Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

132 The past, future, and present are the three for me

Dinosaurs grew from few to many. In a short time, tens of thousands of dinosaurs became millions. From east to west, from south to north, they occupied the entire planet and became the overlord on the planet.

In the world of dinosaurs, reproduction and fighting are the mainstream of their life.It's just that this boring life didn't make Lin Heng bored, on the contrary, he watched it with gusto.

Until one day, the ice age came, the planet changed for the first time, the cold current blew all over the earth, all the dinosaurs were submerged by the water flow, some were covered by the earth, the originally vibrant planet disappeared and turned into a dead zone.

This situation made Lin Heng feel a little sad. After all, the dinosaurs were the children he created. Seeing them die, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.But before he could move, this lifeless planet was alive again.

Yes, life!Mutated life!

In the rivers, lakes and seas, the once-dead dinosaurs mutated, and many rotting corpses gave birth to new lives. The little seedlings of life were like fish fry, swimming in the water.

Seeing all this happening, Lin Heng was greatly surprised, and slowly pondered the reason in his heart.

Soon, he understood.This should be a special kind of life evolution, just like Pan Gu transformed all living beings, these new creatures were derived from the corpses of dinosaurs.

'This should be the reappearance of the law of heaven, but I don't know if this is intentional or should it be? '

Thinking of the way of heaven, Lin Heng thought of the word "God's will" in later generations.Everyone talks about God's will, what is God's will?This newborn creature is a kind of providence at work.

In later generations, many novels say that the way of heaven has its own master, that is, it has its own opinion.But in Lin Heng's view over the years, the way of heaven has no idea, he is like a computer, silently calculating and running everything, but the source is not the way of heaven, but man-made.

Heaven and earth are born.The birth of creatures is all man-made and belongs to Pangu.The birth of the Houtian Dao is the will of the birth of heaven and earth, silently managing everything.There is a saying in later generations: there is a cause and an effect.If you do the cause, the way of heaven will calculate the result, and then advance a little bit.On this planet, Lin Heng planted a cause and created dinosaurs, the first creatures.Therefore, although the dinosaurs became extinct, new fruits and new life were born thereafter.

Thinking about it this way, the way of heaven is the process between cause and effect.Because what you sow, the fruit is born naturally.But in other words, since you have planted the cause, there will be fruit naturally.This result is only the final result. As for the process, it depends on a person's operation.Heaven will not interfere too much in this regard.Of course, for some people with luck and meritorious deeds, the law of heaven will also bless them. To put it bluntly, good and evil are rewarded.

With these understandings.Lin Heng felt that he was getting closer to the Dao of Heaven, and the laws of the Dao of Heaven that were still in his eyes became clearer.Looking up, the sky is full of dense reticulated lines.That's the law of interlacing.They seem to be intricate and disorderly, but in fact they each have their own reasons and principles, as long as you can grasp the nodes.Then you can realize the Tao.And when you go to the source, you have attained the Tao.

There are many ways to practice in the world today, but in the final analysis it is the comprehension of the law, which has been passed down since ancient times.The three-corpse cultivating method created by Taoist ancestor Hongjun is an improvement, because it is a cultivation of one's own state of mind. To put it bluntly, it is to make oneself more complete.In essence, it is like an auxiliary practice, and the origin lies in the understanding of the Tao and the law.

The three corpses method can make people advance to quasi-sages faster, but at the same time, it will make it more difficult for people to advance to saints, because after practicing this method, you must behead the three corpses to become a saint, just like Lin Heng today.If it wasn't for the encumbrance of the Three Corpses, he would have been sanctified last time.

Why are there so many people practicing the Three Corpse Method today?Because the saint is too far away, but the quasi-sage is within reach, even if everyone knows that it is poison, they will still practice it.What's more, whether they know it or not is a question.If you don't reach this state, don't even think about having this understanding.

"I don't know, did Hong Yun realize it?" With a soft smile, Lin Heng withdrew his divergent thoughts and returned his eyes to his own planet.

Various changes are taking place here. After time, those little lives have mutated one by one. Various aquatic creatures appear in the sea, but the land is still barren.

When another land change came, the sea water receded and the land expanded, so many marine life remained on the land.After rounds of elimination, those who could not persevere died, and turned into nutrients for the earth, while those who persisted mutated again, some became pure land creatures, and some became amphibious creatures.

Looking at these changes, Lin Heng was very curious, will these creatures slowly evolve into adults?

Time has verified Lin Heng's cognition that these creatures have really evolved into humans.It's just that it's a strange person, or is it the orc in the novel?

These people all retain the characteristics of beasts, but they are human-like.Look at the humans evolved from monkeys. Some of them have dense hair, some have abnormal hands and feet, and what they have in common is the existence of a tail.

What's this?Super Saiyan!

It's rare for Lin Heng to complain, but like bull's head and horse face, the creatures here have all evolved.This kind of evolution really made Lin Heng complain.God, is this your will?

Even though he thought so in his heart, Lin Heng gradually understood that Taoism is not so easy to generate.

These humanoid creatures look like humans on the outside, but they are far different inside. The real advantage of the human race is the inside, especially the arrangement of the acupoints in it, which corresponds to the stars in the sky, which makes them unique in their cultivation. Although humanoid creatures have most of the shapes of humans, they are much worse inside, and they cannot be compared with humans with Taoist bodies.

After seeing these changes, Lin Heng also tried to create some human beings, and he found that he succeeded, but the people who successfully appeared were also different from the prehistoric people.This is not the difference in appearance, but the difference in the inside. Some of the acupoints are arranged in a way that people in the wild can't match.

With these comparisons, Lin Heng understood.Cultivators can create creatures, but they can't create creatures with natural Taoism like humans.Of course, if you just want to look similar, that's fine, just like what Lin Heng did.

After thinking about this, Lin Heng suddenly found that his planet is very interesting, because it is very similar to the fantasy novels in western legends, and once the people he created join, it is only a matter of cultivation.

Lin Heng did all his good deeds to the end. He turned into a wise man, pretending to be walking on the planet, spreading his so-called vindictiveness and magic cultivation methods, and under his dissemination, this ordinary planet also turned into a cultivation planet. Lin Heng has also become the supreme god enshrined on this planet.There are rumors that: If you want to become a god, you should be a fellow practitioner of fighting qi and magic, and those who can penetrate it can be gods.Otherwise, you are just a strong person from one continent.

After doing this, Lin Heng's thoughts were completely withdrawn. He sat cross-legged in the starry sky, and with a thought, good and bad turned back into his body, and the memories of both were injected into Lin Heng's mind at the same time, and he Like a bystander, he quietly watched all the history of the planet created by the two of them.

The first one is the history of Lin Heng's previous life, in which Shanshi evolved the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and Dayu used to control the water and cast the Nine Tripods to rule the world.At the beginning of this world, Shanshi did not pass down the cultivation method, but let him evolve as Lin Heng remembered. He just spread a little bit of metaphysics to make people understand that the sky is respectable and awesome.

Everything here is the same as the previous earth, almost the same.Looking at all the familiar things, Lin Heng felt warm in his heart, but also felt a sense of distance.

why?Is it a change of identity?Or do you think it's all too fake?

Lin Heng couldn't tell, he just continued to watch.At the end of Lin Heng's memory, everything changed. The gods worshiped by the people turned into texts. Many people who saw this almost miraculous were shocked, and the country was as Lin Heng said. Thinking, quickly intervened in it.However, they won't get anything from those words, because they are just ordinary scriptures, and only the first three can understand the mystery in them.

These people didn't understand at first, but Shan Zong naturally resorted to tricks. In their sleep, these words would spontaneously echo in their minds, and inexplicable emotions would appear in his heart, urging them to practice.

In modern times, almost everyone has a martial arts dream.This kind of almost fantasy thing can definitely attract people's curiosity.And the cultivation here is also beyond imagination.

The emergence of cultivation is beyond the control of all countries, and the powerful power of monks makes everyone afraid.A low-level monk is enough to withstand bullets, which completely subverts people's cognition. Everything they once dreamed has appeared in reality.

So, the world went crazy!

Cultivation spread more and more widely, maybe those who got the practice didn't want to spread it, but the good corpse would spread it.Therefore, in less than a few decades, one after another exercises will be spread on the earth, and people are also frantically pursuing these exercises, and the country can't stop them even if they want to stop them.

Later, the great changes finally started, just like the prehistoric world, in front of the monks, the country is simply vulnerable, even if they have the so-called nuclear weapons, but facing the successful monks, what are those things?

China changed dramatically at the beginning. The so-called republic in the past was buried in one fell swoop, and the whole of China became a world of monks. Then they expanded to the outside world, and some ethnic elements even shouted "If you are not my race, your heart must be different."

At this time, this statement is no longer just empty words, but actual genocide.Just because of this sentence, one-third of the human beings on the entire planet died.

Looking at the subsequent changes, Lin Heng felt very strange. The environment that was familiar and somewhat distant in the past has become far away at this moment.

"The past, the future, the present,'s all me. The three are not in one, how to recognize the true self." Amidst the loud laughter, Lin Heng finally started his own evolution. (To be continued..)

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