With Lin Heng escorting them, there was no danger for the three of them along the way, but the two little guys didn't know what happened. Every time they saw Lin Heng, they showed fearful eyes, which made Lin Heng very depressed.

During the trip, Lin Heng learned the names and backgrounds of these two people.Needless to say the little guy, Cuishan, Zhang Cuishan.Everyone knows this man.The key is the big one, his name is actually Zhang Songxi.This made Lin Heng depressed.Although he intends to hand over these two people to Zhang Junbao, you can't send his disciples directly to him, and let him send them out.


At the foot of Wudang Mountain, Lin Heng looked at the majestic Wudang Mountain, feeling melancholy in his heart.

Lin Heng has hardly been here since she was buried here.It wasn't that he didn't want to come, but because he was afraid of hurting the scene, he forced himself not to come.This time I came out by myself, and the first thing I thought of was this place.

Ten years ago, Lin Tong died.Zhang Junbao should be blamed for his death, if that kid hadn't provoked the Mongolian court, he wouldn't have provoked the Mongolian masters to chase and kill Lin Tong.It's just that Lin Heng can't blame him, after all, he taught himself to do this, and this kid gave Lin Heng a ghost marriage, which directly left him speechless.

Lin Heng was very sad about his daughter's death, but he could support it somewhat, but Li Mochou couldn't.When she gave birth to Lin Heng's third child, she lost her vitality, and the child died within two months because of the premature birth.This was beyond Lin Heng's expectation.This time, her daughter's death hit her even harder, taking her life directly.

In the whole family, only Lin Yi, who was away, was still there, but the boy was not at home, and it was almost the same as if he didn't. The other relatives left Lin Heng in an instant.At the beginning, Lin Heng was hit hard.Fortunately, he has Guo Jing and Huang Rong by his side, and he himself has experienced a lot. He is not the boy he was back then, so he persisted.However, his appearance at this time was much older because of the grief at that time.

In the past, Lin Heng looked very young, in his [-]s and [-]s he looked like he was in his thirties.But now, his appearance is completely in line with his age. He looks very old, his hair and brows have turned gray, and wrinkles have appeared on his face, he does not look like a super expert at all.

"My daughter is married, you should be able to feel at ease looking at it here!"

Sighing softly, Lin Heng called up the two children who were still sleeping soundly behind him, and took the incense candles and ghost papers he had prepared a long time ago, and climbed up Wudang Mountain while the sky was still slightly bright.

He went straight to a mountain depression where the scenery was practiced, took out the incense candle and the ghost paper, and knelt down on the ground.Holding the stone tablet lightly, Lin Heng murmured to himself: "Mochou, you like Tongtong very much. Now I will bury you next to her and let you watch her all the time. In this way, you will feel at ease. Tongtong Tong, you girl always looks like you don’t grow up. Every time your father disciplines you, you can avoid it, which makes him feel helpless. Now, when you are down below, you must listen to your mother and stop being naughty, so as not to be caught People bully..."

Lin Heng babbled a lot until the sun rose.When he came back to his senses, Zhang Songxi and Zhang Cuishan were both looking at him with sullen faces, but their stomachs kept rumbling, obviously they were already very hungry.

"Haha... Grandpa forgot the time as soon as he said it. You two little guys are so hungry. Let's go, I'll take you to eat something good!" Picking up Zhang Cuishan, Lin Heng held Zhang Songxi with one hand, and the whole person jumped in the air , then left the valley and walked towards Zixiao Palace.

Because Lin Heng walked the back mountain, he didn't meet any disciples of the Wudang School along the way.In fact, there are not many disciples in Wudang now, except for Zhang Junbao and his three disciples who entered the house, there are only some nearby villagers.These villagers hid deep in the mountains because they were oppressed by the people and couldn't survive. Zhang Junbao saw them as pitiful, so he let them live here and taught them martial arts, they were regarded as outer disciples.

When the Wudang faction really developed, it was the time of the Wudang Seven Heroes.At that time, Wudang could stand shoulder to shoulder with the thousand-year-old Shaolin school, and its power and influence were indistinguishable for a while.As for now, apart from Zhang Junbao, there are only two kittens, which are nothing.

"Zhang Junbao..."

Standing outside Zixiao Palace, Lin Heng yelled softly.His voice resounded throughout the hall like a loudspeaker.Behind the main hall, Zhang Junbao, who was teaching his disciples, was taken aback for a moment, then immediately showed joy, and said to the three disciples: "Disciple, my father-in-law is here, you should be more respectful for a while!"


The three of them were a little strange, they all knew that Zhang Junbao had never married, so how could he have a husband.But seeing Zhang Junbao's face, they didn't feel comfortable asking, and they just followed behind him.

As soon as he stepped into the main hall, Lin Heng saw Zhang Junbao rushing over, he said with a smile, "Haha... the boy from the past has become a grand master of a generation, that's amazing!"

"Where is the father-in-law talking? Although Jun Bao has some achievements, compared with his father-in-law, he is far behind!" Zhang Junbao said carefully.Ever since Lin Tong died because of him, Lin Heng didn't give him a good face. Now that he can come, Zhang Junbao naturally treats him cautiously.

"Stop talking nonsense, these two children in my arms will be your future disciples, you can figure it out." Lin Heng put down the two little boys, and their stomachs growled as soon as they finished speaking.When Zhang Junbao saw it, he immediately ordered the big apprentice to prepare the food in the kitchen, while he sat down in Lin Heng and said, "Father-in-law, why did you come out of the mountain?"

"I'm tired of staying in the valley, and I want to go out for a walk. Why, do you have an opinion?" Lin Heng glanced at him, and said to himself: "Recently, the world is too boring. If it weren't for the news that I released the dragon sword, I'm afraid the current Jianghu is just a pool of stagnant water, but now that the Dragon Slaying Saber has fallen into the hands of the Yuan Dynasty, it seems that we need to add more fire!"

Although he was talking to himself, it was obvious that he was talking to Zhang Junbao, and the content of his words shocked Zhang Junbao.

"Father-in-law, did you bring out the Dragon Slaying Saber?" He was stunned and in disbelief. Lin Heng laughed out loud and said, "That's right. Back then, when Guo Jing and Huang Rong cast the Dragon Slaying Saber and Yitian Sword, it was originally It was intended to be left to future generations for them to drive out the Tartars. It's just that I was clever and used a trick to save Guo Jing and Huang Rong, so the sword is in my hands. Now, I have given the Yitian Sword to Guo Xiang. The dragon-slaying knife was also released. It’s just that I didn’t expect that the current martial arts people are so useless, they will be counted by the court, and after the First World War, they even have such weak counterattacks, it’s really useless.”

The more he talked about Lin Heng, the more unhappy he was. He planned to let the martial arts people attract the attention of the Yuan Dynasty, but the news he heard along the way was not good. The counterattack of those martial arts people was too small, especially after the Yuan Dynasty sent a large army , It shrank even more.It is extremely incompetent!

"Hero Guo Jing and Chief Huang Rong are still alive?"

Zhang Junbao was shocked again.At this moment, he really didn't know what to say, but he really didn't know how to comment on Lin Heng's release of the Dragon Slaying Saber.

"What? You think I'm doing something wrong!" The hesitant look on Zhang Junbao's face couldn't escape Lin Heng's eyes. He looked at Zhang Junbao sarcastically and asked.

"Don't dare, it's just..." Zhang Junbao hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"Hmph!" Lin Heng snorted coldly, and said: "Those so-called martial arts sects are just some villainous villains. They don't want to expel the Tartars, but only want to find their own power. What's the use of it? This time it's just a villain." Punishment, if they still behave like this, next time I will personally kill them."

"Okay, okay, I don't want to talk to you about this. If you want to think about it, you might as well think about how to grow the Wudang faction. After so many years, it's just two or three kittens. You really miss me. Face!"

Lin Heng waved his hands, not giving Zhang Junbao any face.Several of his disciples turned red, and stared at Lin Heng with wide-eyed eyes. It was just that Zhang Junbao had ordered them before, so they were naturally reluctant to speak, and Zhang Junbao didn't know what to say.He smiled wryly, and said to Lin Heng: "Father-in-law, I have already prepared the meals in the back hall, look..."

"No need, I'm not hungry, you just let a few brats go. I'm going to test your kung fu."

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