Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

133 The Holy Spirit Comes Out and the World Shocks

How do people see themselves when they say "I"?

Lin Heng believes that the basic memory of "I" starts from your birth.

In the past, Lin Heng divided his three corpses into past, future and present.what now?Since Honghuang was born, it was his present, but now, everything in the past is his present.

You can also say that the past and the future are all within the present.

For ordinary people, the past and the present are the present you, the complete you, but for Lin Heng, they have more knowledge about the future.Therefore, only when the three comprehend and comprehend as one, can he truly recognize that Zhan Appears.

The incident in the galaxy this time is a reason, a reason that leads to Lin Heng's deep memory.When all these came to mind, his various perceptions also followed, and his understanding of the present became clear.

At this moment, he realized it!

In his mind, all kinds of thoughts came chaotically, but his own mind became clearer and clearer, as if all these had nothing to do with him, allowing them to evolve.

I don't know how long it took, but there were fewer thoughts in Lin Heng's mind. In the end, there was only one left, which gradually imprinted into Lin Heng's primordial spirit.Afterwards, Yuanshen transformed into a phantom, which appeared behind Lin Heng. "Out!" At the right time, Lin Heng gave a low shout, and a touch of emerald green brilliance rose from behind him.Not long after, beside the phantom, a 36-leaf green grass seemed to grow out of thin air.

Yes, it is grass!

Although this plant is many times larger than the grass, and the leaves on it are also very strange, but only from the appearance, it looks like grass.And this "grass" is the innate spiritual root that Lin Heng found for beheading corpses in the early years - the grass vine!

The grass vine is the 36 pieces of green lotus that fell on the ground and was born by absorbing the essence of all kinds of grass. It has 36 leaves and is three feet nine feet high.Rootless, born in a place where spiritual energy gathers.The grass vine is very strange, it will not bloom and bear fruit, and it has no fragrance, as if it is an ordinary grass.But only Lin Heng who refined it understood how strong this spiritual root was.

Although this spiritual root is called a spiritual root, it is more like a defensive spiritual treasure.Put it under the body, and the 36 leaves will rotate automatically, and any attack will be dissolved and absorbed by the rotating leaves.

It has been so many years to refine this spiritual root.Lin Heng also explored some other functions, such as its filtering function and essence function... It seems to be really like grass.

Closer to home—the grass and vines appeared, and the phantom immediately turned into a clear stream and merged into it.

After the grass and vines merged with the phantom, the grass and vines changed for a while, and gradually turned into a human form, becoming another Lin Heng.This is the third corpse that Lin Heng cut out—now.

As soon as the present is revealed, the past and the future also emerge from the body.The three meet, Lin Heng uses grass and vines to create good fortune, uses the past and the future to create and die, and the three have long been united in his heart.At this time, the intersection has become a matter of course.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the three corpses merged together, and the color of the three-color energy became lighter and weaker.In the end, it turned into the color of chaos and poured into the Qingyun above Lin Heng's head.From top to bottom, pour into his body.

Lin Heng was shaken all over, his slightly closed eyes opened instantly, and a brilliant brilliance pierced through the void.He saw it, saw the law of heaven, and followed the dense thread of law, he entered the source.

There, is what he has been pursuing.

Vigorous energy radiated from his body and slowly melted into his skin, allowing him to sublimate.When the body achieved the purpose of transformation, Lin Heng's primordial spirit flashed in the void, and as soon as he pierced through Qingyun, the circulating chaotic energy was taken away by the primordial spirit.

Slack on this astonishing energy, Lin Heng's primordial spirit erupted with brilliant brilliance.At this moment, Lin Heng felt that his primordial spirit was unusually light. He seemed to have really turned into the sky, turned into clear air, and slowly ascended upwards.

With a puff, a sound as if piercing through the window paper sounded in Lin Heng's ears. He felt that his soul had penetrated the void, penetrated the shackles of heaven and earth, and entered a new world.This world is no longer a land of laws that can be seen but cannot be touched, but a place where the source of heaven is within reach.

Instinctively, Lin Heng flew to the source of the Heavenly Dao, leaned forward, and his primordial spirit got into it.At the same time, Lin Heng, who was meditating below, was shaken all over his body, bursts of rich fragrance emanated from his body, and colorful rays of light emerged from him, rendering the entire starry sky.

"Haha..." Feeling the change in himself, Lin Heng laughed with joy, and the laughter spread throughout the prehistoric world.Along with the laughter, there is also that great momentum.At this moment, the purple air in the sky rose from the east, covering the clouds, and countless creatures knelt down on the ground, shouting: "Congratulations to the saint!"

Sanctified!Lin Heng is finally sanctified!

At this moment, he was ecstatic!At this moment, his long-cherished wish for many years finally tasted!At this moment, he can no longer maintain his calm mood!At this moment, he overlooks all sentient beings!


Just when Lin Heng was full of emotions, such voices sounded from many places.In the mind of the master who said this, Lin Heng's sanctification is unimaginable, it is impossible.

Because in their cognition, without the primordial purple energy, one cannot become a saint!

In Zixiao Palace back then, Taoist Ancestor also said that one can become a saint without the primordial purple energy!But after so many years, most people have given up their hearts.Why?Because sanctification is too difficult.Everyone thought in their hearts that without the primordial purple energy, one cannot become a saint!

But now, Lin Heng has peaked their cognition, and he has become a saint!

"Could it be that Hongyun's primordial purple energy is on him?"

This is the second thought on some people's so?Just based on the first idea.In their hearts, since there is no primordial purple energy, they cannot be sanctified, so what does the sanctified Lin Heng say?Overthrow your own mind?This is difficult for everyone, because it is like obsession, and it is difficult for a person to give up his obsession.Then, there is only another idea, that is, Lin Heng has the primordial purple aura, and the seventh primordial purple aura that everyone knows is the Hongyun one.

There is nothing wrong with people who think this way, because Lin Heng's sanctification is really amazing.Not to mention those quasi-sages, even the saints couldn't keep calm.Today is Lin Heng, what if another quasi-sage becomes a saint tomorrow?

They are saints, they are lofty.In this world, there are a lot of games with six people, and now there is another one, and there will be more in the future, how can this make them feel at ease?

This time, even Lao Tzu couldn't keep his calm face.

Inside the Palace of Eight Views, Xuandu still had a shocked expression on his face, but he had been trained by Lao Tzu for many years, and he was able to maintain a semblance of reason despite being shocked.It's just that his reason obviously couldn't suppress his desire.

He looked at Lao Tzu and asked, "Teacher, did Saint Lin Heng become holy because of the primordial purple energy?"

This sentence seemed ordinary, but it asked what was in his heart.If Lao Tzu answered "No", then one can imagine the feeling in Xuan Du's heart.If so, his disappointment is self-evident.

Hearing what his apprentice said, Lao Tzu sighed softly. He didn't hide anything, and said, "No!"

'Really not! 'Xuandu's heart was shaken, his eyes widened and he froze there, and there was a raging fire in his eyes, it was a look full of longing.

Looking at his disciple, Lao Tzu frowned and coughed lightly.This light cough was like thunder, and Xuan Du turned around in shock, and he immediately wanted to apologize to Lao Tzu.Lao Tzu waved his hand and said, "You don't have to do this. I understand what you think in your heart as a teacher. But, do you think it's so easy to become a saint?"

"This..." For a moment, Xuandu was speechless.

That's right, if sanctification is so simple, how could he have the idea that he cannot become sanctified without the primordial purple energy?To put it bluntly, it was because sanctification was so difficult that he had such an idea and was so shocked by Lin Heng's sanctification.

"Xuandu, this Daoist Lin was born in the three clans. In terms of age, he is older than his teacher. In terms of cultivation, he has never been weaker than my Sanqing. He can become a saint, although he is beyond It's reasonable to think about it as a teacher!" Sighing, Lao Tzu said again: "Do you know why the teacher doesn't let you practice the method of the three corpses?"

Xuandu shook his head, indicating that he didn't know the reason.

Lao Tzu explained: "The law of the three corpses is the law of quasi-sages. Da Luo Jinxian practiced, as long as he has enough understanding, he can become a quasi-sage. However, if you want to become a saint, it is too difficult. You know, it is a teacher , and never really beheaded the third corpse. Now that Lin Heng has become a saint, he must have beheaded the third corpse. He is the first person to behead the three corpses after the Taoist ancestor."

"Ah? This..." Xuandu opened his eyes wide again, with a look of hesitation on his face, "Master, you are saying that practicing the Three Corpses method is more difficult to become holy than practicing the law."

Lao Tzu nodded and said: "That's right. That's what it means to be a teacher. And as long as you cut a dead body, you have no choice. Otherwise, if your merits are sanctified, it will be extremely difficult for you to improve your cultivation base. The Litian Tribulation As a teacher, I thought that Lin Heng Daoist Association would be sanctified by merit, but I never thought that he would not be sanctified. From this point of view, he practiced the path of law. Today, the three corpses have been beheaded, so he is sanctified."

"It's too difficult to walk this way!"

After hearing what Lao Tzu said, Xuan Du felt very complicated.He looked up at Lao Tzu, and asked again: "Master, Yun Zhongzi, Guang Chengzi and other juniors, why did they all practice the Three Corpse Method?" (To be continued...)

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