Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

120 Use slow to beat fast, palm to divide yin and yang

On the flat ground outside Zixiao Palace, Lin Heng and Zhang Junbao stood facing each other, and the invisible majesty blowing their clothes, they floated up.Lin Heng's eyes were like lightning, and he stared at Zhang Junbao lightly, his momentum getting stronger and stronger.

"Lord Yue Fei, I've offended you!" Zhang Junbao said, stepped sideways, stepped forward, and came to Lin Heng with a light palm.His palm changes in the middle, from one to two, to two to four, locking Lin Heng in all directions.

The corners of his mouth pursed, and Lin Heng inserted his palm into the shadow of the changing palm. He only heard the sound of a touch, and his palm just hit Zhang Junbao's palm.The two split up as soon as they paired, and no one returned.

Zhang Junbao didn't count on this palm to make any merit, he only used this palm to confuse Lin Heng.Look at him, once the palm movement changes, the light palm technique becomes like catkins in the air, seemingly powerless, but stretches on endlessly!

Lin Heng made another move, this time he didn't confront Zhang Junbao, because just when their palms were about to touch, Zhang Junbao's palm shifted, changed direction, missed Lin Heng's palm, and slapped him on the chest.Seeing this move, Lin Heng's eyes lit up, and he swung his palm down, chopping down from top to bottom.Zhang Junbao saw that this changed again, he counted Lin Heng's palms, and hit an empty shot again, attacking Lin Heng.

"Haha..." Lin Heng laughed loudly, and his palm gestures also changed.His palm seemed to suddenly become heavy, and even his body became heavy, as if a person suddenly entered the water and had difficulty moving.

With a touch, the two faced each other again.This time, Zhang Junbao took two steps back lightly, and Lin Heng's body shook.

"Zhang Junbao, this is the cotton palm you created!" Lin Heng looked at Zhang Junbao and asked.

Zhang Junbao nodded, and said: "Yes. These few moves are exactly the soft palms I created."

"Okay. As expected of a grandmaster of a generation, he really has something he can get!" Lin Heng nodded in satisfaction. Zhang Junbao is worthy of his status as a grandmaster just with this soft palm.Seriously speaking, his cotton palm is not inferior to the Snake Fist created by Ouyang Feng, and to a certain extent it is even more powerful than the Snake Fist.Snake Fist, which emphasizes weird changes, is designed to make people hard to guard against, but the force it can produce is still fierce, which is in line with Ouyang Feng's Toad Kungfu.Zhang Junbao's soft palm is different, although he also changes and changes mysteriously, but it gives people the feeling of being swaying and grand, and the force he strikes is also soft and continuous.

Gently exhaling, a bluish-red color appeared on Lin Heng's face. Looking carefully, his lightly raised palm was also adorned with a bluish-red color, but the color contrast was exactly the opposite of the color on his face. It was left green and right right. red.

"Zhang Junbao, this is the yin-yang palm technique I created in recent years, please come and comment on it!"

The yin and yang palm technique was created by Lin Heng based on the yin and yang qi of the human body, the gist of which is the change of yin and yang qi.In order to exert the power of the Yin-Yang Palm Technique, one must learn to control the two forces of Yin and Yang in the body. To put it bluntly, it means learning the last three levels of Wuji Kung Fu, or you know the Great Teleportation of the Universe.Of course, Lin Heng's yin and yang palm technique is not just that simple.The most powerful part of his set of palm techniques is to maximize the yin and yang energy in his body, that is, to maximize his own potential.Although Lin Heng created such a palm technique based on Wuji Kung Fu, it was Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu that inspired him.

He has tried the power of this set of palms before, in terms of strength, he can strike three to four thousand catties with one palm, the absolute power is infinite.But strength is only the foundation, what really benefits this set of palm techniques is the power of yin and yang that is from yin to yang.You can see the blue color of his left hand, that is the performance of exerting the yin energy in the body to the extreme, hitting a person with a palm can arouse the yin energy in the other person's body, making the enemy's yin and yang unbalanced, and the whole body is cold.The right hand is to induce Yang Qi, causing people to suffer like fire.

Lin Heng's set of palms definitely belongs to the category of big killer moves. He would not use this palm if he was competing with other people, because this kind of kung fu is too fierce, and it will hurt people.But Zhang Junbao is different, he also knows Wuji Kung Fu, so although this move can cause him damage, it won't kill him!

With a slap of the palm, Zhang Junbao's face turned red due to the scorching yang energy. He quickly slapped his palm and retreated quickly.At this time, his face was flushed with a faint red light.Lin Heng smiled slightly and didn't chase after him, but Zhang Junbao was also smart, and immediately lucked out the method of regulating yin and yang in Wuji Kungfu, and quickly sorted out the messed up yang qi.

"Excellent palm technique!" Zhang Junbao exclaimed and became serious.

His hands are flat on his chest, slightly spread out to the sides.Lin Heng's eyes lit up when he saw this hand.He performed this move very slowly, although it was a bit different from the Taijiquan he remembered, it already had that kind of charm.He knew that Zhang Junbao must have had a clear understanding, understood the principle of using slow to beat fast, and integrated it into martial arts.

"Ha!" Laughing, Lin Heng leaned forward, bowed left and right, alternately hot and cold, forming two blue-red ribbons, wrapped around his side, and kept shooting at Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao didn't meet Lin Heng's palm like just now, but hit Lin Heng's arm and elbow with a seemingly slow but fast palm, resisting his palm.At first, Lin Heng was interested in Zhang Junbao's palm technique, so he didn't show any skill, but just pinched him back and forth.Slowly, he became familiar with Zhang Junbao's palm technique, and felt a little disappointed.Although the power of Zhang Junbao's current palm technique is not bad, but compared with the famous Taijiquan, it is far behind.

Thinking of this, the bluish-red color on Lin Heng's face suddenly disappeared, but looking carefully, the bluish-red color in his hands did not disappear, but turned into a bluish-red color in one hand, and the two colors existed alternately.

With this change in Lin Heng, the yin and yang qi in his body became introverted, but as soon as you fight against him, as soon as you touch his body, you will know that the strange power of alternating cold and heat will be transmitted to you in an endless stream, allowing you to move freely. If he is hit head-on by Lin Heng, it will directly arouse the yin and yang qi in his body, causing the qi and blood to flow backwards, making his whole body weak.

The two exchanged dozens of moves. Although Zhang Junbao was still able to evade Lin Heng's palm, every time he touched Lin Heng, he felt a strange force of alternation of hot and cold that made him stagnate.He knew that if he continued to fight, he would lose.Then the body jumped, and the whole person flew into the sky like a big bird, jumped three times in the air, and then fell behind Lin Heng.

The two turned around to each other, Zhang Junbao clasped his fists and said, "My lord father-in-law, your palm skills are powerful, Junbao is not your opponent!"

Lin Heng shook his head, sighed in his heart, and said, "You don't need to underestimate yourself. Although you are not my opponent, your realm is much higher than mine. Sigh! For the first time, I discovered that my cultivation is still far behind. ah!"

Lin Heng's words were not aimless.Dugu seeks the advantages and disadvantages of defeat, not because he created the Dugu Nine Swords, but because he has developed the martial art realm of using offense instead of defense, and using fast to beat slow.Zhang Junbao's pros and cons are not Tai Chi's pros and cons, and he created the principle of using slow to beat fast and using softness to overcome rigidity.But what about himself?He created Wuji Kung Fu and Yin Yang Palm Technique, which seems to be awesome to say the least.But these things were not created by him alone. Many things were summed up by him based on the secret books of the predecessors. The only thing he could get out of it was probably the application of yin and yang. After all, he didn't understand the great teleportation of the universe.

Just this, obviously not enough!

"Father-in-law..." Zhang Junbao saw Lin Heng's desolate expression, and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.Lin Heng didn't let him speak, and waved his hand and said: "Zhang Junbao, you are very good, really good. You have realized your own martial arts principles, and when you are perfect, you will definitely be able to surpass me, and you can also surpass many previous ones. People. It’s just that you have to remember that the way of martial arts is endless, and the first bottleneck that blocks you is the innate realm. If you can’t break through to the innate realm, then your life’s progress will be like that.”

"Innate Realm?" Zhang Junbao opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Heng fixedly.He seems to have never heard of this realm!

"Yes, the innate realm. It's a very wonderful realm. I have never reached it, neither did the Five Masters back then, nor did Guo Jing. Now that I am not young, I can't say how long I can live. You It’s different, you are not yet 60 years old, so you have time to think about that realm. If you can reach that realm, you will be number one in the world!”

As he spoke, Lin Heng shook his head.The innate realm has really become a demon of Lin Heng.In the past, he was unwilling to leave here, one because of his wife and daughter, and the other because of this innate realm.Now that his wife and daughter are dead, he once wanted to leave sadly, but his heart is always full of unwillingness, and the source of this unwillingness is the innate realm.

In this life, I am afraid that he will die in this world.


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