pulled the child over and told him, "Cuishan, you must listen to your benefactor and go to Wudang You are not allowed to be naughty behind the mountain, you must work hard to practice martial arts and become a great hero."

"Grandpa..." Little Tong Cuishan was crying so hard that he didn't know how to answer.After teaching the little boy a few words, he called the boy to his side again, and said, "Daxia Zhang is a master of martial arts, and he is a decisive master in the world. Although I don't know who you are, I am grateful for being able to help you." Endless. Along the way, you must listen to your benefactor and practice martial arts well!"

After explaining everything, the old man couldn't hold on any longer.He was lying on the ground, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his face became stiff.


Sighing, Lin Heng closed the old man's eyes, and said to the older boy, "After we bury the old man, we will rush to Wudang Mountain!"

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