The people on Wudang Mountain dispersed, and everything seemed to be back to normal. Only in the back mountain, there were two more graves, and there was also a child with a blue face. The child often came here to offer incense to the grave.

This child is naturally Zhang Wuji!

Zhang Wuji is unfortunate, but also lucky.Unfortunately, he became an orphan, and his parents who accompanied him for ten years died; fortunately, he is the protagonist, and there must be many opportunities in the future.

It's just that that is the future Zhang Wuji, and the present Zhang Wuji is still a child who doesn't understand anything. The only thing he knows is that he may not live long.

Two years later, the injuries on Zhang Wuji's body became more and more serious, his complexion turned from blue to green, his body was extremely thin, and his walking was even more vain, as if he would collapse if he was blown by a strong wind.

Zhang Sanfeng knew it was impossible to go on like this, so he asked someone to bring a letter to Guo Hansheng, but the news he got was that Lin Heng was still not found.There was no other way, Zhang Sanfeng could only put his hope on the Nine Suns Divine Art.On this Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhang Wuji fell ill again. Zhang Sanfeng saw him in pain, and missed his lover in his heart, so he finally decided to let go of his old face and take Zhang Wuji to Shaolin personally.

It's a pity that Shaolin is narrow-minded and doesn't listen to Zhang Sanfeng's words at all.Zhang Sanfeng had no choice but to leave with Zhang Wuji.Everything is as in the original book, Chang Yuchun was rescued by Zhang Sanfeng passing through Hanshui, and Chang Yuchun also told the story of Hu Qingniu, a doctor of Butterfly Valley.At this time, Zhang Sanfeng had no other choice, so he had to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and taught Zhang Wuji to Chang Yuchun, hoping that the medical fairy Hu Qingniu could cure Zhang Wuji.

Butterfly Valley is secretive, not because the Mingjiao people don't know where it is, that's why Hu Qingniu has a reputation of being desperate, and no one bothers him yet.But Chang Yuchun is not an outsider, he likes to fight against injustices, he is often injured and comes here, so he is naturally familiar with the road.It was Zhang Wuji who was behind him, seeing the bright reds and purples of this small path, and flowers all over the mountains and plains, it was simply amazing.

Such a beautiful place, the people who live there should be nice too.It was just Zhang Wuji's first thought, but it was really simple. Hu Qingniu, after hearing what he said, Zhang Wuji was very annoyed, but he couldn't help it.After some twists and turns, Zhang Wuji was still retained, and with his own efforts, he was considered to have healed Chang Yuchun's injury, but it was a pity that he lost half of his life because of it.

On this day, Hu Qingniu, who studied Zhang Wuji's cold poison all day long, was restless. He walked back and forth with an anxious face, as if he was worried about something.

Zhang Wuji felt strange and asked, "Mr. Hu, what's wrong with you?"

Hu Qingniu glanced at him, remained silent, continued to stop and go, instead of turning his head to look outside the valley.It's just that from morning to night, no one came outside the valley at all.Hu Qingniu's face was miserable, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was anger in his heart, but he couldn't express it.

At this time, seeing Zhang Wuji bring the food, he didn't know why, so he expressed his depression.

"When I was young, I devoted myself to studying medicine and determined to help the world and save people, but after I saved it, something went wrong. The people I saved came back to harm me severely. There was a young man who was killed by a golden silkworm in the precious Miao Gu poison, it is extremely poisonous, of course, those who suffer from it must die, and before they die, they have experienced all kinds of suffering in the world. I stayed up for three days and three days, and finally cured him. I betrothed my younger sister to him as his wife. Who would have thought that he killed my own younger sister later on. Who do you think this person is? He is now a dignified figure from a respectable family, and the head of the Huashan School is Xian Yutong."

Seeing Hu Qingniu's distorted face and extremely distressed spirit, Zhang Wuji suddenly felt pity in his heart, and asked softly, "Why don't you take revenge?"

Hu Qingniu sighed: "I have tried to find him three times before and after, but all of them were defeated. If it wasn't for the amazing body skills passed down by my mentor, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of that beast. I hate it! When I was young, if I learned martial arts with my master, I wouldn't have done it. There will be such a catastrophe. Woohoo..." Hu Qingniu burst into tears after speaking.Seeing him crying so sadly, Zhang Wuji was at a loss for a moment, not knowing how to comfort him.

At this moment, the closed wooden door opened silently, and a figure suddenly appeared beside the table.He sat down, threw a package full of blood on the table, and said coldly: "You still have the face to cry! Huh!"

"Who are you?"


Zhang Wuji and Hu Qingniu exclaimed at the same time, but one was really surprised and the other was happy.Hu Qingniu, who raised his head, saw the bloody package and immediately opened it.

"Ah..." The contents of the package made Zhang Wuji exclaim, and he took two steps back in fright.

This thing is nothing but a human head.

"Haha... Xian Yutong, Xian Yutong, you thief, you are finally dead!" Hu Qingniu grabbed the head and roared with a ferocious expression. He laughed wildly while roaring, but then burst into tears.

Looking at him, Zhang Wuji was really terrified, he hid aside and didn't dare to speak, but his eyes were faintly sizing up the person coming.This is a very strange person, his hair and eyebrows are a bit grizzled, he should be quite old, but his skin is smooth and rosy, he does not look like an old man at all.

"Disciple, thank you teacher!"

After the madness, Hu Qingniu knelt on the ground respectfully, and kowtowed a few times to the visitors.Only then did Zhang Wuji know that this person was the mentor Hu Qingniu was talking about.

"Huh!" The visitor snorted coldly, glanced at him and looked at Zhang Wuji.There was a hidden magic in his eyes. From a glance, Zhang Wuji felt his whole body was icy cold, as if his whole body had been stripped naked and placed in front of him.

"Xuanming God's Palm... interesting..." Wuzi said, and came to ask: "Qingniu, this kid is called Zhang Wuji?"

"Yes. Teacher knows him?" Hu Qingniu asked in surprise.

The person who came shook his head and said, "I don't know him, but I know Zhang Junbao and Zhang Cuishan. Back then, Zhang Cuishan was brought to Wudang Mountain by me. Sigh..." Zhang Wuji saw the man shook his head, full of emotion. A melancholy look on his face. "I didn't expect so many years to pass in the blink of an eye, and Zhang Cuishan's son is so old. Boy, is Zhang Junbao okay?"

Zhang Junbao, boy...

Not only Zhang Wuji was startled by the visitor's opening, Hu Qingniu also opened his mouth wide.His master, he met when he was a child.The master saw that he was quite sensible at such a young age, so he taught him some kung fu.It's just that Hu Qingniu is not very interested in learning martial arts, what he is interested in is medicine, and the master didn't say much after reading this, just threw him a few medical books.Later, the master rescued a little girl and taught her kung fu, but the little girl was also very strange, and she didn't like learning martial arts very much, but liked to use poison instead.When the master saw it, he was very speechless, and threw down a few more books on how to use poisonous arts, and then severely scolded them both.It's just that the two didn't listen, and the master didn't say any more when he saw this, but taught the two of them for a while, and then disappeared.

Later, he and his junior sister had a bad fight, and the junior sister left, leaving only him and his sister to depend on each other.The next time is that the treatment is rarely available, so I won't say more.

I said this to explain one point, that is, Hu Qingniu didn't know who his master was, he only knew his master's name, which was Lin Heng!

"Senior, my Grand Master is over 100 years old, you..." Zhang Wuji organized his words carefully, but just as he opened his mouth, Lin Heng waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "I'm also over 100 years old, what's the matter. Zhang Junbao is my son-in-law, why do I call him a boy?"

"Zhang Sanfeng is master's son-in-law?" Hu Qingniu said in surprise, his eyes widened with shock.

Lin Heng nodded, and said, "That's right! Forget it, what are you talking about, I'm really old!" Shaking his head, Lin Heng felt a little helpless.I'm getting older, and I can't remember some things from the past.For these years, he has been wandering in the rivers and lakes. When he sees some people with good qualifications and good temperament, he will give advice, and he will take care of injustices. It's just that no one has seen him, so he doesn't know. There is such a person as him.

Of course, Lin Heng is not wandering aimlessly.At the beginning, after realizing that the Guo family was planning to make trouble, he thought of finding allies for them, so he went to find Quanzhen sect disciples.At that time, the Quanzhen Sect had been destroyed almost a long time ago, and those who were still alive became Meng Yuan's lackeys, so he was naturally not interested.What he was looking for were those Quanzhen sect disciples who resisted the violence.He was lucky, he found a few Quanzhen Sect disciples in the former Quanzhen Sect site.At that time, he instructed these people to practice martial arts, and asked them to gather those disciples who were willing to rebel against Yuan to establish influence.

This is also the reason why Quanzhen sect rebel forces appeared in Zhongnanshan after the Guo family revolted.

After everything was done, Lin Heng had nothing to do.During this period, he wandered for a while, not knowing what to do.Later, he thought, since he has nothing to do, he should take a look at the scenery and people around him.So for decades, he traveled all over the country, experiencing life everywhere.

"Boy, what you hit is the Xuanming Divine Palm!"

Hearing Lin Heng's question, Zhang Wuji nodded immediately.Zhang Wuji heard about this person from Zhang Sanfeng, and he remembered it just now.He still remembered Zhang Sanfeng's words, if the father-in-law is here, he will definitely be able to heal your wounds!

Therefore, he burst out with the hope of surviving, and looked at Lin Heng expectantly.

Hu Qingniu on the side also explained Zhang Wuji's condition.Lin Heng pulled him over, checked his pulse carefully, and said: "The cold poison penetrates deep into the viscera, and hides in the heart and dantian, but it is a bit troublesome."

After finishing speaking, he reached into his bosom, took out a book, threw it to Zhang Wuji, and said, "I am too lazy to heal you, you go learn the above kung fu by yourself, and your injury will heal after you learn it!"

Zhang Wuji was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at the book.

"Langa Sutra!"

These three words are so familiar!Zhang Wuji was surprised, immediately thought of Zhang Sanfeng's words, and exclaimed: "This is the Nine Suns Divine Art!"

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