'Congenital realm, is it congenital realm? ' Lin Heng asked himself the same way.It's just that he has no answer for the time being.He really wanted to say no, because he felt that it was not, it was just his own changes that made him hesitate.So he didn't say anything to Zhang Junbao, and asked for a guest room, hurried in, and closed the door.

He didn't know that Zhang Junbao's disciples were very lively after he left.The newly recruited disciples Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu were fine, they didn't know Lin Heng, and they didn't know the innate realm, but Song Yuanqiao and the other five were shocked.They had all seen Lin Heng. At that time, he was older than Zhang Junbao now, but after not seeing him for more than 40 years, he turned out to be young, as young as a young man in his [-]s or [-]s.

This is too unbelievable!

"Senior brother, why do you call that man father-in-law?" fifteen or sixteen-year-old Mo Shenggu asked curiously while pulling Zhang Cuishan.Yin Liting on the side listened and raised his ears, approaching the two of them.Zhang Cuishan smiled wryly, and explained: "That man is older than Master, and he is Master's father-in-law!"

"No, I think that person is very young, about the same as the elder brother." Mo Shenggu's expression was incredulous, which made Zhang Cuishan at a loss as to how to explain it. He said, "What I said is true. Back then I He and the fourth senior brother were almost killed by the Mongols, and he rescued us and sent them to Wudang Mountain. The reason why the back mountain has been called a forbidden place by Master in these years is because he retreated there. After careful calculation, he It has been in retreat for 23 years."

In the first five years, Lin Heng had left customs, but they didn't know it.Later, Lin Heng kept practicing, and only Zhang Junbao knew about it.However, from Zhang Cuishan's words, we can see that after Lin Heng took the elixir, it took 13 years to digest it!

This is an unbelievable number. If Lin Heng knew it, he would definitely jump up in shock.

Outside the room, Zhang Junbao kept walking back and forth, looking anxiously at the room from time to time.Fortunately, Lin Heng didn't go in for a few years this time, but walked out two hours later.His face was a little bad, with a slight look of disappointment.

Zhang Junbao didn't know his mood, so he hurriedly asked: "Father-in-law, have you reached the innate realm?"

Lin Heng shook his head and said, "No!"

"No, but you..." Zhang Junbao was surprised, pointing at Lin Heng's black hair, not knowing what to say.

"Ah!" Sighing, Lin Heng said: "You forgot that I am a doctor. I am not only good at curing diseases, but also good at making alchemy. Once, I made a golden elixir..." As he said, he The golden pills were taken out, and said: "Look, this is the Baicao Dan I refined. This kind of pill can increase a person's cultivation for 30 years, but it is just like these pills. The pale golden light is different, but that one is completely golden. Before, I didn’t dare to take that elixir, because I was afraid that the elixir was too powerful and I couldn’t bear it. This time, I gritted my teeth and took it That elixir. Unexpectedly, this elixir is completely different from Baicao elixir, it doesn't have the power to explode the elixir, it just has a clear stream..."

Then, Lin Heng spoke out how he felt after taking the elixir, Zhang Junbao's eyes widened when he heard it, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"The way I am now is the result of taking the elixir. Originally, I also wanted to make another breakthrough with the help of this elixir, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Rejuvenate, the elixir can actually rejuvenate, this is simply a elixir!" Zhang Junbao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, but his words touched Lin Heng's heart.

This elixir is indeed a elixir. It not only rejuvenated Lin Heng, but also thoroughly refined his body, making him stronger and younger.If it is said that Lin Heng in the past has entered his old age, now he is really as he appears on the surface, with a body in his 40s and 50s.In other words, he can live another four or fifty years.This is still a little, if there are more, it is not impossible for him to live a hundred years!

And the method of internal strength has also increased a lot, but compared with these two points, the increase of true energy is not so conspicuous.Besides, no one else can see this aspect, only Lin Heng knows his own progress.

"It is said that the congenital realm can rejuvenate. The cultivation level in my body is not as good as congenital, but my body has rejuvenated. Is this a pseudo-congenital?" Thinking in his heart, Lin Heng laughed.

"By the way, Jun Bao. Do you have any news about Unfeeling Valley?"

Zhang Junbao's expression froze, and he said cautiously: "Father-in-law, you have to be prepared mentally, Guo Daxia and Huang Gangzhu, they..."

"What's wrong with them?" At first, Lin Heng didn't react, but as soon as the words came out, he was surprised: "You mean they went?"

Zhang Junbao nodded with difficulty, and explained: "Well. Five years ago, I received news that Guo Daxia was too old to leave first. Three years ago, Huang Rong helped and Guo Daxia left because of four years. Now he is in charge of the affairs of Unfeeling Valley Yes, it's Brother Guo Polu!"

"Guo Polu?" Lin Heng frowned slightly, and continued to ask: "Then what is the situation in the world now? Has Guo Daxia launched an anti-Yuan uprising?"

"No!" Zhang Junbao shook his head, and said: "Ten years ago, Guo Daxia wrote to say that he was not in good health and hoped to hold an anti-Yuan uprising. But for some reason, there was no news later. The gang of beggars, the gang of beggars..."

"The Beggar Gang? What happened to the Beggar Gang?" Seeing Zhang Junbao's hesitation, Lin Heng asked dissatisfied.

"Someone from the Beggar Gang has rebelled!" Gritting his teeth, Zhang Junbao said something that surprised Lin Heng, but immediately he smiled wryly.In the past, he asked Yeluqi to be the leader of the beggar gang because he was afraid that the beggar gang would become a shameless gang like Yitianzhong.It's just that they didn't expect that Yeluqi and Guo Fu, whose fate had been changed, still did not escape the fate of death, and the beggar gang also returned to the original path and became a gang that couldn't go up or down.

"As soon as the beggar gang rebelled, it was said that someone was going to rebel. Meng Yuan was shocked. He immediately sent troops to attack the beggar gang again, which severely damaged the vitality of the beggar gang. Then he sent people to investigate the whole country and wiped out many bandits and gangs. Yours Many people died in this incident, but fortunately the backbone was preserved. When I went to the Valley of Unrequited Love, Guo Daxia was in great pain because of this incident!"

"Guo Jing is too kind!" Lin Heng shook his head. He implemented it according to his own ideas. Even if he didn't succeed, he could become a warlord. When the time came to train all forces, the Yuan Dynasty would definitely be at a loss.But now... "At the beginning, I asked Guo Jing to provoke the relationship between the martial arts sect and the Yuan Dynasty, so as to attract the attention of the Yuan Dynasty, and we quickly developed our power. He didn't listen. Later, I asked him to abandon the Beggars' Sect and go around as disciples of the Beggars' Sect. He didn't listen to the mobilization of the Mongolian army to prepare for the uprising. It's all right now. Alas!"

After rambling on, Lin Heng spoke out his original plan.His plan was not brilliant, but it worked.If this plan is successful, Meng Yuan will definitely not be able to last long, because Meng Yuan's policy is too oppressive for the people.At that time, as long as someone stands firm, there will definitely be forces one by one who will come out to oppose him.Well now, everything is empty!

"Forget it, I don't want to care about these things anymore, they can do whatever they like!"

Shaking his head, Lin Heng showed a little helpless look on his face.He really wanted to help Guo Jing and others to overthrow Da Yuan, but Guo Jing was really not a good owner.He can be a hero, but he can't be a king, not even a prime minister!

"Junbao, I've been here for so many years, I should go out for a walk." Lin Heng was in a bad mood and didn't want to stay here any longer. Zhang Junbao wanted to keep a guest, but he opened his mouth but didn't say anything.He felt uncomfortable watching Lin Heng staggering away.He knew that although Lin Heng had just said that he didn't care, this time he must have gone to see Guo Polu and give him an opportunity to teach him face to face. After all, his relationship with Guo Jing is very deep!

"Father-in-law, birth, old age, sickness and death are God's will, why can't you see it through when you are old?" Zhang Junbao said to himself, turned his head to look at the back mountain, and said: "Father-in-law can't see through it, Zhang Junbao, you can see through it? Ha... So you can't see through it yourself! Yes, how many people in this world can see through it?"

Shaking his head, Zhang Junbao was also feeling depressed.

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