Ten years before the start of Yitian Tulongji, Guo Polu passed away. He passed on the great cause of anti-Yuan to his descendants, hoping that he would take over his mission.This year, Guo Hansheng, the son of Guo Polu, raised the banner of righteousness to rebel against Mongolian Yuan.Under the management of Lin Heng and Guo's father and son for many years, their power has long been good. Although they have suffered many blows, once the uprising took place, they occupied the land of Jingchu in only thirteen days and shocked the world.

It's a pity that at this time the world has been in decline, and the only Mingjiao that can help Guo Hansheng has also fallen into perennial internal strife because of Yang Dingtian's death, and although other sects will take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, they are all small troubles.

Fortunately, Guo Hansheng was proficient in military tactics and strategies, and he actually blocked the siege of the Mongolian and Yuan army three times by relying on the land of Jingchu.At this time, his wear and tear has been quite large, and if there is another attack, he may not be able to resist it.Fortunately, the greatness of the world is not that no one can help him. First, Wudang sent disciples into the army to help Guo Hansheng resist the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. Then there were Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect in the name of the Quanzhen Sect. Xi'an, Baoji, Tongchuan and other places attracted Meng Yuan's attention.

If one person revolts, everyone may wait and see for a while, but if someone revolts one after another, everyone will definitely follow.No, not long after the Taoist uprising of the Quanzhen Sect, some people in the south of the Yangtze River violently rose up and attacked cities and lands. Even the torn Ming Sect, many people raised their banners to resist the violent Yuan.

For a time, wars broke out in the Central Plains.

In order to extinguish the uprising, the Mongolian and Yuan courts sent troops to attack the insurgents time and time again, but the uprising land was getting more and more day by day. They took down here today, and there will be uprising tomorrow, which made them exhausted. In the end, not only could they not wipe out The rebel army also lost a large number of vital forces, and countless cities and towns were lost.

Five years later, the battle between the imperial court and the rebel army finally came to a temporary halt, because both sides were tired after fighting for five years.Meng Yuan was unable to wipe out the rebel army, and the rebel army was unable to continue to attack cities and land because of insufficient training and insufficient logistics.During the period, only Guo Hansheng of Jingchu was better, because he had the tricks left by Lin Heng.

Lin Heng is not a politician. He doesn't understand many things, but he still knows the basics.He said when he was building a power, that a power should not only have those on the outside, but also those in the dark.On the bright side, you have to let everyone see it, no matter whether it is good or bad, you have to let the people see it.Good, you have to reward; bad, you have to punish according to the law.As for the power in the dark, the fewer people who know about it, the better, and it must be in your hands.

He has always done this, and the Guo family has always done this.

Back then, after Lin Heng got off Wudang and returned to the Valley of Unrequited Love, he knew that Guo Polu was going to revolt, because he was not young enough to continue waiting.So he told Guo Polu and Guo Hansheng that after the uprising, they must pay attention to discipline issues. It is best to directly promulgate laws and let people abide by them.

At the same time, he also proposed policies related to land and taxation.It is obviously unrealistic to make the land of future generations belong to the state.But in wars, many lands are unowned, and when they occupy a land, they can completely attribute the wasteland and mountain land to the government, and then promulgate laws to determine the distribution system and distribute these lands to farmers.

In this way, not only can the farmers' food problems be guaranteed, but also refugees can be resettled and the army's income can be increased.

Regarding taxation, he also pointed out that don't pay attention to land income. Although land income is quite a lot, it is fixed and will not increase much, but it is different in other aspects.For this reason, he wrote a plan in detail and gave it to Guo's father and son to let them think for themselves.

For this reason, the Guo family and his son formulated a series of policies that are beneficial to the people, which is why they can occupy and hold on to the land of Jingchu so easily.

Closer to home.After the Central Plains temporarily calmed down, there was another storm in the rivers and lakes.Five years later, the Dragon Slaying Knife suddenly reappeared in the rivers and lakes. It was acquired by the Haisha faction, and was later snatched by others. Zhang Cuishan is even more involved in becoming a useless person, disappearing into the world with Xie Xun who snatched the knife, and Tian Yingjiao Yin Susu.

At this time, the wars in the Central Plains rose again, and the uprising forces once again launched offensives everywhere. Among them, Guo Hansheng in Jingchu was the most powerful, and he opened up the road to Xi'an with one attack, and joined forces with the Quanzhen Taoist priests.Later, everyone joined forces to attack backwards and broke into Sichuan.

Guo Hansheng's move really stirred up the world. Many people were unwilling to be left behind and attacked various places one after another.Seeing this, Mongolia once again dispatched a large army to encircle and suppress all forces.It's just that after so many years, everyone has stabilized their territory. It is very difficult for the Mongols to destroy them. If we don't talk about other places, let's talk about the land of Hubei.

No, before the Mongolian Yuan army entered Hubei, it was attacked several times by the militia army developed by Guo Hansheng, and lost thousands of troops.Later, in order to preserve his strength, Guo Hansheng voluntarily abandoned some peripheral cities, and used the guerrilla warfare and people's warfare taught by Lin Heng to attack the Mongolian army, making them unable to travel ten miles a day, and losing tens of thousands of people in January.

When the battle between the two sides really started, Guo Hansheng used the martial arts experts and the sheer number of troops to fight against the Mongolian, Yuan, Wu, and Wan troops. In just three battles, half of their strength was lost.Coach Meng Yuan saw that this was not going to work, so he had to withdraw from Hubei, and Guo Hansheng also took the opportunity to attack and captured some towns again.However, he remembered Lin Heng's words and knew the reason to keep a steady and safe rear, so he didn't force Meng Yuan too much, but gave up as soon as it was good, and then set his sights on Sichuan behind him, intending to take the opportunity to take Sichuan.

Without Meng Yuan making trouble in front, Guo Hansheng's entry into the country went very smoothly. It took him just over half a year to conquer the entire Sichuan.It's just that the ethnic groups in Sichuan are complex, and it is easy to conquer, but difficult to govern.For this reason, he once again took out the proposal written by Lin Heng that day, and watched the strategy above.

In the plan, Lin Heng mentioned: If you want the ethnic minorities to belong to you, you must lure them with benefits and treat them with sincerity.But the premise is to suppress it with force.If you have enough power, then you have to subdue their nation, and then let them pull out of the mountains and live in the land.In order to make ethnic minorities feel at ease, you can allow them to self-govern, but education and military power must be in your hands, use military force to suppress rebellion, use education to integrate culture, and transform their ethnicity into Han nationality!

This short sentence pointed out many ways for Guo Hansheng. In order to govern Sichuan, he personally went to some small tribes to persuade them.Many people don't trust Guo Hansheng, but he has an army on his side, even if you don't want to, you have to think about it.So in the first year, [-] tribes, big and small, led out of the mountains and came to the place where the Han people lived.

In order to reassure these people, Guo Hansheng personally designated a city for them to live in, and let them jointly manage it, and at the beginning, he sent people to help them organize an army and guard the place.

Gradually, these ethnic minorities began to return to their hearts, and Guo Hansheng also began to attack those big tribes. After seven or eight years, he finally sneaked all the ethnic minorities in the deep mountains into the earth and lived together with the Han people.In order to assimilate these people, he also took out what Lin Heng told him, that is, we were all born from the same root. Although we have different cultures now, in ancient times, we were all the same parents.

These words were made into a drama by Guo Hansheng and spread in Sichuan continuously.

Two years later, Guo Hansheng finally completely pacified Sichuan, and Sichuan has also entered a development track under his governance, but because the governance of Sichuan has cost him a lot of mind and materials, he does not have the strength to continue to attack.In this regard, he was not discouraged, but carefully studied what Lin Heng left behind, and then discussed with everyone to formulate various laws and vigorously develop Hubei and Sichuan.

At this time, there was another disturbance in the world, and Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu, who had disappeared for ten years, returned.

The appearance of the two represented Dragon Saber and Xie Xun, no one would ignore them, even Guo Hansheng rushed to Wudang himself.But he didn't want Dragon Slaying Knife and Xie Xun, because he knew what was in it, and he would, so he didn't care.He went to Wudang because he knew that there would be riots in Wudang, and he went there entirely to suppress the scene.

However, although Guo Hansheng is now a vassal, the Jianghu is a matter of the Jianghu. It is impossible for Zhang Sanfeng to use his power to drive away the people, otherwise he may not be able to gain a foothold in the Jianghu after Wudang.

Therefore, although Guo Hansheng has gone, everything is as in the original book. Zhang Cuishan committed suicide sadly, and Yin Susu also resolutely left, leaving only Zhang Wuji with the mysterious palm in his body.

"Uncle Zhang, there is nothing we can do about Wuji's injury to Hansheng, but I think Grandpa Lin must have a way. If we can find Grandpa Lin, we will be able to heal Wuji's injury!"

In the main hall, Guo Hansheng sighed slightly.

Speaking of it, Guo Hansheng is not very good at martial arts. Although he also learned the Jianglong Palm and the Nine Yin Manual, he did not learn everything, especially the Nine Yin Manual. , As for the others, he doesn't know now.Otherwise, Zhang Wuji's injury could be healed.

"You're right, but father-in-law hasn't appeared since he disappeared, and I don't know where he is now?" Zhang Sanfeng sighed.Why doesn't he know this, but Lin Heng hasn't seen him for 30 or [-] years, how easy is it to find him?

The two looked at each other, both a little helpless.

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